Sleeping with the Frenemy (Vega Family Love Stories #3) Chapter 19 71%
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Chapter 19


The newest electronic hits of 2013 blared through the corridors of the club, causing Leo’s bones to vibrate. He tried the knob of the door marked Employees Only, praying that it would open, and then cursing when it didn’t.

“Hurry up,” Sofi said from behind him. “They’re going to wonder where we are soon.”

Leo huffed out a breath. “It’s not my fault that all these damn doors are locked. It’s like they don’t even want people to hook up in the closets of their club.”

“Wow, good deductive reasoning, Sherlock. Did you figure that out all on your own?”

“I’m going to gracefully ignore the attitude,” Leo said as he turned enough to grab her hand before continuing down the darkened hall. “I know how cranky you get when you feel deficient in vitamin D.”

She smacked him in the arm. “Stop calling your dick vitamin D. That’s gross.”

Leo tried the next door, which had to be some sort of closet. It was also locked. Leo was beginning to think that this hookup was not going to happen. “If you weren’t so picky about the bathrooms, we could already be done,” he grumbled.

“I am not having sex in a club bathroom. Do you have any idea how disgusting public restrooms are? Plus, there’s a freaking attendant in there!”

“And I’d tip her enough to pretend like she didn’t see anything,” Leo pointed out as if that would magically make Sofi agree. He knew it wouldn’t, but he was getting desperate.

It had been a month since their last hookup, which ended with them fighting and Sofi kicking him out...again. All because he’d made the colossal mistake of saying that they should go out to dinner. Of course, that started their normal argument of whether or not they were dating, why they weren’t, and why they would never be. Leo still didn’t understand Sofi’s reasoning, but he’d let it go because it was either give in or have no Sofi and he was way too much of an addict to give her up. Hence his frantic search for a place private enough to get a taste of her without getting arrested.

“Ugh,” Sofi exclaimed. “I wish we had a car, we could just leave and then come back.”

Up ahead a sliver of light reflected off the shiny floors, barely illuminating the dark hallway. “I think there’s an open door up there,” Leo told Sofi. He picked up the pace, practically dragging her behind him. He could’ve slowed down, knowing that she was in some sky-high heels, but he wanted to get to the door before some o ne wandered along and closed it. He peeked through the cracked door to make sure no one was in their new hiding place and was overjoyed to see it was a decent-sized storage closet—an empty one. Well, empty of people at least. There were rows of stacked boxes on the metal shelving units along the walls.

“Get in here.” He pushed the door open and practically launched himself into the space, yanking Sofi with him.

Her body slammed into his. He didn’t even let her get acclimated to the space before he’d kicked the door closed behind them and pushed her back against it, sealing their mouths together.

Sofi wasted no time wrapping her arms around his neck.

He loved that she was just as desperate as he was. She usually tried so hard to pretend that he didn’t affect her in any way, but when her act slipped it was clear she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Anytime she gave in it never failed to set Leo aflame in something that was equal parts desire and triumph. She just couldn’t let him go and it turned him on like nothing he’d ever experienced with anyone else. Fuck. With Sofi in the picture there never really was anyone else no matter what Leo tried to do about it. “Turn around,” Leo growled against her neck.

Sofi, the brat, tried to act all innocent. “For what?” she asked in what no doubt would’ve been faux confusion if she weren’t panting so hard she could barely talk.

Leo wasn’t in the mood for games. Not after having to search the whole entire club while trying his best to hide a raging boner. “So I can give you the spanking you’ve been asking for all night.”

“The hell you will. I haven’t done anything wrong.” She decided to lean into the bratty role, but again, Leo was done with the games.

“I just had to sit there for two hours watching you rub your ass all over that douche in the fake Louis Vuitton,” he said.

“I can dance with other guys. I don’t belong to you.”

Leo bit back the urge to say, the hell you don’t , because he knew that was too far. She’d probably knee him in the balls before storming off and he’d deserve it. Instead, he called her out. “You did it for me,” he said. “You wanted me like this, nearly raging with jealousy. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have kept smirking at me like the brat you are. Now turn around and take your punishment like a good girl.” He watched with bated breath as Sofi slowly turned her body until she was facing away from him.

