As I move about the lobby of Havenkirk Lodge, Hadley’s strapped to my chest, a three-month-old heat rock who never leaves my side. The other rock I carry daily is wrapped around my ring finger. Hutton proposed three weeks after coming back to Snowhaven last year. He’d picked out a huge diamond ring in Los Angeles and got down on one knee as soon as Henry joined us back in Idaho according to the new custody agreement.
We were a happy family of three for a whole week before I started getting nauseous every morning. Morgana showed up after the second morning in a row of me texting her with complaints about not being able to keep anything down. Instead of the broth I thought she’d show up with, she had seven different pregnancy tests in her hand. Every single one came back positive.
Hutton crowed like a goddamn rooster about being a dad again. He also seemed to think Hadley was a Christmas gift from the fat man in a suit himself. I liked to remind him about that one day in the shower when he forgot a condom, but Hutton quickly shushes me and proclaims Hadley his snow princess, some kind of divine miracle. Considering I’m head over heels in love with the little girl myself, I let him believe she was sent from a higher place.
“That man of yours is trying to teach me how to knit,” Hig says, startling me as I peruse the offered cakes and snacks spread out on the table before us by Dagny. She outdid herself, but then again, Mayor Nancy tried to host her own Christmas party for the town last week and Dagny was motivated to outdo her in every way.
I lift Hadley’s leg gently, not wanting to wake her, but wanting to show off her daddy’s skills. Her feet are covered in the little sparkly pink booties Hutton made for her right after she was born. The satin ribbon that keeps them tied to her busy ankles is an added touch I particularly like.
“You might find that wife you’ve been looking for. It certainly worked on me.”
Hig tries to sell the grin, but he and Hutton have become close since Hutton moved here. Hutton tells me that Hig hides it well, but he’s lonely. My gaze tracks over his broad shoulders, trim waist, perfectly styled clothes, and thick head of salt-and-pepper hair. Add to all that the fact that the man’s loaded and he’s just as kind as he is wealthy, and there’s no conceivable reason why Hig hasn’t found a woman to marry him.
“I just don’t have the time, especially now with the hunting lodge up and running. I underestimated the amount of time I’d need to put into that thing.”
I plate a butterscotch brownie, knowing they’re his favorite, and hand it to him. “From what I can tell, it’s going gangbusters. I have a new client in Dallas who mentioned it when we had a planning call last week. You know you have something special if a hunter from Texas is willing to come out here.”
Hig takes a bite of the brownie and closes his eyes for a second. I get it. Dagny is magic when it comes to baked goods. Too bad her words aren’t as sweet as her brownies.
“Thanks. I’m proud of what we’ve built, for sure. I can’t believe you did that mural in Hollywood. Is it true they’re using it as a backdrop for the new Revengers movie?”
I grin, proud of my work and happy to see it getting screen time. Hutton sidles up to my side and wraps his arm around my waist. “Talking about my amazing wife, Lindley?”
Hutton bends down to kiss the top of Hadley’s head. I’ll never get over seeing Hutton be a dad. He’s the best out there, giving his all to his kids. Henry is flourishing here in Snowhaven, coming out of his shell more and more.
“I was asking if she’s sick of you yet. I’d wife her up in a heartbeat.” Hig winks at me, even as I roll my eyes. These two. I swear. Hig says things just to piss off Hutton, and Hutton takes the bait every time.
Hutton’s head pops up and he puffs out his chest. “How about you step away from my wife before I mess up that pretty face?”
Hig only smirks. “Oh, I have a pretty face? I wasn’t the one named Sexiest American by that magazine this summer.”
Hutton was indeed honored with that title and the front of the magazine in June. Semi-retiring last year has only increased his fame. He still writes songs—all his own lyrics and melody now—and still records some of them, but he doesn’t tour regularly. The fans still eat up his music at a level that’s almost scary. The less he produces, the more they gobble up what he does put out. Dom likes to tease that Hutton has the Midas touch, and I don’t think he’s wrong.
“I’m going to find Morgana,” I excuse myself, knowing these two will verbally spar for hours if left to their own devices.
I find her with several of the ladies that own shops in downtown. With all the social media love Snowhaven has gotten the last few years with now two celebrities moving here, we’ve gotten an influx of tourists. Morgana likes to work with the local shopkeepers to make sure they profit from the increased activity in town.
“There’s my sweet little bundle of sugar,” Morgana coos to Hadley, completely ignoring me until she gives her bald head at least ten kisses. “Hey, Rae.”
I roll my eyes and she barks out a tinkling laugh before pulling us into a bulky hug. The other ladies all pat Hadley’s back and offer well-wishes for us both. The community came together and outfitted my entire nursery before Hutton could swing in with his cash and buy it all. It meant more to me to rock Hadley in a rocker gifted by my friends.
