Sugar Nookie Chapter 27 77%
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Chapter 27


R ae

The final waltz of The Nutcracker is exactly why I haven’t given up on my art. It’s this moment when something bigger than each of us comes together in a crescendo of heart and creativity and human togetherness. The kids are radiant, their faces upturned to the falling snow, my heart is light, and anything seems possible. I’m so in the moment with the kiddos that the applause from the audience startles me. The kids practically glow. I feel a tear leak down my cheek and brush it away. God, I love this feeling.

I don’t even notice when Hutton sneaks back into the pit. Ada pushes me from behind suddenly and Hutton grabs my hands, tugging me toward the stairs on the side of the stage.

“What are you doing?” I hiss, wanting to sit in that afterglow a little longer.

Hutton ignores me and heads for the microphone that Janna hands him. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight for the town’s rendition of The Nutcracker . Please give a round of applause for our talented actors and singers.”

The crowd, still on their feet, applaud for the kiddos, who all take the bow we practiced and I forgot about when I got lost in the moment. I clap for them too, knowing I’ll be hugging each and every one of them before they go home tonight.

But Hutton isn’t done. He turns to me and extends his hand. “A big warm thank-you to the woman who ran the whole show, giving up hours of her time to help the kids get ready. The woman who meticulously painted the backdrops this evening. The one and only…Rae Dunn!”

Henry steps in front of me with a bouquet of flowers so huge it covers his entire upper body. I take the flowers from him with a watery smile and lean down to give him a hug. He darts back behind my legs as soon as I let him go. The audience is clapping just as loudly for me, a few whistles joining in. I couldn’t possibly speak, even if Hutton handed me the microphone, so I just bow my head in thanks.

Hutton shoots me a wink and turns back to the crowd. “Now let’s eat!”

The crowd disperses and the kids run off the stage to grab their well-deserved cookies and lemonade and hot chocolate. Hutton walks straight for me, pulling me into a hug that just about crushes my flowers and spins me around.

“You are amazing, sugar,” he drawls, setting me down and giving me the kind of kiss one sees in the movies. As lost in the moment as I was before, I get lost in him now. His broad shoulders block out the bright lights and it’s just him and me. He takes his time, nipping my bottom lip and exploring me with his tongue. The man has many talents and I’m happy to say kissing is one of them.

Applause breaks out again and I stiffen in his arms. He breaks away from me just enough to chuckle against my lips. He hauls me upright and releases me bit by bit. I can feel my cheeks heating as someone wolf whistles and someone else calls out, “Get a room, you two!”

“Thank you,” I tell him before I get lost in talking to all the parents and kids.

“For what?” he asks, smiling at me like I personally arranged for Santa to visit Snowhaven tomorrow night.

“For pushing me when I needed pushing.”

It’s true. It hit me as I stood there with my artwork in the background and the kiddos lifting their hands to the fake snow falling that I am strong. I can withstand criticism if someone doesn’t like my art. Look at those kids putting their art on stage for everyone to see. They don’t worry about if people will boo them or turn up their nose. They do it because they love it. Which is exactly what Hutton’s been trying to show me. He had to put my artwork on the wall in my own home, for goodness’ sake. That’s how much I’ve been hiding. It’s time for me to put aside the belief system my mother adopted and find out what I believe in.

Hutton looks at me with so much affection in his eyes, I make another bold decision. I’ll tell him before he leaves how I feel. I’ll lay it out there and let him respond how he wishes. What I won’t do is hide any longer. Not with my art. Not with my goals and dreams. And not with my feelings.

Henry barrels into our legs and holds up a half-eaten cookie, frosting all over his face. “Sugar nookies!”

Hutton and I smile at each other and swoop him up to join the throng of people. It takes over an hour before people start heading home. Janna and John stay to help us clean up. Henry is asleep in a chair in the front row. Walking by with a bulging trash bag, Janna leans in and whispers, “I saw you-know-who and Mrs. Bitch in the back row tonight.”