She rested her hands against the door and arched out her back. “I don’t know why you are so obsessed with spanking me. It’s not like I have enough ass to make it fun.”

Leo’s eyes jumped from the brightly colored tribal print minidress she’d been teasing him with all night to the back of her head. “What?” he asked, honestly confused, because she couldn’t be insinuating what he thought she was.

“I mean I’m basically as flat as a board,” she said, still facing the door. “I don’t have an ass and I barely have any hips. I’m pretty much shaped like a boy. Hell, I’ve seen guys with more ass than me.” She continued a very uncharacteristic ramble which just proved how drunk she was. “You probably feel bone when you spank me. You should wear padded gloves to protect your hands.” She snorted then blew out a breath. “That’s why, as soon as I have money, I’m going to the DR for a BBL. At least then I’ll look like an actual Latina instead of some malnourished preteen boy.”

Leo stood there like an idiot unsure of which of the emotions running through him he should prioritize. On one hand, he was still horny and more than willing to prove to her how perfect she was with his body. On a second hand, he was incredulous that someone as beautiful as Sofi would look at herself as less than, especially because she was usually so confident. On another hand, he was angry. How dare someone, anyone, make her believe that she needed to change her body to fit into some stereotypical idea of what a Latina should look like? On the other hand—that had to be too many hands, but he was too drunk to go back and count—he felt an overwhelming tenderness. Sofi never let anyone see her soft spots. She was basically an armadillo with diamond armor. It was extremely rare she let anyone see her soft underbelly, especially him. That was why he let the tenderness win out. He stepped up to her back, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close enough that their bodies were flush. “If only you could see yourself as I see you, bombón.”

“How do you see me?” she asked. There was a heavy amount of sass in her tone, but under that he heard desperation. She needed him to tell her how much he was attracted to her. She needed someone to help her feel good about herself.

He turned her, so she was forced to look at him. “You are way more than a pretty face,” he told her. “You are so beautiful that sometimes it hurts me to look at you. It’s like staring into a raging fire, so intense but enthralling at the same time. I can sit there for hours following every blazing flame of you. I mean that, Sofi. Your skin, your eyes, that mouth, your chest, hips, thighs, ass, those long legs that I want wrapped around me at every minute of every day.” He shook his head at his inability to put in words what he was trying to express, but there were words strong enough to make her understand. “You’re a conflagration of perfection that makes my blood burn. There isn’t one part of you that doesn’t call to me on every single level. Not one single thing. This room could be a hundred times bigger, pitch-black, and full of people, and I’d still be able to find you without a problem. I’d just follow your brilliance. That’s how much you shine more than anyone else. So stop comparing yourself to other women, because no one can measure up. They are candles, you’re an inferno.”

She stared up at him in silence. “Thank you,” she whispered. He thought she might throw herself at him then, but instead she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him. He responded in kind. When she tightened her arms, he did the same. When he felt drips of moisture on his neck and collarbone, he just held her tighter. He’d always hold her together when she needed to fall apart.

Leo wasn’t the most observant guy, but it had not escaped his attention that Sofi had never gone through with her desire to get a Brazilian butt lift. He couldn’t help but feel like he played some part in her accepting her body as it was. It made him feel good as fuck.

“What are you thinking about with your eyes closed that put that smile on your face?” Sofi’s voice came from behind him.

Leo opened his eyes and found hers in the reflection in front of him. His smile grew just looking at her. “I’m thinking about you,” he said.

One of her eyebrows went up. “Really?”

“That shouldn’t be surprising. I’m always thinking about you.”

Her gorgeous bee-stung mouth stretched into a smile of her own.

Leo couldn’t take it anymore, so he spun on his heels to face her. “Hey, bombón.”

“Hi.” She took a few steps forward and looked up at him through her lashes. “Sorry it took me so long to get here.”

Leo leaned against the statue behind him. “No big deal. I’m sure my sister had a bunch to say about you leaving early.”

