Smith (Silver Team #3) Chapter 8 27%
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Chapter 8


My back arched off the bed. Smith’s hand on my belly held me down while his hand on my ass lifted. He had not lied—he ate like a bear. That was, if a bear ate pussy like a gold medalist.

It was after dinner, after Jonas had left, and after I’d taken a shower in Smith’s tub-shower combination stall that was a dingy yellow, while he locked up the house. I was still in a towel contemplating all the updates I’d do in his bathroom when Smith snatched the towel off my body and tossed me on the bed. I’d only had a moment to appreciate his broad chest covered in tattoos and boxy defined abs before he spread my legs and commenced Operation Kill Aria.

One orgasm had bled into two and now the impossible was happening and a third was building.

“Smith,” I groaned and arched deeper.

His head shook between my legs and his fingertips dug into my flesh.

“Too much,” I breathed.

Smith’s lips captured my clit, his tongue lashed, and I had no choice but to ride the wave of pleasure so intense my muscles tightened and my hands flew to his head.

He came up over me, reached a long arm to his nightstand. He leaned back, coming up onto his knees, and tore open a square packet.

“Hurry,” I begged, watching him roll the condom down his long, thick cock.

“Knees up, spread wide for me.”

My knees came up. Smith fell forward, bracing himself above me with a palm to the mattress beside my head while his other hand guided the head of his dick through my wet. He did this with our eyes locked. His burning down at me, mine barely able to focus, yet I still saw it—the indecision that cut through the hunger.

He was still worried my eyes weren’t open and my heart wasn’t locked down tight.

“Fuck me, Smith.”


“Do it.”


“Now, honey, fuck me.”

That did it.


With one thrust Smith drove deep, filling me so completely I whimpered.

“ Fuck , Aria.”

“Oh, God.”

Smith came down on his elbow and his mouth took mine in a brutal kiss that matched his drives. It was wild. It was out of control. It was glorious. I wrapped my legs around his waist and bucked up to meet his drives. His hand on my hip slid down and around to cup my ass, shifting me higher. He broke the kiss.

I sucked in much-needed oxygen.

Smith did not. His mouth hit my neck, his tongue traced a line from under my ear to my throat and there he mumbled, “Christ, you feel good.”

If I would’ve been able to speak I would’ve told him he felt amazing .

“You gonna come for me again, baby?”

Oh yeah .

I was totally going to come for him.

“Close,” I wheezed, still trying to catch my breath.

“Arms over your head, brace on the headboard.”

Before I could comply, I lost Smith’s mouth and stubble on my neck. He reared back to his knees, taking me with him, and waited until I had my hands where he wanted.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he grunted.

There, filled with Smith’s cock, his gaze roaming over my naked body, openly hungry, not hiding he liked what he saw, I felt gorgeous.

His eyes dropped to where we were connected and I watched his jaw clench.

“You like watching yourself fuck me?”

Smith’s head remained bowed but his eyes tipped up to meet mine. It wasn’t the blazing desire I saw. It was the sexy smirk on his lips that made my pussy convulse.

“She’s still a smartass while getting fucked,” he mumbled.

Because I was me, I did my best to shrug while I had my arms above my head, pushing on the headboard.

“Is that a complaint?”

“Fuck no.”

I lost his eyes when they dropped back down. I lost one of his hands on my hip when trailed his fingertips down, then used his thumb to circle my clit.

My hips jerked in response to his slow circle.

“Stay still, Aria.”

Another slow circle accompanied by a deep thrust had me disobeying.

“Be good,” he taunted. “And I’ll let you come.”

Smith kept his gaze fixed on our connection, keeping his strokes slow and using his thumb to keep me on the edge.

“More,” I pleaded.

“Not yet, baby. I’m not done watching your tight cunt take me.”

Now that was just cruel. To let Smith know how I felt about his torture, I squeezed my inner muscles and bore down.

“Fuck yeah,” he grunted. “Milk my cock, baby. Take me with you.”

With his circles on my clit getting faster, his thrusts turned into pounding drives, my body submitted and I was swept away.


Blinding. Dizzying. Euphoric.

“That’s it, baby,” he encouraged as my muscles clenched and spasmed. “Your pussy is heaven.” With one last deep stroke Smith stayed planted, his head tipped back, and he groaned his climax.

Seeing him in the throes of rapture, his big body frozen, his muscles bunched and tight, his features rough with sex and pleasure, it was the hottest thing I’d ever witnessed.

“God, you’re sexy,” I breathed.

His silvery eyes tipped down, a mix of fire and pure male satisfaction as they roamed over my stomach, lingered on my breasts. His palm followed the same path as his gaze, sliding over my stomach, between my breasts, up to my throat where he gently curled his fingers around my neck.

