V enus stretched her arms above her head, relishing the satisfying pop of her joints as she worked out the last bits of stiffness. The Tharvisian sun streamed through the ornate windows, bathing her in warmth. After days of being cooped up in the medical bay, her body hummed with pent-up energy.
“I’m going for a run,” she announced to Mila, who was lounging on a nearby chaise, scrolling through a holographic display. “Want to join me? I promise not to leave you in the dust... much.”
Mila’s eyes lit up, a competitive gleam sparking to life. “Oh, it’s on, sis. Zora and I will be right behind you. Try not to trip over your own feet in your rush to ‘not leave us in the dust.’”
Venus grinned, already backing toward the door. “Big talk for someone still lounging. See you out there, slowpoke!”
As she made her way through the palace corridors, she nearly collided with Azlun. His hands instinctively went to her waist to steady her, and Venus felt a flutter in her stomach at his touch.
“Whoa, there, Your Highness,” she teased, patting his chest. “No need to sweep me off my feet. I can manage on my own. Well, most of the time.”
Azlun’s eyes crinkled with amusement. “Where are you off to in such a hurry? Running from your royal duties already?”
“Going for a run,” Venus replied, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “I’m feeling good, and I need to burn off some energy before I start reprogramming your androids for fun. You know, give them a sense of humor, maybe teach them some Earth dance moves.”
Concern flashed across Azlun’s face. “Are you sure you’re up for it? Maybe I should come with you. You know, to protect the androids.”
Venus patted his cheek affectionately. “I’ll be fine, worry-wart. Mila and Zora are joining me. What’s the worst that could happen? Besides, someone needs to stay here and protect those poor, humorless androids from my return.”
If only she’d known.
Venus set off at a brisk pace, her feet pounding against the winding path that led away from the palace. The alien flora blurred past in a riot of colors – iridescent flowers that seemed to sing as she passed and trees with bark that pulsed with an inner light. The crisp air filled her lungs, carrying the sweet, slightly metallic scent that was uniquely Tharvisian. Freedom, at last.
As she rounded a bend, she spotted two palace guards up ahead. She thought nothing of it, offering a friendly nod as she passed. “Beautiful day for a run, gentlemen. Don’t work too hard standing there looking intimidating.”
It wasn’t until she heard the heavy footfalls behind her that alarm bells started ringing. Venus glanced over her shoulder to see both guards in hot pursuit, their faces twisted with malice.
“Seriously?” she muttered, picking up her pace. “I was joking about the ‘don’t work too hard’ part. No need to prove me wrong!”
Her heart rate spiked, but not from exertion. She was a long way from the palace, alone, with two trained Tharvisian soldiers on her tail. “Well,” she panted, “so much for a relaxing jog. Time for some impromptu interval training.”
The path narrowed, forcing Venus off-road. She darted between alien trees, their branches reaching out like gnarled fingers. Bioluminescent vines hung low, forcing her to duck and weave. The guards were gaining ground, their longer strides eating up the distance between them.
“You know,” Venus called over her shoulder, her voice only slightly breathless, “if you wanted a running buddy, you could have just asked nicely!”
One of the guards snarled in response, the sound chillingly heartless.
Venus skidded to a stop in a small clearing, dropping into a defensive stance. No more running. Time to show these goons what an Arison woman could do.
The first guard lunged at her, all brute force and no finesse. Venus sidestepped, using his momentum to send him stumbling past her. “What’s the matter, big guy?” she taunted. “Can’t keep up with a puny human? And here I thought Tharvisians were supposed to be the superior species.”
The second guard circled her warily, his eyes cold and calculating. “You should have stayed in your gilded cage, princess,” he snarled. “It would have been easier for everyone.”
Venus smirked, though her heart was pounding. “Sorry, not really the ‘damsel in distress’ type. More the ‘kick your ass and look good doing it’ kind of girl. But don’t worry, I’ll try not to mess up your pretty faces too much. Wouldn’t want to ruin your chances at the Mr. Tharvisian Universe pageant.”
They attacked in tandem, a flurry of punches and kicks that Venus barely managed to dodge. She blocked a vicious right hook, wincing as the impact reverberated through her arm. These guys weren’t playing around.
Venus fought with everything she had. She landed a solid kick to one guard’s solar plexus, sending him wheezing to his knees. “How’s that for puny human strength?” she quipped, but her victory was short-lived.
The other guard caught her with a glancing blow to the temple, making her vision swim. Stars exploded behind her eyes, and she staggered, barely maintaining her footing.
“Okay,” she muttered, shaking her head to clear it, “now I’m annoyed.”
Just as the odds were turning against her, a familiar voice rang out. “Hey! Pick on someone your own size, you overgrown space bullies!”
Mila and Zora burst into the clearing, faces flushed and eyes blazing. Venus had never been so happy to see her sisters in her life.
