Sofi swiped a thin coat of clear gloss over Kamilah’s pinkish-nude lipstick to complete the shimmery makeup look she’d spent the better part of the morning working on. The look was perfect for Kamilah, natural enough that she still totally looked like herself, but with an extra glitter and glow to match the aura she was practically blinding them all with.
“I must say, sometimes I surprise myself with how good I am.” Sofi placed the gloss back on the table. “Take a look.”
But Kamilah didn’t turn around. Instead, she stared up at Sofi, her face serious. “I’m so glad you’re here.” Her light brown eyes began to sparkle with unshed tears. “I tried to imagine this day without you, but I couldn’t.”
Sofi would be lying if she said that she hadn’t also struggled with the idea of missing Kamilah’s wedding. It hurt her soul to think that she’d almost let her stubborn pride cause her to miss out on sharing this moment with her best friend. But now was not the time to talk about that. They had too much to do, so Sofi bit the inside of her lip and forcefully pushed back her own rising emotions. “Don’t you start.” She pointed a finger in Kamilah’s face to prove just how serious she was. “That makeup has to make it through an entire day, so lock that shit down.”
Beside them, Lucy laughed. “Only you would tell a bride that she’s not allowed to cry on her wedding day.” She fiddled with the tie at the waist of her gold sequin off-the-shoulder jumpsuit.
“Fine. Lock it down until after pictures,” Sofi conceded, but she couldn’t just leave it at that. She grabbed Kamilah’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Ride or die,” she mumbled before spinning away.
The last week, working on Kamilah’s wedding almost nonstop, had given Sofi clarity about herself and her relationship with Kamilah. Sofi thrived in chaos. It was a bit of a shock to her since she loved plans, organization, and peace. But taking something chaotic and systematically breaking down then rebuilding it into something beautiful was rewarding in a way she hadn’t realized it would be, and the fact that this was for her best friend’s wedding only made it that much more fun. She’d been like a kid in a candy store putting out fires as they emerged, creating crises plans for when she was busy doing her MOH duties, and shuffling all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle into place. She’d gone all in and, despite the pressure, she’d felt better than she had in years. As for Kamilah, Sofi had seen her in a different light. At peace and simply grateful for whatever came her way, rather than trying to manage the emotions of everyone around her. It was refreshing to see and made Sofi more hopeful for their friendship’s future.
The rest of the morning passed in a haze of laughter and pink lemonade mimosas as Sofi and the other four bridesmaids got ready. There was one brief touch-up needed to everyone’s makeup after Valeria arrived and helped Kamilah put on her dress—a gorgeous cream-colored, mermaid style with an off-the-shoulder beaded bodice, softly sparkling lacelike embellishments that went from the draped sleeves through the long tulle train, and a sassy V-back that led to a row of tiny buttons.
None of them had been able to stop the waterworks after Valeria saw her only daughter completely ready for her wedding. Of course, Valeria was Valeria, so she had to throw in one comment about how she wished Kamilah had straightened her hair instead of wearing her long curls in a deep part with a golden floral comb holding back one side. However, Kamilah had only sighed happily and informed her mother that Liam had demanded her curls.
That became obvious to everyone as soon as they arrived at the distillery, the first location for their pictures, and Liam immediately pulled Kamilah into a tight embrace and buried his face in her hair. He pulled back and was clearly about to kiss her when Sofi jumped in.
“Hold up, lover boy! No kissing until after pictures!”
Liam drew back and shot her a glare.
“Speaking of pictures,” Alex interjected. “Aren’t we supposed to take these after the ceremony? Isn’t it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?”
“It’s not bad luck when the photographer is costing me an arm and a leg and your cousin wants pictures taken of every single minute,” Liam said.
Kamilah smacked his arm. “The whole point of taking pictures before the ceremony is so that we aren’t rushing to get everything done in a one-hour block between the ceremony and the reception.”
“But the reception is here, so why did we need to get here at the ass crack of dawn,” Lucy asked with a yawn.
“It’s almost eleven,” Sofi pointed out.
“We needed to get the pictures in here done early so that Sofi’s team can get in here to set up and decorate during the ceremony,” Kamilah added.
Liam looked confused. “Set up in here? I thought everything was happening in the tent outside.”
“Don’t you listen?” his best man, Ben, asked. “The stage and dance floor are going to be in the tent and the dinner in here.” He shook his head and turned to Kamilah. “It’s not too late for you to dump this clown and marry me instead. We’re both already dressed.”
Kamilah laughed while Liam rolled his eyes and muttered a half-hearted “fuck off.”
