V enus stood before the full-length mirror, a vision in shimmering white and silver. Her wedding gown, a masterpiece of Tharvisian design, seemed to capture and reflect every nuance of light in the room. Intricate patterns reminiscent of Azlun’s royal tattoos swirled across the fabric, pulsing softly with an inner light. She took a deep breath, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and nerves.
“I still can’t believe this is happening,” she murmured, smoothing down the front of her dress for the hundredth time. “Me, Venus Arison, about to become a real alien princess. If only my teenage self could see me now.”
Mila snorted, carefully adjusting Venus’s intricate headpiece - a delicate crown of what looked like living starlight. “I can believe it. Azlun’s been practically bouncing off the walls trying to get this wedding to happen. I swear, the other day I saw him pestering the event planners so much, they looked ready to launch him into space.”
Zora giggled, carefully applying the finishing touches to Venus’s makeup - a subtle shimmer that made her skin glow as if lit from within. “Can you blame him? Have you seen the way he looks at Venus? It’s like she hung the moons herself and then rearranged the stars for good measure.”
Venus felt a blush creeping up her cheeks, warming her face. “Oh, stop it, you two. You’re going to make me cry and ruin all of Zora’s hard work. And I refuse to walk down the aisle looking like a raccoon, even if it is an alien raccoon.”
“Speaking of rushing,” Mila said with a mischievous glint in her eye, “I can’t believe Azlun couldn’t wait for Raelee and Vex to get back from their honeymoon. Rae is gonna be so pissed she couldn’t be here for your big day. Someone’s eager for that honeymoon, huh? Planning to explore some uncharted territory, Venus?”
Venus swatted at her sister playfully, careful not to disturb her perfectly coiffed hair. “Mila! It’s not like that... well, not entirely.” She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face, her mind wandering to thoughts of the upcoming honeymoon. “Okay, maybe a little. But can you blame me? Have you seen my future husband?”
The three sisters dissolved into laughter, the sound bright and carefree in the opulent dressing room. For a moment, Venus was transported back to their childhood, giggling together during sleepovers and dreaming of their futures.
“Do you remember,” Zora said, wiping tears from her eyes, careful not to smudge her own makeup, “how Venus used to always say she’d never get married unless it was to a prince?”
Mila nodded, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Oh yes, ‘Only a prince is good enough for me!’ she’d declare usually while wearing a tiara made of tinfoil and brandishing a ‘scepter’ that was suspiciously similar to Mom’s rolling pin.”
Venus rolled her eyes, but couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “Hey, I had high standards, okay? And look where it got me. Married to an actual alien prince. Take that, Disney princesses!”
“Who knew the universe would take you so literally, sis?” Mila teased. “Though I’m pretty sure when you said ‘prince,’ you weren’t thinking ‘tall, dark, and silver-skinned from another planet.’”
Venus shrugged, a dreamy look coming over her face. “What can I say? I’ve always been an overachiever. Why settle for Earth royalty when you can have intergalactic royalty?”
The sisters shared another laugh, the sound filled with genuine joy and affection. Venus felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. Despite all the changes in her life, her sisters were still her anchors, her best friends.
A comfortable silence fell over the room as Mila and Zora made their final preparations, adjusting their own bridesmaid dresses - elegant creations in shades of deep blue that shimmered like the night sky. Venus watched her sisters in the mirror, a thought suddenly occurring to her.
“Hey, Mila,” she said, turning to face her sister, “how are things going with Roqron? I haven’t seen you two together much. I thought after Raelee’s wedding, you might have... I don’t know, connected or something.”
Mila’s expression clouded slightly, her usually confident demeanor faltering for a moment. “Honestly? I’ve barely seen him since Raelee’s wedding. Even then, he hardly said two words to me. It was all ‘pass the salt’ and ‘excuse me’ like I was invisible or something.”
Venus frowned, concern etching her features. “Really? That doesn’t sound like him at all. I mean, he’s quiet, sure, but not usually that standoffish. Did something happen?”
Mila shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant but not quite succeeding. “Who knows? It’s fine, really. I mean, he’s good-looking and all - in that tall, dark, and brooding alien way - but I wasn’t exactly planning on marrying anyone, alien or not. Besides, I’m not going to chase after any man.”