“Took you long enough,” Venus quipped, wiping blood from her split lip. “I was starting to think you’d stopped for a picnic. Or maybe to admire your reflections in one of those shiny alien ponds.”
Mila rolled her eyes, dropping into a fighting stance. “You’re welcome, by the way. We would have been here sooner, but someone,” she shot a pointed look at Venus, “decided to turn a casual jog into a sprint through the alien wilderness.”
“What can I say?” Venus grinned, ignoring the throbbing in her head. “I like to keep things interesting.”
Zora interjected, “Less banter, more fighting, please. In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re a bit outgunned here.”
The three sisters stood back to back, facing off against the guards who had regrouped. It was a deadly dance of fists and feet, the women moving in perfect synchronization. Zora swept the legs out from under one guard while Mila delivered a devastating elbow strike to the other’s jaw.
Venus couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride. They might be princesses, but they were far from helpless.
“You know,” she panted, ducking under a wild swing, “this isn’t exactly what I had in mind for sister bonding time. Next time, let’s just do a spa day.”
Mila snorted, executing a perfect roundhouse kick. “Boring. Where’s the fun in that?”
But just as they seemed to gain the upper hand, the atmosphere shifted. The guards, bloodied and furious, drew wicked-looking energy weapons from their belts. The air crackled with potential violence, and the hum of the weapons sent chills down Venus’s spine.
“Okay,” Venus muttered, eyeing the pulsing blue blades. “That’s not fair. No one said anything about bringing toys to this party.”
The guards advanced, weapons buzzing with lethal energy. Venus’s mind raced, searching for a way out. They were good, but they weren’t invincible.
“Any bright ideas?” Zora whispered, her voice tense.
Venus’s eyes darted around the clearing, looking for anything they could use as a weapon. “Working on it. How about you use your flower power to call some carnivorous alien plants to our aid?”
Mila groaned. “This is hardly the time for jokes, Venus.”
“Who’s joking? I’m deadly serious. Emphasis on the ‘deadly’ part.”
Just as the first guard raised his weapon for a killing blow, a roar of pure rage echoed through the clearing. Azlun burst onto the scene, his eyes blazing with fury. In one fluid motion, he disarmed the nearest guard and turned the weapon on its owner.
The clearing erupted in chaos. Energy blasts sizzled through the air as Azlun made short work of the would-be assassins. His movements were precise, lethal, driven by a cold anger that sent chills down Venus’s spine.
In mere moments, it was over. The guards lay motionless on the ground, and an eerie silence fell over the clearing.
Azlun immediately rushed to Venus, his hands cupping her face as he searched for injuries. “Are you hurt?” he demanded, his voice rough with emotion. “I swear, I’ll tear this planet apart to find who’s responsible for this.”
Venus leaned into his touch, her adrenaline-fueled bravado fading. “I’m okay,” she assured him, then glanced at her sisters. “We’re okay. Thanks to you. Though I totally had them on the ropes, you know. Just catching my second wind.”
She tried to take a step forward, but her leg buckled beneath her. Looking down, she saw a deep gash in her thigh, likely from one of the energy weapons. The adrenaline had masked the pain, but now it hit her full force.
“Okay,” she grimaced, “maybe I’m slightly less than okay. But you should see the other guys.”
Azlun’s face tightened with concern. Without hesitation, he scooped Venus into his arms, cradling her against his chest. “Hold on,” he murmured. “I’ve got you.”
As they made their way back to the palace, Venus couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. Someone wanted her dead, and they weren’t going to stop until they succeeded.
But with Azlun’s strong arms around her, his heartbeat steady against her cheek, and her sisters flanking them protectively, Venus felt a surge of determination. She was Venus Arison, soon-to-be princess of Tharvis. And she wasn’t going down without one hell of a fight.
“You know,” she mumbled against Azlun’s chest, fighting to stay conscious, “this wasn’t exactly how I planned to end up in your arms today. But I suppose it’ll do.”
Azlun’s chest rumbled with a mix of laughter and relief. “Only you could joke at a time like this,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
As they approached the palace, the medical team already rushing out to meet them, Venus allowed herself a small smile. Life as a Tharvisian princess was certainly never going to be boring. And despite the danger, the pain, and the uncertainty, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
After all, what was life without a little adventure?
The palace medical bay hummed with activity as Venus was rushed into treatment. The Tharvisian healing pod glowed with a soft, otherworldly light as she was carefully placed inside. Azlun hovered nearby, his face etched with concern.
“You know,” Venus quipped as the pod’s cover lowered, “I’m starting to think these healing pods and I are becoming a little too well-acquainted. Maybe we should see other people.”
Azlun’s lips twitched in a reluctant smile. “Just focus on getting better. I’ll be right here.”
As the pod worked its alien magic, knitting flesh and mending bone, Venus drifted in and out of consciousness. When she finally emerged, feeling refreshed but slightly disoriented, Azlun was there, his hand outstretched to help her up.
