Snow is Falling, Cocoa is Calling! (The Coffee Loft Series: Fall Collection) 4. Chapter 4 18%
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4. Chapter 4



C aitey’s tires spit gravel as she peeled out of the Hearst Estate. She flew down the winding mountain road, then slowed in case another vehicle came around one of the sharp curves.

She wasn’t upset at Jenna. Or anyone, really. She was just tired after driving so many hours up from San Diego, especially during rush hour and bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Her right calf was aching from all the starts and stops—at least a hundred times. Then, there was the accident on Highway 5 and horrendous traffic through the Los Angeles area.

She was hungry because she hadn’t eaten any lunch, her water was long gone, and she’d hoped to be safely ensconced in her guest suite with all the wedding paraphernalia unpacked by now .

But Caitey had spotted the Coffee Loft shop Jenna mentioned on the phone when she drove through town. Thankfully her drive back to the village was passing quickly and she was almost there.

Coffee or tea wasn’t her thing, but she assumed they had cold drinks—and hopefully snacks—or she’d fall over and faint from hunger! A giant donut sounded perfect right about now.

Jenna hadn’t told her exactly where the Coffee Loft was located, but the village at the bottom of the mountain only had one Main Street, so it wasn’t like Caitey would get lost trying to find it. Only if she had a bad sense of direction would she possibly miss finding something she’d already gone past not too long ago, in a small town.

A few minutes later, she spotted the cute shop and pulled into a parking space, letting out a sigh of relief.

She took a moment to catch her breath and sent a text to Jenna to let her know she was at the Coffee Loft in case her friend arrived at the Hearst home, and she wasn’t there.

Then she sent a text to her parents. I made it to Hearst Estate. It’s spectacular and intimidating, but a gorgeous spot for the wedding. I can’t wait to see you both tomorrow night!

Caitey finally climbed out of her car, careful to lock her doors, and hoped nobody would break in and steal any wedding decorations.

While walking through the door of the coffee shop, she winced at the ache in her toes. She’d never been able to walk all day in heels, so it was a good thing she was basically self-employed so she could determine her work attire.

The warm, rich scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mixed with the sweet smell of yeasty pastries and a hint of cinnamon, chocolate, and cream from the kitchen.

“May I help you, ma’am?” a young woman said at the counter.

Caitey winced. Did she look like a ma’am? She had just turned twenty-nine, but still. Of course, the counter girl looked no more than twenty.

She studied the menu and then ordered a large Dr Pepper with extra ice and a cinnamon bagel with walnut honey cream cheese. She loved the Coffee Loft’s hot cocoa, but she was hot and tired and needed some caffeine!

Behind her, the line grew. The shop bell over the door chimed repeatedly behind her, but in less than a minute after ringing up Caitey’s credit card, the girl handed over her order.

She shoved the card into the side pocket of her handbag and pivoted on her heel to scan the shop for a booth.

A tall, husky man was right behind her in line. She hadn’t noticed that he was so close. When she turned, Caitey practically launched her order right into his chest. Her drink sloshed and a moment of panic rose up her throat when she almost tossed the entire soda on his suit coat.

Suit coat.

Caitey’s eyes darted from his chest all the way up to his face, gripping her food while her handbag slid off her shoulder.

The man behind her had shoulders like an offensive tackle in the Superbowl. His jaw was chiseled, those lips were full and dreamy, topped by deep chocolate eyes and thick dark brown hair in the perfect short and sleek masculine haircut.

His expression was one of interest, but a touch of amusement sparkled in his eyes as if enjoying her shock while she tried to hang on to her drink.

A shiver ran down Caitey’s body at their close proximity. Then she narrowed her eyes. “ You ,” she said in a hoarse whisper. “You’re that guy ! That guy in the woods . . . right? Am I right?”

He blinked at her as if she was speaking Martian.

She stepped backward, nerves on high alert, palms turning sweaty. “Are you some kind of stalker?”

Caitey was tempted to throw her bagel and drink into his face, but the man quickly stepped backward as if sensing danger, holding up his hands.

“Whoa, there. I’m just a customer like you.”

When Caitey called him a stalker, the rest of the line whipped their heads toward them. One woman took a quick step back, distancing herself. The other customers just seemed grumpy at the delay.

A man said, “Move out of the line, please!”

