Sleighed by the Farmer’s Daughter (Sweet Christmas Kisses) Chapter Sixteen 64%
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Chapter Sixteen

“You’re telling me you two have only known each other the short time we’ve been gone?” Holly confirmed. Seeing Mack’s nod, she added, “What a sweet love story to tell your kids. It’s clear you guys are meant for each other. I thought you were someone from New York.”

“Before we go racing my baby sister down the aisle, can we get through today, please?” Daniel grumbled. “Seth, why don’t you help me move the reindeer down to the village.”

“Sure. Do they get loaded into a trailer and hauled down like horses?” Seth asked, finishing his meal quickly.

This led to a round of laughter. “Son, a bunch of reindeer with full racks of antlers don’t do well in a horse trailer,” Nicholas explained. “They’re led down the trail with harnesses and leads. They’re good girls; they won’t give you a hard time.”

“Will Dasher be staying back to be harnessed to the sleigh?” Seth inquired, trying to hide his concern.

“Yeah, the harness team stays up here. Why? You having problems with Dash?” Daniel asked, a smirk hinting he knew exactly what trouble Seth had encountered with that particular reindeer.

“Maybe a few nibbles here and there,” Seth admitted with a sheepish grin.

“Don’t worry, the feisty ones aren’t allowed around the public. The last thing we need is a lawsuit because someone exaggerates a nibble into a bite. Trust me, there’s a big difference. But Dasher is Dad’s baby, and he keeps a close eye on her when she mixes with civilians,” Nick assured him. “Speaking of which, why did you have Dasher and the sleigh out in the middle of a blizzard, Mack?”

All eyes turned to Mack, who sighed, hoping that little detail had been brushed under the rug. “Um, I… well…”

“Mackenzie Adams, answer your brother,” Allison demanded, pausing her clearing of the table.

“I was using them for a photo shoot when the storm hit and was heading in when I saw Seth’s flashing lights. I couldn’t leave him stranded in the storm to freeze, so I took her out there to investigate,” Mack defended.

“Why not use one of the snowmobiles? It would’ve been much faster and safer. What if he had been a bad guy? He could’ve attacked you before you got the sleigh going and put enough distance between you,” Daniel questioned, a scowl marring his handsome face.

“Oh, you mean the sleds you guys pulled apart before you left, leaving her with a tractor or antique sleigh as her only means to get help if she needed it?” Seth interjected, anger lurking just below the surface of his words.

“Have I mentioned that I really like this guy?” Patrick asked, slapping his older brother Dan on the shoulder. “Come on, man, there’ll be plenty of time for sparring later. Right now, we’ve got kids to get ready for. Four hours and counting. Mack, hang back and catch Mom and Dad up on everything that needs to be done. We’ll settle the critters and be back within the hour to help get the rest set up.”

“Don’t mess up the tables when you put the ladies in the barn! One at a time. Promise!” Mack demanded, eyeing her brothers as they put on their outerwear and laced their boots.

“You have my Diner ready for dinner?” Allison asked, astonished.

“Yes. Other than the rest of the cookies, which we ran out of time decorating, I think we got it all done. Mom, Dad, why don’t you ride down on Nick’s sled and see if I forgot anything? I’ll help with the reindeer. Holly, would you and the kids mind staying and finishing the cookie decorations? I know the kids enjoy doing that every year, and there are still about a hundred cookies left,” Mack suggested hopefully, opening the doors leading to the dining room.

Peeking inside, Holly and Allison gasped, “You two made all the cookies for today!”

Nick asked from his place at the door, “All the snowmobiles were in pieces?”

“Yes, we made all the cookies. It’s a long story. And yes, all the sleds were in pieces, but thankfully, Seth is handy and was able to put yours back together quickly, Nick, so we didn’t have to walk back to the village to fix the tractor that broke while parked inside the barn,” Mack replied as she put on her coat.

Joshua slapped Seth on the back. “Good man. It sounds like my sister would’ve had a stressful week without your help. You’ve got my vote.”

“In case anyone was wondering… you don’t get to choose who I decide to marry!” Mack shouted, exasperated by her brothers and their insinuations as they filed out of the house towards the reindeer.

“You might choose, but you know as well as we all do that you won’t marry anyone who doesn’t get the Adams family seal of approval, my little macaroni,” Josh said, wrapping his arm around her neck before giving her a playful knuckle sandwich.

Seth hung back, watching the interaction between Mack and her brothers as a wrestling match ensued and snow started to fly.

Nicholas Adams sidled up next to him and kept pace. “The boys are having a good time teasing Mackenzie, but we’re all in your debt for keeping her safe and helping her set up the village. No one would’ve blamed her if she had canceled, but I think you know as well as I do that my little girl doesn’t know how to quit. I can tell you’re both exhausted, and I look forward to seeing the progress you made down there, but she would be in much worse shape if she had pushed herself to do all this work alone. Thank you. If you’re half the man I think you are, you have my blessing to date my daughter. I expect we’ll have this conversation again if it gets serious enough for an engagement.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you. This is all very new and young, but I see a future with your daughter. I’m just not sure how to convince her when we’ll be on opposite sides of the country for the next six months.”

“If it’s meant to be, it will be. Enjoy the time getting to know each other. You’ve been thrown into the deep end with this storm. You’ll know to move forward if you crave each other’s company when you’re apart.” Stepping into the barn and rubbing Dasher’s nose affectionately, Nicholas continued, “And if this little lady nibbled on you, consider it her way of giving kisses. She bites if she really doesn’t like you.”

“What? Really?” Seth said, taking a step back.

“It’s only happened twice, and both times, the person proved to be a poor character. They quickly lost access to my farm. If Dasher approves of a fella, then he’s a good man with a good heart.” Dasher chuffed and bobbed her head. “That means she wants to see you. Add her vote to your column.”

Seth stepped closer and scratched behind Dasher’s ears as she grunted in pleasure. “Well, now, nibble away, beautiful, if it means I get a better chance at winning Mack’s heart.”

He was nudged from behind and turned to find Mack standing there, holding the leads of four reindeer. “Let’s go, Romeo. We’ve got trails to blaze, and no, I don’t take reindeer approval into consideration when selecting my boyfriends.”

As they walked ahead of her family, their reindeer following politely behind them, Seth asked, “What about husbands?”

“Come again?” Mack asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

“You said Dasher’s approval didn’t count when selecting your boyfriends, but what about your husband?”

Mack turned to him, wide-eyed. “We’ve known each other for what… four days, and you’re already thinking about marriage?”

“Yes. I am,” he answered honestly, his green eyes meeting her brown ones. “I’ve never wanted a wife and family, but with you, I see it. I just want you to know that I’m not looking for a casual relationship. I want friendship, or I want marriage. Those are the two options I have on the table. When I see you again in the spring, those are the only two choices. My hopes will be set on a relationship leading to the latter, but I want you to know where my head is on this.”

“Good to know. I’m glad you’re not looking for an answer now because I don’t have one. I feel something for you, and I want you to stay in my life, but marriage is a lifelong commitment, and I’m not ready to make that kind of promise after four days, no matter how great I think you are or how much my father’s reindeer loves you.”

Seth’s laugh rang out in the quiet forest, startling several birds from the trees. He wrapped his arm around Mack, and she did the same, enjoying the comfort of his embrace as they finished their trek to the village.

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