Spice’s Halloween (Royal Bastards MC: Camden Maine Chapter #2) Chapter Four. 50%
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Chapter Four.

Lindy – The past.

S pice was amusing the hell out of me. He was trying to be himself but at the same time watching his manners. Which was really sweet, but I’d rather see Spice be his natural self than someone he wasn’t.

The truth was, I already liked Spice a lot, which said little for me considering I’d only broken up with David three weeks ago now. But this last week, Spice had come over to mine and cooked and we’d watched a movie. Or Spice had taken me out on his bike (twice, and I needed more!). Once, we’d even gone for a walk around the park at night.

Spice meticulously planned every date. He correctly guessed I didn’t want to be seen in public until my bruises went down, so he sought things we could do.

Honestly, I was unsure why he was dating me because I didn’t exactly fit into his world of Harleys and bold women. Nor was I a huge party girl; I loved being at home with a blanket and fire going.

Spice was even cuter with gifts. He didn’t go for flowers and chocolates when picking me up or coming over. The first night, Spice handed me a chunky silver bracelet, and on the following dates, he gave me a charm that reflected the date. We watched a film about a cruise ship tipping over, and the people had to escape it, so Spice bought me a ship.

When we went for the two bike rides, I received a motorbike charm and the second time I got a helmet. Spice’s every action was deliberate, with me as the focus. I’d never been spoiled in my life. Apart from my parents, that is, and they were just as charmed by Spice as me.

Somehow, Spice had tracked them down and informed them what had happened.

They had called immediately, and Spice had been here when they’d done so. Between the both of us, we’d reassured them they didn’t need to fly home. Mom had been very taken with Spice, claiming he was a hundred times better than David. That had made me laugh. Spice had shrugged it off when I expressed gratitude for hunting them down.

Those little things meant more to me than David’s extravagant gestures. Comparing Spice to David was like judging a rose to a weed. David had never been this considerate, and three weeks after our dramatic breakup, I didn’t miss David at all. That led me to question whether I’d really been in love with him. One thing for certain was David hadn’t loved me.

I’d found David’s black book entirely by accident that day. I had been looking for some documents my mom had asked me to fax over when I discovered it. David hadn’t hidden it very well in truth.

When I began to read, a burning hatred had welled in my stomach, swiftly followed by a shit load of hurt. But I now realised that I hadn’t been upset because I loved him. It was more being taken for a fool.

Since the attack, I’d not seen or heard from David. But I had recognised his voice as he’d hissed ‘bitch’ at me. Did David really think I wouldn’t recognise him? That revealed David’s disconnection from reality.

But it no longer mattered. David was out of my life.

Spice – The past.

“If you complain one more time, Fists…” I warned my brother.

Fists made a growling noise and gazed at the bar as we sat on our Harleys, watching.

“Are we sure that fucker is in there?” Fists asked.

“Why don’t I go and check?” Pipes offered.

“No!” we all hissed.

“What the fuck?” Pipes asked.

“Tell me a bar other than ours that you’ve been in and not started a punch-up within an hour?” Berserker demanded.

Pipes pursed his lips as he considered Berserker’s words.

“Exactly,” Fists muttered.

“Look, I’ll go. Higgins won’t recognise me,” Fists said as Pipes began bitching under his breath.

“Don’t start a fuckin’ fight,” Berserker warned.

“Prez, my name isn’t Pipes,” Fists shot back and swung off his Harley.

Ten minutes passed before Fists returned.

“That is the fucker’s vehicle, but Higgins ain’t driving it. Asshole’s let some bitch called Maggie have his car while he drives hers. Says she’s not seen Higgins for a few days as he’s away on business,” Fists said.

“Bullshit. Higgins is lying low. Did you find out what she drives?” I demanded.

“A blue Camero. I got the deets. Let’s move before someone gets suspicious,” Fists replied.

We rode back to the clubhouse, where Fists explained about the woman he’d found driving asshole’s wheels. Maggie happened to be a dippy idiot who’d no idea where the asshole was or the fact she’d been played.

I took the details Fists had teased from Maggie, and Berserker said he’d let the rest of the brothers know. Nobody needed me to explain I was making a move on Lindy. They just accepted and rolled with it.