Embarrassed, Caitey clutched at her order and stepped aside, her face burning. The room blurred and then cleared as she spotted an empty table by the picture windows.

She walked toward it, head down, doing her best to ignore the rest of the room. Thankfully, it wasn’t too busy. Mid-afternoon was in between the lunch and dinner rush. Setting down her drink and bagel plate, she sank into the chair and put a hand to her hot face.

Her body stayed rigid. Caitey desperately wanted to glance behind her, but she did not want to let that guy know she was looking at him.

Setting her handbag on the empty chair next to her, she blew out her breath and took a big drink. The burn of cold Dr Pepper was a rush of sanity and slowed down her pounding heart.

Opening the two sides of her bagel, she spread the cream cheese on it and took a tiny bite.

She sensed a shadow moving in close and jerked her head up mid-chew.

It was him again. She had hoped he’d get his order and leave. Caitey couldn’t get rid of the image burned into her eyes of that man staring at her from the shadows of the woods.

Talk about freak-out!

“May I sit down?” his low masculine voice asked.

Caitey gulped and almost choked on the bite of bagel. “ No !” she blurted out on instinct.

His features and voice softened. “I’m terribly sorry I startled you back at the house. I didn’t mean to. I’m not a stalker. At all.”

He paused, gazing at her, his eyes roving her face appreciatively. It had been a long time since Caitey had been looked at in that manner. It was disconcerting but also nice to be admired.

His chocolate brown eyes latched on to hers and held them for a tiny moment. His lips turned into a smile with perfect white teeth, and suddenly this guy looked like a Boy Scout. Impish, friendly, puzzled, and apologetic.

“May I explain?” he asked, gesturing to the empty seat across the table from Caitey.

“Um, I guess so,” she finally murmured. “It is a public place. I don’t intend to make another scene.”

He slid into the chair opposite her. “Neither do I. By the way, I’m Marcus Hearst—well, actually, Stirling. I mentioned Hearst so you’d know who I’m connected to.”

Caitey sat up straighter. “Hearst? You’re related to the Hearst family that owns the estate? You are the guy I saw . What were you doing lurking in the woods?”

“I wasn’t lurking, just doing reconnaissance.”

“Huh? Reconnaissance ? Is there going to be a skirmish?” she quipped. “How are you connected to them?”

“Logan Hearst is my best friend. I take care of the cameras and video for the estate’s security, especially when there is a big event, party, or meeting. Or family reunion. Which doesn’t happen that often. Mostly weddings and funerals are when family gets together, right? ”

A smile crept over Caitey’s lips. That was funny. She blew out her breath. “You were installing cameras,” she stated.

He nodded. “Putting in new ones, checking the old ones. Not just the woods, but the rear grounds and the house, too.”

“But it’s a gated estate with a keypad for security. Does it require so many cameras?”

Marcus chuckled. “You’d be surprised at some of the sneaky hooligans who manage to get in, but when the family isn’t in residence, it’s necessary to take precautions.”

“Are you really related to the Hearst family? As in, the William Randolph Hearst newspaper tycoon?”

“Not me. Logan, my best friend since we were kids is the ‘heir.’ He’s fourth or fifth generation, of course. It’s a British name.”

Caitey gave a tiny smile. “I gathered that.”

“I noticed your vehicle was quite packed. Do you have something to do with the wedding?”

“Oh, yes,” Caitey said with a laugh. “I’m Caitey Belgrave, Jenna’s cousin. Our mothers are sisters, so our last names are different, but I’m the wedding planner. That’s my, um, occupation.”

He smiled again, and Caitey found herself gazing in awe at his teeth, which were absolute perfection.

“I’ve heard of wedding planners. It’s a good idea since Jenna lives in New Orleans, but she and Logan decided to have the wedding out here. It is a lovely spot and more intimate and personal when it’s a family home .”

“I’m eager to see the house. I live in San Diego, so I’m in the same state. Just had to fight the afternoon traffic, which is a bear.”

“Ah, it all makes sense then.” He sipped his drink, blowing across the top to cool it. It appeared to be hot cocoa with whipped cream.

Caitey wasn’t listening very closely. She couldn’t help staring at his beautiful mouth again. Not overly full or wide, but perfectly suited for his face. Perfect for kissing.

Good grief, where did that idea come from? She didn’t usually fantasize about strangers. Not even movie stars, for that matter. It had been a long time since she’d fantasized about anyone.

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