Still staring at my chest he absentmindedly rumbled, “Sexy beautiful.”

There was something almost reverent in his touch, the way he was staring at me, the haunted tone he used. Something that went beyond the mutual respect we’d agreed upon.

If Smith hadn’t warned me, if I wasn’t positive his heart was closed to me, I’d swear he felt it, too. The spark of something that shouldn’t’ve been felt. The beginning of something that should never start. The attraction that went beyond the physical when two souls recognized their mate.

But I knew better.

So I shoved aside the hallucination and opened my eyes wider.

Clattering woke me up.

It took me a moment to remember where I was. When I did, I didn’t stop the smile from forming.


Mind-bending sex.

Lots of sex.

In other words, I was exhausted and sore in all the right places. That was not a complaint. The man was a machine—a fully charged sex machine—that had screwed me within an inch of my life. That wasn’t a complaint either. I licked my parched lips and reached over to shove the Energizer Bunny awake but came up empty. I patted the bed looking for Smith, wondering when we’d disengaged from our cuddle.

The clattering stopped.

I turned my head to his side of the bed. No Smith. That’s when I heard the shower on. The clattering started again before I could decide if I was going to roll out of bed at the butt ass crack of dawn to catch a glimpse of a wet, soapy Smith or if my lady parts were on strike.

The decision was made for me when the phone stopped vibrating and started up again.

That was three calls in less than three minutes.

Something was wrong.

I rolled, shimmed, and tagged Smith’s phone on my way to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of the caller ID.

Zane Lewis.

Shit. This couldn’t be good. I didn’t think Smith’s boss would be calling this early if there wasn’t a major problem.

I pushed open the door as the call ended.

“Hey, Zane’s called…” I paused as the phone started again. “Four times.”

“Fuck,” he grumbled.

“Should I answer it?”

“Yeah. Put him on speaker.”

I slid my finger across the screen and before I could say a word or put the call on speaker I heard an angry voice yelling, “If you’re fucking her there will be…”

“Hello, Smith’s phone,” I feigned a sing-song voice and tapped the speaker icon. “Please hold while I connect you to Mr. Everette.”

I heard Smith’s laughter as it mingled with the running water.

“What the?—”

“You’re on speaker phone, Mr. Lewis.”

“What’s with the Mr. Lewis shit?” he grumbled.

I smiled at Zane’s disgruntled tone.

“What would you have me call you? Mr. Cock Blocker calling at zero dark thirty. Mr. Grumpy Pants, even though you’re the one who called waking me up, not the other way around. Or we could go with?—”

“Aria,” Smith interrupted.

“Did you call me Mr. Cock Blocker?” Zane inquired.

“No, I merely suggested that name if you weren’t fond of Mr. Lewis.”

“Jesus,” Smith grunted and I heard the water turn off before Smith threw the shower curtain open.

And there he was, in all his naked glory complete with water rivuleting down his chest, abs, and very impressive cock. I watched a water droplet roll off the tip of his cock and suddenly I was parched. Dehydrated, actually. In desperate need of…

“Aria,” Smith growled my name in three syllables.

The growl made me shiver. His cock jerking under my stare made my pussy convulse.

No strike for that region.

“We’re fucked,” Zane angrily announced.

I wasn’t currently being fucked, but I’d like to be, which meant Mr. Crotchety had to get off the phone.

“Here, talk to Smith,” I said as I walked the phone to the shower and held it out in front of me.

Smith’s eyes narrowed like he’d already figured out my course of action.

He shook his head but took his phone. That left me free to follow through with my plan.

“Where’s the fire?” Smith asked, still eyeing me with suspicion.

Without preamble I bent forward and licked the water from his stomach, going lower, and lower, and lower, until his fist wrapped around my hair, halting my progress.

“I’d say in your pants but I’m praying I’m wrong,” Zane barked.

Damn. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed .

I attempted to continue my travels to the promised land but Smith held tight.

Surely he wouldn’t scalp me, would he?

I added my force, and his grip loosened enough for me to renew my adventure.

“It’s not even six,” Smith noted. “Is there a reason you’re starting early with the joy this morning?”

“Rose was up early. I thought I’d take my opportunity to waylay any morning activities and remind you what happens if you touch Captain Taylor’s daughter.”

I smiled against Smith’s happy trail, then gave him a lick from root to tip. Happy to feel his cock respond to me and not his boss’s silly threat.

“Zane,” Smith fumed. “It’s too early for?—”

“Ivy,” Zane yelled. “I need more boob juice.”

