Summer/Time (The Sunny Sunshine Duet #2) Chapter Six 17%
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Chapter Six


Stumbling through my front door, I trip over the mat and go flying to the floor. My body making no attempt to break my fall and hitting the wooden floor with a hard thud, followed by a grunt.

“Fuck sake.”

I faintly hear Axe mutter.

I feel myself being pulled roughly from the ground, my feet forcefully guiding me towards the chair in the living room.

“I’ll get some water.”

Jimmy remains calm.

“This was a bad fucking idea, looking at the state he’s in,”

Axe bites back, as though I can’t hear him.

“What the fuck do you expect him to be like?”

Axe lets out a huff, placing me into the armchair. My head rolls and my shaky vision unable to steady on the room before me, that now appears to be spinning. My entire body feels like it’s on a roller coaster, constantly going through the motions. I’ve been hit throughout the day with waves of unbelievable and crippling sadness each time my memory falls to Summer. Captain Dean immediately sent me home when news spread about the fire, he arrived at the apartment soon after and tried to chew me out for walking out in the middle of the interview but somehow Callaghan smoothed it over.

I wasn’t listening to the conversation; I couldn’t pull my focus from the body bag they wheeled out. As it drove off, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I tried following but I was told no, that if I even tried to insert myself into the investigation that I was going to be fired with no questions asked. My head snapped to the captain, being the heartless cunt he is, but both Jimmy and Callaghan pulled me away before I could do any serious damage to my career. I couldn’t give a fuck about that, the NYPD can fucking hang, I have no loyalties to them.

I turn to Jimmy; he places the water next to me, but I just stare at it. Unable to move my body or process a single rational thought. I’m empty and broken as the hazy whisky fuel wears off and I descend into my own internal chaos, unable to stop.



I force my heavy eyes open, wincing immediately. The sun feels brighter than usual, the glare stabbing me right in my eyes.


I immediately squeeze them shut, the pounding in my skull and immense throbbing in my temples.

Forcing my fingertips to my temples, I rub the aches and bitter tension pulsing through my skull.


Stop tormenting me….


I hear that beautiful voice again, her soft sultry tone beckoning me towards the edge. With my head in my hands, my palms and fingertips clamp down hard on my skin. My body begins to tremble, but I hear it again.



My neck snaps to the voice. Blinking a couple times, my voice bounces off the walls of my apartment. My chest heaves and I can feel the tears prick my eyes when I see her, but no matter how much I will it to be real, I know this is all a cruel taunt.

The light reflects off her long flowing blonde hair, an almost halo forms. Her bright baby-blue eyes search mine when a small smile pulls at her full lips. She turns to face me fully, revealing a crisp white short blouse. Taking a step closer, her long-tanned legs fully on display as she continues to move closer.

I try to fight but I’m paralysed. I don’t fight as hard as I could, I know this isn’t real, but I’ll take a few stolen seconds lost within a memory than face the reality that she’s no longer here. A single tear slides down my cheek and my heart thunders in my ears. I can feel my body shaking and trembling, barely able to catch my breath as she approaches.

Standing a few inches from me, Summer finally looks up towards me. Her hand gently reaches out to touch my cheek, a sadness flickers across her face. As soon as her warm soft fingertips graze across my skin, my eyes snap to her. I fight with everything to touch her, but I can’t. I try to speak but words are stuck in my throat, unable to communicate with the woman I love.

“Bhodi, you need to wake up.”

She speaks softly, almost a whisper.


My brows pinch, shooting her a questioning look. I feel the warmth and light begin to slowly drain away from the room. Glancing around, I can see it peeling away from the walls. As though this fake fa?ade was only allowed to last a few short moments.

“Bhodi, you need to wake up!”

This time her tone is a command.

Summer’s eyes are wide and full of determination. My mouth falls open, but still no words come out. I can feel myself fighting with my mind to spit them out, but before I can, she speaks again.

“Bhodi, for fuck’s sake wake up!”

in an instant, her palm connects hard with my cheek.

It’s so hard, I feel everything move in slow motion. My vision blurs as the fading colours of the room continue to drain. I fall backwards, throwing my hand out to reach for Summer one final time but it’s no use, I’m falling quickly, and she disappears into the darkness.

I can hear garbled noises on the edge of my hearing before I’m wrenched back into the present. Pulled from the sinking waters with great force, however this time I’m not met with Summer’s beautiful face, it’s Axe.

Swallowing hard, I can feel the sweat pouring down my body, my heart hammering in my chest and my entire being shaking. Blinking a couple times, Axe takes a step back just looking down at me.

“I think you were having a nightmare.”

He mutters, glancing towards the front door.

I follow his line of sight, blinking a couple of times I see a figure moving towards me. Once they near, I see Captain Dean holding out a pair of handcuffs, and behind him two patrol officers along with Callaghan.

Callaghan stays back, he can’t meet my gaze. Axe lets out a low breath before stepping away. I shoot him a questioning look, but he stands tall with his hands in his pockets.

“What the fuck is going on?”

I rise from the chair, anger beginning to bubble under the surface.

Axe looks to Captain Dean, slowly shaking his head in disgust before turning towards the window.

“I’m sorry, Bhodi,”

The captain’s shoulders sag. “I need to bring you in.”

My brow furrows, confusion washes through me.

“What the fuck are you on about?”

“Bhodi Grey, you’re under arrest for the rape and murder of Summer Harper and the murder of Harry Maine.”

He continues his caution, the officers approach as the cuffs are snapped around my wrists. I feel the ground falling from beneath my feet. I’m hauled from my apartment whilst the captain’s words are repeated over and over again.

I’m being fucking set up.

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