Taken by the Blood God (Devil Springs #4) Chapter 22 63%
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Chapter 22




I left my face buried in the curve of Minerva’s neck, my heart pounding in my chest and my magic sparking beneath my skin.

It had taken every sliver of my self-control not to sink my fangs into her throat once I was inside her. I wanted to possess all of her—her body, her blood, her magic.

Her heart.

The urge had been so overwhelming that I’d lost control over my magic, the fire inside me bursting through my skin and burning my eyes.

Even in that uncontrolled state, my magic had recognized her and hadn’t hurt her. Though I already knew that she was the other half of my soul, this proved it. Only my mate could withstand my flames without burning.

A cool breeze skimmed my back, and Minerva shivered beneath me. I realized her cheek was cold when I shifted my face to press a kiss just below her ear.

The night was becoming cooler, and my little witch didn’t have her own fire to warm her. She only had mine.

I let the heat of my magic warm my skin, and she cuddled closer, her arms and legs twining around me. The movement made her pussy clasp my cock tighter, and I groaned against her throat.

“Stop that,” I murmured, finally lifting my head to look down at her.

Bright golden eyes peered up at me from her flushed face. Her lips were red and swollen from my kisses and the nips of my teeth. Her red hair was tangled with the grass beneath us and slightly damp from where the blades had been crushed by our movements.

“I didn’t do anything,” she replied, trying to pull me closer. “I’m cold.”

“Every time you move, your pussy squeezes me.” I let her tug me closer until our faces were only an inch or two apart. “If you don’t stop, I won’t be able to get us somewhere warmer before I fuck you again.”

I shifted my hips, my cock moving deeper inside her.

Minerva’s eyes shimmered with amusement as she stared up at me. “Considering you could literally open a portal beneath us that would take us straight to my bed, I think you’re exaggerating.”

“That’s a good idea,” I said.

When she felt my magic gathering to do exactly as she suggested, Minerva laughed and shoved at my shoulders.

“I need to get my things first,” she insisted, her wriggling dislodging my cock from her pussy.

With a sigh, I rolled over onto my back as she shoved me. She yelped when I pulled her with me, planting her astride my hips. Her pink nipples were dark and beaded, and gooseflesh puckered her arms and legs as she shivered.

“Fuck, Talant! The air is downright chilly compared to you!”

I released her when she struggled to her feet, heading straight toward the edge of clearing where she’d left her clothes.

I called after her, “I can keep you warm.”

She shot me an irritated look over her shoulder, and I couldn’t stop the smirk that tugged at my mouth. It seemed that sex didn’t relax my little witch as I thought it might. She was just as feisty and irritable as always.

While I liked that about her, I wondered what it would take to exhaust her to the point that she was sweet and agreeable.

I was still sprawled on the grass when Minerva returned, tugging her dress down to cover her body and wrapping her arms around her waist.

“Whatever you’re thinking about, don’t,” she said as she knelt next to me.

“Why not?”

“Because it’s probably something I won’t like.”

My smile spread. “I don’t know about that.”

She cocked her head and stared down at me. “Okay, you’ve got me curious. What are you thinking about?”

Before she could react, I grabbed her and rolled so that she was pinned under me again. Her frigid hands slapped against my chest at my sudden movement, and she blinked up at me with a scowl on her face.

I lowered my head, touching the tip of my nose to hers. “I was wondering what I would have to do to you to make you sweet for me.” I brushed my lips across hers, the tip of my tongue tasting her bottom lip with a quick flick. “How many orgasms I’d have to give you before you stopped fighting with me.”

Color rose in her cheeks, and I could feel her heart pounding against my chest. “I’m not sure you’d be able to give me enough orgasms to make that happen.”

I nipped her lips before I lifted my head. “I think we’d both enjoy finding out.”

Minerva swallowed hard, a change I didn’t care for coming over her face. Deciding that it was time to put her suggestion to use, I gathered my magic and opened a portal beneath us, imagining her bedroom and the center of her soft bed.

In a blink, we were sinking onto her mattress and the portal dissipated right above us.