Normally, this is when I’d shrink into myself and get that feeling in the pit of my stomach. That feeling of failure: my marriage, my career, the family that I wanted. But not after tonight. I straighten my spine, take the bag from Janna, and smirk over my ex-husband and ex-best friend.

“Maybe one day their kiddo will be part of the show.” I start walking to the side door to dump the trash in the dumpster outside. “And they better hope I’m a nicer person than they’ve been.”

The sound of Janna’s giggling follows me outside. The moon is high in the sky, casting shadows on the little downtown of Snowhaven. I can see the hardware store where Jerry stocks my paint just for me. The grocery store where I got lost as a child and never felt relief as great as when Mom found me and pulled me into her arms. I love my hometown so much. I love the people here and the memories I’ve collected over the years. How can I possibly leave it?

Hutton comes out the door, carrying a sleeping Henry on his shoulder. Janna and John are right behind him, locking up the door and handing me the keys. We say goodbye with hugs all around. Hutton puts his arm around me, and together, the three of us walk to his truck.

For him, for Henry, for a chance at the life I want, I’ll have to give up Snowhaven. It might hurt, but for them, I’d do it.

Christmas Eve dawns bright and white…and early. For how thoroughly he conked out at the theater last night, Henry must have recharged with thoughts of Christmas gifts dancing in his head.

“It’s Chwistmas Eve!” he shouts, jumping on our bed and waking us up. I barely remember falling into bed last night. I guess Henry wasn’t the only one who was exhausted.

Hutton moves quick, grabbing Henry and wrestling with him right there on the bed. I shriek and try to scramble away, but the boys are quicker, pulling me down with them. Henry sits on my legs, looking so proud of himself.

“Nora said they get to open one pwesent on Chwistmas Eve.” He folds his arms across his chest, trying to look tough on his stance.

I have to roll my lips in to keep from laughing. He’s just so dang cute. I look to Hutton, who gives a little shrug. “I don’t see why we can’t do one present each today.”

Henry leaps off of me with a cheer, already running out of the room, probably to grab the present from under the tree that he wants to open. Hutton takes the opportunity to roll on top of me and give me a kiss.

“Good morning, sugar,” he drawls, plucking a few more kisses from my lips.

I could get used to waking up like this. That burst of confidence I felt last night hasn’t dissipated. I open my mouth to tell him how I feel, but Henry blasts back into the bedroom with a whoop. There will be time to tell him what I want, but now is not it.

Henry places a soft package on my lap as Hutton rolls off me and I sit up. The wrapping paper is festive, but severely mangled. Tape is everywhere. The bow hangs off of it like it’s trying to escape the wrap job too.

Hutton scratches the back of his neck. “Yeah, so that’s from me. Normally I’d have the store wrap it, but since we had to make our gifts, I figured in the spirit of things, I should wrap it myself.”

I hug the package to my chest. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

Henry has two more packages clutched in his hands, looking back and forth at us with big eyes.

I point at him. “Go ahead and open yours, Henry.”

He shakes his head. “Nope. Daddy said wadies go first.”

My heart melts. How can it not when the hottest singer in country is also a damn good father? “Okay, I’ll go quick, then.” I rip into the paper and out rolls a lump of navy yarn. I hold it up in the air and quickly see that it’s a sweater vest. A really hideous sweater vest with three mismatched buttons and crooked white hearts dancing across each of the shoulders.

I laugh, because this thing is truly in the spirit of ugly Christmas sweaters, but my eyes are burning too. I hug it to my chest and stare at Hutton through the sheen of tears. “Did you actually make this?”

He’s rubbing his hand across his chin like he’s nervous. “Yeah. I grew up with a strong mama. Taught me and Knox how to knit. Said it would impress a lady one day. Always thought she was full of crap though.”

I launch myself forward and tackle him with a sloppy kiss. The man knitted me a goddamn Christmas sweater! Henry giggles as I lay one on his dad. Hutton’s hands come up to my hips to hold me in place. When I break away to pull in a breath, Hutton smiles against my lips.

“Guess she was right.”

