Sugar Nookie Chapter 9 26%
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Chapter 9


R ae

The crackle of the fire is comforting, a welcome ending to a day spent chasing after a five-year-old boy and zero electricity to make the mundane tasks easier. Henry seems quiet when you first meet him, but once he gets used to you, he lets his rowdy-boy nature shine. I think I have a few bruises with his name on them. I’m not mad though, because with all that youthful enthusiasm comes a heart of gold and sweet brown eyes that blink up at me with so much innocence I couldn’t possibly hold a grudge.

Hutton’s finger brushes against mine under the blankets, twining around my pinkie and squeezing tight. We have at least a foot of space between us, a concession to the little boy trying to sleep behind our heads on the couch. Henry’s rhythmic breathing precedes a soft snore. His father rolls toward me, suddenly snuggly once again.

“Hey,” he whispers, letting go of my pinkie to support his head and peer down at me in the dark.

“Hey yourself,” I whisper back, still feeling like I need to pinch myself to believe any of this is real.

I’ve spent over twenty-four hours with a country music god and he’s somehow decided to stay longer. With me. Then again, when we’re together, it doesn’t seem like he’s some famous guy who gets his face splashed all over magazines and social media. He just seems like a nice guy who’s trying to navigate life as a single dad. With an incredible ass.

His rough fingers brush back a wisp of my hair, tucking it behind my ear. “I think I lost a year of my life waiting for him to fall asleep.”

His implication has me jittery with nerves. After that kiss last night, Hutton hasn’t tried to kiss me again, nor have we discussed it. While it may have rocked my world, perhaps he felt differently.

“Oh, we can’t have that. You’re old enough as it is,” I tease.

His mouth opens in mock horror and he rolls again, this time pouncing on top of me, playing roughhouse like I’ve seen him do with Henry. His hips and legs settle in between mine. A perfect fit. “Take it back, sugar,” he says menacingly.

I squirm but have no real intention of bucking him off me. I tilt my head back, lifting my nose as high as I can. I love this teasing side of him. “Or what?”

He cocks his head to the side, clearly thinking through his threat. “Or I’ll tickle you until you scream for mercy.”

I mock-gape, then giggle. “Go ahead. I’m not ticklish.” I’m completely lying and he must know it because he shifts to bring a hand to my waist in warning.

Except we both freeze before any tickling can commence, staring into each other’s eyes. There’s no getting around the fact that there’s a steel pipe digging into my hip and I’m not the owner of it. I lick my lips, trying to think of what to say to bring back the lighthearted teasing of a moment before. His gaze follows the motion and he dips his head, pressing his lips to mine like he’s desperate for a taste. The hand that went to my waist slides up my side, dangerously close to my breast before it travels upward to my face. Stars dance behind my eyes and time stands still. His lips coax mine apart and his tongue explores every corner. The kiss is desperate and rough, the opposite of the hand that gently cups my jaw.

I groan, legs automatically spreading wider to feel more of him. Hutton wrenches his lips away and rests his forehead against mine, breathing hard. His hips flex and I swear I feel every inch of him against the most intimate parts of me. Then he grunts and rolls off of me, staring up at the ceiling we can’t quite make out in the dark.

“You know why I call you sugar?” His voice comes out strangled.

My brain doesn’t want to engage but I force it to, focusing on his question even as I feel cold and empty without his weight on top of me. “Because of the candy I stole from the lodge when we met?”

I hear his hand scrape down his face, the growing whiskers there only adding to his appeal. I noticed today that some of them were coming in gray, a fact I’m sure he hates, but I secretly love.

“That was the original reason, but now it’s because of how addictive you are.”

I turn my head and stare at his profile. That certainly didn’t feel like a man who isn’t interested. “If Henry wasn’t sleeping two feet away, would you have stopped?”

He rolls his head too, and I shiver at the way his eyes seem to blaze as hot as the fireplace. “Absolutely not. And maybe that’s a good thing.”

I frown, now back to being unsure about how he feels about me.

He rolls again, propping his head back up on his hand. “It’s a good thing because I also want to get to know you, Rae.”

