I turn to Haven.
She shrugs.
I hesitate, then nod. “Okay, fine. Deal. But I have to watch you delete everything off your computer. And any backups you might have.”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. All right. Come watch,” he states, and both Haven and I walk around, watching him delete file after file from various saved areas where my information was stored. He then pulls out a hard disk drive, plugs it in, and starts deleting. I side-eye Haven, and she says nothing. She hints at a smile as he then moves to his cloud account and begins deleting.
After almost twenty minutes of him fucking around, he sits back, turning to look at me. “Okay, all gone. I swear.”
Pursing my lips, I lean forward, open the flash drive, and wipe everything from it. Then I pull it directly from his computer and yank out my cell dialing Loki’s number.
“Put it on speaker,” Bennett demands.
I drop my cell to the desk, doing as he asked. Loki answers soon after. “You okay? You’ve been a long fucking time in there with that prick!”
“I’m good. You’re on speaker. He’s deleted all my stuff. I have deleted the flash drive, and for the agreement to work, we have to erase all the copies too. Can you please go ahead and do that?”
Loki exhales. “Are you sure everything is deleted on his end?”
Bennett grumbles. “It’s all gone, Loki. I swear. I don’t want what you have on me out there. It would ruin me. You have my word everything is gone. Permanently.”
Loki sniffs down the line. “Okay then, walking to my den now.” I hear the thumping of his boots. And then shuffling. I wonder how he is doing that, but then the sound of a keyboard echoes as he types. “We have two copies, and I am wiping them simultaneously. Should be done in… now. Everything is gone. Even from the cartel database. Those pictures will never surface for you, Governor.”
Bennett lets out a relieved breath, sinking into his chair, his eyes closing as he nods . “Thank you,” he simply says.
“I keep telling you, you underestimate us, Bennett,” Loki replies.
Bennett opens his eyes, a slow smile returning to his face. “I’m beginning to see that now.”
“Hurry home, Bea,” Loki urges.
“I will, just finishing up, then we will be on our way.”
“We can watch the evening news together tonight like we always do,” Loki states.
I find myself smiling, understanding exactly what he’s saying. Haven grins at me, giving me a small head bob. “Okay, babe, be there soon.” I end the call as Bennett stares at me.
“You guys watch the news… for fun? You’re so fucking boring,” he drawls.
Shrugging, I sigh. “I guess when you find the right person, doing mundane things with them doesn’t make it boring, right? I’d say it’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Bennett, but honestly, you’re a real fucking piece of shit, and I hope you choke on the dick you’ll be sucking in jail.”
I start walking around the desk. Haven is following me but stops at the same pile of papers, swiping them with all her might off his desk. They go flying through the air as she lets out a harmonious laugh as we continue for the exit.
The asshole stands so abruptly that his chair falls over behind him, a terrified look crossing his face. “The fuck are you talking about?” he asks, the papers slowly wafting to the floor like the ashes of his career.
I spin as I reach the elevator and shrug. “You might want to check your sent folder in your emails.”
He widens his eyes, bending down to his computer, typing frantically. He gasps, his breathing coming so fast he’s clearly hyperventilating. “What the? How? I don’t understand. My backend and encryptions are impenetrable. This is impossible!”
“You mean, how did you send an email to every major news outlet in the country with all the information on the flash drive attached to the email? Quite easily, actually. You see, when we were here last, you made the error of telling Loki that you had the best backend and that your systems were impenetrable. Big mistake!” I laugh.
“Basically, you dared Loki to fuck up your systems. So, on the flash drive was a program that gave Loki access to your computer, and when I clicked on a specific folder, he was ‘ in like Flynn ,’ colloquially speaking, of course. From then on, he was in your system the entire time the flash drive was inserted, and he sent the emails. Any second now, the virus he implanted in your system should be kicking in, too, just to ensure that if you didn’t delete every single file of mine, this virus will. As Loki said, you underestimate us…”
Bennett’s breathing rushes as he clicks random things on his computer frantically, trying to figure out how to stop it. But I know he can’t. He’s screwed.
“Now, I’m going back to the clubhouse… I have a feeling the news tonight is going to be really fucking interesting and not boring at all .”
His computer starts buzzing, letting me know Loki’s virus has kicked in.
Bennett lets out a frustrated yell, his hands banging on the sides of the monitors. “No! Fuck! No!”
I let out a laugh as Haven shakes her head. “Nothing but a pathetic, insecure man. Just so you know, Bennett, I’m gonna track down your daughter and tell her where you are. I think she’s going to have fun with you when she finds you. I might even come along with her for the ride. Will be fun having two birds together again.” Haven waggles her brows at him. “Sleep with one eye open, Governor !”
