D ad was cooking like a short order cook at a truck stop while Mom tried to get him to let it go and just have a good day with everyone. But apparently for him a good day meant that he’d cooked an amazing meal and was able to get a ton of likes on social media. “What is it?” Kai asked.
“I’m pretty sure my dad is addicted to social media,” I said making him laugh.
“He’s just excited about cooking. Let him have his fun,” he said from where we both sat in Easy’s backyard. There was a knock at the door and before anyone could react it flung open and what looked like forty kids all rushed in. They did a quick loop through the house, grabbing at any food or drinks they could before being scolded by dad. They then all ran into the backyard followed close behind by Glenn, who held a child carrier in one hand and a diaper bag in the other.
We went from having a nice conversation to stunned shock at their craziness. “Hey, guys, sorry, they’ve been trying to stay clean before the car ride over. Now they’re too full of energy.”
“Look, Dad, juice boxes,” Glenn’s oldest son said as he dug through the ice chest, we’d put out back filled with drinks.
“Oh, shit, dude, you realize that shit is like rocket fuel for them?” Glenn said and handed the baby carrier to Easy before hurrying to the ice chest. “Only one.” He grabbed the extra ones out of their hands to a chorus of frustrated groans before throwing them back into the ice chest and moving it next to a chair he then sat in. “Looks like I’ll be the juice box gatekeeper for the day. Thanks again for getting that.”
“Fuck, dude, I had no clue,” Easy said making all of us laugh.
Liam elbowed him making him grunt and move away. “I told you so.”
“Ow, okay, Liam might have mentioned it. I guess I should have listened.” A scream tore through the yard as all three of them ran around destroying anything they came into contact with while we sat and watched and tried to stay out of their way.
“Uh, can I give you this back?” Easy said and tried to hand off the baby carrier to Glenn. “Where’s Jess?”
“It’s her day off. She’s had the kids nonstop while we were gone so she says this week is her week off. I fully expect her to get a hotel room or at least be gone all day while we’re back in town,” Glenn said as he took the baby carrier. “This one is still easy.” He smiled as he took his son out and held him while he continued to sleep.
“Are you going to be able to practice?” Easy asked.
“Yeah, I’ve arranged for someone to come to the house and help while I’m gone,” Glenn said. “It’ll be a little easier when they’re in school, but having all four of them at home is a handful.”
“I thought you were going to hire a nanny, or someone to help full-time?” I asked. Glenn was the only one of us that had kids and while we didn’t completely understand what he was going through, we were all sympathetic.
“I did too, but Jess had a hard time letting someone else do it all,” Glenn said.
“I do understand that. As a mother it’s hard to accept help no matter how much you need it,” Enid, Easy’s mom, said.
“You were a handful, boy,” Drake said and laughed. “A really big handful.”
Easy shrugged not even trying to deny it and held the door open when Dale stared to walk out with a big tray. “Let me help you with that,” he said and took the tray from him.
“I knew you were a difficult child,” Liam said before Easy plopped down on his lap.
“Oh, I can show you just how difficult I can be,” Easy said, making us all groan.
“Don’t threaten him, we’ve all seen how disgustingly difficult you can be,” I said.
“Geesh, Rory, I thought you were my friend,” Easy said and pouted.
“How does everyone want their steak cooked?” Dale asked, thankfully breaking up the weird conversation we were having. After everyone put in their order, we went back to watching the kids run around the backyard before Dale called them over to get the hotdogs he’d cooked for them. Kathleen helped Glenn get them each a plate of food and get settled at the table.
“So, you know the first place we’re playing in Vegas is a strip club?” I asked Liam.
“What? That’s a thing? I mean I know there are strip clubs there, but I didn’t realize bands played there,” Liam said.
“It’s one of the bigger clubs. Vance said it has a reputation with a few of the bigger bands. They like to play there when they’re not touring just to keep everything tight,” Easy said. Liam’s eyes widened while he spoke and when Easy realized he leaned in close to him. “Don’t worry, it’s a legit venue.”
“If you say so,” Liam said, but he didn’t seem convinced. “It’s just I’ve never been to a strip club before.”
“Me either,” Kai said. Sometimes I forgot they were younger than us, and while we were out there going crazy playing at any shithole that would let us, they were still in school.
“Don’t worry, I doubt there will be a show going on while we’re playing,” I said. He gave me a nervous smile before looking away. Liam had the same look on his face, and I knew this was a conversation we’d need to continue before the show. I loved having Kai there when we played, and I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable in any way, and when my eyes met Easy’s I knew he felt the same way.
“We’ll figure it out. I’ll talk to Vance,” Easy said, and leaned in closer to Liam.
“Food’s on,” Dale yelled, and the rest of the afternoon was spent eating way too much food and watching Glenn’s kids run wild. All in all, it was a pretty good day, and we needed as many good days as we could get. You just never knew when shit was going to hit the fan.