Hearing my real name on his lips creates a dust storm of emotions in my gut. He leans in and kisses me on the forehead. “Now roll over and go to sleep.”

I look up at him, seeing that he’s trying to be a gentleman here, and while I’m not used to being around guys like that, I find that I love it. Wanting to respect his request like he’s respected me, I roll away and tuck my hands under the throw pillow.

After just a moment, Hutton’s arm comes around my waist and hauls me back against his chest. I stifle a yelp. His body is warm and inviting and exactly where I want to spend the night. I feel him nuzzle his nose into my neck, and I know I won’t be able to fall asleep for a long time tonight. Not wanting to be alone in my insomnia, I wiggle my ass against him.

“Put that sugar cane away, cowboy,” I whisper.

I feel his chest vibrate as he laughs silently. “It’s gonna be a long night.”

I grin as the fire pops and Henry snores, tucked in next to my country singer.

We wake in the early morning hours once again to Henry pouncing on our legs, this time with an urgent—and confusing—message about the numbers flashing. Hutton pulls him into his arms and away from me, probably trying to spare me another bruise, but I’m already rolling out from under the blankets to check on the power. Indeed, the clock over the stove is flashing, which means the power is probably on again. I flick the light switch in the kitchen and wince as the bright light immediately comes on.

Part of me is ecstatic to get back to normal business, but the other part of me misses having a reason to snuggle with Hutton in front of a fire in the dark. Now that the power’s back on and the roads will probably be cleared by the end of the day, will Hutton be ready to leave Snowhaven? Certainly he has holiday plans that don’t involve hiding out with a struggling artist in a small town in Idaho.

“Looks like we’re back in business!” I announce to the boys already wrestling. “How about some eggs and bacon this morning?”

Both of their heads pop up, hair a mess and matching eyes flashing excitement. They’re so damn cute it makes my heart hurt to look at them.

“I’ll help,” Hutton says, standing instantly. He’s an adorable, rumpled mess in his T-shirt, socks, and boxers. My cheeks flush thinking about what’s behind those boxers, so I busy myself getting ingredients out of the refrigerator.

My cell phone vibrates on the kitchen counter where I left it plugged in with the hopes the power would come back on and charge it. The screen says it’s Morgana.

“I better get that,” I tell Hutton. He nods but puts his hands on my hips from behind and leans in to kiss my shoulder before releasing me. “Good morning.”

There’s a thick layer of sweatshirt in between us and yet the feel of those lips sears all the way into my gut. I turn to give him a startled smile but he’s already twisting knobs on my stovetop to help get breakfast ready.

“Hello?” My voice is breathy and ridiculous as I answer the phone. I turn my back on Hutton and stare out the window at the snowmen we made yesterday with Henry in the front yard.

“Oh my God, Rae. I’ve been calling over and over again. Stupid cell phone towers can’t handle a little snow. You okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good,” I say brightly. “You all good over there?”

“We’re fine. Forget about us though. Where did Hutton and Henry end up? Aksel went to check on them and their suitcases are in their rooms but his truck is gone.”

“They’re with me,” I assure her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to create a panic, but they took me home and got a fire started for me. By that time, the snow was coming down too hard to get back to the lodge.”

There’s silence on the other end of the line, during which Hutton whispers, “Hey, you got a pan you want me to use for the bacon?”

I point to the same pan we used yesterday for the pancakes. I’m not fancy enough to have a separate pan for bacon. Morgana gasps in my ear. Her voice comes out hushed, like she’s cupping her hand over the phone and whispering directly into it like a crazed stalker.

“Are you telling me you’ve been shacking up with Hutton Calder?”

I bite my lip and move further away when Hutton spins around with a shit-eating grin on his face. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, Morgana. Way to yell that through the phone.

“Um, yes. And Henry, don’t forget.”

“Rae-Rae!” Henry calls, standing right in front of me with his shirt off and whipping it over his head in a circle like a real cowboy. “I’m gonna lasso you!”

Morgana squeals in my ear, right as I dodge to the side, letting Henry chase me. He giggles and throws his shirt, tagging me on the back of my leg. I fake like it took me down and plop onto the floor. He sits on my lap and throws his arms around my neck.