“You fucking bitches. I am going to kill you for this,” he screams as we enter the elevator, both of us laughing hysterically as the door closes behind us.
Haven turns, her eyes sparkling as she grins at me. “Holy shit, girl. You did amazing in there. I’m so fucking proud of you, Bea.”
Letting out a long puff of air, I shake out my nervous hands. “I can’t believe I actually did that. But holy hell, was it fun.”
The elevator dings, and Haven turns, pulling me behind her. “Stay behind me. He will have called down for these angel dicks to kill us.”
My euphoria suddenly evaporates as I gasp. “What?” I blurt out as the elevator doors open, and just as she said, Gabriel steps in, his gun aimed straight for Haven, but she deflects his wrist, smashing it to the side, the blast going off so loudly and echoing through the small metal room as the bullet lands in the side wall.
I duck, my hands instantly shifting to my ears to block the noise as Haven yanks Gabriel into the elevator, ramming him into the side wall. Her knee comes up, hitting him in the ribs. He groans, hunching over, dropping the gun to the elevator floor as they continue to scurry from one side of the small space to the other, with me crouched near the floor. Spotting the gun, I scurry across, reaching for the weapon, lifting it up, aiming at Gabriel, my hands shaking as they jostle back and forth, punches thrown between them, making their movements unsteady.
“Hold him still, for fuck’s sake!” I yell at Haven.
She laughs, spinning and slamming him against the back wall. I quickly stand, aim the gun as he starts rushing for me, and I unload three rounds in quick succession into his torso. He jolts back, blood splashing across my dress as I let out a small scream with each round I fire.
Gabriel finally drops to the elevator floor.
My breathing stops.
My fingers shake so much that the gun almost slips from my fingers.
Haven steps up to me, a weak smile on her face, slowly reaching out to steady my hands. “Look at me,” she says, making my jittering eyes snap up to her. “You did good. I know your first kill is really hard to deal with, but honey, we have got to go. Now!”
My breath finally hits me, full force, as I nod my head, practically chucking the gun at Haven. My eyes are wide as saucers when she nods at me.
“You’re okay. I got you. But we have to get out of this elevator.”
“Yep, mm-hmm, let’s go,” I say spitting out my words rapidly and probably higher pitched than necessary.
She reaches out grabbing my hand in hers, and we rush out of the elevator together, but are instantly met with Samael. A bright smile on his face as he cracks his knuckles and jerks his neck from side to side. “Told you I was going to kill you,” he states matter-of-factly.
Haven simply laughs, rolling her shoulders. “You men, always promising the world, then underdelivering.”
Samael wracks his jaw from side to side. “Your smart mouth is not endearing. You think you’re funny. But you’re just another woman who thinks she’s tough when she should be in the kitchen, making me a sandwich.”
I widen my eyes, letting out a scoff. “Oh shit! Dude, you should not have said that,” I murmur under my breath.
Haven nods slowly, stepping toward Samael. “I mean, you’re probably right. You have me so figured out. I’m such a fraud… let me make you that sandwich now.”
Samael furrows his brows in confusion as I stand back, leaning against the wall for the show as the other three guards rush over, but without hesitation, she brings up her gun at lightning speed, shooting each of them, one by one in the head, leaving only Samael. His eyes widen like he wasn’t expecting that.
Haven lets out a girlish giggle. “Sorry about that. I can’t have them interrupting our time together, lover. Now, where was I? Oh, that’s right, making you a sandwich. Now, take a seat,” she demands, kicking him in his torso and making him fall back onto an oversized sitting chair in the foyer.
Gasping for air from having his breath completely knocked out of him, he holds onto his probably broken ribs. His eyes widen and I grimace knowing whatever is about to happen is not going to be fun for poor Samael.
But the dickhead did bring this on himself.
Haven stands over the top of him, blocking any escape as she leans down, looking into his eyes. “So… what do we need for the quintessential sandwich, Sammy boy? Bread, right? How about we start with two lovely slices of bread? You onboard?” She grins so wide like she’s the happiest she could ever be.
She really is quite the freak of nature.
Samael frowns at her. “Fuck. You.”
Haven smiles, bouncing her shoulders in excitement. “That’s the spirit! Here we go.” She leans down, pulling a blade from her boot, and instantly, I know this is about to get bloody. Curling up my lip, I squint, debating whether I should watch or not. But I don’t have time to figure it out before she starts hacking into his left ear.
Samael screams out in agony as Haven chuckles over his pain. “Nothing like a good source of daily carbs, am I right?”
I snort out a laugh even though my stomach is churning right now, seeing the blood pouring down Samael’s face. She detaches his ear, dropping it down on his thigh for good measure. “There we go. One piece of bread… but a sandwich always has two pieces of bread, and I wouldn’t be a very good woman if I didn’t make you the right kind of sandwich with the proper amount of bread. So, I better make sure I have two slices for you. I wouldn’t want you to be unsatisfied with me after all.”
