Southpaw Slots (The Compass Series Book 3) Chapter 15 60%
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Chapter 15

He busts through the door like something’s on fire, but all the flames have settled in his eyes. Biting my bottom lip to keep from laughing, I give my wife’s cunt another lick and she leans back on the desk and pants out, “Hey, Wyatt. We missed you.”

Frozen like he just caught us doing something bad, his hand sticks to the doorknob as I stroke my tongue through her wetness, then bite on her clit until she screams. Shaking my head between her thighs, I get every bit of her tasty juices on my face, then sit back on my knees and say, “Come lick her with me. Help me eat my wife’s pussy.”

That’s all he needs to slam the door closed, tossing off his shirt and his pants as he walks around the desk, then drops to his knees next to me. Arianna laces her fingers through our hair and squeezes our heads together. Her eyelids lower as she watches us take turns giving her pleasure. I’ve been stroking myself slowly, just waiting for him to get home, and the sight of him so eager to be with us makes me throb in my hand.

Wyatt’s tongue spends time on her hole, but I grow impatient and miss her scent. Shoving in next to him, we lick together, our tongues colliding as we suck and fuck her with our two mouths. “Boys…boys…I’m gonna come.”

Lifting my chin up to her, I say, “Do it, empress. Come all over our faces as we worship you together.”

As I suck on her clit, I catch Wyatt’s bottom lip with it, pulling both of them into my mouth as he strokes around my face with his tongue. Oddly, the feeling of his warm, Wyatt-scented breaths makes me harder until I jerk myself rapidly, his hairy thigh jiggling next to mine as he does the same.

“Asa!” my wife screams as she erupts. Both Wyatt and I pause for a moment, until Wyatt sticks his tongue inside her hole to drink her pleasure. I guess he’s going to let it go that she said my name. But some fucking force within me rears up from deep inside my soul. Like I need to take care of her and him. I don’t want him to feel left out and alone. He belongs with us.

Not able to hold back my own ecstasy, I stand up and straddle Wyatt’s head. Arianna pants out breaths as I place a hand on her chest, easing her back against the desk. “Lay back, baby. Let me fuck this cum inside you. Give you my baby.”

Wyatt’s shaved head tickles my inner thighs as he tries to back up, but I command, “No. Stay right there. Watch me fuck her.” Then I line up and slide inside. My wife and I groan our pleasure in sync. Grabbing her thighs, I scoot her almost off the edge of the surface, so her ass is right over Wyatt’s face. He twists around, so he sits on his tailbone, stroking himself. “It won’t take long. I want you to catch my cum as it drips out of her pussy. You ready, wild card?”

“Yeah… Yes.”

“I want to hear you say you want my cum. Do you?”

He doesn’t respond, so I reach beneath Arianna and slap his cheek gently. “Yes. Yes, I want your cum, maverick. I want to eat it. Fuck. Just fucking give it to me, okay?”

Smiling, I thrust harder into my wife, and she sits, twisting her arms around my neck. Her grin matches mine as we fuck on top of her boyfriend’s face. Yeah…I don’t want him going anywhere.

“You ready, wife? Want me to knock you up now?”

Lowering her eyelids, she gives me a sultry look. “Yes, Asa, you know I do. Give it to me, daddy. I want your babies.”

“Oh, fuck!” No one’s ever really called me that before. Hearing that word come out of her mouth makes it impossible to hold back. Latching my teeth onto the crook of her neck, I yell and erupt inside her, filling her with my seed. As the throbs slow in my cock, my skin tingles when Wyatt’s hands crawl up my inner thighs until his fingers spread us. Like, he’s desperate for our taste in his mouth.

I draw back and my flaccid cock hangs between my thighs. He doesn’t even hesitate. As Arianna squeezes her pussy, my white jizz oozes out of her and drizzles down into his open, waiting mouth. Despite that his hand is still wrapped around his pierced cock, he’s sprayed his own cum all over his sculpted chest. The sight of him sweaty, covered in his desire for watching us and his lips coated with my DNA makes heat roll into my belly.