“How long was I out?” Venus asked, flexing her newly healed leg experimentally.
“A few hours,” Azlun replied, his eyes scanning her for any lingering injuries. “How do you feel?”
Venus grinned, bouncing on her toes. “Like I could take on another set of assassins. You know, if you’re up for round two.”
Azlun groaned, but pulled her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Let’s not tempt fate, shall we? I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day.”
Before Venus could protest, Azlun swept her into his arms. “Now, my love, I believe it’s time for you to rest. Doctor’s orders.”
“I’m perfectly capable of walking, you know,” Venus said, even as she nestled closer to his chest.
“Humor me,” Azlun murmured, carrying her out of the medical bay and toward their private quarters.
In their room, a candlelit dinner awaited them, the table set with an array of Tharvisian delicacies and Earth favorites. Venus’s stomach growled appreciatively at the sight.
“Trying to butter me up, Your Highness?” she teased as Azlun set her gently in a chair.
“Is it working?” he asked, his eyes twinkling as he took the seat opposite her.
As they ate, the tension of the day slowly melted away. They talked and laughed, rehashing the events of the attack with a lightness that belied its seriousness. Venus regaled Azlun with a blow-by-blow account of her fight, complete with dramatic reenactments that had him alternating between laughter and concerned frowns.
As the meal wound down, a comfortable silence fell between them. Venus found herself studying Azlun’s face in the soft candlelight, tracing the strong line of his jaw and the curve of his lips. When their eyes met, the air seemed to crackle with unspoken energy.
Azlun reached across the table, taking her hand in his. “I almost lost you today,” he said softly, his thumb tracing circles on her palm.
Venus squeezed his hand. “But you didn’t. I’m right here, Azlun. I’m not going anywhere.”
In one fluid motion, Azlun stood and pulled Venus to her feet, drawing her into his arms. His kiss was fierce and tender all at once, filled with all the emotions words couldn’t express. Venus responded in kind, her hands sliding up to tangle in his hair.
When they finally parted, Venus grinned up at him. “You know, for an alien prince, you’re not half bad at this kissing thing.”
Azlun chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest. “High praise, indeed. Perhaps I should practice more, just to be sure.”
The soft brush of his lips against hers sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body, making her knees weak and her stomach flutter. His arms were like steel bands around her waist, holding her close, while one hand gently ran through her hair.
As their kiss deepened, Venus let out a contented sigh that sounded like “mmm”, feeling him press their bodies tightly against each other. She could smell the spicy scent of his cologne and taste the lingering flavor of dessert on his tongue as it danced with hers.
With every kiss, she felt herself falling more and more under his spell - this handsome alien prince who had saved her life. His passion was infectious, igniting something inside of her that she never knew existed until now.
When they came up for air, Venus’s eyes fluttered open to find him gazing down at her with an intense look in those oceanic orbs of his.
He grinned as he spoke lowly, “You are absolutely right.”
He brought her hand up to his mouth again and placed a gentle kiss on its back then led her toward the bedroom.
The air seemed to thicken, charged with an electricity that sparked between them with every step they took closer to their destination. Venus could feel her heart pounding and the blood rushing through her veins like a raging river. She wanted this – wanted him – more than anything else in the world.
Once inside the bedroom, Azlun kicked the door shut behind them. As they reached the edge of the bed, Azlun slowly undressed her before peeling off his own clothes.
Then he lowered himself onto the bed, taking her with him.
She lay back with a sultry look that made him growl out a moan. He leaned in and captured a nipple in his mouth. His tongue teased at the sensitive nub. “You are exquisite,” he murmured, his voice rough with need.
Venus ran her fingers through his hair, savoring the feeling of silky strands between her fingertips. She leaned in closer, their breaths mingling in the air as their lips met again in a slow, passionate dance that left them both breathless.
His hand slid down her side. Goose bumps rose on her flesh at his touch, and she arched into him needing more contact. His erection pressed against her thigh, and it fueled the fire inside her even more.
With one swift motion, Azlun flipped them over so she was on top of him, straddling his hips.
Venus leaned down and pressed her lips against his neck, nipping softly as she moaned into his skin. Azlun growled low in his throat. He reached up to caress her cheek, trailing his fingers down to her jawline.
She captured his bottom lip between her teeth gently. He groaned and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. His hands gripped her hips as he rocked upward, entering her with a quick thrust.
She moaned with pleasure and slowly ground herself against him, teasing both of them with the promise of what was to come.
The friction between them was exquisite, sending shockwaves of pleasure through every nerve ending. He moved his hands down her back and around to cup her ass. he lifted and lowered her harder against him.
Their gasps filled the room as they lost themselves in their pleasure. Venus rocked her hip faster and Azlun matched her tempo until they both cried out in pleasure as their orgasms exploded through them.