Stealing Scarlett Chapter Nine 53%
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Chapter Nine


S carlett is such a good girl for me, running just as I instructed her to do. I knew after her dream last night I had to make her dark fantasies come true. I had to turn her desires into reality and show her just how good I can make her feel. I know that I should be hunting my thirteenth victim, but hunting her is so much more fun. Plus, I still have a few more days left until the blood moon.

The long red cape flies behind her as she spins and hurtles back through the room of mirrors. When she reaches the other side of the room, she turns back to me, fear filling those beautiful doe eyes. I give her a wicked smile, letting her know I fully intend on hunting her down and taking her. She squeals, the sound traveling straight to my cunt, before she hurls the heavy door open and disappears into the hallway.

Her innocent fear is absolutely addictive. I’ve been hunting men for so long—too long. They’re all cocky bastards until they feel my barbs sinking into their precious flesh as my demon teeth rip them apart. Only then do I get their fear. It’s delicious but brief. My princess, on the other hand, is a buffet of sweet fear. Every single breath she’s taken since entering this building has called to the monster inside me, feeding its unquenchable need for terror and pain. It’s intoxicating. I’m high as fuck on the addictive taste of her horror and desire. And then there’s her blood. Fuck! The taste of her blood was enough to drive me completely fucking feral. My pussy is weeping with need for this girl and I’ve barely kissed her tonight. I want to cut her open and use her blood as lube to fuck both her tight little holes while she screams for me. The delicious idea has my core heating. I’ve never felt such a strong pull toward another creature and I can’t even suck from her, this is purely for pleasure. And her pleasure is exactly what’s on the menu tonight.

Having given her enough of a head start, I begin stalking my way after her. She thinks I’m just a human woman, she has no idea that the beast within me is acutely aware of her every move. Her unique scent—the addicting smell of coffee and caramel—lingers in the air behind her. It provides me with a map to follow her every move. My heightened senses are supposed to help me track ideal victims, but right now, I’m using them to hunt down and take my girl. By the end of tonight, she’ll never even think about letting anyone else touch her ever again. Fuck Kyle and his average dick that he doesn’t even know how to use right. I’ll make sure that she comes to me and only me for all her pleasure from now until the end of eternity.

She’ll be mine, all fucking mine.

“Oh princess,” I shout into the darkness as I enter the main hallway again. “Come out, come out wherever you are.”

Nothing. She wants to play. She’s so fucking perfect.

“What a naughty girl you are hiding from me, princess,” her scent lingers further down the hallway, away from the door we came from. “Maybe I’ll punish you when I catch you, spank that pale little ass until you’re red and ready for me.” The thought of her perfectly pale skin blooming red for me makes my nipples harden against my bodysuit. I can almost taste how sweet her pain will be.

The white strobe lights flash without pattern, clearly meant to disorient patrons. Lucky for me, everything about me changed when I sold my soul to the Devil in exchange for revenge on the man who wronged me, including my eyesight. I see much better in the dark now. I may have a Hellish demon monster where my soul once was, but my heightened senses are a plus.

There are three doors left in the hallway, one to the right, one to the left, and one straight ahead. Her scent is heavy here, coffee and caramel lingers in the air so thick I can almost taste it. I’m so wet for her that my bodysuit is dampening between my thick thighs.

“I know you’re down here, Scarlett. I’m going to find you and when I do I’m going to fuck that pretty pussy so hard you’ll beg me to stop. I’m going to make you come over and over again until you don’t think you can take it anymore. Are you ready to come out now and be my good little fuck doll?”

To the left, a thundering heartbeat catches my attention. She must be over here. My words must be affecting her. Good . I want her all worked up and spun so tight she’s barely holding on by the time I find her. I’m going to fully corrupt her and claim her. She’s mine. Her fear, her pain, her sweetness, her pleasure. All fucking mine.

“Oh Scarlett,” I singsong as I swing the door open. It cracks loudly against the wall behind it while I call out for her again. “Come out, come out sweet girl.”