My fingers loosely hold his chin, but he knows what to do. Staring into my eyes with his light green ones, he closes his mouth and defiantly swallows. “Good boy,” I tell him as my cheeks flame with something like a raging arousal.

Arianna pulls me closer to her with her feet wrapped around my waist and says, “I want a kiss.” Leaning over, I press my lips against hers. No matter how many kids we have or don’t or wherever we are in the world, or how much of this city lights on fire…this force with her? It’s my gravity. And the thought of being in love with her is gone.

It’s a fact.

I love her. But there’s no way I’m telling her in front of Wyatt. Not when she may not feel the same way. She called out my name, though, when she came. Like it was me doing it alone.

And it’s weird that I feel bad for the wild card that she didn’t include him, too. But she makes up for it as soon as we break our kiss as she pulls Wyatt in close. He feeds her the remnants of my cum from his tongue.

“Shit,” he says, walking over to his jeans and tugging them on. I lean a hip against the desk and pull my wife over to me so I can sniff her hair.

“What?” I ask, my voice muffled by Arianna’s olive skin.

“I got a meeting to lead tonight.” Tossing his black T-shirt over his head, I stand and do the same.

“I’ll come.”

His eyes narrow as he whips his head to me. “What?”

“I’ll go with you.”

Working his hands onto his hips, he stares me down for a moment. “Fine, but I’ll drive.”


He walks out the door as I snag my wife’s waist and kiss her gently. Brushing back her hair, I press my forehead to hers. “Put your legs up. I want you pregnant as soon as possible.”

“Okay, handsome,” she says, giving me a sly smirk. “Don’t be gone too long, though. I’ll miss you.”

My heart soars. She’ll miss me. And I’ll miss her. “You want to come with us?”

“No. That sounds boring, and Wyatt says I should avoid those guys. They don’t like me.”

“How could someone not like you?” I ask with a smile.

“Come on, mav! Let’s go!” Wyatt yells from the front door.

The Escalade runs. It’s not perfect, and it’s missing the front bumper and side panel. And the hood is still crunched. But the engine does its job after the repairs. “You want me to work on fixing this thing more? It sounds like shit,” Wyatt says as he backs out of the garage.

“Yeah, sure.” Thinking about earlier and my wife calling out my name, how alone he may be feeling, I ask, “Can I watch?”

As he heads out onto the main road, he checks the rearview. I think he hasn’t heard me, and I’m not going to repeat it, but he says, “You want to watch me fix a car?”

“And I want you to teach me how to ride.”

Twisting his neck, his eyebrows shoot up as he asks, “A bike?”

“A motorcycle, yes.”

“Sure, mav. I can show you. What’s all this new interest? In…everything.”

My dick twitches in my pants, and I slump in my seat to give it some room. “Because you’re in our life now. You’re ours. We’re yours. Arianna said that you want to be part of us and, well, maybe I want that, too. And if we’re together, then I want to learn.”

Glancing out the window, I don’t expect any response. But a tickle on my thigh makes me turn back to look. Wyatt’s not watching the road. His eyes fix firmly on my face as the back of his finger strokes along my outer thigh. Watching it move, it sends sparks wherever he touches, and my cock gets harder.

Do I…

Do I have a crush on my wife’s boyfriend?

“Thanks.” With a lift to his chest, he finally breaks the silence and straightens in his seat. But when he goes to pull his hand back, I slap mine on top. I don’t make any eye contact as I lick my bottom lip and stare at the city streets passing by. My belly flips repeatedly as the heat rises in my blood.

I’m holding hands with Wyatt.

And as his fingers spread, he laces his pinkie with mine.

When he throws the car in park outside some absolute shithole cinder block building, he releases my hand and turns in his seat to me. “Hey, Asa? These guys are good men. But they’re not very welcoming to outsiders. Especially those from another part of town or…”



Shrugging a shoulder, I jump out, but before I shut the door, I say, “Good thing I’m not, then.”

