I wake up earlier than usual. Typically, when I work late at the restaurant and don’t have any clients, I let myself sleep for an extra hour. But the prospect of making $450—and maybe securing a long-term, high-value client—has me excitedly leaping out of bed.
Mom finds me in the living room, feverishly polishing every surface. “Are you okay?” she says from her bedroom door, exhausted from her long hours at the library and college.
It took a lot of convincing to get Mom to agree to let me help pay her way through college. That’s probably why she spends every waking second fully dedicated to doing the best job she possibly can.
“I’ve got a new student coming by in a while,” I tell her, scrubbing the coffee table as though my life depended on it.
“An important student, I take it?” Mom’s voice falters as it always does when we discuss work. She doesn’t like to talk about what I’m doing for her except to say thank you, thank you, and thank you again. It’s not like she’s just going to leave me hanging.
“It’s for this man’s little sister. He wants to pay five hundred bucks per lesson. Apparently, she’s a big fan of my channel. I didn’t even know anybody watched it.”
Suddenly, Mom rushes over to me and throws her arms around me, taking me off guard. That doesn’t stop a big smile from spreading across my lips as I hug her tightly against me.
“I knew a day like this would come,” she says. “You’re talented, Bella. You always have been. More than that, you’re dedicated. You’re the hardest worker I know.”
“I had one hell of a role model, remember?”
We savor the moment. Rarely do we get bursts of real hope like this. We’ve spent too long stressing about bills, life, and how things could go wrong. Now, we don’t need to worry. We don’t need to obsess. Perhaps we have a chance.
“What time are they coming?” Mom asks.
“Eleven,” I tell her. “I just need to get everything ready. I want this place to look clean. Presentable, you know?”
“Let me help,” Mom beams. “I’ve got time before my first class. We’ll have this place sparkling. Don’t forget to go across the hall and tell Mr. Hudson about your new visitor.”
This is a requirement of me working from home when neither Mom nor Emily is here—telling our neighbor across the hall so that he can check in on me.
“I won’t,” I promise, butterflies dancing in my belly as I glance at the clock.
Not long now.
We’re on our way, he texts, making me realize I don’t even know his name. I know his sister is called Sofia from the texts.
Okay, great. Sorry to be rude. I should’ve asked earlier, but what’s your name?
Matteo , he replies, and it’s not rude. People call me Matt. See you soon.
Matteo, or Matt, is doing right by his kid sister, trying to give her the best start in life. I wonder if the girl will remind me of myself when I was her age, all bright-eyed at the prospect of starting this new chapter in her life. I still remember the first time I touched a violin. It was like I could feel the music whispering into my soul.
I’m brewing coffee when another text arrives. We’re outside.
A knot tightens in my stomach. When my other students arrive for their lessons, I never have to worry about the appearance of the apartment building. When paying fifteen bucks per hour, it’s not like they can expect some fancy building. But with Sofia and Matt, there’s a chance they’ll do a U-turn and get out of here.
I walk downstairs, focusing on each step as I go down. I wish the elevator weren’t broken, at least. Before pushing open the main door, I take a moment to compose myself, gluing a smile on my face. Whatever else is true, a little girl keen to meet her internet idol—if that’s what I am—doesn’t want to see me all anxious and full of self-doubt.
When I open the door, a way-too-high-pitched breath escapes me. It’s the shock of seeing the man standing near me. No, looming over me is more accurate. He’s at least six-two, maybe six-three, with broad shoulders, a strong jawline, and serious eyes. His black hair is cropped stylishly, a little long on the top and close cut on the sides. His build is muscular and dominating.
“Matt?” I say, attempting to keep a professional demeanor.
I’ve never been much of a crush girl, but there’s something about Matt’s dark eyes that has tingles dancing all over my body.
“Hi, Bella,” he says, far less friendly than I imagined.
“So where’s the little lady, then?”
He tilts his head. “Little lady?”
“Your sister?”
“She’s not so little.” Did I just imagine the corner of his lip twitching like he was about to smirk at me? “She’s just finishing a phone call … ah, here we are.”
I turn to see a petite woman walking toward us. Her long bangs nearly cover her eyes, and she has a slight smile on her face. I was expecting a kid, but it’s clear she’s anything but. I wonder why he’s arranging this for her if she’s a legal adult. Then I remember what Emily said about looking gift horses in the mouth.
“Hi, Sofia,” I say, offering my hand.
She takes my hand, and I can feel her trembling. “Bella, wow. It’s so amazing to meet you in person.”
I don’t have to pretend to be touched. “You’re making me feel like a celebrity.”
“To me, you are one!”
“Thanks a lot, Sofia. Shall we …”
“Wait a sec … my violin, duh!”
She laughs, turning back toward the car. I smile, almost sure Matt is watching me while doing that same lip-twitching routine from before. His presence makes me aware of my outfit, a simple jeans and T-shirt combo. Maybe I should’ve worn a dress like in my profile picture.
Wait, what am I thinking? Who cares ? This is about Sofia—about making money, about Mom .
“Do you mind if Matty comes, too?” Sofia says, returning with her violin case.
Before, I assumed he would be there anyway, but that was because I thought Sofia must’ve been a kid. My curiosity makes me wonder why he needs to accompany her, but it’s none of my business. Maybe she has issues I’m not aware of.
“Of course not,” I say, making my voice bright and cheery.
“I’m sorry,” I say as I open the door to the apartment building. “The elevator’s broken.”
“That’s fine,” Sofia replies quickly. “Nothing wrong with a little exercise!”