Chapter Thirty-Eight
Eleven Years Ago: August
I can’t sleep knowing my mom’s making me go back to the city with her tomorrow, two whole days earlier than we actually have to leave.
Apparently, she’s tired of only being with my dad when he visits on weekends, and she just wants to be with him full-time again. Yeah, Mom. I get it.
I just want to be with Three full-time too. I’d even settle for two more days.
But surprise, surprise, Katherine Hathaway won. She’s the adult, so she wins. Every time. That’s why we hardly ever fight. I haven’t told Three yet, but he’ll probably be a good sport about it. He’s so understanding. And he’s all about respecting our parents.
I just don’t want to end such an amazing summer on a sour note. And I hate fighting with my mom, which only makes sleeping harder.
Why can’t loving people be easier?