Karin's head was pounding. At first, she feared she had a bad hangover, which was strange because she only had two glasses of wine. The last time she had gotten drunk had been on the night of her law school graduation.
When the pounding in her head didn't diminish, she had no choice but to wake up. Her heart stopped in her chest when she noticed her surroundings.
The blonde wasn't in her beautifully decorated bedroom. She was in what looked like a dark basement, with very little light.
Worst of all, she was naked. Her large boobs, ass, and even the blonde curls of her mound were exposed in the air as if it were completely normal. Her arms were up, her wrists tied with rope that hung from the ceiling. She felt like a pig who was waiting for its fate at the slaughterhouse.
There were women around her, tied and exposed in the same way. They looked between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five. All of them were different. Some were tall. Others were petite. Small. Curvy. Different ethnicities as well. Most of them were asleep, but some of them were beginning to wake up if the small whimpers were any indication.
This was all a bad dream. It had to be. Nothing made sense.
Karin shouldn't be here. She should be back in her apartment. What was this place?
She looked around again, hoping to find some indication of where she was, but found nothing of worth. It just looked like a creepy basement, which continued to make her uneasy.
The last thing she remembered before she passed out was a bright white light but nothing else. What had happened since then? Was she still even in New York? Had anyone reported her missing?
Her heart sank when she remembered the only ones who would care about her going missing would be her bosses. And only because they would be worried about who would take over her cases. She didn't have any friends or family. Not even a dog would miss her.
What were they planning on doing to her and the other women? Kill them? Torture them? Sell them into prostitution or slavery? No one captured this many women with good intentions at heart.
Karin shook her head. She had to stop thinking. All it was doing was causing her to grow more panicked. She needed to get out of here. She couldn't rescue everyone else, but she could certainly rescue herself.
The ropes which were binding her arms weren't tightly done. She snorted. Her captors probably thought a weak, little woman wouldn't be able to untie herself, which was probably why they hadn't done a very good job, but she was one step ahead of them.
Karin had taken a self-defense class during her freshman year of college. She still remembered everything the dull instructor had told them about how to untie her ropes if she was ever bound.
It took a bit of wiggling, cursing, and using her nails to get the knots undone, but she somehow managed to do it. Karin fell with a loud thud, but she managed to keep her moans to a minimum.
She shivered, her nipples perking up from fear. Karin felt horribly exposed. She had never liked seeing her body in the nude. She had always thought it was too much. Her boobs were heavy, her hips wide, and her butt always made it a hassle to find a decent pair of jeans.
And now, here she was in an unknown location, feeling terribly exposed.
Karin glanced around, looking for some type of weapon. Even a broom would do, but she found nothing. It looked like she would have to rely on her self-defense moves even though her body was feeling terribly weak, as if she had been injected with a tranquilizer.
The blonde forced herself to move to the door, trying her best to ignore the dangling naked bodies. With a trembling hand, she opened the door. The next thing she did was let out a terrifying scream.
In front of her, were three large creatures.
She couldn't call them men because they didn't look like any men she had ever seen. They were tall. Six-five to seven feet tall if she had to guess, with skin that was dark gray and long, pulsing veins adorning the muscles of their chest and arms. Pointy teeth peeked out from their thick lips, and their bulging red eyes were looking straight at Karin.
Karin took a step back. They were monsters. Monsters who would probably eat her for breakfast and use their sharp teeth to pull her apart.
She was screaming herself hoarse. She couldn't remember the last time she had screamed so much. But maybe the screaming would help attract attention.
One of the men, the taller of the three with dark hair, approached her gently as if she were a frightened cat. "Calm down," he instructed firmly. His voice was firm but not harsh. "My name is Kyvan. You're are going to be all right. No reason to get nervous. You just woke up a little earlier than you should have." He looked at where she had been hanging. "You got out by yourself? Impressive. I forgot how crafty humans are when they are pushed into a corner."
"D-don't come any closer!" she ordered, but her voice was weak at best.
"Enough!" one of the gray monsters with long, red hair barked. "Just put her back to sleep, Kyvan, before she starts making all of the other females nervous."