“Does Hig seem okay to you?” Morgana asks quietly so the other women don’t hear her.
I look back at where he’s still talking to Hutton. The two men are ridiculously handsome. “He does seem a bit stressed,” I hedge.
Morgana taps her red-tipped fingers against her mouth. “I got a résumé from a woman looking for work at the ski lodge. We just don’t have the need for more staff at the moment, but the more I dug into her, the more I want her here in Snowhaven.”
I frown, a bit lost. “What do you mean?”
“I may have searched up her social media pages and did a little background search.” Morgana shrugs, but I know this woman. Everything she does is intentional.
“Okay. And?”
Morgana leans closer, talking faster. “She’s pregnant at thirty-nine. Lives in San Francisco. Just got let go from a schwanky corporate job for some gazillionaire. Now why would a city girl be looking to move to Idaho at her age and a baby on the way? Huh? Not related to anyone in Snowhaven either. It’s a mystery and it’s killing me.”
“And you think Hig should hire her?” I’m putting two and two together here, and coming to the same answer Morgana already has in her own head. She loves to help people out, not in a flashy way that gets media attention like some celebrities.
“Exactly! Think you can get Hutton to convince him?”
Hutton looks over at that exact moment and gives me a subtle wink that makes my insides flutter. “I got this,” I tell Morgana. “But you look like you need some time with your goddaughter.” I look down at Hadley meaningfully.
Morgana claps her hands in excitement and helps me unclip the carrier from my body and get Hadley settled against her own voluptuous chest. Hadley whimpers at the change, but settles again when Morgana sways side to side and sings quietly to her.
“Second floor, room fifteen is unoccupied,” she whispers as I leave her, my sights set on my husband.
When I reach his side, he stops talking to Hig and kisses me on the nose. “Hey, sugar.”
That drawl still gets me every time. “Hey, can you help me with something?”
Hutton agrees immediately and excuses himself from Hig. I take his hand in mine and lead him past the lobby and into the elevator. The same elevator we rode together the night we met. I step into him as the doors slide shut and wrap my hands around the back of his neck.
“Whoa,” Hutton murmurs right before spinning me around so that my back’s against the elevator wall and kissing me. The elevator dings, interrupting the slide of his tongue along my bottom lip.
I let go and drag him to room fifteen. My shirt is over my head and on the floor before the door closes. Hutton makes a strangled noise, stopping in his tracks. I bend down and toss off my boots before peeling off my jeans. I’m naked in less than thirty seconds, all while Hutton watches. I barely get a hand up to my own bare breast before he barrels into me and lays me down on the bed.
With my fingers in his hair, I keep his mouth off of mine, both of us already breathing hard. “Wait. You didn’t help me with what I needed.”
Hutton is busy shoving his jeans down his hips. “Anything, baby. Whatever you want.”
I smile, knowing I didn’t need to use sex to get what I wanted, but this is way more fun. “I want Hig to hire my friend.”
“Done. Now scoot up so I can worship this pussy. She did such good work three months ago.”
I feel my cheeks heat. Hutton’s chest rumbles with a laugh like it always does when I blush. There’s just something about this straitlaced man talking dirty that does it for me. I oblige, moving up the bed a few more inches so he can wedge himself between my legs and make me come with his tongue and a single finger.
“There you go, sugar,” he drawls as my back bends off the bed. He doesn’t quit until my whole body goes limp. Then he lines up the head of his cock with my opening and pushes in gently. We both exhale, feeling like we’re both truly home when we’re connected this way. He drops his forehead to mine.
“Something magical about Christmas nookie. Maybe we’ll make another baby this year,” he grates out between clenched teeth.
I slide my fingers through his hair, knowing it’s going to be an absolute mess when we go back downstairs and not caring at all. “We do need a stocking for that last letter…”
“Damn right, sugar.” Hutton kisses me, his tongue mimicking the rhythm of his thrusts. We make love, husband and wife, famous singer and hall pass, small-town girl and the man who’s head over boots for her.
Mayor Nancy Haney: Has anyone seen Rae?
Doc: Last I saw her, she was getting into the elevator with Hutton.
Dagny: If those two mess up the sheets in a perfectly clean room again, Ingrid is going to have their heads!
Janna: Pretty sure someone’s getting head…
John Ross: Please let it be me.
Chief Blade: Can we keep this PG, guys?
Doc: I think it’s pretty funny. You need to get laid, Chief.
Mayor Nancy Haney: Very poor form to say that to the chief. His wife died.
Dagny: That was ten years ago. He deserves some lovin’, don’t you think? Oh, right. You’re divorced and celibate. You wouldn’t understand.
Mayor Nancy Haney: Who said I’m celibate?
John Ross: Oh snap!
Chief Blade: Who said I’m not getting laid?
Janna: Whoooeeee!! Go old people!
Doc: Wait…do you think Mayor Nancy and Chief are…