I giggle, knowing full well I’m in love with this man. I’m pretty sure he feels the same way, though I have my doubts he’s ready to admit it. I don’t know how our lives will look, seeing that we live in two different states, but I’m willing to explore the possibility. I can only hope that he does too.

I push off his chest and sit up, my hair a wild mess. “I’m definitely impressed, Hutton. Thank you.”

“Otay, otay, otay!” Henry shouts, clearly done with how long it’s taking me to accept my one gift. He rips into the wrapping paper on his own gift and shouts some more when he sees the set of miniature dinosaurs I got him. He tries to get the plastic box open and fails. Hutton saves him, taking the box and ripping into it so Henry can free the dinosaurs. He zooms out of the room with his arms full of his new toys.

I look at Hutton, lying on my bed, shaggy hair a rumpled mess. His beard has grown out enough to showcase the gray growing in in spots. “You going to open your gift too?”

Hutton tosses the box to the side and pulls me down onto him. His hands slide from my hips to my ass where he squeezes a handful. “I got all the gift I need right here.” He lifts his head and trails his lips down my neck.

My giggle is breathless. “We’re going to be late to Havenkirk.” Morgana and Aksel invited us to spend the day with them, which we agreed to do, knowing the kids would have fun together too.

Hutton rolls me over so that he’s on his elbows above me. He’s already hard against my hip. “Let me check on Henry. You get in the shower and I’ll help you soap up.”

The way his eyelids have gone half-mast makes me think he has no intention of soaping me up. But I’m intrigued by what else he can offer me in the shower. I lift my head and kiss him.

“I’ll be waiting for you, cowboy.”

He spanks me as I roll out from under him and head for the shower. I pull my pajama top off and toss it over my shoulder in his direction. I close the bathroom door on his groan. I’m already wet and soaped up in the shower when he sneaks in, locking the door behind him. He undresses quickly, stepping into the shower and pinning me against the wall.

“You gotta be extra quiet, sugar.”

I grin, shimmying my hips back against his erection. This shower will always hold memories of Hutton. “You gotta be quick, cowboy.”

His hands grab my hips and spin me around so fast I yelp. He pushes on my back and I fold over for him, hands on the sides of the tub. He pushes inside of me in one hard thrust. I moan and he lightly slaps one cheek, shushing me. I can’t help it though. The man knows the exact angle to drive into me over and over again, no respite from his thrusts. When he reaches around me and strokes the bundle of nerves right as he hits that perfect spot inside of me, I fall right over the edge. I have to press my mouth into my shoulder to hold back the moans that fall from my lips. Hutton’s fingers are probably going to leave a bruise on my hip, but it’s better than my head hitting the wall. I’m completely at his mercy. With a grunt and one last thrust, Hutton joins me.

It’s not until we’re both clean and toweling off that he remembers we didn’t use a condom.

Mayor Nancy Haney: We officially made enough in ticket sales to pay for the theater renovations!

Chief Blade: And no Christmas Eve DUIs, friends.

John Ross: I love our town.

Janna: It really is the best. I’m so glad I moved here. Christmas anywhere else pales in comparison.

Dagny: Yeah, yeah. Snowhaven rocks, blah, blah, blah. Did anyone see how much Rae blushed when Hutton brought her up on stage for those flowers??

Janna: And did anyone see how quickly douchebag Gavin and Victoria left after the encore? They just hate to see Rae win.

Mayor Nancy Haney: Someone really old and wise needs to have a chat with them about what it means to live in a small town.

Dagny: Okay, fine. I’ll call for a plumber to the lodge and have a chat with Gavin.

Mayor Nancy Haney: Well, you fit the old part, but maybe not the wise…

Doc: I’m neither, but Gavin comes in for beers all the time. I’ll try to have a positive influence.

Dagny: Look who should take their own advice about being nice to others in a small town…

Chief Blade: Come on now, ladies. Are you done fighting? It’s Christmas, for crap’s sake!

Janna: Yeah. What would it take for you two to call a truce?

Mayor Nancy Haney: A Christmas Miracle?

Dagny: At least we can agree on that!

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