R ae
Janna tells me I should be mad, but I can’t seem to make my heart go in that direction. All it wants to do is run through every excruciating detail of our days together and make me relive them, both soothing me and making the hurt worse. So I did what I always did when things got to be too much: I dove into painting.
The mural on the parking garage smack-dab in the middle of downtown Snowhaven isn’t finished, but I bought all the supplies, outlined the whole damn thing, and just have to fill it in and work on the details. I’ve spent every single hour of daylight in the last week on top of scaffolding Hoss, a general contractor in town, loaned me for the project. So many members of the community have walked by and yelled up to me, stopping to chat about my project. Everyone’s feedback has been positive, a rarity these days. And yet, exactly what I would expect from my little town. We tend to come together when one of our own needs help, and I’ve been reminded of that fact this week with everyone stopping by.
Morgana also came by and insisted I was working too hard, which is why I took today off and came over to Havenkirk Lodge for the day. Plus, it felt good to get that paint out from under my fingernails. I had to scrub three times in the shower to get it all off of me.
I feel him before I see him. It’s like the air around me changes into something electric. Or maybe it’s just static cling because of the cold weather. That would be more likely than Hutton Calder returning to Snowhaven. I turn around just to be sure. The entire world as I know it wobbles on its axis.
His voice sets off a shiver running up my body. He isn’t a world-renowned singer for nothing. That voice could stop wars, impregnate thousands…make a girl give up her hometown.
He looks so damn good standing there in faded jeans molded to his thick thighs. His leather bomber jacket looks well used and pricey. Even his hair has volume to it that only the exact moisture content of Los Angeles air can provide. Don’t get me started on the boots that spent several weeks right by my bed.
“Hutton?” I ask, not trusting my legs. I stay seated and let him walk to me. Morgana rushes over and pinches the back of my arm. A stab of pain pulls me out of this Hutton Calder fog. “Ouch!”
“You know you were wondering if you were dreaming,” she mutters quietly so only I can hear her. Then she backs off with a sniff at Calder that says she doesn’t exactly approve of him stepping foot in Havenkirk, but she’ll allow it because she knows I’d never tell Hutton no.
“You look…” He slowly shakes his head and then swipes his hand across his mouth. He must have shaved at some point while he was in LA. The gray whiskers I loved so much are nowhere to be found. “Beautiful,” he finally settles on.
“You gonna just stare at her or play the damn CD?” Dagny snaps, banging her hand on a boombox she hefted up onto the island.
I jump at the interruption. I forgot anyone was in this kitchen with Hutton and me. Ingrid tries to shush Dagny, but the old coot is unshushable.
Hutton grins, but doesn’t break the staredown we have going on. “Thanks, Dagny.” He waits while she pulls the CD out of the plastic case and gets it set up in the player. “I wrote a few songs while I stayed at your house. I recorded them when I was in LA with Dom, but there’s one in particular that I can’t let the studio have until you’ve heard it.”
“Me?” I’m so confused why he’s here. My heart, the organ that had been limping along all week, is pounding in my chest.
He nods. “You inspired it, so I thought it only fitting you hear it first.”
He’s being the sweet and thoughtful man I got to know over the holidays. Which just makes the rejection harder. Dagny hits a button on the boombox and the sound pumps out at a volume that makes us all grab our ears. Rudolph barks in protest.
Dagny instantly turns it down. “Sorry! I tend to rock out when making scones.”
Ingrid, Morgana, and even Imogen shush her again. She scowls, but turns the music back up to a normal volume. Guitar chords fill the kitchen, a slow, happy melody. And then Hutton’s smooth-as-rum-in-your-eggnog voice fills the air. He sings about finding the one who makes you change your whole life. About wanting to be the voice she hears in her head, telling her how amazing she is. The words are sugar-cookie sweet, bringing a sheen of tears to my eyes.
Hutton steps closer and brushes a wisp of hair away from my face. The backs of his fingers graze my cheek. Eyes the color of whiskey stay locked on mine as he continues to sing from the boombox. His expression is exactly what I’d expect from a man who’s head over boots in love with me, but I know that can’t be right. I told him how I felt, and he didn’t feel the same way. He left.
He keeps stroking my cheek while I try to absorb the sweet words. Does he really mean it? Could he feel that way about me and still leave? We stare into each other’s eyes and seem to have a whole conversation, me not daring to hope and him impressing upon me that the words are true. This song is going to be a hit, simply because it’s what every woman wants to hear from a man.
Next thing I know, the room has magically emptied and the song is ending, only to loop back to the beginning and play again. Hutton cups my face with his hands and stoops down to touch our noses together.
“Rae, sugar?”
“I left Snowhaven without saying a few key things. Would you let me say them now?” His breath fans across my lips and it takes every ounce of self-control not to grab his jacket and pull him close to crush my lips to his.
“You think you could kiss me first?” I ask shamelessly. And breathlessly.
His mouth hooks to the right in a grin. “I’ll give you anything you want.”
He dips his head and now those warm lips are on mine, stealing my breath. It feels like coming home, like each press of his lips and swipe of his tongue is a confession, a plea, a wish for more Christmas magic even if Santa has come and gone. The kiss spirals out of control until a cry escapes my mouth. If he leaves now, he’ll truly crush my heart.
Hutton pulls back and stares down at me, a little crazed in the eyes as they dance over my face. “Rae, sugar,” he coos, crouching down and spinning me on the barstool until he can sit in the one Ingrid vacated. Now we’re eye to eye and he’s touching me everywhere. His hands slide down my arms while our knees get tangled together.
“You changed my life. This town changed my life. I’m so sorry for leaving. I knew it the second I got on the highway that I was making a huge mistake.”