Deciding to get this show on the road before things resolved into absolute chaos, as was apt to happen whenever more than a few Vegas were around, Sofi handed Kamilah her huge bouquet of flowers in various pinks, peaches, and creams with sprigs of greenery and berries. “Let’s get started,” she said to the photographer who immediately took charge.
They took pictures all over Humboldt Park before finally making their way to the wedding church where they stopped for more photos on the carefully cultivated grounds.
Sofi was standing back watching the photographer position Kamilah’s train just when she suddenly felt a tingle down her spine. She turned her head already knowing who she’d see staring back at her. This had been happening on and off all morning.
Leo stood a few feet away. Next to him Saint was listening intently to something Alex was telling them, but Leo wasn’t listening to them at all. Instead his gaze tracked up Sofi’s body from the tips of her stilettos to her leg, which peeked through the slit in her strapless fuchsia sequin dress, and up past her hips and breasts to her face. His tongue peeked out as he licked his bottom lip while his eyes blazed hungrily.
Everything in Sofi threatened to melt like an ice cube on hot pavement, but just like she had demanded of Kamilah earlier, she firmly locked that shit down. She was the wedding planner and she had a job to do. However, the fact that he couldn’t take his eyes off her gave her hope that they’d be able to work everything out.
Hours later, after a few hiccups Sofi had rushed to solve before the bride or groom even heard about them, Kamilah and Liam were finally married. Dinner had been served, the cake had been cut, and the video of everyone’s well-wishes that Sofi had gathered over the last few weeks played. Of course, it had ended with Killian’s clip and there had been no dry eyes in the entire place. Even stoic Saint had been wiping at his eyes when digital Killian said, “I don’t worry about having to keep your arses in check, because you two were made for one another. After all, you can’t spell Kamilah without Liam,” in his rusty Irish brogue.
It was true. They completed each other in a way that Sofi found both beautiful and terrifying. To give someone that much power, so much that you weren’t even whole without the other person, that was insanity to her.
Kamilah and Liam were finishing up their first dance together as Leo sang “Creo en Ti” by Reik accompanied by two of his bandmates on guitars and their two teenage daughters playing violins. Sofi sat next to Valeria as she sobbed through the entire thing and repeated over and over how beautiful and perfect it was.
Sofi had to agree with Kamilah’s mom. The song was about how someone had been struggling and suffering until the right person came along at the perfect moment. The love between them gave the singer hope, strength, and the ability to leave their difficult past behind. It was the perfect song for Kamilah and Liam, who’d been through a lot together and separately. Through it all, they’d held on to their love for each other even when they couldn’t or wouldn’t show it.
Sofi smiled and enjoyed the sight of Kamilah and Liam wrapped in each other’s arms swaying to the music while they stared at each other with a love so strong it poured out of them, swept along the dance floor, and enveloped everyone else in the tent with them. It was the same feeling she’d gotten when the doors to the church opened and Kamilah stepped in on her dad’s arm. Her gaze had locked immediately on Liam and Sofi had turned to see his reaction. Any negative feelings she’d harbored for the man had faded away when she’d witnessed Liam doing his best to stop the tears in his eyes from spilling down his cheeks.
As soon as the song finished Sofi was out of her chair. She knew what was coming next, so she went to find her mom, who’d been helping her hold everything down while Sofi was doing her maid of honor thing. Mami was sitting at a small table in the back with Abuela Fina, both of them looking gorgeous in dark pink dresses. Sofi slipped in between the two of them as Gio, the MC and DJ for the night, announced the father-daughter dance, “Llegaste Tú” by Luis Fonsi and Juan Luis Guerra. Sofi rested her head on her mom’s shoulder and closed her eyes to try to prevent the tears from falling even though she knew it was futile. Anything father-daughter related always made Sofi cry. It hurt in a place deep down that nothing could reach. She’d tried her best to cure it, but there was no way. It opened up unexpectedly and bled like old scar tissue.
The music started and her mom gripped Sofi’s hand. “I know, mi amor,” Mami said as Sofi held her breath to stop any sobs from escaping. She kissed Sofi on the forehead. “I get it and I know.”
Abuela Fina gripped Sofi’s other hand and squeezed.
Sofi stayed there in between the two people she loved and trusted the most and let their love comfort her. They loved her without limits or conditions. They were there for her no matter what she said or did. That could be enough for her.
Suddenly the music changed to a salsa beat. Sofi opened her eyes to see Los Rumberos on stage with Papo, Saint, Eddie, and Cristian. Papo and Leo held microphones, but the other three held simple instruments like maracas, the guiro, and a cowbell.
“This is for you, Ojitos de Oro,” Papo said into his microphone. “We want everyone to know that we are the men who loved you first.”