When I arrived home, it was late and Lindy’s lights were off. I’d told Lindy I was working at the strip club tonight so that she wouldn’t wait up. My actual plans had been to find Higgins and take him to the Hideaway. That’s what we called the place where we held assholes who’d pissed us off. People received some serious beatdowns and often died there.

The Hideaway’s location in a cemetery was somewhat amusing. We killed and then rolled the bodies into an open grave and then buried some poor fuck on top. A crematorium stood at the back of the site, but despite our attempts to buy it, it remained owned by someone else.

We kept offering to buy the business every so often but were always rejected. It would be a far easier place to get rid of the dead bodies rather than keep digging damn holes. One day we’d get our hands on it.

Tired, I let myself into my house and wandered upstairs. Bedtime.

Lindy – The past.

My body relaxed as I heard Spice’s bike come home. For a couple of hours now, I’d been lying there in the dark. Spice had told me he was out at the strip joint tonight, but I knew differently. Spice wasn’t aware I knew a barmaid there, and she’d informed me he wasn’t in, which meant Spice was doing something illegal. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Shit, I’d not even jaywalked.

Did I really want to involve myself with someone who was involved neck-deep in unlawful shit? Damn, I hadn’t asked if the club ran guns, and I should have done. That might have been the answer to sink the boat, and I liked Spice.

All I could judge Spice on was how he treated me, and that was like I was something precious. Not even my parents indulged me as much as Spice did. I closed my eyes and imagined life without Spice. Emptiness and loneliness greeted me. A boring suburbia wife who didn’t really love her husband and had compromised. That’s what I saw my future as.

It was enough to make me shudder, and my eyes popped open. That existence was not for me. Spice had introduced me to new experiences, and I wanted to live life to the maximum.

The realisation hit that, with David, I’d settled. Worse, I’d moulded myself to David’s wants and needs and shoved my own aside. With Spice, he put me first. There was no doubt that Spice was far better than David.

As I pulled the covers up tightly, I heard a noise and froze. Listening intently, I frowned and caught it again. The floorboard in the downstairs hallway had creaked. Quietly, I sat up, my heart pounding and telling myself that I was imagining things. Seconds ticked past, and the bottom step squeaked.

Shit! Someone was in my house.

Without a second thought, I flew out of bed, thankful I wore pyjamas, and headed for the window. Outside stood a large tree that, a few years ago, I’d conquered when sneaking out. On opening the window, I clambered onto the ledge and leaned out, wrapping my arms around the branch just above my head.

I heard more creaks on the stairs and swung out and placed my feet on the thick branch below me. Regressing to a teenager again, I shuffled along until I hit the trunk and climbed down, finding the hand and footholds that were ingrained into my memory.

Once on the ground, I broke into a run, ignoring the stones and sticks under my bare feet. Whoever was in my home shouldn’t have been there and, therefore, intended harm. Without thinking, I belted over to Spice’s house and banged loudly.

A shiver ran through me, and I kept an eye out behind me even as I kept knocking. The door flew open, and I hit Spice on his bare chest.


“There’s someone in my house,” I gasped as I looked at it.

Spice followed my gaze, and I made a disturbed noise as we spotted a face staring out of the bedroom window.

“Lock yourself in,” Spice demanded as he moved, shoved me inside, and slammed the door.

Spice then took off towards my house.

“Shit, you weren’t meant to do that!” I exclaimed as I wrung my hands together.

Quickly, I hunted down a phone and dialled the police. An operator asked if I was safe, and when I confirmed I was, she told me to stay there. She said she’d remain on the line as she sent a car to my home. That was fine until a loud bang boomed from my house.

“Was that a gunshot?” I gasped.

“Gunshot? Don’t leave where you are, Miss Reynolds,” the woman warned.

A car door slammed, and lights turned on in a parked vehicle close by. I squinted but couldn’t distinguish the make or model.

“A car just sped away. It was a light colour, and Spice hasn’t come back. I’m going over,” I said and hung up.

I grabbed Spice’s keys from where they lay in a bowl in the hallway and crept out. Moving silently and keeping low, I kept staring at my house. The front door stood open, which meant either Spice had entered or the intruder had left that way. Terrified, I paused at the threshold, trying to control my breathing, which seemed really loud.

