Sugar Nookie Chapter 19 54%
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Chapter 19


R ae

Hutton didn’t even get to finish breakfast before Dom was blowing up his phone with calls and texts. He finally excuses himself from the table to call him back from the privacy of my bedroom. Henry gets most of the eggs in his belly and not on the floor.

“Are you excited to start kindergarten next year?” I ask as I clear our plates from the table.

Henry kicks his feet and gives me that shy smile of his that melts my heart. “Kinda. Mommy says I have to learn to wead.”

I put the dishes in the sink and return to the table. “Well, you’ll certainly learn your alphabet and a few words. But you’ll also get to color and play and meet new friends.”

Henry frowns. “Jen twied to make me do the alfbet but I wasn’t any good at it.”

“Is Jen your nanny?”

“She was. Don’ know who is now.”

I tamp down my irritation on his behalf. “Well, what if we try to learn a few letters today? Maybe you can learn the letters that spell your name?”

“Henwy!” he cheers.

“That’s right. Here, let’s use this paper. I’ll draw the letters for your name and you can color it and then practice making the letter underneath.” I pull a few fresh sheets of paper from his pile and make bubble letters out of his name. He holds the pencil in his right hand, showing me that someone has indeed tried to show him how to write.

He’s working on the H when a truck starts beeping outside. I get up from the table and run to the window to see the local hardware store truck backing up into my driveway.

“Damn, Nancy works quick.” My breath fogs up the window.

I jam my feet into my boots, throw on my jacket, and run to the garage to direct the plywood delivery to the car space next to my run-down beater of a vehicle that Aksel had brought back to my house. Aksel said the rusted-out spots were giving off the wrong vibe for their ski lodge. He was teasing of course, but he’s not wrong. The delivery guy isn’t someone I know, but he’s kind, stacking all the boards against the side wall of the garage in a neat fashion. He tips his head and accepts the five-dollar bill I hand him before taking off again. I run back inside to see Henry still working on his letters with his tongue clamped between his lips.

“Can I draw with you?” I ask, taking a seat and taking off my jacket. Henry smiles and goes back to tracing the letter H.

My heart is racing and my brain is spinning with ideas I need to get down on paper. I take a clean sheet and start sketching out my idea for the backdrop. I want this backdrop to be a masterpiece for the kids. I also want Hutton to be proud of my work, just like I’m proud of his. I make a mental note to order more paint.

An undefined amount of time passes while the two of us work. Hutton finds us hunched over the table and announces his presence with an uncharacteristic grunt. I look up and then rub my stiff neck. Henry also looks up and I realize he’s made it all the way to Y.

“Do you have a computer I can use to log in to my email? I have a few things I need to do today that I can’t do from my phone.”

I show him the laptop I have in the guest room and he doesn’t spare me a look as he sits down to get some things done. He’s in a bad mood the rest of the day, barely coming up for air to spend time with Henry and me. By the time we leave for Snowmass at the lodge, I’m not sure him being asked to play Santa Claus is a good idea. He might just bite the heads off those kids when they sit on his lap.

“Everything okay with Dom?” I ask hesitantly, fingers tight as I press my hands together in my lap. Normally when Hutton drives, he holds my hand, but not tonight.

Hutton takes his baseball hat off his head and runs his fingers roughly through his hair before jamming the hat back on his head. “Yeah, he’s fine. Just…a million things to do and not enough time to do them. Like usual.”

I ask him a few more questions, but when I only get one-word answers, I turn to Henry in the back seat for better company. Hutton immediately leaves us when we get to the lodge, which is preferable to his dark cloud hanging over our heads. Henry and I visit all the tents set up, buying cakes, cookies, candles, handmade aprons and potholders and a million other things I don’t actually need. Everything’s so cute, and I love supporting my town. With full bellies, we stand at the back of the line to visit Santa when Henry pulls me in that direction. I’m grateful to see that Hutton not only makes a good-looking Santa, but he’s also being very kind to all the kids.

