Stealing Scarlett Epilogue 100%
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I ’ve been sitting at this shitty bar for what feels like ages. Stalking is certainly not for the impatient. My intel told me they’d be here though, at this bar, tonight. I just have to bide my time and wait for my prey.

I swirl the amber liquid in my glass, watching the waves crash along the pale sand of the pristine beach. The wall of windows behind the bar gives me the perfect view of the Florida coast. It’s hot, humid, and sticky. Beads of perspiration slip down the side of my glass in twisted rivulets as the ice in my Scotch slowly melts away. Fuck Florida. I’m growing very sick of being in this hell hole as I try to track him down. This place is an endless pit of alligators and sticky air. I’m ready to leave and head home, but first I have someone to take care of. He’s good at hiding in the public eye, I’ll give him that. But tonight is the perfect opportunity for me to get what I came here for. I always catch my prey.

A petite brunette enters the bar alone, looking sexy as fuck in a tight little black dress. She’s slender and slight with small curves. She looks good enough to eat.

Behind the girl a man enters, his hand sliding across her lower back as he leads her to a private table in the back. He’s tall and tanned with salt and pepper hair and a well-fitting blue suite. His Rolex and impeccably put together look screams wealth, money, and power. I’m so glad to see that my prey has in fact entered the establishment, and with a tasty little treat on his arm, too.

“ Mine, ” the demon whispers across the vast expanses of my mind as his focus hones in on the couple crossing the bar. He’s becoming insatiable since we almost died a few months back.

A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth as I think about how much fun we’re all going to be having tonight. I down my Scotch and slink off the stool I’ve been sitting on. Swaying my hips seductively and flipping my shimmering golden hair across my shoulder, I step with purpose and determination. My sights set on the couple canoodling in the back corner, oblivious to the danger headed their way.

His arm is thrown over the back of the booth behind her as he leans in, his figure surrounding her in a possessive stance. He’s whispering in her ear something that makes her pale cheeks flush red. The red on her skin looks sinfully delicious. She’s a vision. He, on the other hand, is an asshole. The ring on his left hand is all I need to confirm that this Florida state senator is exactly the type of man his wife suspects him to be—an unfaithful asshole who is using his position of power to convince young women to fuck him. His wife is paying me well to get these answers for her, and even more for making sure his infidelities are no longer something she has to worry about.

“ Perfect prey ,” the beast within purrs, anticipating our next delicious meal. He looks powerful and vivacious. His soul will be such a treat to consume.

The girl giggles at something he says, her eyes fixated on me. Jealousy rips through me and I struggle to keep my face neutral.

Naughty girl is going to get punished for this.

Approaching the table, I make sure to keep my eyes on his hands and exactly how high they are traveling up her very exposed thighs. Too exposed. If I was a worse woman I’d tie her to my bed naked and never let her leave. But she’d insisted on helping. So here we are. I’m not sure I’m enjoying this game as much as she seems to be, though. I will absolutely be punishing her later for this. I’m keeping a tally in my mind of every place his hands touch her pristine skin. Later, I’ll need to remind her exactly who owns her body and soul for all eternity.

Then his hand brushes across her pale arm. “That’s an interesting tattoo,” he comments about the symbol emblazoned on her arm.


If the man wasn’t already on my kill list, he certainly is now.

Slinking into the booth, I startle the man who disentangles himself from my girl. My hand reaches out instantly to touch her, to remind us both that she’s mine and I’m hers. I stroke the symbol on her arm. My symbol.

“You two look like you’re down to have a little fun,” I speak directly to the man, letting him think he’s in charge. He has no idea that he’s fallen right into the trap of not one, but two predators.

Leaning my arm on the table, I let him catch a glimpse of my ample cleavage peeking out from beneath my low cut sundress. I can feel Scarlett’s eyes assessing me as well. I specifically wore her favorite dress tonight. She says it makes me look sweet. I’m not sure a Hell demon is sweet , but I like her praise and attention so I let it be. The man can’t pull his eyes off of my tits, he’s entranced, practically drooling on the fucking table.

I let my other hand caress her outer thigh under the table. Goosebumps erupt across her skin. So fucking reactive to my lightest little touch . If she wants to play games, then we will play. I’ve been doing this much longer than she has. She’ll be begging me to end him quickly so I can fuck her without distraction as soon as we enter the room I’ve already reserved in the hotel upstairs.