A groan hit my ears, and a soft, slurred curse followed.

“Spice?” I whispered.

“Get the fuck out of here. The asshole is carrying,” Spice shouted with alarm in his voice.

“You’re shot?” I screeched, forgetting the armed intruder bit. Worried, I stepped inside and peered around in the dark.

“Lindy, leave!” Spice roared.

“But you’re hurt!”

“The motherfucker might still be here. Honestly, Lindy, fuckin’ go!”

“No, he drove away. I saw him,” I replied, praying I was correct.

On edge, I moved forward and spotted a figure propped up on the floor by the entrance to the kitchen.

“Spice!” I cried and hit the light.

“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Spice grumbled as I dropped to my knees and checked him over. Blood streamed down his bare chest from his shoulder.

“You’re wounded! Oh fuck, you’re shot!” I exclaimed as panic rose.

“Calm down,” Spice ordered as my hands fluttered in his face.

Not answering, I jumped up and ran into the kitchen and grabbed some clean towels. I dashed back and placed one on Spice’s shoulder. Spice winced, and I guessed I’d been a little heavy-handed.

“Sorry. Oh God, I can’t believe you were hit. David freaking opened fire on you!” I babbled.

“David? You saw him?”

“Yes, in the window!”

Spice’s hand landed on my thigh, and he held my gaze.

“Lindy, calm your ass down. Don’t tell the police David shot me. My club will deal with that cunt. The wound isn’t life-threatening, although it’s gonna be a pain in my ass,” Spice said.

“David shot your ass, too? That’s a crime because you have a really nice butt,” I cried, and Spice chuckled and flinched again.

“My butt’s fine, Lindy. The asshole hit my shoulder, and I’ve taken one to the leg, but I’m okay. Take some deep breaths, baby,” Spice spoke calmly.

Sirens sounded outside, and I lifted my head.

“Help! He’s been shot!” I screamed.

Spice sighed.

A man I vaguely recognised entered the house, followed by two uniforms. They spotted me on the floor, and Spice sitting propped up, and yelled for us to hold our hands up.

“Love to asshole, but I’ve been hit, as you can see,” Spice snapped.

“Keep your hands in the open. Denning, cuff him,” the plain-clothed guy ordered.

“Why are you cuffing him? Spice is the victim,” I screeched, making everyone wince.

“Lady, we received a call. You had an intruder in your home,” the idiot in charge said.

My memory clicked, and I realised this was the detective from before.

“You!” I seethed, and he looked shocked. “Yes, I called. I climbed out my window to escape and ran to Spice for help. When I got there, we both witnessed someone at my bedroom window, and Spice came over to try and…” I broke off. I guessed what Spice’s intentions had been, but I couldn’t tell the cops that.

“Carry on,” Ventor sneered, eyeing us both.

“Make a citizen’s arrest,” Spice filled in.

“Check the house and ensure it’s clear,” Ventor said to the uniforms.

“Finally,” I snorted.

“And how do we know you didn’t shoot him, Miss Reynolds, and are now lying because he’s threatened you?” Ventor demanded, still not lowering his gun.

“Because the asshole who broke in is my ex-fiancé, David Higgins. We saw David clearly staring from my bedroom window,” I said, and Spice grunted in disappointment.

I flicked Spice a glance, but his face was impassive.

“And why would your ex-fiancé be doing this?” Ventor asked as he finally lowered his gun. “Call this in. We’ve got an active crime scene,” he ordered a uniform.

Ventor remained uninterested until I explained how I’d outed all the neighbours. His eyebrows shot into his hairline when I explained how I’d informed David’s boss. And followed up by calling every phone number in his book and exposing all the cheating bitches. The cops stared horrified at me at the end.

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” one of the uniforms muttered.

“Is it possible Mr Higgins was behind your attack?” Ventor asked.

I wriggled on the floor, and Ventor sighed alongside Spice.

“Never play poker, Miss Reynolds,” Ventor said, and Spice chuckled. “When did you remember it was Mr Higgins?”

“At the hospital. But you were pissing me off, so I said nothing. You were really judgemental,” I snapped defensively.

“Well, that bit you and Spice on the ass. Any news on that ambo?” Ventor asked.

“Ten minutes out,” a uniform replied.

