Stealing Scarlett Chapter Fifteen 88%
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Chapter Fifteen


T he sickening smell of human stench and sugary cotton candy assault my nose as I weave through the crowd of people. Most are already drunk. The lights of the old, rickety rides light up the night sky. This Halloween carnival is the perfect place to meet my lucky victim thirteen. Everyone has a mask covering their face and too much chaos in their veins to worry about anyone other than themselves. I just have to get him alone, maybe behind the fun house or in a carnies trailer and then I can suck him and be done. The macabre madness surrounding me is a fitting scene for Kyle’s violent demise.

A twinge of guilt twists within my gut. I don’t want to fuck this worthless use of a human meat sack. I want to be feasting on the delicious cunt of my sweet Scarlett. I left her sleeping peacefully, but the knowledge that she might view this as betrayal, as me cheating on her, weighs heavily on me. She asked me not to leave her and yet I did, and to go fuck her ex. I need his soul to survive, but I’m starting to think I won’t be able to survive without her either.

It doesn’t sit well with me at all but I don’t want his pleasure, I want his pain. I think my love would be on board with that after everything he’s put her through.

Above us, the blood moon hangs heavy and ominous. Debauchery and mayhem seem to permeate the air. I can sense the lurking danger dripping down the damp fall air.

I have a bad feeling about tonight.

If it wasn’t the night of the blood moon, I wouldn’t be here. I’d be wrapped up in the arms of my sweet little seductress. Her taste is still thick on my tongue. I never want there to be a time when I can’t taste her in my mouth. She has snaked her way around my blackened soul and completely ensnared me. I’m utterly and desperately obsessed with her.

A line of drunken humans is wrapped in a twisted pattern ahead. Fear and anticipation are thick in the air radiating off them. It’s intoxicating. If I wasn’t on a mission I would stay right here, savoring their stench. They seem to be in line for some type of carousel. As I get closer, I take in the grotesque attraction they’re all waiting for. It’s a carousel of death. The animals are all in various forms of decomposition, some completely skeletonized. It’s a macabre marvel.

Then, I see him. With a beer in one hand, he leans against the fence that surrounds the long tables of the outdoor dining area with a scowl on his face. Kyle is wearing a tight fitting black long-sleeve tee and distressed denim that show off his toned physique. His blonde hair is slicked back and styled to an unnatural degree. He would be attractive, if it wasn’t for the dangerous rage radiating off him in waves. His gray eyes scan the crowd with the fierceness of a man looking to cause pain. I’ve seen that look in a man’s eyes before—it never ends well. I say a silent prayer of thanks to the Devil himself that I was able to intercept his text message and keep my princess far away from this evil. The only demon that will be enjoying her from now on will be me. Her pain, her pleasure, her everything is mine.

Blowing out a slow breath, I steel myself to face this man. The knowledge that he’s hurt my love causes violent anger to bubble in my gut. The barbs within me prick against the skin of my most delicate area, desperate to unleash their Hellish fury on this dick. I clench and unclench as my pussy pulses in anticipation, ready to be pumped full of blood and cum.

I’m going to savor your pain and feast on your fear, Kyle.

I sway my hips in a seductive swing. The blood-red, leather, bandage dress I have on fits me like a glove. It’s wrapped around my body like a second skin. My heavy eye make-up and dark lipstick add to my alluring appearance. As I walk, people stare. Eyes assess me, taking in my attractive exterior. But it’s not for them. I’m here to catch just one fly in my web.

“Kyle, right?” His eyes swiftly shift to me as I grab his attention. I skim my sharpened nails lightly up his bicep.

It takes him a moment. He looks at my face, clearly trying to place me.

You really face fuck so many random women behind seedy clubs that you forgot the one from just this week, asshole?

“You’re the girl from the bar,” realization spreads across his face. A smirk pulls at the corner of his lips, exposing his whitened teeth. His canines glint in the strobing lights of the carnival. He leans in conspiratorially before whispering, “The one who let me fuck her tight little throat in an alleyway.”

The one whose soul I tried to suck through his cock before I fucked his woman, is more accurate, but semantics I suppose.

“I thought that looked like you.” My breasts press up against him as I wrap my arm around his bicep, spinning my web further around my precious prey. “Are you here with someone?” I let my lips caress the shell of his ear as I speak to him. He shivers as my warm breath brushes against his skin. “I’d hate to keep you from them if you are.”

He looks down at me and I can see the maddening lust swirling in his blown out pupils.

Caught you, Kyle .

“No one,” he mumbles as he grinds his core against me. I can feel his thickening cock push against my stomach.