This room is different. There’s no strobing lights or smoke in this space. It’s a wide, empty room filled with oppressive darkness. Red light spills across the space from hanging lanterns above. Blood-red glass hangs between rectangular, black metal lanterns. Each lantern is strung up from matching black chains; the links of metal quietly clinking in the silence. It’s as beautiful as it is eerie. As the lanterns swing, they illuminate red dripping down the walls, a clear attempt to get people to believe the walls are bleeding. If it was blood, this room would smell like iron and rot. It’s not blood, it’s fucking corn syrup.

Fitting that my Scarlett girl would hide herself in the red room. Scanning the surroundings I see nothing she could be hiding in or under. The room appears completely empty but I know she’s here. Her soul is calling to mine.

“I’m going to count down from ten,” I can smell her and sense her in here, she’s definitely close. “If you come out willingly before then I’ll take it easy on you, if not, then I’ll eat you whole my little red lovely.”

Not a peep.

“Ten…” My eyes scan the darkness for any sign of her.

“Nine…” I move carefully towards the perimeter of the room, following the path of the wall.

“Eight…” Her smell is getting stronger, I must be nearly on top of her. Where the fuck is she?

“Seven...” Up ahead there is something strange with the wall.

“Six…” The darkness seems to be hiding something in the back corner. A false half-wall of some kind, hidden in the shadows for actors to hide behind.


Movement across the room catches my attention. Sneaky girl. It’s like she was there then gone, hidden behind another half-wall perhaps?

“Four…” I storm across the room. My steps now laced with purpose as I get closer to my prey.

“Three…” Her scent is even thicker here, as if I’m surrounded by her sweetness. My pussy throbs in anticipation of having her at my mercy.

“Two…” My fingers itch to grab her. The things I want to do to this girl are downright filthy. By the time I’m through with her, no other monster or man will ever be able to fulfill her needs.

Rounding the nearly invisible black frame of the half-wall, I can tell there’s a small alcove cut into the wall behind it. A small hiding spot to allow the illusion of monsters appearing out of the darkness. The only monster here tonight though, is me. Crouched down in the empty space, small and vulnerable as a tiny mouse, is my prey. The red cloak wrapped around her shoulders as she shakes with fear. Fuck, that fear is intoxicating. The beast within me howls to be unleashed on this precious little creature beneath us.


Her shimmering eyes flash to me. Her pupils are blown wide, fear swirling through the darkened orbs like smoke.

“Caught you, princess.”

She moves so fast I nearly miss her. She attempts to flee, flinging herself out of the alcove and towards the open expanse of the red room. She’s quick and nimble, but I’m a demon from Hell that has thousands of years on her. She’s no match for me. I grab her around the back of her neck with a single hand and rip her backwards, pulling her back against my front. The subtle swell of her sweet little ass fits perfectly against my thick thighs. I have the sudden urge to bend her over and use my two hands to fuck both her tight little holes until she screams my name so loudly that the Devil himself knows she belongs to me. But I need to ease her into it. She’s sweet and delicate and will be so easy to break. I need to go slowly and take my time; savoring each second of her pleasure and every ounce of her pain. I intend to steal everything from her for my selfish gain. And we have all night to make that happen.

Pushing her to the center of the room, I use my free hand to untie her cloak. She shivers at the loss of the warm blanket of velvet. The sound of ripping fabric bounces through the empty cavern of the large room. She jumps at the sudden noise and spins her head to look at me as I rip the red fabric into several long strips.

“Uh-uh, princess,” I shake my head at her. “Eyes forward, hands behind your back.”

She complies instantly and shivers wrack through my entire being. Her submissive nature is so fucking perfect.

“Good girl,” I croon into her ear as I move towards her. I can feel the furious beating of her heart and the quickening of her breath.

Without warning, I tear the flimsy little costume from her body. The cheap fabric easily slips off her slender form and pools at her feet.

“What the hell?” she shrieks, her hands grasping to cover herself.

Now that just won’t do.

My hand shoots forward, landing a swift slap to the tender flesh of her ass. She shrieks again and the sound travels straight to my cunt. It’s weeping, absolutely desperate for her.

“Hands behind your back and eyes forward princess, I don’t like repeating myself.”