But he’s right. As we walk in, every head darts to me while I walk down the center aisle like I’m the last pig at a luau. Wyatt puts his hand on my shoulder and murmurs in my ear, “Sit here.” Practically shoving me into a front row fold out chair, I do.

The man next to me smells of a mix of tobacco, weed, body odor, and malt liquor. So I lean forward and put my elbows on my thighs to give my nose some distance from the scent.

There’s a rusted music stand alone on a small makeshift stage, and Wyatt waltzes up to it as the men quiet their voices. Hardly any women are in attendance. Mainly, it’s really rough looking guys in leather vests with old tattoos. Not the fancy ink like we do in our shops in the south. No, these are done behind bars somewhere. It smells like a barn in here, but from the looks of the place, it was probably some type of warehouse at one point.

“A lot of you don’t understand what it takes to help change minds.” Wyatt’s voice rings out like he’s wearing a microphone, but he’s not. It’s just projection, and the rattling baritone shakes my shoes. He looks so commanding up there, everyone rapt in attention as he starts. “But things happen behind the scenes you aren’t aware of. Things I’m working on.”

“Like what?!” some guy yells from the back, and a few heads turn, but the man sits back down.

“Like things you shouldn’t know about yet.” Wyatt seems to center himself with a stroke across his scruff, then continues. “I brought you out of utter destitution. I’ve helped you get jobs, earn some money. Feed your families. And I did all that by helping you get out of your poverty mindset. I helped shape your minds. But it’s not enough!” He grips the edge of the podium.

“No, it’s not,” the crowd murmurs.

“We know what needs to be done. Strauss is the problem here. He’s the one who has set up this entire game where we fail, and he wins! We need to take down his allies one by one. Dismantle them and feed them to the poor.”

A boom of riotous chants in agreement rings through the inner walls.

“But how? He has so many in the north and elsewhere. Like in the west. Changing your mind isn’t enough. I need to capture their hearts. And once I do, I’ll sneak in, and we’ll place our man on top.”

The heavy voices are muted until one man speaks clearly near my back. “Who’s our man?”

Wyatt’s chest expands as he takes a deep breath, then looks at me. His palm extends to the front row and the shuffling of people craning their necks to look is like knives in my skin.

“Ace Donovan.”

Collective gasps suck the air from the room before it’s blown out in angry shouts. Wow. I didn’t realize so many people hated me this much. Not only that, but what is he talking about? Me as consort to the city? That’s ludicrous. No one would vote for that. I can’t even make a bed. How could I run Gnarled Pine Hollow?

Someone shoves me in the back with an elbow as another throws a beer bottle at my head. The hit hurts, but I duck away from the flurry of followers. Covering my face with my hands, I dodge more items and rush to the front, trying to get away as the shards of glass explode on the concrete walls and floor. Men surround me, pushing in close, some running full speed at the pile of us as if they’ve been waiting to tear me limb from limb.

Was this Wyatt’s way of getting rid of Arianna’s husband?

My T-shirt gets twisted into two firm grips as Wyatt’s hands latch onto me, then tug me up onto the stage. “Move, maverick. Let’s go.” He shoves me toward a back door, and as soon as we exit, we slam it closed behind us. He takes off to the front parking lot and I follow at a sprint.

When we reach it, however, a giant explosion throws us off our feet into the grass several yards off the pavement. Both of us watch as the flames engulf my Escalade while the men from the meeting cheer and throw their arms into the night sky in celebration.

“Fuck.” Scrambling back on his elbows, Wyatt stands as I stare at the destruction in front of us. “Get up, let’s go. We have to hide.”

As we jog to the back tree line, I huff out, “What the fuck, wild card?! Why’d you drop my name like that?”

“Move now. Questions later,” he says, then stops, his head swiveling around in the darkness. “I don’t know where the fuck to go.”

My shoulders relax. “This way, come on.” So he knows where he’s heading but has no sense of direction. The pines on East Side are barren and don’t provide us much protection, but moving deeper into the woods, I feel more at home. Gnarled Pine Park stretches at the base of the city and as the trees get more sturdy, so does my resolve. We should be safe once we get farther south.