“So you’re free then?” I discreetly slip my hand between us, letting my fingers glide across the hard length beneath his jeans. He moans against me as I rub up and down ever so softly, just enough to drive him wild.

“Want to go back to my place?” His words come out mumbled as his breathing is jagged and desperate. He runs his nose along the column of my bared neck.

“I saw a spot behind the fun house. Maybe we could just go there?” I offer, trying to be as discreet as possible and not draw extra attention our way. I grab his thick length and squeeze the head, earning a growl from him as his lips suck against my neck. I immediately pull away.

He can’t leave a single mark that Scarlett will see. She can’t think I’d willingly let anyone other than her touch me.

He pauses, looking angry at my resistance. Fuck, I need to keep him on the hook. I need this. I’m too close to the deadline. I’ve never let it go on this long before without claiming all thirteen victims. I can’t let my deal with the Devil be broken or it will be me headed to Hell instead of Kyle. I need his soul and I need it tonight.

I bat my lashes and attempt to look as seductive and sweet as possible. “I don’t think I can wait to get back to your place,” I pin my lip between my teeth. His eyes track the movement. “I want you now.”

Lust and need flame in his eyes. The desire to claim, possess, and ruin is clearly his intent. His eyes fall to my breasts and I can practically see him drooling.

Typical fucking human male.

“Let me just text my friend and let them know I’m going to be a minute.”

And by friend, you mean your long-term girlfriend, you were supposed to meet up with in order to fix things? What a real fucking prince you are , Kyle.

I step back from him. He slides his phone out of his pocket and quickly clicks away. His cock is evidently ready, bulging against the tight denim of his jeans, hardened with need. Finishing his message, he slides his phone back in his pocket and returns his sinister stare toward me.

“Come on, babe.” I hold out my hand to him and when his thick palm lands in mine, we’re off.

I lead him through the crowd, weaving around drunken fools and scandalously dressed women. The smell of human sin is in the air tonight. I draw in a deep breath, savoring the debauchery. I’m going to suck Kyle’s soul then go back to the hotel room and fuck my girl until she’s so delirious, she won’t even remember his name. The anticipation is exquisite. My nipples harden beneath my dress.

The funhouse is a grotesque monstrosity pitched against the evening sky. It’s a looming mask of a creepy as fuck clown. Its open mouth is a darkened tunnel leading inside. The eyes of the clown are downturned slightly, creating a sinister expression. Screams peel through the air from within. The red glow of the ancient lights cast an eerie haze across the darkened night sky.

This is where Kyle meets his end .

Rounding the back of the funhouse, my figure barely reaches the shadows before I’m roughly shoved up against the broken wooden wall. My face hits the surface with a harsh thud. Teeth, tongues, lips, and fingers are everywhere. Touching, pulling, licking, hurting.

“Wait—” I begin before his hand grabs the back of my neck. He shoves my head roughly against the wall again. Pain shoots through my skull, radiating out from the spot where my temple made contact with the wall.

Fingers find my panties and roughly shove them to the side before assaulting my poor pussy.

“You wet for me, slut?” His stale beer breath wafts down onto my face as he speaks.

Dry as a fucking desert, dude .

“Yeah, baby.” I give him my best fake moan, hoping he’s drunk enough not to notice that my body is not responding to him.

“I’m going to have you screaming my name so loudly all the people at this shitty little carnival will hear you.”


I need to do something to help. I need to fuck him. I need to dig my teeth into his cock, shred him to pieces and suck his soul. And I need it now.

I close my eyes and picture my princess on her knees for me. I think about those big, soulful brown eyes staring up at me with such innocent purity as she sticks out her tongue and tastes me. I think about sliding my fingers into her silky locks and pulling her sweet little lips onto my cunt.

That does the trick. My pussy begins to weep as I envision my girl.

“That’s it baby, you like that huh?” He thrusts a thick digit roughly inside me. I gasp at the sudden intrusion. “I’m going to stretch this pussy nice and wide to take my massive cock.”

Calm down, I’ve already seen it and it’s nothing to write home about .

“Please,” I whine. “Please, fuck me. I need your big fat cock in me right now.”

A sinister voice slivers across the exposed skin of my shoulders, causing goosebumps to erupt. “Oh, you’ll get what you came for you stupid fucking slut. But first, we’re going to take a walk.”

A click pierces the quiet air of the autumn night. The cold press of metal against my skin has a shiver running down my spine. A gun. He has a fucking gun . I turn my head as slowly as possible, careful not to make any sudden movements as a looming shadow peers down at me.

