Before Mackenzie could respond, the hungry calves began to charge, butting and licking anything in sight as they searched for their food. His eyes widened in realization as he struggled to keep his balance, juggling the bottle and trying to fend off the overzealous calves.
Seth gasped and twisted away as one particularly hungry calf made contact with his more tender parts. “A little warning would have been nice,” he protested, fighting off the slimy, slippery tongues that were sucking and licking at his hands and legs while trying to catch his breath.
“I did. I told you one hand was for protection. Stop playing. Push them away and get the bottle to the right calf. They won’t stop until they get fed.”
He turned and glared at her as she laughed at the spectacle he was making.
Finally relocating the calf he needed, he fought off the others and plopped the nipple in its mouth, guarding it from the others trying to butt in. “I’m glad you’re enjoying this. Not sure this is the best way to thank a guest who offered to help you with your chores,” he grumbled as another slimy tongue licked up his exposed arm where he had pushed up the sleeve of the borrowed Henley he wore.
“Maybe not, but it sure made my day watching you.” She let out an enormous sigh, “Man, I needed that laugh. I was feeling very overwhelmed with everything I had going on. Those happy endorphins have convinced my brain that this might all be doable.”
Seth retrieved another bottle and, after getting it in the mouth of the correct calf, turned to her. “Mack, I’m not a freeloader. I will help in any way I can while I’m here. I’m not a farm boy, but I know how to work, and I’m a quick study. You will only need to show me once. If there are any more potentially damaging tasks, I would appreciate a warning before the family jewels get cracked, not after. Deal?”
Turning away to hide her red-faced embarrassment and the chuckle that shook her shoulders remembering the incident, she agreed, “Deal.”
“I can see you laughing. You can’t hide it when your whole body is shaking. You must have played some awful pranks on your brothers. How many are there?” Seth asked as he went to retrieve another bottle from the milk crate.
“Four. I’m the youngest and only girl,” Mackenzie answered, retrieving the last bottle.
“So, the princess.”
“Hardly,” Mackenzie scoffed. “My dad has always treated me like one of the boys, and my mom is a cowgirl through and through. Other than teaching me to braid my hair and dressing up for church on Sunday, there was no favoritism for their only daughter.”
Exiting the pen, Mackenzie took the bottles to a small room with industrial-grade sinks and set them and the nipples inside to sanitize.
“Have you had enough?” she asked as she started grabbing materials for her next chore.
Rubbing his hands together in anticipation, Seth responded, “Lay it on me. What’s next?”
“Now we feed the calves that don’t need bottles but aren’t ready for solid food yet. I’ll dump the nutrient powder into the pails. You come behind me and fill them with hot water from that hose. Then we mix the milk with our hands until it is nice and smooth and put it in the troughs for them to drink. There is no danger this time. Well, unless you have the hands of a lady and can’t handle a little hot water.”
Seth smirked at her challenge. “These hands might not be callused like the men in your family, but they’re hardly pansy hands. What’s that song by Brad Paisley about creamy-lotioned hands not being able to grip a tackle box? Let’s just say... I won’t ever have that problem.”
“Okay, well, let’s get this done then, man hands .“ Her laughter as she walked down the line of pails dumping scoops of powdered milk made Seth smile as well. Mack was pretty fun to be around when she wasn’t freezing cold and overwhelmed.
Before long, the warm pails of mixed milk were placed in front of the small heads of hungry calves who slurped down the milk like they hadn’t eaten in days, not hours.
“How many times a day do you have to do this?”
“Twice. Six in the morning and six at night. On time, rain or shine.”
“Why are there different colors of cows? I always assumed that dairies only had one breed,” Seth confessed, confused.
“I can’t speak for other operations, but ours uses Holsteins as our main dairy production, and then we have Jersey and Guernsey for our creamery. Mom runs that side of the business and makes small-batch specialty cheeses sold all around the world.” Carrying the now empty pails back into the mixing room, she began soaking them in the sanitation rinse. “My sister-in-law, Erin, helps her with that side of things, and they are discussing branching out into goats this coming year. My oldest brother, Nick, is still running business models to make sure it is a wise decision, but I’m sure he’ll give in. He’s never been able to say no to my mother, and now that his wife is practically her twin, he doesn’t stand a chance.”
Wiping her hands on her pants after the last pail was submerged, she said, “I need to take a look around the barn and inspect the milking parlor while these soak. Then, come back here and scrub them before setting them out to dry. You can head back to the house if you want. I’m sure you can find the shower and fresh towels without a tour.”
Falling into step beside her, he asked, “Aren’t you afraid I’ll steal something? You don’t even know me, and you’re turning me loose in your home.”
“Well, all you have is your clothes and backpack. I figure by the time we get your truck pulled out, my family will be back, and you can answer to my dad and brothers if you try to steal something, but I’m a pretty good judge of character, and you haven’t given me any scary vibes. I’m choosing to believe that the Lord sent you to help me and am taking that blessing at face value. If you decide to try anything, you’ll find out how well my brothers taught me to fight. Living in fear has never been my style, so until you give me a reason not to trust you, I will consider you a friend.”
“Thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment.”
They walked through the barn, inspecting different areas of the dairy operation to ensure the hired hands had properly cleaned each area and the milking equipment. When everything was inspected to her satisfaction, they returned to the mixing room and finished cleaning and preparing the pails and bottles for the morning feeding. Then, they fought their way back through the storm to the house.
They removed their outer garments once more in the mudroom and made their way into the welcoming warmth of the kitchen, where Mackenzie sifted through her brother’s clean laundry to find Seth more clothes.
“The guest room is upstairs, the last room on the right. It has its own bathroom, so you will have privacy even after my family returns. I grabbed a variety of items, so hopefully, something fits comfortably. You’re welcome to use the washing machine to clean your clothes whenever you want. If Mom’s not home to cook breakfast at dawn, I tend to eat breakfast after the chores. If you’re an early riser, make yourself at home. The fridge and pantry are stocked.” She yawned, exhaustion finally catching up with her. “I should get some sleep. It’s going to be a long couple of days. Stay up as long as you like. The TV remote is on the table in the family room.”
Seth nodded, feeling the weight of his weariness. “I’m going to hit the hay too. Thanks for everything, Mack. I owe you one.”
“Just following the Golden Rule,” she said with a smile. “Goodnight, Seth.”
“Goodnight, Mack.”
As they settled into their respective beds, both couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of anticipation. Mackenzie turned off the light, her mind racing with everything she had to do the next day. Maybe her unexpected guest would be a help, not a hindrance, after all .
Meanwhile, Seth lay in bed, wondering what he had gotten himself into and what adventures awaited him on this unexpected detour.