While we wait, I get to observe the man. I’m starting to get a pretty good idea of why he hasn’t been able to make his own music. Creatives can be finicky people. Negative remarks from my ex killed my creativity for awhile, and I’m still trying to get my courage back to share my art with the world. Being busy with managing a huge show, employees, and a brand has clearly drained the joy from Hutton’s music. It’s impossible to create freely when you’re stressed, and Hutton is definitely stressed out.

“Miss Rae?”

I turn to see Imogen and Nora standing next to the line, all bundled in coats, hats, and mittens. “Hey, girls!” We exchange hugs.

“I was wondering if we could take Henry after he sees Santa. Dagny’s making us all the pieces for a homemade gingerbread house. Figured Henry could help us decorate it. Is that okay?”

Henry’s eyes light up with the invitation. “Sure. You’ll be in the kitchen?”

“Yep! Farmor will be there to make sure Dagny doesn’t rap our knuckles with a spatula.” Imogen laughs.

“Oh, well, that’s…” I trail off, not sure if I want Henry going now.

“She kidding,” Nora says. “Danny love us.”


I nod to the girls and then step up to place Henry on Hutton’s knee. I back away before I can inhale his scent deep into my lungs like an idiot. Only a few more days before Hutton and Henry leave. I need to keep reminding myself of that little fact.

“Ho, ho, ho!” Hutton says in a deeper voice than usual. “Have you been naughty or nice, young man?”

Henry stares up at him, confusion and mistrust clear in his expression.

“Definitely nice,” I answer for him. Henry nods his agreement.

“Oh, that’s good to hear. What would you like this year, my boy?” Hutton tries to hug Henry, but the little boy squirms away, leaving space between them, as he teeters on the end of Santa’s knee.

Henry bites his lip and looks over to me for help. I bend down and join them. “Want to tell me and I’ll tell Santa?”

Henry nods vigorously. He’s too precious for words. I lean in and cup my hand around my ear. He leans in too, his whisper a bit loud for being so close. “I want Daddy to move to Snow heaven so we can live with you fowever.”

My eyes burn and no amount of blinking can get them to clear before I have to turn to Santa with this adorable request. I rub my hand on Henry’s back, moved that he wants to stay here with me. Hutton licks his lip and then sputters when the fake beard gets caught on his lips. I roll my lips in to stop the laugh.

“Santa? Henry would like his daddy to move to Snowhaven so he can live with me.”

Hutton stills and I watch the expression on his face as he tries to grasp that wish. His eyes close for a moment, and when he reopens them, he’s back into character. “Ho, ho, ho! I’ll see what I can do, young man, but how about a go-kart or a trip to Disneyland in the meantime?”

Henry twists his face up, giving that suggestion some thought. Then he pops off Santa’s knee. “No, thank you!”

He holds his hand out for me and I take it, tossing a cross-eyed smile at Hutton over my shoulder. He looks like he got broadsided by a reindeer. Henry begs for a hot chocolate and there’s not anything in this world that would stop me from spoiling him right now. Imogen and Nora steal him away after he gets his hot chocolate, with promises to bring him back later. Morgana sidles up to my side and watches them go, a wistful smile on her beautiful face.

“I remember my first Christmas here seven years ago. Aksel played Santa that year.” She turns to me with an evil glint in her eyes. “Henry should be entertained for the next hour at least. The Santa meet and greet is now closed. Maybe you should go into room 202 and make sure Hutton gets out of the suit okay?” She slides a room key in my hand, shoots me a wink, and walks off, hips swaying.

I tap the key against my palm, wondering if I dare use it. Hutton was in such a bad mood today. Then again, maybe what I have to offer is just what the man needs to let off some steam? I remind myself I only have a few more days with him, so I might as well live them to the fullest.

And right now I have a need to sit on Santa’s lap and beg for what I want most.