On the dance floor Kamilah exclaimed in surprise and immediately started crying. Her dad held her in his arms as Leo and Papo began to sing a salsa version of “I’ll Be There” by The Jackson 5. He dragged Kamilah into the dance steps and suddenly they were dancing while Kamilah still cried and the videographer caught every second.
“Fuck,” Sofi exclaimed, burying her face in the handkerchief Ben had slipped her during the video. There was no way she’d keep it together now.
Mami wrapped her arms around Sofi and hugged her close. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go get crumped.”
Sofi laughed through her sobs. “It’s ‘crunk’ not ‘crumped’ and no one says that anymore.”
“Yeah,” Abuela Fina said. “Now they say ‘light.’”
“Lit,” Sofi corrected. “And I don’t know if they still say that either.”
“Listen I don’t care what it’s called,” Mami said. “All I know is that there is an open bar over there and I plan on using it. Now, are you coming or not?”
“Hell yes, I’m coming.”
“Me too,” Abuela Fina said. Tossing her napkin on the table and standing up.
They ordered three shots of tequila plus three of the signature cocktails Leo had created for the wedding. They’d just slammed their shot back when Lucy and Liza came up next to them holding hands and looking adorable in their matching gold sequin outfits: Lucy’s jumpsuit and Liza’s off-the-shoulder dress.
“Now this is what I’m talking about,” Liza said. “Enough watching other people dance. I want to drink.”
“Dear God, yes. Give me alcohol. All the alcohol,” Lucy agreed.
Sofi passed Lucy her drink only to watch Lucy chug it in two seconds.
“My parents are bitching about our courthouse wedding again,” she said in explanation. “My mom wants us to renew our vows so we can ‘have a real wedding before those far-right dingbats make it illegal.’”
Sofi shook her head. “You mean you don’t want to discuss politicians revoking your right to love and marry whomever you want at your cousin’s hetero wedding?”
Lucy accepted a shot from Liza. “Shocking, I know,” she said with a wry smile before she and her wife took their shots.
Kamilah came up to the group and threw her arms around Sofi. “Everything is so gorgeous. More beautiful than I ever imagined. Thank you so much. I love you.”
Sofi returned her hug. “You’re welcome, love. I’m happy you’re having a good time and not stressing about anything.”
“I stopped stressing as soon as you told me you’d take care of everything. I’ve been to your work events. I knew you’d kill it.”
“Here,” Mami offered, passing Kamilah a shot. “Take this.”
“Alicia, this is why I love you,” Kamilah said, accepting the drink. “You always know exactly what someone needs.”
“It’s because she’s a nurse,” Abuela Fina said with pride, her own shot in hand.
Someone handed Sofi a shot, so she raised it. “To Kamilah and Liam.”
Kamilah shook her head. “No.” She raised her shot glass. “This one’s to badass women who build each other up!”
“Cheers!” everyone else yelled before slamming back their tequila.
“Okay.” Sofi grabbed Kamilah’s hand. “Ready for your outfit change?” They’d gotten Kamilah a reception dress—a simple white tulle A-line with a corset top, thick shoulder straps, and a tea-length skirt. It was just the right amount of pretty, flowy, sexy, and classy. Plus, it was perfect for dancing.
“I am so ready. I love this dress, but it’s heavy as hell and I feel like I can barely move.” She shifted around as if trying to get comfortable. “But I had my mom put my other dress in Leo’s place because the kids are already taking over mine.”
Sofi knew she was asking if it was okay that they’d have to go to Leo’s apartment. Sofi wasn’t sure if it was. She’d been avoiding the place like the plague even though she still had stuff there. It just hurt too much to go in and know that it was no longer her home. It didn’t matter that she’d stopped being a dumbass and decided to finally get out of her own way. She still didn’t know how Leo felt, so she should be respecting his space. But this was Kamilah’s wedding and what the bride says goes, so while it wasn’t her first choice, she’d go up. Besides, she’d successfully spent the day around the actual man, going into his place was nothing in comparison. She tugged Kamilah through the tent, into the distillery, and then back past the door that led to Kamilah’s place where the mini Vegas were playing board and video games and raiding the fridge. Sofi held Kamilah’s train as they climbed the stairs.
When they opened the door to Leo’s apartment, Sofi sucked in a breath. On the dining room wall, in place of the collage of wedding inspiration pictures she’d put there, was her and her tío Manny’s map. It had been mounted in a frame and covered with glass. She walked closer and noticed that while all of the places she and her uncle had circled were under the glass, there were other places circled outside the glass—S?o Paulo in Brazil, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, and most of Australia including the Great Barrier Reef. She turned to her best friend. “What’s this?” she asked Kamilah.
“I don’t know.” Kamilah shrugged. “Leo must be doing something.” She gestured to the dining room table.
