I wake up, bundled under a pile of blankets. Skyler must have snuck out at some point. Sitting up, I stretch to the side experimentally. I still feel a little nauseous, but the meds have worked their magic and the shooting pains in my core have eased.
Fucking figures.
The one time the Thomas boys come out for a visit, I’m laid low by my period.
I wish I was one of those women who barely notice their cycle. But unfortunately, I’m one of those women who usually spends the weekend curled up in agony on the couch, cursing Eve, her fucking apple, and anybody I can think of.
I usually avoid people and activities in general. But I am about as high as you can go in the mountains surrounded by a bunch of dudes. Pulling on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, I creep out into the hallway and find all four guys drinking beer by the fireplace.
Their conversation dries up and they all look at me like I’m the walking dead.
Here are four men who didn’t grow up with sisters.
It shows.
Mitch leaps up, offering his seat next to Skyler.
Skyler holds out his arms, pulling me down so that I’m snugged up against him. Guess the secret is out.
Mitch brings me a glass of water and I sip from it, sneaking a look at their faces as I do.
I expected awkwardness, and it is awkward, but I did not expect this level of concern.
It’s pretty damn cute, to be honest.
My sisters will think this is hilarious.
It feels strange to sit so close to Skyler, with everyone looking on. But their conversation resumes, soft and easy, slipping past me. I settle back, feeling like I’m getting a rare behind the scenes look at the Thomas’s. I’ve only ever seen them with my brother and Dusty. As a group, they’re pretty rowdy. Dusty and Bo play off each other, competing to say the most shocking thing. But when it’s just these boys, they’re more relaxed. I guess growing up together, from diapers on, will do that.
Cramps weave a hot web of pain across my middle, and I press my hand against my abdomen, trying to ease the pressure.
Skyler notices, brushing his lips across my ear. “Lay down if that helps.”
It would. Sitting upright takes too much effort. He makes room and I ease down, laying my head on his lap. My cheeks warm slightly, but the pain is overriding any embarrassment at this point. He alternates between rubbing my back and letting his fingers run through my hair. It’s comforting.
His attentiveness is overwhelming. I usually ride these things out on my own.
He’s being so sweet, but that’s not what I need. I need him to hold me at arm’s length. To reinforce the fact that we’re just friends and nothing more.
This is too confusing.
And worse, I want it too much.
I tried to tell myself that love couldn’t hold a candle to freedom. But this isn’t a candle, it’s a fucking inferno. I hate that I have to choose. It feels like I’m cutting myself down the middle.
A tear, treacherous and humiliating, slips out of the corner of my eye and tracks its way across my nose. I dash it away, hoping no one noticed. But then Skyler is standing, scooping me up into his arms. Feeling like an emotional wreck, I press my face into his sweater and let him carry me back to bed.
He lays me down, pulling the covers over my body before sitting beside me. “What can I get you?”
I’m aiming for lighthearted, but my smile is watery at best.
His voice is low with concern. “What hurts?”
“Everything.” My body.
My heart.
His fingers brush my hair back from my forehead. He cups the side of my face with his warm hand. “It’s more than just the cramps, isn’t it?”
I press my eyes closed and turn away. He stands, moving around the other side of the bed to crawl underneath the covers. His body is warm and reassuring against mine. Like somehow, I’m drawing strength from his big frame. He presses his lips to hair and breathes me in. “I’ll figure it out.”
“Figure what out?”
“This distance thing. I’ll figure it out.”
I turn in his arms, craning my head to look at his face. “How?”
“I don’t know.”
He exhales shakily. “But I want you in my life, Reese. I’m going to make it work. I promise you that.”