“I need a minute,” he says, puffing out breaths. The moon is our only source of light and, despite it being the middle of summer, a breeze picks up in the valley we find ourselves in, sending a chill down my spine.

Placing a hand against an oak, he spits as he gathers up some air. Running is just part of my boxer training. My lungs hurt a bit, but not too bad. But I need to rest my legs if we have to go any farther. Sliding against the base of the bark, I stretch my thighs for a moment.

“Should we call…” he wonders out loud.

“Arianna? No. I don’t want my wife out here when they could find her. She’s safer behind our walls.”

He nods. “Agreed.” Slumping next to me, he asks, “What about your wolf pack?”

“I already thought of that. And we’ll just end up in this same situation. They want you gone, as much as your boys want me dead.” Letting my head rest against the tree, I pull out my phone. “But I’ll tell Kline. He’ll tell Leo. And then I won’t be let out of the house for a month.”

He straightens as he darts his head to me. “Let? You’re Asa McClelland Donovan. Who lets you do anything? You’re the fucking King of the South. Fuck! Maybe you should act like it.”

Putting the phone down, I sigh. “You’re right. You and Arianna.”

“How did this come about anyway? How did they neuter you?”

Despite the irritation at his words, I rub my jaw and reflect on it for once. I haven’t in years sat back and really analyzed everything that happened. Now, sitting out here where I once felt at home, where I got some comfort, I tell him. “Living in a fantasy. Ugh… When my sister died and my parents forgot about me, my kid brain would try to conjure up ways to bring her back. It wasn’t just for me. It was for all of us, for our collective and separate pain. And then I just didn’t want to think anymore. So whatever little hit of dopamine I could muster up, I tried. Video games became boring, so then I’d start fights. I fucked girls. Did drugs. Did girls and drugs. And booze. Then…gambling. The games were some promise of a way to win everything back. Poker always promised to give me my life back.”

Tears spring to my eyes thinking about everything I’ve lost. Closing them, some leak out and roll down my cheeks. The pain surges back, the one I’ve tried to keep at bay for so long. It’s here now, like the explosion that took out my car. “But it never did. And since I haven’t touched it and I haven’t drunk or done anything, I know how foolish I was, trying to find that mirage.” Laughing, I press my fist against my forehead. “Now that I live in reality, that promise seems futile. Things don’t work out all the time. They can’t. It’s probability. But I had control all along. I’ve just never used it. I could have made my life better instead of wasting time on forgetting.”

The part that I keep hidden inside is something I want to confess. As soon as I can see Arianna again, she needs to understand that everything changed when I married her. She’s the promise of something better in my future and I have the ability to make that happen. I have to tell her that I love her and hope she feels the same way. The way we combine when we kiss makes me think she does.

Wyatt’s hand slides across my shoulders and his fingers grip the back of my neck, forcing my eyes open. “This is what I’m talking about, maverick. This is the man I recommended up there. The one in control. Everyone in this city needs you. Max is too focused on his own legacy. And Cal…”

At the mention of his name, my eyes meet Wyatt’s wide ones. “Yeah. Cal? The man who murdered your sister? He’s Strauss’s ally. Of course, you can talk with him. See if he’ll support you instead of Strauss if put to a vote. But I think we both know how that will go. Diplomacy is good, though.”

“I never wanted to be a leader. I mean, I’m sorry for the people, but…I just want to raise a family. And now that the casino is back up, I’ll have the income to do that. Just stay on my side and hope no one bothers us. Maybe I should talk with Cal anyway.”

Wyatt squats in front of me and tilts his head to the side. “You should. But he may not let it go. Don’t your spies have some type of code or something? To his house? I heard Kline say…”

Biting my lip, I realize I haven’t been keeping up with any of my staff. Kline has done everything and even Wyatt knows more than me. That needs to change. “Like to get inside his house? Through the gates and stuff?”

He glances down between us for a moment. “I think they can blow up the entirety of Von Dovish manor from Gnarled Pine Hollow’s existence with the foxes inside.”

