Tobias came into the workshop with a sheen of sweat along his brow. His T-shirt showed the lower part of his belly, not because it rose up during his shift but because he was now almost eight months pregnant and ten times more gorgeous as the days went on. “I have a problem.”
I set my tools down and wiped off my hands. “Let’s solve it.”
He snorted. “I love that. Okay. Here it is. I’m getting bigger by the minute, and now I’m having trouble maneuvering around the kitchen and look at this situation.” He pointed to his belly. “I’m not a crop-top kind of omega. And yet, here we are crop-topping the fuck out of today.”
I covered my mouth to quell my smile. “I’ve never heard you curse that way before.”
“Yeah, well, feeling like a whale put me in a mood. I still have another month or so, Leon. I mean, I can still get around the kitchen with some strategic moves and yelling out when I’m behind someone, but this clothes situation…honestly, I don’t know how you can stand to look at me like this.”
“First of all, let’s kick that notion to the curb. No matter what shape you are, you will always be the most beautiful man in the world to me. And second, your clothes are no problem. Let’s go and get some new ones. Longer shirts. Maybe you relent and let me buy you some actual paternity clothes.”
He stomped his foot. Oh, it was really bad if he was doing that. “I hate those clothes. They are frumpy and…I hate them.”
“Good reasons. But the newest clothes are anything but frumpy. Anything is better than the crop tops, unless you are into them now. No judgment from me. I don’t mind seeing your belly peeking out.”
“Ugh, it’s the worst. Plus, it’s a hazard at work.”
“That’s true. Come on. Let’s go do some shopping.”
We spent only a few hours getting some basics for him. Shirts that were longer and pants he didn’t have to wrangle on. He kicked up a fuss about the amount I spent on him, but I was secretly hoping that one day he would need those paternity clothes again. A big family was everything I’d ever wanted, but the choice would be up to him. He was the one who had to carry the babies in his belly.
“I only have one month or so left, alpha. It’s too much.”
“Come on,” I said, kissing his temple as we left the mall. “It’s my treat for you. Speaking of treats, there’s a frozen yogurt place over there. I think I know a bear who loves frozen yogurt. Do you?”
“Gods, the cheesecake flavor owns my heart,” he moaned and got into the truck.
“Really?” I asked. “Never thought I’d be jealous of a flavor of yogurt.”
Tobias turned in the seat before I could shut the door. “Oh, you know what I mean. You are the one who has my heart. And while we’re talking about things…” He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me toward him. “Thank you for my clothes.” He captured my lips in a long, searing kiss that had some ladies whistling as they passed the truck.
“You can thank me for the clothes and the yogurt once we get home. Naughty mate. A few more minutes of that and I’d be taking you right here in the parking lot.”
He threw his head back and laughed. “With this belly? Please.”
“Oh, I could make it work. Trust me.”
We got yogurt and, true to his word, Tobias got the cheesecake and covered it with strawberry syrup. He promised me, as he poured the sugar over his sugar, that he would have a healthy dinner.
He would. He had taken great care to eat well during his pregnancy.
When we got home, I watched him finish his yogurt. Painfully slowly.
“What are you looking at?” he said, laughing.
“I’m looking at my glowing, gorgeous mate and wondering exactly how long you’re going to draw out this yogurt eating.”
“Why?” he asked, blushing as he glanced down at my groin. “Did you have some other activity in mind?”
“I do. But you know what? I don’t have to wait until you’re done.”
“What do you…oh my gods, Leon. I…”
I had his pants off and his cock in my mouth before he could take another bite. I grabbed his hips and pulled them toward me, making the bulbous tip of his erection hit the back of my throat. He pushed aside his unfinished treat, threading his fingers in my hair while I finished off mine.
As he came, he called out my name over and over.“Mmm, that was amazing,” he said. “You’re really not bothered by the belly?”
“I’m not. But…it looks like I still have to prove that to you.”
I took off my clothes and then his and sat on the couch. My cum dripped from his channel and I could see it on his thighs. “Take a seat. Ride your alpha.”
He sat facing away from me, spearing himself on my dick. Bouncing up and down on my cock. I reached around his chest and pinched his sensitive nipples as he came over and over.
“See?” I said after I’d come inside him but wouldn’t let him up yet. “Every part of you turns me on. Believe it.”
He chuckled and leaned back.
I kissed the skin between his shoulders, giving him all the worship he deserved.
“I do, alpha. After that, I totally do.”