With an audible breath she complies, placing her hands behind her back. They rest against the red imprint of my hand that now marks her pale and pristine flesh. The sight of my mark on her has the beast within me clawing to get out, craving to claim every inch of her so everyone who looks at her knows exactly who the fuck she belongs to.

Swiftly, I move to bind her hands together with some of the red fabric from her cloak. She winces when I tighten the knot but doesn’t pull away, letting me play with her however I want.

“Look at you, princess.” I move to circle her slowly and take her in. My finger trails gently across her skin as I stalk around her, taking in the sight before me. “All tied up for me with a big red bow. My perfect present.”

When I reach the front of her, I take a moment to savor the sight of her. The way her hands are bound pushes her perfect, perky tits out and up. Her nipples stiff and hard, begging for my touch. I let my eyes wander down her lean figure. I gaze across the flat expanse of her slender stomach, the slight curve of her delicate hips, and down to her perfectly bare pussy. She stands completely vulnerable before me besides her thigh-high boots. She’s a fucking vision and I’m nearly breathless wondering how a demon like me has been blessed with a gift so innocent and perfect as her.

“So fucking beautiful.” I let her know how much I appreciate her before lowering my head, flicking out my tongue, and tracing slow circles around one of the hardened buds of her breasts. She responds immediately to me, moaning and arching into me. I want so badly to dive in and feast on her but I don’t give in to her neediness. I want to play with her first.

“You’re so perfect, princess. My beautiful, sexy, smart girl.” I let the words sink in, the praise warming her before I move to her other breast and circle that nub with my tongue. Her skin pebbles under my slow strokes and her groans of need fill the air. I want to make her feel so fucking good.

“No,” she huffs out between moans. “I’m none of those things,” she chokes out as I flick her achingly hard nipple again and again with my tongue, driving her hips to buck in desperation.

Her denial angers me. She should know how fucking amazing she is. She should never doubt what an absolute fucking wonder she is. Grabbing her hips to hold her in place, I move to the tender flesh of her upper breast and bite hard. She screams and tries to back away but I hold her tightly to me. I sink my teeth in further until the snap of skin breaking and the metallic taste of her blood fills my mouth. It reminds me of our shared dream. I hum against her skin in pleasure, fully enjoying turning her dirty dreams into reality. Releasing her skin, I heal the hurt with long licks of my flattened tongue.

“Don’t talk down about yourself to me, sweet girl,” I speak against the bloodied skin of her breast. Scarlett begins to whine and moan again as I lick and kiss and nip at the entire expanse of her tenderized flesh. “You’re perfection and anyone who’s ever made you feel less than that will suffer.”

I realize I must look like a monster. Rivulets of her blood drip from the corner of my mouth, staining my teeth and lips. I’m threatening people while driving her to insanity with a potent mix of pain and pleasure. I can feel the beast’s presence right beneath the surface of my skin. I’m sure that if she looked in my eyes right now, they’d be blood red.

But I can’t stop myself. I don’t just want her pleasure— I need it. She’s like a fucking drug soaring through my veins. I place one of her hardened nipples into my mouth and suck hard while flicking with my tongue rapidly against the erect peak, driving her absolutely insane. I so badly want to bite her again, drink down her blood, and hear her shrieks of pain. But I need to take it slowly. I can’t scare her away. Not yet.

“Please, please,” she moans at me.

“Please what, my love?” I tease as I move to the other side, giving her other breast the same treatment.

“Please touch me.”

A wicked smirk curls around my lips as I release her tit from my mouth with a pop. “I am touching you, silly.”

My fingers gently caress up and down her sides, never touching where she needs me most. I kiss my way up from her chest to her neck. She’s already got one large hickey from me but she could use a few more. I suck and lick my way up the column of her neck until she’s a complete mess.

She’s desperate for me now. Exactly how I need her.

“Do you trust me?” I ask before kissing her lips softly. Her lips are plump and juicy and oh so sweet.

I pull back to look into her eyes. I need her to say yes to this, to agree to my depravity, and submit to me before I take from her what I need. She studies me, her eyes scanning my face for a beat before answering.

“Yes. I trust you. I want to be yours.”

Oh sweet girl, you have no idea what you just agreed to.

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