Feeling a bit uneasy at the thought of destroying my friend and his legacy makes me shift my hips on the hard ground. “So let’s do that to Strauss’s place instead.”

“Why not both?” His lips curl into a smirk. “We can’t approach Strauss’s manor. He’s got the high ground and hasn’t left his place in almost a year. Though Freidenberg did a decent job of taking out some of his men. But this is what I’m talking about, Ace! You’re the man for this job.” Settling back on his butt, his eyes maintain focus on mine in the dimly lit space between us. “I want them gone. I want the entire family line incinerated. Like they did with me.”

My brow furrows at him. “What do you mean?”

As if he can’t look at me, his head hangs. “Listen, I’ve never told anyone this, but I came here because I was trafficked here. Was in the trade since a young age.”

Reaching across our bodies, I lace my fingers through his and encourage him to go on. “So this is revenge for you?”

He finally looks at me. “Yeah, it is. And helping the people of the city, too.”

“Does Arianna know?”

“No,” he says quickly, as if ashamed. “I don’t want her to know. It’s—it’s nothing I really want to discuss.”

“So why’d you tell me?”

Sniffing in a deep inhale, he says, “Because I believe you are the best man to rule the city. And because… Fuck, maverick. I didn’t want to think about this or even fucking say it. But you’re gonna make me, aren’t you?”

“Say what?” But even with my question, I understand where this is going. And I need it. My heart pounds powerfully as sweat forms across my forehead.

“I’m not gay. Shit, I don’t know what I’m saying. But, goddamnit, Ace. I’m into you. Like, attracted to you. Get butterflies in my stomach and all that shit around you. I’ve never once had that happen to me for someone with a dick. Arianna is delicate, you know this. She’s your wife. But you? You’re strong and I’ve been through a lot. So when we’ve done stuff together, it’s different than what happened to me. And I think it’s a good thing.” Letting go of my hand, he rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms. “I don’t know how to put this.”

The pain I felt for my own circumstances transfers to thinking about a young Wyatt struggling here in his forsaken city. Alone, probably terrified. And we’ve been fucking around together like it’s a joke. “You mean dudes raped you and stuff.”

Slowly, his eyes raise to mine. “Yes.” My jaw clenches at the ire cementing within my belly. I want revenge for him, too.

I take a deep breath as I think about his words and try to settle these puzzling feelings I’m having. Have I hurt him without knowing? “But when you and I and Arianna have been together, it feels different.”

Nodding, he says quietly. “It feels, um, amazing. But confusing.” Some moments pass between us, just scanning the other’s face. He breaks the silence and asks, “Are you into me?”

Scooting my butt closer to him, his legs lay over my thighs. I curl my fingers around the back of his neck and press our foreheads together. Our misty breaths mingle as our chests rapidly expand in sync. My cock fills with blood as I glance down and see how close our cores align.

“What are you…” he whispers, some of his spit mingling inside my mouth.

“Shh. I want to try this.” Lowering my head, I softly press my lips to his, and his sharp inhale tickles my skin. “Can I?” When I blink up at him, he gives me a slight nod. Then I press my mouth over his.

He’s not like Arianna, soft and gentle. His rough stubble rubs against mine as our lips move in sync, slow at first, and as anticipation sends tingles throughout my body, I move closer. His jaw moves stronger than Arianna’s. More forceful. And his firm arms wrap around me and mine around him.

Then we collide. Shoving his lips open, I don’t wait for an invitation, my tongue just delves inside. Wyatt kisses like he doesn’t want to, and then when he gives in…he’s all in. His hands run through my hair, mine gripping his skin tighter. He tastes like fire and something familiar that I can’t place. But it feels like he’s part of me.

“Fuck!” he moans against my mouth, the reverberations causing me to harden even more in my jeans.

As I pull away from him, my moist lips press together so I can try to slow my pulse. “So, uh, yeah. I am attracted to you, and I’m not into dicks normally, either.”

He swallows, and the corner of his mouth kicks up into a smirk.

Laughing, I tell him, “I guess your jewels worked.”

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