“We are having a good time,” the man’s hand briefly swipes against mine as we both caress the thighs of the girl between us. “But I’m always open to a party.” The sinister smirk he flashes me is pure sin.

“Your girlfriend is very pretty.” I push some of Scarlett’s hair behind her ear and let the backs of my knuckles caress the column of her delicate little throat.

“My date for the evening is very eager to please.” He emphasizes the word as if convincing us all that this is just a hookup. No convincing needed here, I am more than happy to dine and dash.

The plan was for Scarlett and I to seduce him together, but my lovely girl ran into him while out grabbing coffee last week and took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with our mark, my mark, without me. He’s been pursuing her ever since, desperate to sink his dirty dick into her tight little cunt and claim what is rightfully mine. If I hadn’t already been contracted to kill the fucker, I’d kill him for the filthy messages he’s been sending to my princess.

Why do human men think that all females want to see terribly angled pictures of their cocks? At least women make the effort to pose and look attractive when they send nudes, men just click and send. Fucking pigs.

“Would your date possibly be interested in partying with me tonight?” I ask him instead of her. I already know her answer. I can feel her desire radiating off. If I stuck my hand between her thighs right now I’d find her soaked. My girl is such a good little slut, always ready for me.

“You’re more interested in her than me? Are you a fucking dyke or something?” The man’s laughter is cruel and biting, his words laced with misogynistic condescension that makes my fucking blood boil. He swigs from his drink as he laughs, completely oblivious to the tension now racking through Scarlett’s body. Her eyes swiftly dart to the steak knife on the table. Such a violent little thing my Hellish whore has become. I softly place my hand on top of hers, a reminder that we need to go through with the plan. This night will end in blood and sex, just not in the middle of a crowded hotel bar.

“Or something,” I confirm with a nod, eating up every inch of Scarlett’s exquisite form with my eyes. And I mean it, the hunger I feel for her hasn’t faded at all in the last few months, if anything, I crave her more.

“Maybe you need a big, fat cock to remind you how good it feels to be filled by a man.”

My eyes slide to the man on the other side of the booth, assessing his heated gaze. He thinks this will work out for him, that we will bow to his manliness and become cock slaves. Such a fucking idiot.

“Maybe I do,” I offer him a sly smile, as if his offer is appealing. “Are you offering, daddy ?”

Scarlett’s eyebrows shoot up at the implication. I wonder if she likes me playing the submissive sweetie for a change. Usually I dominate her but men don’t want to be dominated, they want a good girl. I undoubtedly have centuries on this man, but he can play daddy for a moment if it’ll get the job done. And my girl will get a front row seat to the show.

“Do you have a room here?” the male inquires.

With a nod of my head and a flirtatious pull of my lip between my teeth, I slide my fingers through Scarlett’s and lead her out of the booth. Hand in hand, I guide her through the bar. A quick peek over my shoulder ensures the man is behind us, his hungry gaze following every soft sway of our hips. We all pile into the elevator and the moment the doors close, I shove Scarlett against the wall. I can’t wait another moment to get my hands on her. I hold her by the hips, possessively digging my fingers into her flesh, as I ravage her mouth. Our chests and cores caress each other as I kiss her up against the mirrored wall. Each swipe of her tongue against mine drives me crazier and crazier.

“Fuck, yeah. Daddy likes that,” he pants, practically drooling over us. In the reflective surface behind Scarlett’s head I can see the man adjust himself through his pants as he watches me make out with my girl. For someone who just called me a dyke a few minutes ago, he sure seems into this.

“You want to join us then, daddy?” Pulling away from Scarlett, I slink across the small space to the man.

My fingers lightly brush the stiffening cock through his pants before running up his chest and to the back of his neck. I pull him down to me, letting him kiss me. His hands grasp my curves and pull me against him as he grinds and grunts against me. Before I can pull away, another body moves in behind me. Scarlett’s much more delicate form joins in, her tongue licking up my neck. I can’t help the pleasured sigh that escapes me, nor the roll of my hips searching for some type of friction in my core as they both work me over with their tongues.