Sofi looked down, shocked to see piles of travel books and brochures. They were spread out all over the place. Some were open and highlighted and annotated while others had colorful Post-it notes sticking out like pi?atas.
“I can see you’re going through something right now, so I’m just going to go get myself ready.” Kamilah walked down the hall to one of the rooms.
Sofi kept swinging her head between the map on the wall and the books on the table. Had Leo really done this? What did it mean? Was she even supposed to know about this? Her mind whirled with more questions. Then something on the corner of the table caught her eye. Sofi picked it up and saw it was paperwork for a passport. She was thunderstruck to see Leo’s information filled in. What did he need a passport for? He’d said that everything he needed was in Chicago. Was he going on some sort of trip? Why use her map?
“Ready to get our party on?” Kamilah asked, stepping back into the room in her new dress.
Sofi was ready for something, but not a party. She was ready for answers. She walked to the door and held out a hand for Kamilah. Together they rushed back out to the party.
Sofi was surprised to see almost everyone stopped and looking in their direction. “What the fuck is going on?” she whispered in an aside to Kamilah, while scanning the faces that seemed to be looking at her and not Kamilah.
“I don’t know,” Kamilah whispered back. “Maybe they needed me for something.”
Sofi didn’t think so.
Leo stood on the stage staring at her. “There you are,” he said into the mic. “We’ve been waiting for you to come back. Get over here, bombón. I have something to say to you.”
Sofi’s heart kicked up.
“Fucking Leo,” Kamilah whispered.
“Exactly,” Sofi said.
Kamilah grabbed her hand and turned Sofi to face her. “You don’t have to go up there if you don’t want to.”
Sofi was touched by the concern on her best friend’s face, but she wasn’t worried. Not exactly. “It’s okay. I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?”
Sofi nodded. “Yeah.”
Kamilah smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. “I love you, bestie. Now go get your annoying-ass man.”
Sofi chuckled but as soon as she turned the nerves came back. She swallowed thickly and walked forward. Everyone in the crowd moved out of her way until she was right in front of the stage. She looked up at Leo.
He crouched down, still wearing his emerald green wedding tux that made his eyes look like jade. “Hey.”
Sofi arched a brow. Really? Did he think that was going to work?
He smirked as if reading her mind. “I have something to tell you.”
“Something you need to tell me in front of everyone we know?”
He nodded. “Yep.”
She swallowed hard. “Well, I have something to ask you first.”
He raised a brow. “Something to ask me in front of everyone we know?”
She nodded. “Yep.”
He waved his free hand, causing the microphone to make a wind noise. “Go ahead. I have nothing to hide. Not anymore.”
“The map and the passport,” she said. She was very proud of how breezy she sounded despite the way her heart was rampaging in her chest. “Why?”
He lifted the microphone to his lips. “Because no matter where you go, I want to go with you. If you want to go walk The Great Wall, I’ll walk it too. If you want to go do yoga by the Taj Mahal, I’ll be there in warrior pose next to you. If you decide to go on a safari, I’ll be your lion attack lookout. I want to be with you as you check off all those places you once marked on a map. And when you need to retreat to your safe place, I will always be waiting right outside for you. You know why?”
Sofi gulped. “Because you overcame your dislike of flying?”
He laughed. “No. But that’s what drugs are for.” He put the microphone back up to his mouth. “Because I love you and I’m going to do everything in my power to be the man you need. A man who doesn’t see you as a conquest or a goal, but a person with all the complications humans have. One who supports you and puts your needs above his own. A man who realizes that sometimes you’re going to need space to figure things out, but that doesn’t mean you’re rejecting me or thinking that I’m not enough.”
She felt sweaty, breathless, and weirdly amped up, as if she’d just finished a high intensity Zumba class. At least that was how she felt physically; emotionally was a different story. She wasn’t exactly sure how she was feeling emotionally. On the one hand she was pissed at Leo for being so indiscreet. At the same time, she was...excited? Giddy? It was the constant back-and-forth that had her adrenaline spiking. She was so sick of being at constant war with herself and her feelings. She knew what she wanted now even though she was a bit late.
But Leo had always known. He knew her so well. In so many ways he knew her better than she knew herself. He was always striving to give her exactly what she wanted, even when it was probably not what he needed. He’d been doing it for years, letting her hide from her emotions and while she offered him only the smallest part of herself.
Yet here he was reaching out to her again and accepting blame, despite the fact that she was the one who’d really messed up. She was the one who’d pushed him away and refused to give them an honest chance. She was the coward who’d tried to keep everything surface level. He’d always been the one willing to go all in.
It was time for Sofi to show him that she was all in too. She wasn’t going to leave him alone in this anymore.