The Alien’s Pet (Earthly Mates #2) Chapter 5 28%
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Chapter 5


The weeks passed by slowly for Karin, to the point where she quite honestly wished she would be locked in a sort of cell or be forced to live out the rest of her days in an insane asylum, rather than be the king's pet. She despised being the king's pet. Hated it so much.

Karin had had more sex in the last three months than she had in her entire lifetime. Every part of her was sore. Her pussy. Her ass. Her breasts. Even her ass had been attended to by Korrev's punishing fingers.

Every day, it was the same routine. She woke up and was expected to pleasure the king with her mouth. They would then have breakfast, where the king would feed her food. Sometimes she would sit on his lap, while other times she would be kneeling down next to him. Afterwards, Karin would tag along to whatever plans Korrev had for the day. She would be fed lunch and put down for a nap. Then she would have free time to do what she wanted under the king or the guards' watchful eyes, which usually resulted in her just staring at the wall. Karin would finish the day by being fed dinner and then Korrev would fuck her until she fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.

Karin wanted to say she hated when he fucked her, but to be honest, he was a good lover in bed. She hadn't had multiple one-night stands or boyfriends when she had been on Earth, but she could still tell the difference about what made a man good in bed.

Korrev always made sure she had multiple orgasms, usually one after the other, until her legs were trembling and she felt like she was out of breath. Every inch of her body had been in his mouth at some point. She was embarrassed to admit she could feel herself getting wet by simply looking at him.

She was afraid she was going to get pregnant sooner, rather than later, but she had no way of denying him. Karin had tried once, and the only thing she had managed to accomplish was to get her ass welted with his belt. Then she had been bent over the bed and fucked from behind while her sore nates had slapped against his muscular chest. Karin had never tried to deny him again.

Korrev kept a tight leash on her, literally. She learned quickly, if she didn't want to be spanked and end up with a sore, red bottom for days, she needed to do as she was told, even if it was killing her on the inside.

Karin was miserable. Everyone who looked at her could easily tell. She was pale and had lost weight. She was no longer vain when it came to her appearance like she'd once been.

Truth be told, Korrev missed her fighting spirit from earlier.

He had broken her, that part was true, but it was no longer fun like he had anticipated. Why would he want a pet who didn't play or fight back?

Plus, he hated to admit it, but he was getting worried about her. He wasn't as heartless as he pretended to be. He had grown rather fond of his pet, and it would be a hassle to break in another one.

"Karin, come," he ordered, holding her pink leash in his hand.

Karin had been sulking while staring out the window. She no longer grew shy when it came to her nakedness, with the exception of when they were with other people. This pleased Korrev. Her body was much too gorgeous to have it hidden.

Karin no longer asked him where they were going. She would just show him her neck so he could attached the leash. She knew she was not going to get an answer.

They walked in silence until they reached a familiar door, then she stiffened. She recognized it almost immediately. It was one of the healer's rooms, where Azis, one of the main healers, had already run several long, invasive and embarrassing tests on her.

"Your Majesty." Azis gave a small bow when he saw them. "I wasn't expecting you today. How may I help you?"

Korrev gave her a lazy push in the healer's direction. "She's here for a monthly check-up."

It had only been two weeks since her last monthly check-up, but of course, neither of them said anything. Instead, Azis guided Karin to lie on the long, square metal table which could be lifted up so he could view every nook and cranny with just a simple push of a button.

The check-up was fairly quick, since her last one had been so recent. Karin had seen so much of Azis, they had grown comfortable with each other's presence. After he checked her temperature, weighed her, and placed some ointment on the faded bruises on her bottom, he declared her perfectly healthy. Though Karin wasn't too happy with the suppository he had placed inside her bottom which would make her feel sleepy in about an hour.

"Karin, wait for me outside," Korrev ordered.

She looked surprised. This was the first time she had been left alone, without him watching her every move. He wasn't worried, however. If she tried to run, which he doubted, there would be guards after her before she managed to escape. Not to mention, there was a tracker on her collar.

"Your Majesty?" Azis shifted nervously. "Is something wrong?"

"I believe something is wrong with my pet."

"She lost a little weight and she seems more tired than usual, but nothing to be concerned about." He paused. "You might try to feed her her favorite foods and you could stop breeding her constantly. Humans do not have the same stamina as us. Her womanhood is swollen from you constantly being buried inside her. A cool washcloth between her legs and a nap might be all she needs to return to her old self."

"She hasn't been her old self for quite some time," Korrev insisted crabbily.

He couldn't help but think about Kyvan's mother, who had also been human. Kyvan didn't speak about her much, not because the topic was painful, but because there wasn't much to discuss.

His mother had suffered from deep sadness after his birth. Out of pity, Kyvan's father had killed her quickly so she no longer suffered. It wouldn't have been beneficial to send her back to Earth after she knew too much of their world.

Korrev would hate to do that to Karin. Even as a kindness.

She was too intelligent. Too beautiful to waste with something as common as death. He needed to fix her by whatever means necessary.

Azis hesitated. He had always been nervous about Korrev's temper which he had inherited from his father, who hadn't been an emotionally stable king.

"Speak, Azis!"

"She might also benefit from being among other females," he replied slowly. "Humans are social creatures. Particularly females. Perhaps her mood will improve if she is given time to socialize with someone other than yourself, Your Majesty."

He nodded. Some of his warriors had taken mates, but not all. He doubted they would be happy to have their mates interact with Karin, for fear they would be corrupted by her, but no matter, he would force them to accept her.

Korrev didn't bother thanking Azis for his suggestion as he exited the room.

Karin was outside like he had instructed her, her back against the wall. She was talking to Kyvan. Though it seemed like Kyvan was doing most of the talking.

He had recently gotten a new mate, a reward for his hard work. Alice or Ali or something was her name, Korrev could never remember because, quite frankly, he didn't care. Ever since then, Kyvan had been practically bursting with joy.

Kyvan was extremely happy with his new mate, which made Korrev a little jealous. Why couldn't things have been easy for him and Karin?

He also felt a wave of irritation when he saw Karin smiling at him. Kyvan was nicer than he was, which was why most men preferred him, but Karin was his pet. She shouldn't be smiling at him like that.

Korrev gripped her leash. She stiffened. He tried to soothe her by patting her blonde hair. It didn't work.

"Karin, go back to my room," he instructed her. Karin looked surprised. This was the first time he had given her any type of freedom. She didn't question it and left immediately, the soft globes of her ass bouncing as she scurried away like a frightened animal.

He turned back to Kyvan, who looked slightly amused. "How are things proceeding with your new mate?"

"Alice is enchanting." He had a rare smile on his face. "I never knew how much a mate would change my life for the better. If I had, I would have gotten one sooner. She's napping now, but I should probably return soon."

"Before you do, I must ask if you think she'll be a good playmate to Karin." Kyvan blinked as Korrev stared back at him cooly. "Azis suggested she might do better with a bit of socialization. Alice and Karin should have some time set aside so they can play together, which, apparently, is important to human females."

Kyvan hesitated. It was clear he wanted to keep Alice all to himself, but he would never defy him. "I suppose it will be all right."

"Excellent. We shall plan for it to happen in a few days' time."

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