“This is the friend you were texting?” I direct my question at Kyle, who has now disentangled himself from me, and is standing next to his friend.

“ Evil lurks within his soul, ” the demon’s voice calls from the depths of my soulless consciousness.

“We thought we’d all have a little fun. Just the three of us.” The man approaches me, his fingers sliding around my neck and squeezing. I keep my face neutral, trying to remain as calm as possible. He’s the same man from the club when I first met Kyle. His evil eyes are ones I won’t forget. This man thinks he just caught a weak little plaything to torture for the night. Little does he know, he’s not the predator.

I rip myself away from his grip. His touch burns. “And what if I have no interest in your sad, shriveled little cock?”

The pain isn’t immediate. It takes a moment to register the throbbing ache that seems to rip my skull in half as he pistol-whips me. The world spins and swirls as I try to regain my composure. Bile rises in my throat.

“Tie her fucking arms,” he demands and before I can react, my wrists are yanked behind my back and bound with rope.

They brought rope and a gun? These motherfuckers planned to rape a girl tonight. Too bad for them, they picked the wrong female to fuck with.

Looking up into the eyes of evil, I feel the demon try to escape. He wants to rip this fuckers throat out and make sure he can never hurt another person ever again. His evil exists entirely to cause pain, as if he feeds off it. A true monster.

“Let’s walk.”

I go willingly. Not because I’m weak. Not because I’m afraid. No, I walk away from the comforting lights of the carnival and the voices of the people reveling in debauchery, because I want the space and time I need in order to enjoy my meal. I’m going to savor sucking their fucking souls out of their human forms and sending these two assholes straight to the pits of Hell.

I only need one soul, but I’ll willing kill both these fuckers. And, I’ll enjoy every moment of it.

They lead me further and further into the fields. The lights and sounds of the carnival grow further and further away until it’s just an eerie whisper left on the wind. My heels dig into the soft soil beneath us as we weave through rows of decaying and rotting pumpkins. The blood-red moon sits high in the sky above us, bathing the entire world in a red glow.

When we reach the far end of the field, I’m unceremoniously thrown to the ground. My knees squish into the mud and decaying flesh of unpicked gourds. The smell is assaulting, like overripe earth. The rain stopped earlier but a moist mist still clings to the orange skin of the pumpkins surrounding us. The drops of dew glisten in the moonlight. My head throbs where I was hit and the tender flesh of my wrists stings beneath the rope. I keep my head down, my long hair acting like a curtain around my face. It hides the sinister smirk that pulls across my lips as I smile at the pumpkin beneath me, thinking of how sweet this agony will be.

Pain for pain and blood for blood, boys.

“What’s the plan here, Will?” Kyle asks as they both circle me like hungry sharks.

“You caught her so you get first go, but I’m going to film. ‘Whore fucked in pumpkin patch’ has a nice ring to it don’t you think? I’ll snap a pic of her tear-streaked face in the dirt. It’ll be great click-bait for the site.”

My eyes fly up to the men above me. I can feel the demon within trying to burst to the surface, craving to rip these two shit sacks to pieces, but I will him back down. I need a cock in me first. Then I can unleash Hell.

“You two assholes rape women and film it to put online?” I can’t help the disgust in my tone.

Will leans down, the smell of vodka radiates off him in waves. His black button-down is open slightly at the neck, exposing tanned skin. His dirty blonde hair is styled out of his face, leaving his chiseled features exposed. He’s attractive, alluring even, but his eyes tell a different story. They’re dark pools of rage and hatred. Evil recognizes evil, and in him, I see nothing but darkness. He might not have sold his soul to the Devil, but he clearly belongs in Hell.

“Yes, and you’re going to make me so much money. With this pretty face,” his long and lean fingers stroke my cheek, landing on my chin and pulling my face up to examine me further. I sit up as he pulls me onto my knees. “These epic tits,” he reaches down and violently rips my dress down, exposing my breasts. The cool night air caresses my nipples, making them stiffen. “And this tight little cunt,” his hand snakes further down, finding my bare lips.

He rubs the outside of my pussy gently, almost lovingly. I can feel myself dampen with pleasure as he finds my clit and strokes soft circles around the hardening bud.

“Such a good little slut for us, aren’t you?” His strokes become faster and I can’t stop the moan of pleasure that escapes my lips. “Not even wearing panties for us?”

He pinches my clit lightly and I feel pleasure curl in my core. He goes back to soft, circular movements as my desire builds. The cool night air wraps around my exposed breasts. The heat, the cold, and the pain are almost too much, and yet somehow not quite enough. I feel myself edging closer and closer to the precipes of pleasure with each stroke of his fingers.

