Teach Me How (The Heartland Boys #4) 45. Reese 57%
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45. Reese

Mitch picked the bar.

My first thought when I walk in is that the owner of this bar must have direct access to my pin board.

It reminds me of the tiki bars we go to when we stay at my parent’s condo in Florida.

I find myself craving the taste of pineapple and the sound of waves crashing against the beach.

Then I spot the Thomas brothers and my second thought is that Mitch is like a slicker, mini version of Skyler. I vastly prefer the rugged super-sized version, but damn, they look a lot alike.

Except Mitch is smiling with a twinkle in his eye and Skyler is looking pissed. A sure sign Mitch has been fucking with his big brother again.

I cross the floor and Skyler surprises me by pulling me into his arms and pressing his lips against my jaw. I freeze up in his arms, wondering what he’s thinking, but by the time he pulls me down next to him, I’ve figured it out. Turning to Mitch, I study his expression. “Cody told you.”

Mitch gives me a sheepish look. “Yes.”

“How much did he say?”

I hold up my hand. “Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

Skyler winds his arm behind my lower back, hooking his fingers around my hips. “What’d I say?”

I glance up at him. “You said Cody was a blabbermouth.”

Mitch’s shoulders are up by his ears. It’s obvious he wasn’t fully prepared to see us together. His gaze flicks from Skyler’s hand on my hip, to the way I fit into his side. He clears his throat. “He told me, but we’re not going to tell Josh or anything.”

I pretend to glare at him. “You better not, because I have enough dirt on you both to put you away until you're old and gray.”

Mitch grins at that. “He told me about that threat, too.”

He hands me the menu. “Anything catch your eye?”

“A mai tai?”

He nods, climbing to his feet. “I’ll grab it.”

While Mitch has his back to us, Skyler tilts his head to kiss my neck.

I shiver against his warm touch. “How freaked out was he?”

Skyler shrugs. “He took it better than Cody.”

“Celebrate the small wins, I guess.”

“Did I mention I like this shirt?”

His fingers breeze up the line of buttons. With a flick of the wrist, he loosens the top button. “That’s better.”

“Guys, I’m trying to be cool about this.”

Mitch sets my drink in front of me. “But if you start getting freaky in the middle of this bar, I’m going to have to put my foot down.”

My cheeks color, but then I spot the novelty mug my drink came in. A ceramic pineapple that makes my heart happy.

Mitch settles back into his seat. “How’d the interview go, Reese?”


I glance up at Skyler, who smiles at me. “I don’t want to jinx it…”

Mitch crosses his ankle over his knee. “They kept you at city hall all day?”

I nod. “Yeah. After the first interview, we did some tours and then they took me to lunch. Your friend Michaela is hilarious, by the way.”

“She texted me and told me how much everyone loved you.”

Mitch says, sitting back.



He winks at me. “Sounds like you better start looking for apartments in Boulder.”

Skyler squeezes my hip. Nervous excitement fills my chest. Can I really do that? Just pack up and start over somewhere completely new?

Mitch glances at the door. “I invited a few of my friends out tonight. Hopefully, you guys don’t mind. I thought maybe Reese should get to know some people around here.”

I spot Michaela, and she waves at me with a huge grin on her face. She’s got a few lanky outdoorsy guys behind her. Mitch climbs to his feet and meets them partway, slapping the guys on the back in manly greeting.

I feel Skyler peel away from me. He slides to the other side of the bench.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I curve my hand around his thigh.

He pauses. “You should mingle. I don’t want to get in your way.”

The implication is clear. I might leave Silver Bend, but he won’t. My hand stays firm on his leg and I scoot closer, take up the space he vacated. “If I move, I’ll have plenty of time to meet new friends. I want to spend time with you.”

His shoulders ease a bit, and he settles back, wrapping an arm around me. I sneak a peek up at his face, trying to decipher that expression.

I get the feeling he’ll be lonely when I’m gone. A few years ago, he had his bosom buddies to keep him company. But one by one, they’re moving on. Growing up. Leaving him alone.

And I’m just one more person who is leaving him in the lurch.

As much as I loathe the idea, it’s probably time I start helping him find a partner.

When we get back home, I’ll get started in earnest.

But we aren’t going to find a Silver Bend girl in Boulder. So, until we get back home, he’s all mine.

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