D evon
“Hey, man, I hope you don’t have plans this week because I want us to get in a practice session every day until we leave for Vegas at the ass crack of dawn Thursday,” Easy said, when I walked into the practice room for the second time this week. Yesterday we’d practiced until Rory finally complained he might die of starvation, which I was thankful for, but nothing was going to make me say it.
“That’s cool. I want to make sure I know all the songs. Did you plan on any new songs in Vegas?” I asked and hoped they didn’t.
“No, we’re working on two new songs for Rocktoberfest. But we’re not playing anything new before then. We’ll be practicing them as soon as they’re done. One is close,” Rory said when he walked in with another guy I hadn’t seen before, but until yesterday I didn’t hang around with their band. “This is Kai Marshall. He runs the band’s website, and he’s the love of my life.” Kai rolled his eyes before leaning into Rory.
“Hi, Devon,” Kai said and held out his hand.
“Nice to meet you,” I said and tried not to stare at him.
“Babe, go ahead and work in the office. We’re not practicing as long today as we did yesterday, and Easy said he’s ordering food for us all,” Rory said, staring at Easy the whole time.
Kai looked between them before kissing Rory. “Have fun,” he said and left the practice room.
“Why do I get the pleasure of buying you dinner?” Easy asked as he picked up the old guitar he’d used yesterday.
Rory shrugged as he pulled his strap for his bass over his head. “It’s your turn.”
“Liam and I fed you all a few days ago,” Easy countered.
“My parents cooked,” Rory said, and they stared each other for a full minute.
“Would any of you mind if I bring my own drum kit tomorrow? I can pack up Glenn’s, but I’d feel better using my own setup, and I’m pretty sure he’d rather I not use his too,” I asked, and hoped it didn’t piss off Easy.
“Sure, just try to be set up and ready to practice at the same time tomorrow,” Rory said.
“I’ll get here early enough to make sure,” I said, and walked over to the drums. Glenn’s setup was great, he’d had it for as long as I could remember and had added a few pieces to it every year—but it wasn’t mine. If I was going to prove to everyone I could do this and show them what I was really made of, I wanted it to be with my own setup.
“As long as you show up and do your job you can do whatever you want. But Glenn told us how unreliable you’ve been in the past. Don’t go there, dude. You’ll be gone so fast you won’t know what hit you. We can always hire another drummer temporarily or just cancel the tour,” Easy said, and I understood exactly why he felt the need.
For a moment I couldn’t answer, and I couldn’t meet his eyes. But when I finally found the nerve to look his way, it was to find his eyes on me and that look he had that said he’d gladly kick my ass and not feel bad about it one little bit. I knew eventually one of them would say something, and there was no time like the present to clear the air. “I can’t change the stupid shit I’ve done the past few years, all I can do is swear to you that I’m fully committed to doing my job for as long as you need me. But if at any time you aren’t happy with my performance, I’ll step aside without an argument. I really do appreciate you giving me this chance and I’m going to do everything I can not to fuck it up.”
Liam walked into the room as I finished speaking and looked between Easy and me before standing in front of Easy and blocking the death stare, he had locked on me. “Shamus? What’s going on?” His eyes went to Liam and instantly softened.
“Devon was just asking about using his own kit instead of Glenn’s,” Easy said.
“O-kay, is that a problem?” Liam asked and looked between Rory, Easy, and me.
“Nope, I was just telling him he’s more than welcome to use his own, isn’t that right, Devon?” Easy said and once again turned his death stare on me.
“Yeah, I was just saying I’ll pack up Glenn’s equipment and bring my own tomorrow.”
“Great, I like your sound. I think you’re perfect to stand in for Glenn,” Liam said while Easy continued to stare at me from behind him.
“Thanks, I appreciate that. I was just telling Rory and Easy I’m trying to clean up my act. The past few years I didn’t take the business seriously, but I want to put that behind me, and hopefully get with another band after Glenn comes back.”
“It’s probably going to be a while. I think Glenn is being optimistic thinking he’ll be back that soon. He shared a picture of his x-rays and it’s a bad break,” Liam said.
“I’ll be here as long as I’m needed,” I said to him and tried to focus on the bass pedal and adjusting the cymbals. Rory and Easy were talking while looking at what was written in the notebook Rory always had with him, and Liam stepped closer to me as he strapped his guitar on.
“He’s not really a complete asshole. The band has been fucked over so many times I couldn’t even begin to explain it. Don’t take it personally—he really is happy you’re here,” Liam said. He came across as older than me when I knew he wasn’t, or maybe he just had his shit together and people didn’t constantly remind him what a fuck up he was.
I glanced at Easy and was relieved to see he was still busy with Rory. “I fucked up a lot, so I understand why he’d be worried. Honestly, I’d be more concerned if he wasn’t. They’ve put in the time to make it where they are, where you are,” I said to him.
“Just do your best. It takes him a while with new people but once he realizes you’re putting in the effort, he’ll stop watching every move you make,” Liam said with a grin.
“What are you talking about?” Easy said and stared at Liam, who rolled his eyes and walked over to him.
“Just asking Devon if he was ready to start playing since you two were having a private conversation,” Liam said to Easy who surprised me when he grinned back at Liam.
“Come on, Devon, show us what you got,” Rory said and picked out an impressive solo on his bass that would have been the envy of many lead guitar players.
“Damn, Rory, more of that,” Easy said and picked up the rhythm on the old guitar he was still carrying around.
Picking up my sticks I tapped on the snare before laying into it hard and fast. Sweat poured from me as we played song after song, and even though it was hot as hell, and I was busting my ass more than I had in months, I fucking loved every second of it.