“Please,” I moan as he works me with expert precision.

And then he stops. I stare up at him in anger as he rises back to his full height.

“You want to come? Then do it on camera.”

This motherfucker.

Kyle approaches me next, weaving his hand in my hair and yanking my head back. My eyes stare up at the blood moon above us as I hear his zipper being lowered. He brings the soft head of his cock to my mouth and I willingly open for him. He’s gentle at first, letting his length skim across the flat surface of my awaiting tongue. I lick at each ridge of the veins on his cock as he moans in pleasure.

“You suck cock so fucking good, baby.”

Only had a few centuries of practice to nail down my technique, but thanks, asshole.

“Pull her hair and fuck her face,” Will demands from behind us. I shift my eyes to his darkened form and see him slip his phone out of his pocket. The camera light blinds me momentarily as he illuminates the scene. “The audience loves to see them cry. Make her choke on your cock until she’s begging for you to fuck her pussy and give her throat a break.”

Kyle obliges. His fingers roughly tug at my hair, stinging my scalp. He shoves his hard length in as deep as it can go, causing me to choke and splutter around his cock. My nose hits his pelvic bone with a thud. The coarse hair of his crotch scratches my face.

“Fuck baby, this throat feels too fucking good,” he grunts as he ruthlessly fucks my face. I watch Will through my periphery. His phone is aimed right at us, filming us. Despite my best attempts to not give them what they want, tears prick the corners of my eyes. “You like swallowing my fat fucking cock, you dirty slut?”

I’ll like it more when it’s ripped from your body and I use the dismembered organ as a toy to fuck your girlfriend.

He pulls out of me and I greedily suck in air. Spit hangs between my mouth and his length, shimmering in the moonlight. I pant and try to regain my composure as they chuckle.

“Please,” I manage between gasps. “Please, fuck me.”

The barbs within me pulse, ready to devour. Ready to consume his soul and finish this.

Kyle looks down at me with a satisfied sneer. “You want to cream around my cock, slut?”

“Please,” I beg again, shimmying in the dirt so my tits bob slightly. His eyes track the movement and his dick twitches in my face.

Caught you Kyle.

“Turn around and bend over,” he demands. I try to comply. It’s difficult with my arms still tied behind my back. Using the rope for leverage, he holds my bound wrists in one hand, bending me over and pulling my dress up over my ass with the other.

A sharp smack cracks through the crisp air. The tender flesh of my ass stings. He lands a second smack, this time on my other cheek. “Look at this thick fucking ass,” he croons as he rubs the spot he just slapped. “Maybe when I’m done using your pussy, I’ll fuck this tight little asshole.” His finger finds my puckered hole and presses against the entrance. I shriek and try to pull away. That’s not where I need him.

“Maybe, if you’re a very good girl,” Will’s voice carries across the darkened ground to where I’m bent over and at their mercy. “We’ll fuck both your slutty little holes at once. You want us both to fuck you?”

Now there’s an idea.

“Yes,” I moan as I grind my ass back against Kyle’s hand.

“Such a desperate cock whore, aren’t you?” A third slap stings the flesh of my ass. I relish the pain, the filth, the complete and utter desperation of this moment.

Without warning Kyle slams into me from behind, his cock stuffing me full. I scream out into the night at the sudden intrusion. He pounds into me ruthlessly, taking everything and giving nothing in return. His fingers dig into the flesh of my hips, pulling me closer with every thrust.

“Fuck, that’s it slut. You like being split in half by my cock?”

The pain morphs into pleasure as the barbs move towards the surface of my inner walls. My muscles clench in anticipation of the feast.

Warmth swarms in my core, drawing me closer and closer to desire. My nipples are hard and aching to be touched. I want so badly to bring my hand down to my core and flick my throbbing clit, but I’m still restrained. He rips at my flesh tightly, my back to his front as he pounds into me with wild abandon like a fucking beast.

“Tell me how good this cock feels, baby,” he demands, leaning in to whisper against the side of my face. Will moves in front of us, filming the entire time. I can see his hardened length tenting his pants from here.

“You know that saying ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,’ Kyle?” I speak to him as my eyes stare straight into the camera. I let the mask start to fall. I can sense my eyes shifting and the pupils expanding. The sclera recedes so all that’s left is blackened midnight tinged with blood red.

