As the evening drew to a close, Seth and Mack took a quiet walk under the stars, the world around them hushed and peaceful. The sky was clear, the stars shining brightly overhead, and the snow crunched softly beneath their boots.
“This has been the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” Seth said, his voice low and sincere.
“Mine too,” Mack agreed, her breath visible in the cold night air. “I’m glad you were here to share it with us.”
They walked in comfortable silence for a while before Seth turned to her, his expression serious. “Mack, I want you to come to Hickory Falls with me. Meet my family and celebrate the New Year together. It would mean a lot to me.”
Mack looked up at him, her mind racing with the possibilities that stretched out before her. “If the roads are clear and there are no snowstorms in the forecast, I’ll come,” she finally said, a smile playing on her lips.
Seth’s face lit up with hope. “I’ll hold you to that.”
They continued their walk, the stars above watching over them as they felt the warmth of new beginnings.
“Seth, you said your mom left when you were a teenager. What happened after that? How is your family doing now?”
Seth’s voice softened as he shared. “Uh, well, my dad was an alcoholic for a long time, and that put a strain on us boys. I couldn’t wait to get away, and as I shared, I ran off to college as soon as I graduated. Eric pretty much did the same thing. The difference is that he stayed in touch with Jason and sent money home to ensure he was cared for. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t look back for several years. Eric got a medical discharge from the army and now runs a custom wood furniture business from his cabin up on the mountain. Jason was always strong and independent—he took shop class in high school, became a mechanic over in Glacier Ridge, and eventually bought out the shop’s owner. He’s even thinking about opening a second location in Hickory Falls. Dad just earned his two-year sobriety chip, and he attributes his effort to Sarah and her baby. As for Mom, none of us ever heard from her again. I tracked her down in New York a couple of years ago—she’s the manager of a high-end boutique on Fifth Avenue, living the life she always wanted. I never realized my parents’ marriage legally ended, but it turns out she remarried. It didn’t last long. As far as I know, she’s single and lives in Grandview East Apartments.”
Mack tried to hide her shock at hearing that Seth’s mother lived in the same building as her. For all she knew, they could be neighbors. Trying to decide if she should share that information, she asked, “Have you reached out to her now that you’ve found her?”
“No, I haven’t. I have some pretty good memories of my mom, but every time I think of stopping by her apartment and saying, ‘Hi, I’m Seth, your long-lost son,’ I stop myself. What right do I have to upset everyone’s lives? My family never left Hickory Falls. She could have easily communicated with us if she had wanted us in her life. My dad is newly sober, and bringing her back into the picture could send him down a dark path again. I don’t know where my brothers stand on this, either. If I bring her up, I set things in motion that might be best left alone. So, I’ve kept the fact that I found her to myself.”
“What if you reach out just for yourself? See how she responds. Maybe she feels like you did, that the distance is too great to cross. You have Sarah building bridges and helping your family reconnect in Hickory Falls. What if you did the same for your mom?”
“Maybe. I spend a whole month in New York every December. I might stop by sometime and see how things go. After spending the last two days with your family, I value mine so much more. I’m excited for what the new year is going to bring. I think I need to take a page from Daniel’s book and initiate more of a leadership role in my family in the future.”
Mackenzie squeezed his hand. “That means a lot to me, Seth. I was worried your distance from your family would affect my relationship with mine if we were together, and that’s not something I’m willing to sacrifice.”
Seth wrapped his arms around her. “No, that won’t happen. I came here as a lone wolf, but now I want what you have with your family. My family won’t be as lively as yours—Eric could go days without saying a word to anyone. But I know we can grow close again. I look forward to being there for my niece, and I’m grateful to you for opening my eyes to what real family is.”
Mack smiled, cupping his cheeks and pulling his face down so she could kiss his forehead tenderly. “You’re welcome, Seth. I look forward to seeing what the future holds. If nothing else, I have a new best friend.”
The next morning, the Adams boys spent hours digging Seth’s rig out of the snow and figuring out how to extract it from the ditch without causing any damage. By lunchtime, his truck and trailer were parked outside the house, with an old snowplow attached to the front. The family gathered for a final meal together, and Joshua asked about Seth’s plans. He explained that after talking with Eric and Jason the night before, he’d decided to spend January in Massachusetts with his family before heading out west for work.
This news clearly made Mack happy, and she hugged him in her excitement. She then shared her plan to go on the road with him come March when her lease was up on her New York apartment. Her family was surprised, but they all expressed support for her traveling and trying new things.
As Mack and Seth stood outside his truck saying goodbye, she confessed, “I sort of expected a little pushback on my plans to spend the rest of the year on the road with you, but my family seemed genuinely happy for us. Who knew they’d come to love you after only three days?”
“Why wouldn’t they when you and I are obviously meant to be?” Seth grinned.
“How are you so confident about this after such a short time? It’s a little crazy.”
Seth drew her into his arms, holding her close, knowing he needed to leave but not wanting to go. “Mack, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life, but I understand you need more time. I won’t rush you. We’ll do long-distance, and when I have free days, I’ll fly to New York for some real dates. Come March, we’ll see each other every day. You’ll know where your heart lies soon enough. And when you’re ready, you’ll tell me. For now, I’m going to enjoy the journey to winning your heart.”
After kissing her forehead tenderly, they said their goodbyes, and Seth headed down the road to Hickory Falls.