Hope scrapes against all those bruises on my heart. “Then why’d you stay gone?” I’d sat on my couch the whole day, begging the universe to send him back to me. The universe had other plans, apparently.
Hutton bows his head for a moment. When he brings his head back up, his jaw is clenched. “Because I didn’t want to just give you words. I wanted you to see action. Wanted you to know I mean everything in that song. Wanted you to know I love you too.”
That little cry escapes again, and this time, I clap my hand to my mouth. Hutton rubs his hands up and down my thighs. “It’s true, sugar. I found what I was looking for finally. You gave me space to see it. To feel it. And I know I hurt you when I didn’t return your feelings right away, but can you find it in your heart to give me a second chance to earn your love?”
I shake my head and Hutton looks stricken. I let my hand fall and clear up the misunderstanding right away. “You don’t have to earn it. You already have it. I still love you. I’ll always love you, even if you never came back to Snowhaven for me. Love doesn’t just disappear because it isn’t reciprocated.”
Hutton hauls me onto his lap and I laugh at how awkwardly we’re tangled together. The barstool lets out an ominous creak, but Hutton doesn’t seem to care. He lays his head down on my chest and lets out a long breath.
“Thank God.” When he lifts his head, there are tears in his eyes that match mine. “But you’re wrong. I do have to earn your love. I’ll spend the rest of my life earning it, I promise you that.”
I slide my fingers into his thick hair and delight in the way he groans. With a watery smile on my face, I breathe him in, finally sharing a kiss with the man who loves me back. It’s everything a kiss should be: sweet, intimate, and just a little bit naughty.
I break away with a gasp. “Wait! I have something to show you!”
Hutton’s grin has a little of the devil in it. “Should you show me back at your place?”
I swat his jacket and try to climb off his lap. He lets me go, but instantly twines our fingers together and pulls me into his side as we exit the kitchen. The swinging doors hit Aksel square in the face, who has the decency to look chagrined for eavesdropping even as he holds his nose. The whole crew is there, excited looks on their faces.
“Do I hear wedding bells?” Morgana singsongs.
My face flushes bright red. Hutton just chuckles. “You think I’d propose in front of all you knuckleheads?”
Imogen complains about the name-calling, during which Hutton has to assure her he only meant her father. Morgana squeals in my ear and pulls me away from Hutton in a bear hug. Ingrid and Dagny offer congratulations, right before Dagny complains about us taking up her kitchen and making lunch late today. It’s chaos, and I love every second of it. I especially love when Hutton looks over at me and winks.
We eventually leave Havenkirk in my dilapidated car. Hutton grips the handle of the passenger door around every turn, but doesn’t say a word about how shitty the tires are or how the engine rattles when I go above thirty miles per hour. When we head into town and not toward my house, Hutton looks over with a raised eyebrow. I just grin.
“You’ll see.”
We park by the hardware store and walk hand in hand to the new parking garage. I point to the wall that Hutton worked to make my project. He claps a hand to his chest and tips his head back to take in my work. The background is painted like a sunrise, all fuzzy glowing colors. There, right in the middle of the huge outline of Idaho is a star with the word Snowhaven in fancy lettering. Painted all around it are the things that make this town a magical place. Storefronts, tourist areas, Main Street all decked out in Christmas decor, and especially the people. All the citizens who welcome strangers into our midst. Snowhaven is a town where lives are changed for the better and this mural is a way to celebrate who we are. Snowhaven shaped me into the woman I am today, and I have a feeling everyone in this town has a similar story.
Hutton turns to me, a proud smile making his handsome face something I’ll see in my memory forever. “It’s beautiful, Rae. Absolutely stunning work.”
I slide my hands up his shoulders and around his neck, falling into his warm chest. “When you left, I kept thinking about this town and why it was so special. I knew deep down, you’d be back. I didn’t know when, but I knew I’d be ready when you did. I wouldn’t be that shy woman who let her ex talk down to her or the girl who gave up on her dreams. I’d be the artist with all the faith and confidence in her own work. I’d be the girl from Snowhaven who made something of herself.”
Hutton’s arms band tightly around my waist. “Can you also be the girl from Snowhaven who lets a country singer sweep her off her feet and live happily ever after?”
I pull my head back, feeling giddy with love for this man. “What if I decide to take up gum sculptures?”
His answering grin says it all. “I’d buy the gum in bulk, sugar. You’re it for me.”
My fingers tighten in his hair. “And you’re it for me, cowboy.”
He kisses me, right there on Main Street with my unfinished mural hanging over our heads. A wolf whistle comes from a passing car and still we kiss. We don’t care who sees us or how cold it gets outside. We kiss for today and for all the tomorrows we’ll have together. The years of Christmases in front of us roll out like a red carpet.
I don’t know for certain what life will bring for us, but I do know that how a famous country music star came to fall for the small-town girl over Christmas will remain my favorite story to tell our children.
Doc: Hig just texted that a certain someone is back in Snowhaven…
Janna: SQUEAL!
Dagny: I can confirm that country music’s best butt has landed at Havenkirk…he’s talking to her right now!
Mayor Nancy Haney: Give us the blow by blow, Dagny!
Dagny: If there’s any blowing going on, I won’t be reporting on it.
John Ross: For fuck’s sake…
Doc: I do love a sex joke. I owe you a beer next time you come into the bar, Dagny.
Dagny: Shhh! I’m trying to eavesdrop and you’re *blowing* up my phone! Pun intended!
Dagny: Oh, that man is good…
Dagny: If she doesn’t take him back, I call dibs.
Dagny: His jeans are especially tight today.
Mayor Nancy Haney: Now who’s blowing up our phones…?