“Gotcha!” he shouts.

“Henry.” Hutton appears above us and pulls him off my lap. “I got eggs ready. Let’s leave Rae alone so she can talk to her friend.”

Henry rolls his bottom lip out and gives me a pathetic look. I put my hand over the cell phone. “I’ll be right over to have eggs with you.”

That pacifies him enough to go with Hutton without pitching a fit. I focus back on Morgana. “Hey, I gotta go.”

“Hell yeah, you do!” She lowers her voice again. “Seriously, though. Hutton is a good guy. And fuckin’ hot.”

I shush her. “You’re married, remember?”

She laughs. “Doesn’t mean I don’t notice good looks. What I’m saying is ride that man like you’re a cowboy headed back to the barn, late for supper. Call it a Christmas gift to yourself.”

My mouth gapes open and images come to mind that are absolutely not appropriate with a five-year-old boy in the room. I clear my throat. “Henry’s here,” I hiss.

“I’ve got two kids and still find time to let my Viking plunder me. One should be a breeze.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay. I’m hanging up now.”

“Just think about it!” she yells, right before I hit the End button and stand back up.

Hutton slides a plate of bacon and eggs on the kitchen table and motions me over. “Sit and eat.”

I offer to help, but he won’t have it. Quite frankly, I quite like watching him in my kitchen, his fine butt in a pair of boxers and his tanned legs on display. They sport a coating of light brown hair that only makes him more attractive. I doubt there’s many women that have gotten to see Hutton making them breakfast, so I sit back and enjoy it.

The second I clear the plates after we’ve eaten, Henry is dashing about the house, clearly suffering from cabin fever. Hutton tries to explain that we can’t go anywhere due to the roads not being cleared in my neighborhood yet, but Henry doesn’t seem to understand that.

I clap my hands. “I know. Why don’t we have a snowball fight outside, followed by baking sugar cookies? We can decorate them and hand them out to the snowplow guys when they finally get here.”

Henry seems to consider my plan and agrees, racing to the front door to get his shoes and jacket on. “Last one to thwow a snowball and eat the sugar nookie is a wotten egg!”

Hutton and I both look at each other, broad smiles on our faces. “Sugar cookies,” Hutton corrects, but it falls on deaf ears. Henry’s already pulling the door open to head outside, chanting, “Su-gar nookies! Su-gar nookies!”

I shrug. That kid is straight adorable. “I kind of like the sound of that.”

The screen door bangs behind Henry, leaving us alone in the house and alone with this heightened sexual energy in the air. Hutton prowls closer before sliding his arms around my waist and dipping his head to look me in the eyes. “Same, sugar, same.”

And then he kisses me, indulging in some of our own sugar nookie before layering on clothes and trying to tire out the five-year-old.

Doc: There’s a kickass truck parked in Rae’s driveway.

Mayor Nancy Haney: Okay, Peeping Tom.

John Ross: The phones are just now back online and that’s the first thing you text? Not even “hey, is everyone okay?”

Doc: Hey, is everyone okay and by the way, there’s A HUGE TRUCK PARKED IN RAE’S DRIVEWAY.

Doc: Better??

Chief Blade: It’s been there for the last forty-eight hours. Someone probably got snowed in at her place.

Dagny: In my expert opinion, huge trucks only belong to men. Sooo…safe to say Rae has a new suitor?

Mayor Nancy Haney: Are we in Bridgerton? Who the hell says suitor anymore??

Dagny: Oh, I’m sorry, would you have preferred booty call?

Janna: Hey, that’s my best friend you’re talking about!

Janna: I’ll call and get the scoop…

Doc: Wait. I see Rae in the front yard now. Just got blasted in the face by a snowball from a little kid with a hell of an arm. False alarm. No booty call.

Dagny: A little kid drove that huge truck? That makes no sense.

Mayor Nancy Haney: Ever heard of a single dad, Dagny? The only people in town are celebrities and country music singers. Who could it be?


John Ross: Guys, enough with the all caps. It’s hurting my eyes.

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