“You should go after him,” Dev whispered to Keyes. “Tell him the truth. It’s gone on long enough.”
Keyes dug his fingers through his hair, tightening his fist. The blunt tips of his nails scraped the scalp.
“Your intentions weren’t wrong, but is it worth all these hard feelings?” Cash added to Dev’s push. “How do you two come back from this?”
Keyes’s head raced, and his heart hurt. Alec pushed at everything all the time. He needed to learn to back the fuck off sometimes. Hell, Alec was smart as a fucking whip. How hadn’t he figured it all out on his own by now?
The tension was too tight in the house. They had a couple of weeks to go. Maybe less if there was no other choice. Was he causing irrevocable damage to their relationship?
Fuck. Keyes grabbed the tool on the bike’s seat and sent it flying across the room. More to blow off the pent-up energy than actual anger. He was aware of where everyone was and made sure not to throw it in a direction where anyone got hurt, but the violent clang of metal against concrete helped.
On a string of terrible curse words, Keyes stormed out of the shop, heading for the house.
“He went to the garage,” Abi called out.
He’d have to thank her later as he pivoted around, taking long strides to the garage where Alec kept his precious vintage rides. Alec had been hanging out in there more often lately. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe sulking. Keyes yanked open the door and was hit with the perfect sixty-five degrees of climate-controlled air. The overhead light was engaged. He easily saw Alec sitting behind the Maybach. One of his favorite cars.
Alec didn’t look his way. All the bluster Keyes had while storming across the yard fell away. Alec was his entire world. He had a family, a home, and unconditional love. Things he’d never known existed before meeting Alec.
A renewed sense of purpose pushed past the aggravation, giving Keyes courage. Alec deserved to have the best Christmas Keyes could give him.
Weirdly, all of Alec’s upset had Keyes’s spine stiffening as he walked toward his husband. The way Alec’s head turned away caused a smile from Keyes. He reaffirmed his decision. He’d go the distance with his present.
A tune played quietly inside the car.
When he tried the Maybach’s door handle, he was denied entry. Alec had locked him out. Keyes stared down in the front seat, but Alec never looked at him.
Keyes bent his forefinger and knocked his knuckle against the window.
Alec still refused to look at him. This time, Keyes didn’t try to hide the grin.
“Roll down the window,” Keyes called out.
The decibels of the stereo skyrocketed. In slow motion, Alec turned his head toward Keyes. His expression was filled with piss and vinegar.
“Got it. You’re mad. Now open the door,” Keyes yelled. His hands went to his hips.
Alec motioned his index finger toward his ear and shook his head while mouthing, I can’t hear you .
Keyes only stared at Alec, waiting for him to get his fill of the games he played. It took a minute. Maybe as long as an entire song before the door unlocked and the radio turned off. Keyes opened the door and extended a hand.
Alec stared at it as if he didn’t understand the gesture.
“Come on,” Keyes said and wiggled his fingers. Alec didn’t move. The pain in his eyes remained stark. “Look. I need you to give me time. Of course, I wanna show you what I’ve done, but your opinion’s especially important to me. I’ve messed up a lot in my life, especially in this business planning. It’s embarrassin’ how little I can do right. It’s gotta be as perfect as I can get it before you see.”
Whether it was his tone or the words, he wasn’t sure, but Alec finally extended his hand, urging Keyes to pull him from the car. With a gentle tug, Alec got to his feet. “You don’t ever give yourself the credit you deserve. I’ve been impressed with everything you’ve done. And I want to be included in every single step you take.” Alec leaned against Keyes’s body, his palm landing on Keyes’s heart. “You know I’m needy where you’re concerned. I don’t like secrets. Not with you.”
Keyes smiled and drew Alec into the circle of his arms. “I know and I agree. Just let me get this right. I’m insecure about what I’m doin’.” He crossed his fingers behind Alec’s back, hoping that made the lie not count. “You have to trust me and give me a little more time.”
“But you’re working on four bikes. Something has to be completed to your satisfaction. Cash has seen at least one. Clyde has to have seen what you’re working on. The four people who paid deposits have to agree to the designs. Why can’t I see? I believe in you.” Alec’s handsome face wrinkled as he looked up at Keyes. The continued argument was right on his guy’s lips, but his face morphed into genuine concern. “I don’t know that you love me like you once did.”
Keyes burst out with a laugh, tightening his hold around Alec, drawing him snuggly in. Alec’s face smashed into his chest. “Whatever’s beyond love is how I feel about you. It’s you and me together until the end. And whatever happens after the end, we’re together then too. That’s what I want.”
He brought his hand to the back of Alec’s hair, caressing down. Alec wrapped his arms around him.
“That’s how I feel too. Forever and eternity, Keyes. I don’t understand a life without you.” Alec held on to Keyes as if his life depended on the intimacy. “Get our friends gone, then come inside. I need some serious you time.”
Keyes nodded and kissed the top of Alec’s head. Somehow, he was able to keep the sigh inside. He knew precisely what Alec wanted. His thighs already felt the burn.