“Don’t fucking rush,” Ventor murmured and turned back to us. “Anything else you should tell me?”

“Lindy’s right, we saw the intruder clearly before being shot. It was Higgins, and he’s still armed,” Spice said.

“We’ll put that on the BOLO and APB. Do you have any idea where he’s been staying since you kicked him out?”

“No, but I know what car he drives,” I offered.

“Not anymore, you don’t. Higgin’s swapped cars.” Spice sighed.

“He has?”

“Yes, Lindy. I didn’t want to worry you,” Spice replied.

“Spice, I could have been followed by David and not known!” I exclaimed and whacked his stomach.

Spice groaned, and I felt guilty.

Ventor began looking amused.

“Wanna help a guy out?” Spice demanded, and Ventor shook his head.

“Nope. Miss Reynolds is right. I won’t ask how you’re aware Higgins changed cars. Guess you drove past him.”

Spice looked surprised at Ventor’s words before nodding slowly. “Sure did.”

Ventor nodded. Outside, an ambulance pulled up, and Ventor stepped to one side. Ventor acknowledged the paramedics as they entered.

“I’ll see you soon for a statement,” Ventor said, stepping back. “Miss Reynolds, I’ll need yours too.”

I looked at Spice fiercely, insisting he walk to the ambulance even though he had a wound in his leg. Biting my lip, I swapped glances between the two men, and Ventor took it easy on me.

“Go with Spice. I’ll get your statements at the hospital. Miss Reynolds, I hope you know what you’re doing,” Ventor said as I walked out.

“Yeah, I do,” I replied.

I’d made my mind up. Spice was what I wanted.

Spice – The past.

Lindy waited by my side the entire time they stitched me up. My shoulder was a through and through, and I’d pushed the bullet out in my leg while waiting for the doctors. An x-ray later showed my wounds were clean of fragments. Lindy kept pacing back and forth, every so often looking guilty.

I’d got a nurse to call Berserker for me and was expecting his swift arrival. There was no way I was staying in hospital overnight despite the docs telling me I had to. Higgins was out there, and he was targeting Lindy. The shot to my leg would make walking very difficult, and I wanted a brother on Lindy at all times. She needed protection.

Ventor had come and taken our statements. Mine was reluctantly given. The Royal Bastards did not talk to cops, nor did we help them. That had left me with a dirty feeling, but Lindy was running her mouth, and I had to support her. Boots clumped in the hallway and stopped outside my bay. The curtains pulled back, and Berserker entered with a glower that warned people not to challenge him.

Berserker’s face softened when he took in Lindy’s. She paused her pacing as she gazed at him in fear.

Without a word, Berserker reached out and hauled Lindy into his embrace and rubbed her back.

Lindy sent me a frightened glance, but I nodded, and she relaxed and wrapped her arms around Berserker. They stood there for a few moments before Berserker released her.

“Pipes is outside, sweetheart. Go with him and get us some coffee,” Berserker ordered gently.

Lindy offered me another worried glance but left as I smiled in reassurance at her.

“Fists is on guard. Higgins was responsible?” Berserker asked quietly.

“Yeah. The fucker is a dead man walking. Lindy ain’t put it together yet,” I snarled.

“Shit. How’s she gonna handle the truth?”

“That Higgins intended to kill her? No idea. Can’t think of a single other reason Higgins would have broken into her house armed,” I continued, snarling.

If Lindy hadn’t woken up, she’d be dead, and I wouldn’t have known until the morning. Higgins had signed his death warrant tonight. The man would pay in blood.

“That was a fuckin’ close call, brother,” Berserker agreed, his eyes flashing in anger.

My own temper rose.

“Find him, Prez. That fucker is mine to kill. Higgins planned to murder my woman and shot me twice. Asshole only got the jump on me because he’d seen me running across to the house. Brave man with a gun and the darkness on his side,” I growled.

“Where was your piece?”

“Left it at home. Knew Lindy would call the cops. Didn’t want to get caught with a weapon. Cops did as I thought and blamed me. Lindy set them right,” I replied.

“Higgins has a price on his head. He’ll be in our hands by Halloween,” Berserker promised.

Halloween was a week away. I’d be giving Higgins a Halloween he’d never forget.

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