My head came up, my gaze went to Smith, and I widened my eyes until they felt like they were bugging out of my head.

“Did he say boob juice?” I asked.

Smith didn’t answer, Zane did. “Breast milk is healthiest for a baby.”

“She’s not a baby and shouldn’t she be drinking milk by now?” Smith asked.

“Don’t listen to the idiot, my sweet baby Rose. You can have all of Mommy’s milk for as long as you want it.”

Well if that wasn’t a mood killer I didn’t know what was.

“I’m going to kick you in the penis if you keep calling breast milk boob juice. And she’s being weaned,” a woman said.

“You can’t kick me in the balls, you’ve already cut them off.”

“No one cut off your balls, Zane. It’s called a vasectomy. Do we need to have another chat?—”

“You should go let your wife explain the ins and out of?—”

“Sure,” Zane cut in. “As long as we’re clear there’s to be no in and outing on your end.”

I smiled at Smith. He didn’t return my smile or my amusement at the situation. Though a quick look downward told me his cock might not have found anything funny but it sure did find something exciting if being half hard was any indication.

“I’ve got shit to do,” Smith told Zane.

Zane’s loud sigh didn’t sound like resignation, it was more for drama and effect.

“Don’t be silly, cover your?—”

Smith disconnected before Zane could finish.

“Clothes off. Now.”

Bossy Smith gave me more than a shiver, he’d given me a full-blown body shake.

“Aye-aye, Sailor.”

I stepped back and whipped the t-shirt over my head. And since that was the only article of clothing I was wearing I was naked… and ready.

“Hands on the counter.”

I whirled around and placed my hands on his spotless vanity top.

“Don’t move.”

Smith left the room, which left me standing in front of the mirror. Instead of doing what I’d normally do—take in the room with a critical eye for the design I studied myself. Last night Smith had called me gorgeous, crazy beautiful, stunning, along with a slew of other things, some of them dirty, some sweet. I knew I wasn’t hard to look at but I wasn’t crazy beautiful, though he’d made me feel like I was. And standing there, naked, with my nipples pebbled, cheeks flushed, hair a bedhead mess, I’d never felt sexier. I didn’t understand why and I didn’t care—I just knew Smith made me feel this way and he did it with a hungry look like he couldn’t get enough.

The feeling was mutual.

Thankfully Smith didn’t make me wait long.

“You came prepared,” I teased.

He stroked his latex-covered erection and stepped behind me.

Now that was sexier. His big frame behind me, hair wet and slicked back, his features relaxed if not a little smug. Last night I had intense, bossy, stoic Smith. It would seem this morning I had bossy, intense, flirty Smith.

“Tip your ass for me.”

I walked my feet back, scooted them open, and complied.

The moment I did the head of his cock slid through my excitement. But instead of entering me, he teased.

“You think you’re funny,” he noted. “What would you have done if you got your mouth on my dick while I was talking to my boss?”

Well, that was easy.

“I would’ve sucked you off.”

Smith pulled back. I felt his heavy erection thumb my ass a few times before he shifted again and went back to sliding his shaft between my legs, still not giving me what I wanted.

“That’s all?”

“No, I would’ve sucked you and listened to you try to carry on a conversation.”

The head of his dick bumped my clit. My eyes closed, my ass tipped higher in a desperate invitation, and just in case he needed a more obvious request, I rocked back.

“Open your eyes, Aria, and take your payback like a good girl.”


Hell, if this was payback I’d do whatever I could to earn more.

“Is that your idea of a threat?”

Smith ignored my question by issuing a demand.

“Arms farther out to the sides.”

I slid my hands wider, giving him a better view of my breasts.

One of his arms wrapped around my belly, his palm went to my stomach, and just like last night, his touch was soft as he slowly moved it up to cup my breast. His thumb and forefinger found my nipple and rolled.

“You want my cock, baby?”

Did he seriously need to ask?


“Are you ready for me?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“From this?” His fingers pinched and rolled harder. “Or was it your little stunt that got you worked up?”

Hm, that’s an interesting question .

“Both. But mostly it was seeing you naked, coming out of the shower wet, reminding me I was thirsty.”

“Thirsty?” He smiled.

“I was a little dehydrated from all the orgasms.”

Smith’s smile grew until the crinkles at the sides of his eyes appeared.

Good Lord, he was hot.

I felt his cock slide back, the tip teasing my opening, but he didn’t push inside.

If he didn’t hurry this along, I was going to go crazy.

“So you thought you’d drink from my dick?”

“Seemed like a good plan,” I told him, and wiggled my ass.

“Yeah? How’s this for a better plan?” he asked.

