Sugar Plum Serenade (Seawolf Beach #2) Chapter 16 89%
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Chapter 16


Tuck woke in a bed that was not his own. It took him a moment to remember where he was and how he’d gotten here. Olive . Damn, he hadn’t seen her coming.

No matter where he went from here, this Christmas had changed his life. There had been no other season like it. Thanks to the good and the bad, a lot of uncertainty, eye-opening moments… he was not entirely the same man he’d been a few weeks ago. Where would he go from here?

Colt’s news, if he chose to believe it, was life shattering in itself. Should he pursue what might be… might be … a new extended family? There could be family reunions. Cousins. Aunts and uncles. Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations with too many people and too much food. Were there relatives with blue eyes and the same nose Tuck saw in the mirror? Would he see his own traits in others?

The only blood relative he’d ever known had been Uncle Houston, a man with a questionable past and colorful cohorts. Was his mother’s side of the family respectable? Were they kind, like Doreen Tucker?

Whatever he did with the information Colt had passed on, if he did anything at all, would have to wait. He wasn’t about to show up with his claims during the holidays. Maybe after the first of the year. Summer. Next Christmas. Never .

Then there was Olive, who’d turned his life upside down as much as this granny news. He liked her too much. He cared about her in a way he hadn’t cared for anything or anyone in a very long time. He liked being alone. His life was safer that way. Keep it simple, that was his motto. Olive was anything but simple, and even if he did care about her what difference did it make? She wasn’t going to stay.

She made him think about the things he craved most and at the same time was frightened of. A family of his own. A connection that went so deep it would never be broken. A woman he could call his own, children, a home that no one could ever take away. When he looked at Olive, when he lost himself in her, that’s what he saw. What he craved.

He wanted to ask her to stay, but when she said no it would break his heart. Nate Tucker didn’t do broken hearts. Maybe he’d broken a few along the way, but his own heart was immune.

Or had been.

Olive would only be here for a few more days. After Christmas she’d be back to her life. A life that didn’t include him.

The same way his life didn’t include her.

He crawled out of bed and grabbed his clothes off the floor, glancing at the bedside clock as he started to dress. It was noon. Olive had been at work for at least a couple of hours. She’d left him sleeping. A vague, half-sleep memory crept into his brain. She’d kissed him on the cheek and pulled the covers over his shoulder. Maybe she’d said something, but he couldn’t remember what.

As he walked into the living room, he had a chance to study all the new Christmas decorations. For someone who claimed to hate the holiday, Olive had gone all out. There were even snowflake pillows on the couch; a gnome similar to the ones in the windows sitting on the coffee table; a kitchen towel with snowmen on it tossed over the back of a chair. When she loaded up her car to go home, it would be packed to the headliner.

He saw the ballerina ornament last. It caught his eye, caused him to stop in his tracks. Olive didn’t have fond memories of her time as a dancer. In fact, it had scarred her in a way that made it difficult to think or talk about. So why the new ornament? Why the reminder? She’d said this Christmas was nice , and he’d like to think he’d had something to do with that shift in her attitude.

Like it made a difference.

His phone buzzed as he left the ballerina behind and walked toward the front door. Emergency? Colt? Or Olive?

You up?

Barely. On my way home.

My mom just called. She and Dad are coming in tonight instead of tomorrow. I’ll be at Dawn’s until late. Catch you after?

Tuck hesitated. This was sounding too much like he and Olive were an actual couple, making plans for the night, making plans around her family. The sex was great, but this was more than that. Wasn’t it?

Maybe. I’ll have to work late.

That’s fine. Later.

In his experience, any woman who said that’s fine wasn’t fine at all.

He could enjoy Olive while she was here, knowing it wouldn’t last, or he could end it now and save what was left of his soul before she shattered it.

Later .

Decisions would have to wait. When Olive was nothing more than a text it was easy to decide to end the relationship while he was ahead. When he saw her, if he saw her… that would be a different story.

She should be happy her folks had decided to push on through and get to their grandkids, including their new grandson, a day early. Still, she would’ve been glad to have one more night with Tuck before family obligations ruined everything.

No, not ruined . Interfered.

Though Tuck had said he had to work tonight. Maybe her parents’ early arrival didn’t make a bit of difference. She’d be home eventually, and so would he. Who needed sleep? She still had to talk to him about the earrings, hand them over to him, but how? When? The story Colt had shared wasn’t welcome news for Tuck. He likely wouldn’t want a physical reminder to deal with.

Still, she’d promised. Colt. Anna. Maude. She’d given them her word. Yes, she’d made a promise to a ghost.

Tonight was for family. Ghosts, earrings, and the unexpected possibility that she loved Tuck could wait.

Ava was so excited to see her grandparents and all the brightly wrapped presents they placed beneath the huge Christmas tree, she didn’t seem at all distracted by Rosaline or any other spirits. Willow was, as usual, not as loud or active as her sister, but when she had the chance she jumped into her grandfather’s lap and snuggled there.

Olive thought her heart would break at the sight. She’d never really wanted children, even though she loved her nieces and her new nephew, but she’d never before felt so completely encompassed in love, family… and the idea of one day having all that for herself.

She took her mom a glass of water and a cookie, then sat beside her. Nathaniel slept, snug in her arms. Well, arm. Grammy Carson knew how to hold a baby and have a free hand to function. “So,” she said. “Tell me about this Tuck.” Before Olive had a chance to respond, her mother added, “Such an odd name for a grown man.”

If you think his name is odd, what will you think when we start talking about ghosts? She didn’t go there.

“Who told you about Tuck?” And what had they told?

“Dawn, of course. She was upset for a time that you were dating the man who delivered Nathaniel, but I think she’s come to terms with it. I don’t know what her problem was.”

Not going there.

“It sounds as if he did an adequate job. Dawn and Nathaniel are both healthy and happy.”

“He’d delivered a baby before.”

“So I heard.” She shifted the baby a little, bounced him lightly when he started to squirm. “I didn’t expect you’d find a man in Seawolf Beach. How inconvenient. It’s not like you’re going to be here much longer, and even with the best of intentions a long-distance relationship never works. I suppose a little distraction during the holidays isn’t a bad thing, not for a woman your age.”


“I’m a realist, Olive. You’re thirty years old. I don’t want to see you alone for the rest of your life because one selfish, clumsy oaf…” She took a deep breath and looked her youngest daughter in the eye. “I don’t like to talk about that man. Yes, he injured your hip, but he did more than that. He destroyed your trust in men. Some don’t deserve trust, but many men are perfectly acceptable and trustworthy. And let’s face it,” she said in a lowered voice. “They do have their… uses. If this Tuck helps you move on, then who am I to question his silly name?”

“Mom, you talk too much. ”

“So I’ve been told.”

“But you’re not wrong.”

Her mom’s response, “You usually hate that about me,” was followed by a sly wink.

Olive stood, stretched, and said her goodbyes. Dawn was surprised she was leaving so early, but Olive told a half truth. She hadn’t slept well last night. Let them assume she was going home to fall into bed and sleep.

She did need to stop by the Jasmine Street house, but sleep was not on her mind.

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