Teach Me How (The Heartland Boys #4) 9. Reese 11%
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9. Reese

I started out with Jack and whiskey, but after that wedding announcement, Jack is a much better friend. I’m drinking it straight now.

Dusty is getting married.

They’re going to have a baby. I’m happy for them.

I am.

But a pinprick of jealousy expands in my chest, poisoning all thoughts of goodwill.

I thought I would be picking out my wedding gown this fall, but instead, I’m starting over. Square one with no idea what I’m doing.

The boys are clumped around the TV, hollering at the unfair penalties. Erin, Andy, and Marnie are huddled up, squealing over wedding cake and babies. And I feel like I’m alone in a crowd.

I peel away from the group, spotting the only other sad sack in the room. He’s sprawled out in the window seat, as far away as he can get without looking unsociable.

Which is how he looks most of the time.

Josh thinks I’m crazy, but I swear Skyler hasn’t been the same since the accident. He was never a big talker, not one to relish the spotlight, but in my mind, there’s a distinct before and after version of him.

I plop down next to him, holding up my glass. He taps his beer bottle against it, leaning his head against the corner of the window box.

His beard is trimmed close, which means he must have had a work thing recently. He straightens his glasses, looking at me with those brown eyes that can twinkle just as easily as they can cut.

Today, they’re sparking, an odd mix of the two. It automatically sets my nerves on edge.

“Bo said you’ve started dating.”

I frown. “That little shit.”

Skyler glowers at me, disappointment heavy in his eyes. “Tyson Kyle? I thought you had better sense than that.”

“Keep your voice down.” I hiss.

“If you’re ashamed of people knowing you went out with him, why do it?”

I glare at him. Normally, I pour the sugar on for people. Cheerful and energetic. That’s me. Or what people see, anyway. But if I see through some of Skyler’s fa?ade, he’s always seen through mine. Called me out on my bullshit. “It’s a small town, Skyler. You ought to know how shallow the dating pool is.”

“Yeah, but Tyson? He’s just after sex.”

Skyler and I have never talked about sex. Just hearing that word on those lips sends a little thrill through me. It lights a weak flame of courage. “Well, that’s all I was after, too.”

Skyler stiffens, sitting up a little. I’ve shocked him. Not going to lie, I’ve shocked myself, too. But it feels good saying it. I want sex, damn it. And I’m tired of waiting around for a knight in shining armor.

I notice, with some smug satisfaction, that I’ve made him blush. He studies my face. “You didn’t…”

I pause, rolling my eyes. “No, I didn’t. Because fucking Bo over there promised not to tattle so long as I kept my pants on.”

“Oh, thank God.”

Skyler sits back, relieved.

The TV is blaring, and everyone is one hundred percent focused on the game. They’re not paying attention to us, but I still keep my voice low.

I squint at him. “Why are you so invested in this?”

His ears turn a brighter shade of red. “I’m not.”

Skyler is a big guy. Before the accident, he was Silver Bend’s best wide receiver. My brother and his buddies are local celebrities. People still stop them in the bar to relive old games. Skyler’s always been sweet to me, treated me like a person instead of a bratty little sister, but he also always felt like a different species. Handsome. Larger than life. And way, way out of my league.

But just a sentence here and there and I’ve got this big boy blushing. I’m feeling buzzed by the power, or maybe that’s the Jack, but it’s loosened my tongue. If I can’t be honest with at least one person, what’s the fucking point? “I expected the cave man act from Bo, but not you, Skyler.”

“I’m just saying you should be careful with a guy like Tyson. He ain’t the marrying type.”

“Well, I’m not trying to get married. Not after that last debacle.”

“What debacle?”

My cheeks color. “With Jonah.”

“Your ex?”

I study a small rip in my jeans. “Yeah.”

“Bo said he dumped you.”

My eyes narrow. “Judas, Skyler. Ever heard of a thing called tact?”

He gives me a lopsided grin. “It’s overrated.”

He nudges my leg with his knee. “So, what happened?”

I attempt to shrug nonchalantly, like the words don’t scrape like sandpaper. “He dumped me because he found out I’m not a virgin.”

His head rears back ever so slightly. Clearly wasn’t expecting that answer.

I wasn’t, either.

It’s a humiliating, devaluing way to end a relationship. I instantly regret telling him the unfiltered truth because there really isn’t a good reply. It just sucks whichever way you look at it.

Filled with a frenzy to explain myself, I hurry on. Dropping details like litter. “He’s pretty old-fashioned.”

Skyler’s expression is guarded, his voice flat. “I thought Josh said he’s covered in tattoos.”

“Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving. He didn’t like me to dress too provocatively. Didn’t want me going out.”

I pause, beseeching Skyler with my gaze. “I did everything the way he wanted, played the good girl to a tee, and it still wasn’t good enough. You make one little mistake and you’re just out. And you know what, Skyler?

Fuck. That. I’m done being controlled by men. And that includes Josh and you assholes. Thank you very much. I want to live my life. I want to make mistakes.”

Pausing for air, my chest heaves a little.

Skyler studies me for a long time. “Just not with Tyson Kyle.”

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