Sofi shook her head. “She actually didn’t.” Her tone was one part awestruck and another part confusion. Apparently, she was still having trouble believing that not only did Kamilah know about them, but she was fine with it.

Leo wasn’t that surprised. His sister was a lot smarter than people gave her credit for. Plus, she was incapable of holding a grudge. She really didn’t have a petty bone in her body. The only thing that amazed Leo was that she hadn’t ever said anything to either of them about it. Like Leo, she wasn’t known for her restraint. “What made you decide to tell her? I thought you were waiting until after the wedding.”

“She wouldn’t stop pushing me at guys,” Sofi huffed. “I needed her to just stop.”

Usually, any thought of Sofi with another guy revealed a jealous streak in Leo that he wasn’t exactly proud of, but seeing the annoyance on Sofi’s face calmed that beast. “So you had to tell her the truth because otherwise she wouldn’t let it go.” Leo was familiar with that stubborn side of his sister.

Sofi leaned her forehead against his shoulder. “I was so scared. I thought for sure she was going to flip out on me, but she just goes, ‘I know.’ That’s it! Like she hadn’t just drop-kicked me in the chest!”

Leo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “I know she had more to say than that. Kamilah doesn’t communicate in short sentences. Unless Liam is rubbing off on her more than any of us thought.” They were a family of talkers, with very few exceptions. Why use one or two words when you could use twenty? More is better after all.

Sofi laughed. She turned he face up to him. “She did tell me to warn you that if you aren’t good to me, she will share some secret dirt from high school with your parents.”

Leo’s brows went up. He had no idea what that dirt could be because there was way too much to try to remember any specifics. “I’d better hedge my bets, then.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. “You’re about to be so spoiled that you’re gonna be sick of me.”

Her adorable nose wrinkled. “No thanks. You know I’m not needy like that.” She looked around. “I can’t believe we are the only two people here.”

“Well, it’s almost 2:00 a.m. Technically, the park is closed.” He lifted a hand and cupped her cheek. “We aren’t supposed to be here, but I used my poker winnings to pay off a duo of security guards.” Her red lips beckoned. He wanted to smear that red lipstick with his own mouth and his dick, but he settled for brushing his thumb along the crease under her plump bottom lip. “We have thirty minutes of uninterrupted privacy.”

Sofi nuzzled her cheek into his hand. “Hmm. And what did you plan to do with those thirty minutes.”

He leaned in and brushed his nose against hers. “Last time we were here, I told you I wanted to fuck you right in the park.”

She inhaled sharply and her eyes went dark with desire.

“I would’ve done it too,” he teased. “But you had to get all paranoid about laws and stuff.”

She snorted a laugh. “You mean because the place was full of people, including families with kids?”

“Potato. Potahtoe.” He wrapped his hand around her ponytail and tugged, tilting her face up to his.

Her lips parted on a gasp and her breathing started accelerating.

“So, bombón,” he murmured. “How do you feel about my plan? Feeling like a naughty girl tonight?”

“Never,” she said. “I’m a good girl.” Her pink tongue swiped along that bottom lip. “I’m your good girl.”

Goddamn. That was it. He couldn’t hold back anymore. He used his hold on the back of her head to drag her mouth up to his. He devoured it; smearing that red off her lips, nipping at her cupid’s bow, licking that little dent in the middle of her bottom lip, sucking on her sweet tongue. He gave her no choice but to take it and she did, letting out a little whimper. He pulled back enough to say, “You like to pretend you’re a good girl, but we both know you only say that because it drives me crazy and you love to make me lose my mind.” He used his thumb to wipe away remnants of her lipstick. “You, bombón, are a naughty girl at heart.” And he loved it.

Her lips curled up into a Cheshire cat grin, devious and a bit unhinged. “Would a naughty girl do this?” Her hand went under his T-shirt to his abs and slid quickly down under the waistband of his jeans. She wrapped those long fingers of hers around him and gave a firm squeeze.

“Oh, most definitely,” Leo groaned. “But you know what a really naughty girl would do?” He stiffened further when she began to slip her hand up and down. He threw his head back.