Samael screams, panting, spluttering and tries to push Haven off him. But she is too strong for him, continuing to straddle his knees.
“Uh, uh, uh. I’m not done being your ever-dutiful housemaid. Here comes the next slice of bread,” she chimes happily, then begins to hack into his other ear.
I grimace while Samael screams, his hands bashing into her back, but she doesn’t stop. Blood spills over her clothes as she flops the other ear onto his other thigh. “And there we have it, Sammy boy. Our bread, now all we need is some filling. Do you have any preferences?” she asks.
Cringing, my stomach rolls again, wondering where she is going with this, but Samael doesn’t make it easy on himself. “Fuck you, whore. You’re nothing. You’re never going to beat me. I’m still going to kill you, you worthless, pathetic slut! No wonder you whore yourself out to bikers. They’re the only ones who have the same diseases you do.”
Widening my eyes, I inhale deeply as Haven tilts her head. “Wow, for an angel, Samael, you sure do have a wicked tongue, and your disrespect toward women is starting to piss me off. I think I should do something about that. Time to fill our sandwich, don’t you think?”
Samael scowls at her, narrowing his eyes. “Fuck. You. Whore. ”
“See, there you go again, just proving my point. Okay, here we go. One wicked tongue sandwich, coming right up.”
I smirk as Samael jerks his head back. “What?” he snaps, rocking his head from side to side, trying to stop her. But she draws her hand back, slamming her fist straight into his nose. His eyes roll around in his head as he tries to focus on gaining his equilibrium, giving Haven the time she needs to wrench his jaw open. He tries to fight her, but she is too strong, especially in his weakened state. She slides the blade into his mouth and cuts.
His screams are muffled by the blood bubbling in his throat. The sound is something I don’t think I have ever heard before nor wish to hear again. She continues to cut out his tongue, then finally pulls it clear with a bright smile.
Haven reaches for an ear, slams the tongue on top, and then completes the sandwich with the other ear, standing back with her creation and a pep in her step as Samael struggles to stay awake. “Look, Sammy, I made you your sandwich. Isn’t it perfect?”
Shaking my head, I let out a long breath, trying to keep the contents of my stomach where they should be.
She really is fucking crazy.
But in the best possible way.
He tries to talk, but he obviously can’t without his tongue, his pain clear to see as his eyes meet with Haven’s while she bends down to meet him.
“Now, I went to all this trouble to make you your sandwich, just like you asked me so nicely to do. The least you could do is try it for me?”
I jerk my head back, shaking my head. “Dude!” I call out.
She turns to face me with a shrug. “He pushed my limits. He said all bikers have STDs. He’s talking about Loki, Bea. You wanna let that slide?”
Folding my arms across my chest, I huff. “Fuck, fine! Do your thing, but hurry up. I wanna get out of here.”
Haven grins wide, then turns back to Samael, her ‘ sandwich ’ in her hand. “Open up for me, Sammy,” she chimes.
Samael instantly clenches his mouth shut, as I knew he would. But Haven chuckles, grabbing her blade. “I said… take a bite, Sammy!” she demands, slamming her blade down into his thigh.
Samael lets out a loud groan, his mouth opening instinctively, and without hesitation, Haven forces her creation into his mouth. Samael thrusts his body around, trying to fight, tears streaming down his face, but Haven pushes her weight down on top of him, holding him into place. Her fingers thrust the severed contents further and further down his throat.
Choking and gagging sounds come from him until it is lodged in his throat, and she steps back, knowing it won’t come loose. She folds her arms over her chest, her task complete.
She smiles, running her finger gently down his face. “I’m going to kill you ,” she softly whispers his words back to him as his body jerks uncontrollably.
Then, slowly, he stops. His body is limp, and then he slides down the chair to the floor in a heap.
My heart races frantically as Haven says nothing, simply bends down, checks his pulse, then stands.
Rubbing her hands together, she turns to face me with a bright smile. “We should go. We don’t know when the cops will arrive for the dickhead upstairs.”
Snorting out a laugh, I throw my hands to the side as we begin to walk out of the lobby. “What the fuck was that?”
Haven furrows her brows at me like she’s confused. “What do you mean?”
“An ear and tongue sandwich, and then making him eat it?”
Haven grins wide like she is so proud of herself. “I know, right? I just came up with that on the spot. And seeing as I know the cameras are all disabled in the building, I wanted to have some fun.”
We walk out of the lobby seeing the guys waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. They glance up, seeing us both covered in blood. Their eyes widen, fear and panic crossing their faces as they begin to rush for us.
Shit! This is going to be fun to try and explain.