I’d been dreaming of fucking my daughter since she came home from college after her first year. It was a hot June day, and she’d been sunbathing by the pool.
She’d just turned nineteen, and I came home early from a long fucking day of laying brick at the job-site.
I found myself just staring at her through the kitchen window as she did a couple of laps. The kitchen had been shadowy with the lights off, so I knew she couldn’t see me watching her like the fucking pervert I felt I was being.
She got out of the pool, a little red bikini clinging to her curves, her nipples hard, the bottoms hugging her pussy so I could see her cleft.
I knew I was a sick fuck right then and there for thinking and wanting to do things to my own flesh and blood.
But I’d gladly rot in hell to taste and feel what I knew would be the sweetest fucking pussy I’d ever have on my tongue and cock.