And then the elevator dings and the doors slide open. We disentangle quickly and face the empty hallway. My hand finds Scarlett’s once again as I lead them down the hallway to room 313.

“Undress. Both of you…slowly,” he demands gruffly, slumping down into a blue patterned chair that faces the bed.

“Caught in a web, soon to be dead ,” the demon singsongs as he appraises the feast that’s readily come to be consumed.

Slinking out of my floral sundress and letting it pool on the ground at my feet, his eyes rake over my curves. The purple bra and panties I’m wearing are also some of Scarlett’s favorites. I can feel her eyes on me as well. The heat of both their gazes on me is enough to make me combust.

Moving to Scarlett, I let my fingers lightly skim the bare flesh of her arms. Reaching the straps of the dress and pull them down, exposing her tightened nipples. She lets out the sweetest little sigh as the cool air whispers across her sensitive skin. Yanking the dress down the rest of the way, I expose every inch of her beautiful body.

“Nothing underneath?” I let my finger flick her exposed nipple lightly. “Such a naughty girl, aren’t you?”

She nods, biting her lower lip between her teeth. She knows what that does to me.

“On the bed, spread your legs, show me that pretty pussy,” I growl at her as I unclasp my bra and let my tits bounce freely.

My sweet girly willingly obliges, laying on her back, her legs spread wide, giving me a perfect view of her weeping cunt. She’s a delicious sight, one I will never get sick of admiring.

“Eat her fucking cunt, dyke.”

Shit. I almost forgot this asshole was here.

“Yes, daddy,” I croon in a fake as fuck timid little voice, flashing him a sweet smile over my shoulder before turning my attention back to the form on the bed. Crawling on top of her, I let my lips lightly skim the warm and pale flesh of her thighs. She squirms in anticipation as I settle myself right between her thighs. Dipping a single finger into her core, I skim her outer lips.

“So wet for me already, aren’t you princess?”

“Yes,” she moans as I let my finger lightly tease her throbbing clit. The slickened bud hardens as I draw tiny figure eights against it, just like my girl likes. I’ve spent the last several months exploring her and learning exactly how to drive her wild. We have an eternity together, but that doesn’t mean I can’t savor every moment.

“Eat her fucking cunt, already. Stop messing around.” I whip my head around to see our victim pumping his thick cock. His pants are pulled down his thighs as he sits in the same blue hotel chair, his eyes fixated on my fingers as they play with my girl’s pretty pussy.

I keep my eyes on him, letting him think that he’s in control as I lean down. I stick out my tongue and slide it through Scarlett’s slick folds. His eyes widen and his breath quickens as he watches me taste her. He pumps his thick, veiny member harder.

“Like that, daddy?” I ask as I lick her again. Scarlett moans, her hands moving to her own breasts as she flicks her needy nipples.

“Let me see you stick your tongue in her tight hole. I want to watch you really fuck her with that tongue. Make her come on your fucking face.”

Repositioning myself, I grab onto the back of both of Scarlett’s thighs, opening her wide for me. Our eyes meet and I can see her need swirling in her irises. She’s such a delicious fucking feast. I line my lips up with her clit and suck the hardened bundle of nerves, flicking it with my tongue. She bucks her hips up into my face but I pull back before she can get too excited. She mewls and whines for me. It’s sweet. I move lower, circling her tight hole with the tip of my tongue

“Fuck,” she whines. The sounds of her panting breaths mixed with the slapping of skin from behind us are sinfully delectable.

I let my tongue push into her tight opening slowly, teasing her. She loves when I play and tease with her, working her up to where she can’t take it anymore. I love it too. I love when she begs me to make her come. With each thrust of my tongue into her warmth, I go slightly deeper and deeper.

And then hands on my hips drag me back.

“You think that’s good? Wait until I tear this pussy apart,” he pants in my ear as he lines up his stiff cock with my opening. “You’re never going to want cunt again.” He thrusts into me in one swift motion, making me cry out in pain and pleasure.

He pulls out and shoves himself in, all the way to the hilt, again. He might be a complete asshole but his cock is pretty great. It’s long and thick and hits just the right spot inside that makes pleasure ripple through my core. My tits bounce wildly as he fucks me harshly.

“Tell daddy how good his cock feels filling up your tight pussy,” he demands between thrusts.

