Spite Crush (Rock Hard #2) Chapter Twenty-Three 77%
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Chapter Twenty-Three


“Are you sure you want me to come to the game?” I asked him one final time as I hesitated by his front door.

We’d spent days going back and forth with each other about whether or not it was a good idea for me to be seen at another game. I’d offered to stay at his place and watch it on television, had suggested hiding away in a suite like I’d done in Vegas, and even considered going back to L.A. all together to avoid any temptation.

“I’m sure,” he insisted. “Kel, I want you there.”

“People are going to talk.”

“So let them.” He grabbed my hands and held my gaze. “I’m not going to fuck you on center ice. You’re going to sit in the stands and watch me win. It’s not a public declaration of anything other than friendship.”

“I just don’t understand why you’re so adamant about it. ”

“Because maybe I’m thinking it’s time.” He released me as he blew out a heavy sigh. “We can’t hide it forever. I don’t want to hide it forever. I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. We’re on our way to a real championship and I want to share that with you.”

“Okay. I’ll go.” For the smile he gave me at my answer, I might have fucked him on center ice. “I can’t go to your away games, though.”

“Right, you’re meeting with your label,” he said, leading me out to his car and opening the passenger door for me. “Are you any closer to a decision about what you’re going to do?”

“Nope,” I admitted, sliding into the seat and waiting for him to get behind the wheel before continuing. “The vibe hasn’t hit me yet.”

“Well, if you do quit, just keep in mind that I make plenty of money. So if you want to be a kept man…I can make that happen for you.”

The silence that fell between us was more like an entire pyramid than a brick. I stared straight out the windshield as he drove, trying desperately not to look at him. Thinking if I just ignored it, he might either take it back or pretend that I’d zoned out on him and hadn’t heard it at all.

“Too soon?” he asked, finally breaking the tension.

“I don’t know how to answer that,” I admitted. But I decided to just go for honesty and see what happened. It wasn’t like I hadn’t thought about a future with him, so maybe it was a good sign that he’d brought it up. “Except to say that my net worth is considerably higher than yours, so if either of us are going to be kept…it’s going to be you.”

He visibly relaxed, his fingers unclenching from the wheel as he shifted in his seat then glanced over at me and smiled.

“I didn’t mean to freak you out,” he said. “But I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about it.”

“Me, too,” I said. “Maybe not about you supporting me. But, I love you. Of course I’ve thought about our future.”

“I love you, too,” he promised me, reaching over and grabbing my hand. “I’m going to win this game tonight and then maybe we can talk more about this?”

“We can talk about whatever you’d like,” I assured him.

“What does HSF stand for?”

“Except that.” I laughed as I squeezed his hand.

We rode the rest of the way to the stadium in silence, but it was a much more comfortable one.


By the third period it was clear that Zak really was going to win this game. He’d scored both of the points for the Inferno and racked up nine penalties for himself as well. The Panthers seemed to have no answer for him and were minutes from being shut out of the first game of the series.

I was so proud of myself for understanding what was happening, and so focused on the game, that it took me a few minutes to notice that someone had sat in the vacant seat next to me. But when I finally turned and saw her, I couldn’t say I was surprised .

“Naomi,” I said. “How lovely to see you again.”

“Why does that sound like a lie?” she teased.

“Not at all,” I assured her, turning back to the game. “This is exciting, isn’t it?”

“It certainly is,” she agreed. “Our guys are going to win a championship.”

“That sounds like bias,” I said.

“Well, they just won this one,” she said as the buzzer sounded and the game ended. “Can I walk you back to the locker room?”

We joined the crowd of people filing up the stairs toward the causeway, then broke apart to head toward the players area of the arena, not talking again until we were alone in a quiet corridor.

“You have to make a statement,” Naomi insisted.

“Why?” I asked her. “Are rumors starting?”

“Rumors?” She laughed. “You’re two of the biggest names in the world. People are glad you’re friends and most of them refer to you as the bromance of the century. So don’t worry about it.”

“Then why do I have to make a statement?” I asked her.

“Because everyone saw you tonight and they’re going to want you to say something nice about Zak,” she said. “Don’t worry about phrasing, just give me something I’ll make it sound good.”

“I’m a professional song writer,” I reminded her. “So tell them that I’m just here to support my friend in his historic playoff run. I’m not here to be just another rock star embarrassing himself by pulling attention from the game.”

“Nicely done,” she said, laughing softly. “Do you memorize everything he says?”

“Do you?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m the reporter he said that to,” she reminded me. “It’s my job to remember.” She looked around then turned back to me. “How is it going?”

“Everything is good,” I said, unable to hold back a smile. “Really good. How are things with you and Josh?”

“Also really good. I think he’s going to propose soon.”

“Already?” I felt heat creep up my cheeks. “I mean, that’s great.”

“Well, when things are right they tend to move fast,” she said, lifting one shoulder in a shrug.

She wasn’t wrong about that. Not that I’d admit it to her. It was bad enough she knew as much about me and Zak as she did. Hell, she was sort of responsible for all of it .

I wasn’t going to admit that to her, either.

She banged on the locker room door then pushed it open. “Everyone decent?”

“No reporters!” Zak shouted.

“Hey, she brought the rock star!” someone else yelled as I followed her inside.

She walked straight over to Josh and drew him into a deep kiss that made most of the rest of the team cat call them, and while they were distracted I sidled up to Zak .

“Nice win,” I told him. “You did that for me, didn’t you.”

“I did it for me,” he insisted, then smiled softly. “Maybe a little for you, too. I need to shower and change.” He turned to his locker and grabbed his keys. “Do you want to wait for me at the car.”

“Sure,” I said, before turning and yelling out to the team. “Nice game, guys!”

“Thanks for coming, Kellen!” the goalie said. He was sitting on a bench pulling off all of his pads, but looked up and gave me a wide smile .

“Thanks for shutting out the Panthers,” I said, nodding to him. “See you guys later.”

I walked through the winding hallways toward the players lot, unable to stop thinking about what Naomi had said.

Josh was going to propose? A month earlier she’d been hitting on me, and now she was ready to get married.

I knew for sure that what I felt for Zak was real, and that I wanted a future with him. But marriage? Forever? Was it too soon to think that way about us?

And now that it was in my head, would I be able to stop thinking about it?

It took Zak about half an hour to make it to the car and he slid into the passenger seat looking utterly exhausted.

“How was your day, dear?” I asked as I put the car in gear and pushed the home button on the navigation system so it could direct me back to Zak’s place .

“Pretty good,” he said through a yawn. “We won.”

“I heard that somewhere,” I teased. “When we get back to your place you should get some sleep.”

“You’re leaving tomorrow,” he reminded me. “I don’t want to sleep.”

“I’ll be back,” I promised him. “I just want you to know that you won’t hurt my feelings if you’re too tired for any…activities.”

“I can’t send you on a plane with clean tattoos,” he mumbled, already half asleep in his seat .

“You’re ridiculous,” I said, chuckling as I looked over to see him completely unconscious. “And I love you so much.”

The next morning he slept through my alarm and barely managed to kiss me before I left for the airport to catch my flight back to L.A.. But that was fine. I had a feeling that after my meeting with the label, I was going to be seeing a lot more of Zak Dempsey, so he could sleep through one goodbye.

Plus, it gave me the opportunity to give my love to Sally, Gerard and Toby in private, placing a soft kiss on each of his freckles before forcing myself to walk out the door.

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