The man who had introduced himself as Kyvan pulled her wrist before she could even blink. Whoever these monsters were, they were strong and fast. Certainly not human.
What did they mean about putting her back to sleep? Were they going to kill her?
Karin wasn't a woman who cried often, but she found her eyes watering. "Please."
Kyvan, who seemed to be the only one with a conscience of the three standing before her, gave her a sympathetic look. "It won't hurt, sweetheart. I promise. You'll just feel a little pinch. Be a good girl and take your medicine for me." He pulled out a long syringe filled with a blue liquid, which only caused her to panic even more. Kyvan gently placed her over one of his knees so her bare butt was front and center. She was too scared to care about her modesty. She felt a pinch when he injected the needle in her rear end, followed by exhaustion. "Sleep," she heard his voice say. "You'll need it."
When Karin woke up again, she realized she was once again tied. This time, with what felt like metal cuffs. She could only take a guess, though, because she was strapped on her back. She was lying down on a sleek, white table. A flat, floating, rectangular-like object was swishing back and forth from the top of her head to her toes. Karin felt incredibly sore, like she always did when she finished running the yearly marathon the firm hosted.
Her blue eyes looked around the all-gray room. Would it kill these guys to add a little color?
A slightly shorter man than the giants from earlier was looking at the numbers in front of him from a monitor. He looked older and there was an annoyed look on his face. If he noticed Karin had awoken, he didn't said anything.
"Where am I?" she croaked. Her throat felt dry.
"One of the healing rooms. Relax. I am just finishing running a few tests, just making sure everything is where it's supposed to be and everything is working how it should be. The human body is much more complicated than it seems, especially the females. Though, of course, no one listens to poor Azis. The only thing on their mind is breeding?—"
"Why does my body hurt?"
"You were given two injections." Azis looked bored. "One to increase fertility, to make sure you get impregnated quickly. The second one is to prolong your lifespan, to make it similar to ours. Humans die so quickly, we want to make sure all of the hassle is worth it. Your private regions have been removed of hair completely. The soreness should diminish in a few days. My supervisors won't like it, but I can give you a pill to remove some of the soreness?—"
"What?" Karin screeched. Oh, yes, it was official; her increased stress levels from the past decade had finally made her insane. This man, thing, or whatever just told her they'd prepared her like a prize heifer, to be bred? She started to squirm. "Get me out of here!"
"Subject 206?—"
"Karin! My name is Karin! I insist you call me by my name."
Azis curled his lip, obviously in annoyance. He didn't look as scary as the men from earlier, but she didn't want to push too far.
"Karin, I'm afraid it won't be possible. You were handpicked along with every other woman you saw earlier. Taking humans from earth is risky business. We cannot do it often and especially cannot return the females simply because they are upset. You, along with everyone else, were chosen because you were alone. You had nobody who would miss you, which makes things easier." Azis' voice sounded almost kind. Meanwhile, Karin wanted to burst into tears. He was right; she had no one. "You'll see, once you've calmed down, we will find you a mate. You won't be treated cruelly here as long as you obey. Most women settle down after their first baby. Before you know it, you won't even miss Earth."
"What is this place?" The fear had subdued somewhat, but she was sure it was because she was going into shock.
"Krotev. It is an all-male planet. We're not far from Earth, which is why we don't look so different, you and I. Our species has been reproducing with human females for centuries. Technically, I suppose you could call us half-human, though it is not fully correct. When we're born, we are full Krotev aliens, though we change back between a human form and our true form. It is what the warriors do, at least, especially when a woman is particularly nervous."
"All male planet? So, there are no women on Krotev?"
"That's what I just said! Weren't you listening? Our genes makes it so females only give birth to males. Never females. Which means, we have to go down to earth every couple of years or so to get a new batch. Though the king has been going more often. It is a waste, if you ask me, especially with so many other planets close by?—"
Karin didn't bother listening to Azis' whining. She would be given to one of these brute men and forced to be his whore and get pregnant over and over again until she gave birth to a boatload of his demon-looking children.
This would not be her fate. She would make sure of it.
Karin didn't care if it got her killed, she would return to earth if it was the last thing she did.