“So good daddy. You feel so good.”

Such a nice cock. Too bad it’ll be no use to anyone after tonight.

“You’re a good little cock whore for your daddy, aren’t you?”

“Yes daddy. I want to be your good little whore!”

“Eat her out while I fuck you, dyke.”

Don’t have to tell me twice.

I dive back into my girl. My tongue dipping into her coffee and caramel sweetness. Each violent pounding blow of his hips brings my face further and further into Scarlett’s tight hole. With each thrust my tongue dives deeper into her, caressing her inner walls desperately. She is fucking drenched. Her sweet slickness dampens my chin. The feeling of his rock solid cock hitting me in just the right spot, combined with her taste on my tongue is almost too much. Heat coils in my core. My princess is clearly enjoying herself too, her mewling moans fill the room as I feast on her pussy with fervor while mine gets pounded from behind.

“Don’t you fucking come, whore.” The man drilling into me from behind grunts at my girl. “Get over here bitch and get on your knees. Suck my balls while I fuck this tight fucking cunt. Once you two get me off, you can play with each other.”

The smell of magnolias permeates the air. My girl is afraid. If it’s him or me she’s afraid of though, I can’t tell. I glance up, making contact with Scarlett over top of her clean shaven mound. She nods once, ever so slightly. She might be nervous, but my love is ready. It is time for the real fun to begin.

“She’s not your whore. She’s my queen. And she kneels for no man.”

I release the barbs from my inner walls, letting the demon take control.

“Time to cry. Time to die, ” he sings as he breaks loose from my soul.

Horns sprout from my head, my eyes shift, my tongue lengthens, limbs stretching and pulling as the Hell beast within is unleashed. And most importantly, my teeth come out to play with our new friend.

“What the fuck?” he shrieks in horror behind me but I’m too in awe to turn and soak in his fear. I’m entranced with the way Scarlett looks at me. I would expect her to look at me with fear or horror. However, all I see on her face is love and awe. She looks at me like I’m the most beautiful and powerful creature she’s ever seen. My violent little love.

My barbs pierce his stiff member, feasting on his flesh and fear. He screams and squirms, trying desperately to push me off, even as he comes. His warm blood and cum coat my inner walls and I can’t help the moan of pleasure that escapes my mouth.

“Is he good, baby?” Scarlett asks beneath me.

A wicked idea crosses my mind as his blood begins to seep out of my tight pussy, and down my thick thighs.

“You want to feel?” I ask my girl with a smirk on my face.

She grins and nods. That’s all the permission I need.

Dipping my fingers between my folds, I coat them in the warm liquid pooling there. The thick, red warmth coats my middle and forefinger. Pulling them out, I bring them up to the light, letting her see the blood covering my hand. Then I shove the fingers inside her.

“Fuck!” she screams as I fuck her with the blood of our victim.

“You like that? You like being my vicious little demon whore?”

The man screams behind me as he comes again, his soul nearly completely emptied now. I’m so close to finishing as his essence leaks out of him and into me. But, I want us to come all together.

Leaning down, I flick my forked tongue over Scarlett’s clit. I pinch the hardening nub between the two ends of my demon tongue. She tastes like coffee, caramel, and death. It’s fucking exquisite. She writhes and squirms at my assault, her inner walls fluttering around my bloodied fingers. She’s close. His cock twitches inside me as I suck him more. They’re both so close. I want to be covered in both of their cum.

“Come for me,” I demand as I suck and fuck them both.

They oblidge. He empties the last of his soul into me, covering my inner walls with his essence. Scarlett screams as her walls clench around me, her thighs clamping around my head. Their combined pleasure pushes me over the edge. I moan into Scarlett’s cunt as wave after wave of pleasured ecstasy rips through me. My entire body is rocked with sweet ripples of rapture.

When I finally come down, I unclench and my barbs recede. His limp, drained body falls to the floor with a thump. I raise my head, taking in the satiated form of my girl. She’s a vision. Her skin is pink and glistening with sweat; her raven hair splayed around her head like a dark halo. She’s a fucking queen—my demon queen. I’ve waited an eternity for a woman and a love like this. And now that I have her, I plan to spend the rest of eternity with her. An eternity to please her. An eternity to laugh with her. An eternity to love her.

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