Venus nodded, but she could see the hint of disappointment in her sister’s eyes. Before she could probe further, she turned to Zora. “What about you, Zo? How are things with Dravek? Last I saw, you two seemed to be hitting it off at the engagement party.”
Zora sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. “Not great, to be honest. I’ve tried talking to him, but he always seems to find an excuse to leave. It’s like he’s deliberately keeping me at arm’s length. The other day, I tried to ask him about Tharvisian botany - you know, common ground and all that - and he looked at me like I’d suggested we go skinny dipping in lava.”
Venus felt a pang of concern for her sisters. “That’s so strange. You’re both beautiful, intelligent, and talented. I can’t imagine why they’d be acting this way. Maybe it’s a Tharvisian thing? Some weird alien mating ritual we don’t know about?”
Mila snorted. “If it is, I think we’ll be off the hook for this wedding thing. Two out of four ain’t bad.”
Before Venus could ponder it further, there was a knock at the door. It was time.
The wedding ceremony was a blur of color, light, and emotion. Venus felt as though she were floating down the aisle, her eyes locked on Azlun. He stood tall and regal in his formal Tharvisian attire, but it was the love and adoration in his gaze that took her breath away. His silver skin seemed to glow, his royal tattoos pulsing in time with the patterns on her dress.
As they exchanged vows, their hands clasped tightly together, Venus marveled at how far they’d come. From a political arrangement to this - a union of true love and partnership. Azlun’s voice, usually so composed, trembled slightly as he promised to love and cherish her across galaxies and lifetimes.
“I, Azlun Tharvis, take you, Venus Arison, to be my wife, my partner in all things,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers. “I promise to love you in this world and any other we may discover together, to support your dreams whether they take us to the stars or keep us grounded on Earth or Tharvis. You are my home, Venus, wherever we may be.”
Tears welled in her eyes as she responded, her own voice thick with emotion. “I, Venus Arison, take you, Azlun Tharvis, to be my husband, my co-adventurer in this cosmic journey. I promise to love you through intergalactic crises and day-to-day challenges, to always have your back whether we’re facing alien warlords or just figuring out how to work the Tharvisian dishwasher. You’re my person, Azlun, my prince among the stars.”
As they sealed their vows with a kiss, the assembled guests - a mix of humans and Tharvisians - erupted in cheers. Venus could have sworn she heard Mila wolf-whistle, but she was too lost in Azlun’s embrace to care.
The reception was in full swing, the grand hall transformed into a breathtaking blend of Earth and Tharvisian aesthetics. Floating lights reminiscent of fireflies danced through the air while holographic displays showed scenes from both planets. The music was an eclectic mix of Earth pop and Tharvisian melodies, creating a unique soundtrack for the interplanetary celebration.
Venus, taking a moment to catch her breath after a particularly energetic dance - trying to teach Tharvisian dignitaries the Macarena was no easy feat - scanned the room.
Hurrying toward her was Zhera, the younger sister to the woman who would remain nameless at this wedding reception. Venus scooped her into a big hug.
“I’m so glad you came,” Venus said to the girl.
“Thank you for inviting me,” Zhera replied with a huge smile. “Your home is beautiful.”
Huh, Zhera was right. This was her home now. There was nowhere else she wanted to be.
“I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but my sister wanted me to tell you congratulations on the union.”
Venus held back rolling her eyes and bit her tongue for the girl’s sake. But apparently, she couldn’t hide her expression.
“No, really,” Zhera said. “Nyrea is ‘in love’ or so she says.”
“Come again?” Venus said, not sure what was going on.
“My sister is engaged to some king in the Hefar galaxy.”
Of course, Venus had no idea where that was. But she didn’t care as long as it was far, far away.
“Is that a good thing?” Venus asked.
Zhera shrugged. “She’s moved off the planet and I’m free to do what you taught me—be myself.” Tears welled in her young eyes. “I can’t thank you enough.”
Venus hugged her again. “I didn’t tell you anything you wouldn’t have figured out on your own eventually. You’re a very smart young lady.”