I didn’t get a chance to tell him what I thought of his plan.

I didn’t get a chance to do much of anything when he slammed into me to hilt, taking me to my toes.

“You like my plan, Aria?”

The mere fact he had the wits about him to speak while he was slamming into me so hard, so deep I was panting, unable to form words, was a testament to his machine-like abilities.

He was insanely good at this. Best I’d ever had, by far. Never had I been fucked so thoroughly I was speechless. Never have I had a man who took me from turned on to ready to detonate in seconds. Not that I’d had tons and tons of sex, but I wasn’t a virgin by a long shot.

“What’s wrong, baby, can’t speak?”

Nope. And I wasn’t the least bit ashamed. Nor would I be above begging for more if I could get my voice to work. But just when I thought I had pulled it together enough to ask, he plucked my nipple while at the same time added a finger to my clit. There was no slow roll or slow build up. Smith had a point to prove and he was proving it—brilliantly.

“You’re gonna come for me, then you’re getting on your knees and finishing what you started.”

My pussy spasmed.

“I feel you, baby, you’re close,” he groaned. “Get there, Aria. You make me come with your sweet pussy, there will be more payback.”

I wanted more payback.

I wanted more, period.

But no matter how hard I tried to stop my orgasm, it barreled to the surface faster than I could control it.

“Goddam you’re hot,” Smith grunted. “Look at yourself, Aria. Look how sexy you are. Watch me fuck you, baby.”

My eyes glanced down to where he was holding one of my breasts. The other was swaying with the force of his thrusts. He was right—the sight was hot. But it was him behind me, driving his hips forward, his abs tight, his smile, that was far, far hotter.

“Smith,” I pushed out on an exhale.

“That’s it, honey,” he drawled and dipped his hips. When he drove in again he hit that magical spot inside me that had my orgasm exploding in a riot of sensations that raced over my body and made my legs weak. “Right. Fucking. There.” On his last thrust he swiveled his hips and stayed planted.

“Christ. Fuck,” he growled. “I gotta come, knees, now.”

Smith slid out, turned me, and shoved me to my knees. He tore the condom off, pressed the head of his cock to my lips. I opened, and he immediately took my mouth in shallow, fast thrusts.

I glanced up and lifted a brow in question.

“Is this what you wanted, Aria?”

I nodded.

Smith reached down with one hand, used the back of his knuckles to graze my nipple, while his other hand speared into my hair and tipped my head back but not enough for me to lose his dick.

“Christ, you drive me crazy.”

I was happy to hear I wasn’t alone in that.

“Take what you wanted. Suck me off, baby.”

With his permission to take over, I did just that. I sucked, and licked, and massaged his balls while he rocked into my mouth.

“Deep, Aria, I’m gonna come.”

I didn’t go deep. I continued to bob until his hand on my head stilled my movements, and he pushed to the back of my throat.

“Fuck,” he grunted. “Fucking, fuck.” The last curse came out in a rough groan as Smith spilled into my mouth.

I watched.

Boy did I watch, completely enthralled by the way his eyes rolled and his body swayed.

Now that was hot. Scorching hot.

I gave him a moment to recover before I slowly pulled him free.

When he came back to himself, the soft look on his face contradicted the sexy, smug smile he’d given me minutes ago. And again I was left wondering why this felt different, why it felt like it was more than it should’ve been. Why did I crave that look after only receiving it a few times?

Don’t be stupid, Aria.

“I’m not sure if that was the hottest sex I’ve ever had or if that particular award goes to that thing you did last night when you had me on my belly.”

Smith’s lips twitched, thankfully clearing the sweetness I couldn’t get used to. His hands went under my pits and he hauled me to my feet. After a swift kiss to my forehead, he spun me and smacked my ass.

“Shower. We’re gonna hit bridge traffic.”

Even though he couldn’t see me I still smiled.

What could I say? A night of great sex, followed by a morning of the same—even if it was the butt ass crack of dawn and I hadn’t had coffee yet—my day was shaping up to be awesome.

“And for the record,” he started. “Neither. Last night when you were riding me wild was the best sex I’ve ever had—bar none.”

It wasn’t until I was in the shower rinsing the shampoo out of my hair did his words penetrate.

Best sex I’ve ever had.

I’d said, ‘hottest sex’.

He’d said, ‘best sex.’

Me on top riding wild was the best sex Smith had ever had?

He was a guy. I’d been on top doing all the work while giving him a full view of my body.

Men liked boobs.

That had to be the reason…right?

It couldn’t be something more…right?

Damn .

Now I couldn’t stop the deliberation in my mind.

Did he or didn’t he feel something beyond the physical?

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