Decision made, I wave to my fellow townspeople as I move through the crowd toward the front door of the lodge. I pull on the antler handles and sigh as the heat from the fireplace greets me. With purpose, I stride through the lobby and hit the elevators. No one joins me, thank goodness, and I tap my foot nervously the whole way to the second floor. The doors slide open with a ding and I hurry to room 202. One big inhale later and I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I slide the key, the light turns green, and I throw open the door.

Hutton’s head pops up from where he’s standing by a chair in the corner of the room. There’s a round pillow on the floor, probably what gave him such a jolly belly. The suit hangs open, showing off his gorgeous torso, muscles lining his stomach.


I give a nervous wave. “Keep the suit on, Santa.”

Hutton tips his head to the side, confused, but he stops undressing.

I step into the room, channeling my inner Morgana Mavis and let my hips do the majority of the talking. “I have a fantasy to fulfill. Will you let me?” I stop right in front of him and run a finger down his torso, ending at the top of the Santa suit pants.

Hutton audibly swallows. His eyes are practically burning holes in my skin. “I think the only right answer here is yes.”

The saucy grin covers for my nerves. “That’ll get you on the nice list, but what I’m about to do…”

I push on his stomach and he lets himself fall back into the chair. He spreads his legs and I step between them and sink to my knees.

“Holy peppermint sticks,” Hutton breathes, hot gaze tracking my every move.

“Only one peppermint stick I’m interested in, cowboy.” My hands slide up his thighs and reach inside the waistband of his pants.

Hutton’s head hits the back of the chair with a groan as I take him in my fist and rub my thumb across the tip of him. My mouth waters with the sudden need to give him the best blowjob of his life. I pounce, lips wrapping around the end of him and sucking. His hips lift and more of him slides into my mouth. I swirl my tongue around the head as I pull away, just to dive back down and take him as deeply as I can. He groans again and suddenly his hands are in my hair, pulling off my ski cap and fisting the strands.

“Oh my God, Rae. That’s…so…”

I slide down his length again while wrapping my fingers around the base of him. His words get strangled and he doesn’t complete the sentence. I tease just the tip of him for long moments before plunging down as deeply as I can. The man growls like an animal and his fingers tighten in my hair. I love it all. Love seeing and hearing him lose control. Love that I’m on my knees for the one man who would never ask me to do it in the first place.

“Rae, wait. Rae… I’m going to…” His sentence breaks off again with a growl from his chest. His cock pulses in my mouth and suddenly I’m swallowing him down, licking him clean, and grinning up at a thoroughly pleased Santa Claus.

His head flops back against the chair, his chest expanding on exaggerated inhales. Then he brings his head up again and looks at me like I might have just given him the best Christmas present of his whole life.

“You had a fantasy about giving Santa a blowjob?”

I burst into laughter and so does he, bad mood long forgotten.

John Ross: I saw more than a few grown women sit on Santa’s lap tonight.

Janna: Not me, baby. I only have eyes for you. 3

Dagny: I’m not even sorry about it either. I think next year, if we can get Hutton or some other gorgeous man to don the suit, we should charge the ladies. Make it a fundraiser.

Mayor Nancy Haney: You trying to take my job, Dagny?

Dagny: God, no. I don’t need the fancy parking space.

Doc: Good turnout, for sure. Even sold some Nutcracker tickets once the rumor got out about Hutton being involved in producing it.

Mayor Nancy Haney: I do wonder if we should limit the alcohol at these things though. Victoria threw up in the bushes right at the start. I told Gavin to take her home and sober up. He shot me the bird!

Chief Blade: That’s interesting. I had an officer out there and he said no one appeared intoxicated.

Mayor Nancy Haney: The puke doesn’t lie.

Dagny: I’ll send Aksel to clean that up.

Mayor Nancy Haney: In more important news…have we placed bets on Hutton and Rae being a real couple yet??

Janna: She’s being super tight-lipped about the whole thing, but I’m thinking it’s just a holiday fling.

John Ross: We started as a holiday fling and look at us now!

Doc: I got money on Rae settling down with a local guy, not some hotshot celebrity.

Janna: I got my money on love blossoming in Snowhaven this Christmas….

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