“The fuck are you on about?” Kyle grunts out between each punishing pound of his hips, completely oblivious to the trap he’s fallen into. His cock twitches as he thrusts again and again into my pussy. He’s close, I can sense it.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Will’s voice is fearful. His terror is delicious. It’s like fresh honey stuck to my tongue. So fucking sweet. But Kyle ignores him, too delirious with the need to finish to notice he’s about to die.

“I’m a furious fucking woman, Kyle,” I drive my hips back roughly, pleasure pulsing through my dripping pussy. “And this cock is exactly what I’ve been waiting for to fuel my fury.”

His cock twitches as my pussy spasms. We’re both so fucking close.

“Shut the fuck up bitch and take my fucking cock.”

“With pleasure.”

I fall over the edge. My orgasm rips through me like a blazing fire. Wave after wave of ecstasy pulses through my entire body. I scream out into the night. I can’t hold back anymore. My tongue expands, splitting in two and slithers like snakes from between my lips. Will screams, falling to the ground on his ass. His phone flies from his hand, landing off among the rotting corpses of pumpkins. I can taste both men’s fear and desire as I flick my forked tongue. It’s delicious. It fuels my orgasm further, causing my walls to contract again and again.

“Fuck!” Kyle falls over the edge with me while Will sits on his ass in utter horror, watching as I begin to drag pleasure out of Kyle’s cock.

With the first burst of his warm cum inside me, I fully let go and release. The barbs break loose, shifting from inside me and piercing Kyle’s pulsing length. My sharpened teeth break through skin and tendon, ripping into him and burrowing within. Sticky blood and cum bursts from him, covering my insides with delicious warmth.

Kyle screams and shrieks. His pain and panic makes this all that more exquisite.

“Oh yeah, baby, scream for me,” I croon as I suck more and more on his bloodied cock.

I can’t hold it any longer, the mask falls entirely, revealing my true demonic form. Horns sprout from beneath my hair. Dark lines snake along the length of my limbs as my veins turn inky black. My fingers lengthen and my nails turn to claws. The beast is unleashed.

“Get her the fuck off of me!” Kyle screams at Will. But the other man is completely frozen in utter horror as he takes in the sight in front of him. Kyle’s shrieks turn to moans as I milk more cum out of him, taking everything he’s got.

“What the fuck?!” Will screams, as he scoots backwards on his hands and ass.

Each drop of Kyle’s soul is delicious. It fuels me and fills me. Warmth floods my entire being, slithering through my darkened veins and nourishing the demon within. My thirteenth victim was worth the fucking wait.

Having drunk almost every single drop of his soul, I release him. My teeth recede back beneath the surface of my pussy walls, allowing him to fall to the dirt with a thud. I rip my arms apart violently, breaking the ties that bind me and freeing my hands. I right my skirt, pull my leather dress back over my tits, then stand to my full height. I spin to look down at Kyle’s dying, useless body laying in the mud. His eyes widen to the size of saucers, taking in my demonic form glowing in the light of the blood moon. I watch as he struggles to take his last few dying breaths.

Cocking my head to the side, I let a sinister smile spread across my face. He deserves this torture for the pain he inflicted on others.

Karma’s a bitch, Kyle. And so am I.

“Oh, and Kyle,” I crouch down, making sure he hears this with his last dying breaths. I dip my finger into the bloody mess of mutilated flesh that was his dick. Bringing his warm and sticky blood to my lips, I slip my finger into my mouth, moaning at the taste of his violent death on my tongue. I turn my eyes to meet his before rising back to my full height. “I stole your girlfriend. I’m going to leave here and fuck her until she doesn’t even remember your name while you die sad and alone in the dirt.”

I need him to know that he lost her before he passes on to Hell.

The cock of a gun behind me pulls my attention. I spin to see Will standing and dusting himself off, pointing the barrel of his gun at me.

“What the fuck are you?!” he shouts, trying desperately to not sound as frightened as he is. I can taste his fear, it’s pungent. He can’t hide from me.

I take a step towards him. In my true form I’m much closer to his height. He’s not as opposing when he’s facing someone his own size. Still, the gun is a bit of a problem.

“What’s wrong Will? You don’t want to play anymore?” I stalk closer to him, enjoying playing with my next meal.

“Stay the fuck away from me or I’ll fucking shoot you! I’m not fucking kidding!” He raises the gun higher, aiming straight for my heart.

“No!” A scream rips through the quiet of the air and a flash of white dances in the periphery of my vision.

My heart falls. Fear like I’ve never known before suffocates me as I watch her petite form launch itself from behind a tree and shoot towards Will. Scarlett leaps at the monster in front of us, pulling his attention off of me for a split second as they struggle with the gun.

And then a shot rings out through the darkness of the night.

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