She attached her mouth to his neck. “What would a naughty girl do?” Her breath blew across his wet skin and caused him a full body shiver. She titled her head enough to give his jaw a nip.

Leo struggled to bring his thoughts into any type of order. “She’d lift that sexy little miniskirt and show me what’s mine.”

“Make me,” she challenged.

Leo growled. He spun them so her back was against the cool metal now. Before she could say anything else, he gripped the hem of her skirt and yanked it up. He leaned back enough to look down. “Fuck,” he groaned. She looked so good. Although he had forgotten that she was wearing a bodysuit. It was blocking the view he wanted the most. “How the hell does this thing come off?”

“There are snaps,” she said, reaching between them.

He could barely hear them being undone over the rushing in his ears. His hand met hers and as soon as he felt her soft wet skin under his fingers he went wild. His other hand went around her neck and he yanked her mouth to his. Meanwhile his fingers plunged inside.

She moaned loudly, not caring that they were in public. And Leo almost came in his pants. She was so perfect. Every single thing about her. She was created just for him or he was for her. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they were meant to be together.

Between them her hands worked at the button and zipper of his jeans. As soon as she had him out, she whimpered “inside” against his lips.

Because he was incapable of denying her anything, he pulled his fingers out, slid his hand to the back of her thigh and lifted it to his hip. “You do it,” he told her. “Put me where you want me, naughty girl.”

She lined him up and rolled her hips until he slid right where they both wanted them. She didn’t stop rocking her hips.

Keeping his hand on her throat, Leo leaned back to watch between them. “Fuck, bombón. You feel so good.”

“Más,” she begged. “Dame más, papi.”

Oh fuck. He loved it when she called him papi. He’d never had a daddy kink before Sofi, but hearing her call him that unleashed some inner beast in him. He gave her neck one final squeeze before he dropped his hand to grab and lift her other thigh. Then he rammed into her with a snarl. Over and over. He made them both growl, moan, pant, and grunt.

Sofi let out what could only be called a scream, and a small, tiny part of his mind was worried that the security guys he paid off would think he was murdering her. The rest of him reveled in the fact that he could make her so thoroughly lose her sense of self, space, and time. He loved that, with him, she shut off her brain. She knew he would take care of her, so she just let herself go. It made him swell with pride. He wanted to pound on his chest like a fucking gorilla. He did that to her. He made the most tightly controlled woman he knew completely lose her shit. He had that power because she gave it to him. She wouldn’t give it up to anyone but him because despite everything she trusted him and loved him.

That was the thought that pushed Leo over the edge. He wrapped am arm around her back and pulled them chest to chest while his other hand landed on the cool metal statute with a smack. He buried his face in her neck and groaned through his shudders. Unable to stop himself he bit down on the tendon of her neck, sending her soaring again. “Co?o, bombón,” he mumbled against her sweaty skin before taking a lick. His chest heaved as he tried to get oxygen into his system again. “One of these days you’re going to kill me.”

Her body still shook against his. “Not if you kill me first,” she puffed. She nuzzled her face into his neck and Leo melted. Like, he literally plopped down onto his ass with Sofi in his lap.

He wrapped both arms around her and pulled her so close that if they weren’t flesh and bone, they would’ve merged into one being.

She lifted her head to look at him. She looked destroyed. Her makeup had sweat off, her mascara was running down her cheeks, and her red lipstick was smeared all over, but her eyes. Those gorgeous dark eyes, shined at him like two onyx gems.

Leo’s heart squeezed painfully and then exploded into sparkles of pure joy. “I love you so fucking much,” he blurted out, unable to hold the words in.

Sofi froze. She stared at him unblinking for what felt like forever. Suddenly she threw herself forward, latching her mouth to his.

They sat there kissing, even though he was positive their thirty minutes were up. Leo didn’t care. They’d have to come tase him and drag him away to get him to move from this spot. He was too busy enjoying the sweetness of his little caramel bonbon. Even if his mind wouldn’t stop fretting about the fact that he’d confessed his love and she hadn’t said anything back.

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