Zhera stepped back. “If you’re agreeable, I’d like to keep in touch with you,” she said.
Venus smiled. “I would like that very much.” Perhaps this ambassadorship stuff wouldn’t be too difficult.
Zhera waved and disappeared into the crowd.
Venus surveyed the room and her eyes narrowed as she spotted Zora attempting to engage Dravek in conversation by a table laden with exotic fruits. Despite Zora’s animated gestures and bright smile, Dravek looked like he’d rather be anywhere else. As Venus watched, he made a hasty exit, leaving Zora with an apologetic-looking Garek.
On the other side of the room, she noticed Roqron watching Mila intently. Her sister, resplendent in her bridesmaid dress, was deep in conversation with Amari, gesticulating excitedly about something. Every so often, Roqron would take a step toward them, only to retreat again, his face a mask of indecision.
“What’s got you so focused, my love?” Azlun’s voice in her ear made her jump slightly. She turned to find him looking at her with a mixture of amusement and concern, two glasses of shimmering, color-changing champagne in his hands. “You’re wearing your ‘I’m plotting something’ face. Should I be worried? Planning an intergalactic coup on our wedding day?”
Venus chuckled, accepting the offered glass and leaning into his embrace. The solid warmth of him grounded her, a reminder that no matter what craziness the universe threw at them, they’d face it together. “Am I that transparent? I’m just worried about Mila and Zora. Your brothers are acting... strange around them. And by strange, I mean like they’ve suddenly developed allergies to my sisters.”
Azlun followed her gaze, taking in the scene - Zora now chatting with Garek, though her eyes kept darting to Dravek’s retreating back, and Mila still oblivious to Roqron’s intense stare. To Venus’s surprise, he chuckled, a knowing glint in his eye.
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” he said, his voice low and amused.
“What do you mean?” Venus asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did you miss the part where your brothers are treating my sisters like they’ve got some contagious Earth disease? Should I be offended on behalf of my planet?”
Azlun’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he pulled her closer, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke. “It’ll be fine. Stop worrying.”
Venus leaned back, eyeing him suspiciously. “All right, spill it, Your Highness. What do you know that I don’t?”
“Now where’s the fun in that?” Azlun grinned, spinning her gently so her back was to his chest, both of them facing the room. His arms wrapped around her waist, and Venus felt herself melting into him. “Besides,” he continued, his voice a low rumble that sent pleasant shivers down her spine, “I have much more interesting plans for the evening than discussing my brothers’ love lives.”
“Oh really?” Venus turned in his arms, a challenging glint in her eye. “Care to share these plans with your new wife, or is it another Tharvisian secret?”
Azlun’s smile turned heated, his eyes darkening in a way that made Venus’s heart race. “I’d rather show you,” he murmured, leaning in for a kiss that toed the line between publicly acceptable and scandalous.
As they swayed together on the dance floor, lost in their own world amidst the celebration, Venus couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future held. Not just for her and Azlun, but for her sisters as well. Something told her that life on Tharvis was about to get very interesting indeed.
“You know,” she murmured, her lips close to Azlun’s ear, “if you keep looking at me like that, we might have to cut this reception short. I’m pretty sure it’s considered treason to combust spontaneously at a royal wedding.”
Azlun’s low chuckle sent a shiver down her spine, his hands tightening possessively on her waist. “Is that a promise, my princess? Because I’m more than ready to start our honeymoon. I’ve got a whole galaxy to show you.”
Venus grinned, her heart skipping at the new title and the promise in his words. “You bet it is, my prince. Lead the way. This Earth girl is ready for her next adventure.”
As Azlun led her toward the exit, pausing to wave good-bye to their guests, Venus caught sight of her sisters. Mila was now engaged in what looked like a heated debate with Roqron, her eyes flashing with passion while he looked both terrified and enthralled. Zora, meanwhile, had somehow cornered Dravek, chattering away while he looked increasingly flustered.
Venus smiled to herself. Yes, life on Tharvis was definitely going to be interesting. But first, she had a honeymoon to attend to. The intergalactic family drama could wait - she had a whole new world (and a very handsome alien husband) to explore.