“Neat trick,” Minerva said, arching a brow at me.

A lock of her hair lay across her face, and she pulled it away, grimacing when she noticed the grass and twigs tangled in it.

“I need to clean up,” she said.

“Good idea. I’ll wash your back.”

She laughed as I hauled her out of the bed and herded her toward the bathroom. I loved that sound more than anything I’d heard before. Her laugh came from her belly and was unrestrained.

I stopped next to the shower, dragged her dress over her head, and reached in to turn on the shower, making sure the water was nearly scalding. Just the way Minerva liked it.

When I turned around, she was leaning over the freestanding bathtub, running a brush through her hair. Grass, twigs, and dirt scattered in the bottom of the tub as she used the brush vigorously. I winced at the sight of so much grime coming from her beautiful hair.

“I’m sorry I took you in the dirt,” I murmured, walking over to help. There were bits and pieces still stuck in the back of her head, and she kept missing them with the brush.

“I’m not,” she replied, grinning at me. “Drawing down the moon brings out the more primal side of me. And my magic is fully restored so it was worth it.”

Once she was satisfied that her hair was untangled and no longer full of leaves and grass, Minerva leaned over to rinse out the tub.

I flinched again at the red marks on her back and buttocks. Some were from my fingers, and others were likely from rolling around on the ground.

Without thinking, I whispered an incantation and smoothed my hand over her back, watching as the redness disappeared.

“Did you just heal me?” she asked, her voice high and tight.

“Yes. You had marks and welts all up and down your back and thighs.”

“Was I bleeding?”

“No, but…” I shook my head. I had to be more careful of her. While she did have Cassia’s power, she was still a witch. Still mortal for now. I could have harmed her.

Minerva turned to face me, her eyes narrowed as she looked up at me. “Don’t you dare,” she said.

“Dare what?”

“I’m fine. I’m sure my back would have a stung a bit in the shower, but it would have healed on its own quickly enough. You didn’t hurt me.”

“You’re mortal, little witch. I’m?—”

Minerva rolled her eyes and walked away from me, stepping beneath the hot spray of the shower. I followed her, stopping just outside of the glass walls surrounding her.

“I could have hurt you,” I continued.

She closed her eyes. “I can’t hear you.”

I watched, half exasperated, half amused, as she stuck her head beneath the water to wet her hair.

I waited until she emerged from the cascade before I continued, “I’m a god, Minerva.”

She poured shampoo into her hand and started scrubbing her scalp before she faced me. “I know that, Tal. But I’m also an adult. If you were hurting me, do you think I would have hesitated to tell you?”

I shook my head as she glared at me. “No, but in the heat of the moment you might not have realized I was damaging you.”

Minerva snorted as she rinsed her hair beneath the water and soaped it up again. “I’m thirty-six years old. While I haven’t been alive for over a millennium like you have, I still have enough experience with sex to know if my partner is being too rough. So, please listen to me when I say this—I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me. And don’t you dare start rethinking how you treat me.”

“How do I treat you?” I asked.

“Like an equal,” she shot back with no hesitation. “Like someone you respect rather than a foolish mortal who can’t possibly fathom your greatness.”

I stepped into the shower with her when she closed her eyes and tilted her head back to rinse her soapy hair for a second time.

When she opened her eyes, she gasped, but she didn’t try to back up.

“All right, little witch,” I said.

She studied me, putting her hands on her hips. I wanted to smile at the sight of her, naked and full of attitude, but I held it back.

“All right what?” she prompted.

“I won’t apologize for what happened in the forest again.”

Her posture relaxed, her hands falling to her sides. “Good.”

I took another step closer, gripping her waist. “I do have a question, though.”


“Do you think you’ll be too sore for me to pin you to the wall in here and fuck you again?”

She pursed her lips. “Probably not.”


“Well, didn’t you just heal me?”

“Good point.”

I lowered my head, but she put a bit of distance between us before I could kiss her.

“So, are you really asking if I want you to fuck me against the wall in the shower?” she asked.

“Only if the answer’s yes.”

She laughed before grabbing the back of my neck and yanking my mouth down to hers.

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