Reese pours me a glass of Jack. I usually go for Crowne. Or Knob Creek. I’m a bourbon man through and through.
But on this night, with the rain starting up again outside and all the comforting scents of Reese’s apartment swirling around me, Jack is tasting pretty damn good.
Corn mash.
It might be my new favorite drink.
Seeing her come down the sidewalk was the highlight of my day. Prim little business suit contrasting sharply with her cross trainers. I like that she chose practicality over style. That’s the kind of down-to-earth ease I’m looking for in a woman.
A woman Reese is going to help me find.
I feel a little guilty, sitting in my best friend’s sweats while I gather the words to frame what I need to say. “I’ve had time to think about your proposal.”
Her cheeks color slightly, but her gaze is steady and direct. “And?”
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
She grins. “Hell, no.”
My voice comes out in a growl.
Her smile only widens. Turning, she prepares some tea, leaning on the counter while she talks. “The only thing I know for sure is that something’s got to give. I’m suffocating out here.”
“I can relate.”
She gives me a sharp look. “So, you do want help?”
I groan, setting my glasses on the counter. Scrubbing a hand over my face and through my damp hair. I shake it, casting little droplets of water on my shoulders.
She comes closer, a gentle smile on her face. “It’s hard for you to admit. Isn’t it, big guy?”
“Big guy? Yesterday I was a tiger.”
“You asking for help, Tiger?”
I frown, trying not to smile. “Well, now you’re infantilizing it.”
She grins, leaning on the counter. “Tiger.”
She purrs the word, and my cock thickens in response. I’m in trouble already. Giggling to herself, she rounds the counter. “Keep talking. I want to change out of this suit.”
Slipping my glasses back on, I push off the stool and follow her to her bedroom. “I’m not looking for pity.”
She looks over her shoulder, pulling her suit jacket off. “Who’s talking about pity?”
“I’m not a charity case. Regardless of what everyone is saying, I do just fine in the lady category.”
She hangs her jacket up and pauses with her fingers hovering over the buttons of her blouse. “Right. That’s why you have a long line of girlfriends behind you.”
“Would it be better if I did?”
Her expression sobers. “No. Probably not. Are you going to watch?”
“I was hoping to.”
She rolls her eyes, acting exasperated, but grinning. “I have no doubt in your lady abilities, Skyler. You’ve got sexy down pat.”
“Thank you.” I grin.
“It’s probably something else you’re fucking up.”
The smile slides off my face. “I do not fuck things up.”
She whips her shirt off and tosses it in her hamper. A beige bra today. It should not turn me on, but it’s lacey and just a little sheer and my cock is definitely paying attention.
“But you do want a girlfriend?”
No. But I should have one. Girlfriends come before wives and kids and houses with birthday cakes and beef stew in the crock pot.
“Yes. I want a girlfriend.”
She wiggles out of her skirt, keeping her back to me. “Are you looking to settle down?”
She’s got on matching panties. Beige, yes. Thong? Yes. Very much, yes. I move forward, slipping my hands around her bare waist. She puts her hands over mine. They’re cool and soft. “Are you going to answer my question?”
I let my hands slide over her tummy, tugging her bare ass backwards into my hips. Pressing my lips to her hair, I breathe in the scent of her shampoo. That’s where the coconut smell comes from. “What was the question again?”
“You’re too easily distracted.”
She wiggles out of my grip, laughing. “I’m putting on sweats. And a bath robe. And maybe some snow pants.”
I tilt my head, picture her in just that bra and a pair of snow pants. A cute little snow bunny. She reads the look in my eye and laughs. “You are impossible.”