The Alliance (Dragon’s Mate #11) 17. Blaze 100%
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17. Blaze

Chapter 17


T here was a bit of a kerfuffle in the large entrance hall that opened out from the front doors. There were a lot of people there, all talking at the same time.

I stood back and watched them, trying to hide a smile.

My new family were all so wonderful. And half of them were there, fussing round Rhod and Glenwise.

I could see the tension in Glenwise’s face that showed me he detested the fuss and the delay, but he didn’t say anything. In fact, as I watched, he seemed to manoeuvre his mate through the crowd so that he came into contact with everyone, even though every person he met meant a longer delay .

Rhod looked overwhelmed. Each person that said goodbye to him and told him to be careful and wished him luck and said they’d miss him, his eyes filled with more wonder and more unshed tears. I got the impression that he’d become used to being invisible and was struggling to be the centre of so much positive attention.

Glenwise and Rhod were leaving. They’d only come here to help cement the alliance, and now they were heading off to the mage’s territory where they’d been living and working. Alfie had granted them permission to go with the caveat that he would get to visit at some point.

He wasn’t going to go soon, though. He was still struggling with his instincts and I loved him for his kindness and worry about others. If he met Heather, the mage, and clashed with her, he’d ruin the safe place Rhod and Glenwise had found for themselves. He wanted them to be happy, and so he was keeping his protective instincts squashed down as much as he could.

My eyes automatically sought Alfie out. He was talking in a low voice to Glimmer, and I couldn’t hear what they were saying but they looked serious and intense. Nothing could make Glimmer more focused than the prospect of protecting his clan.

Kingsley walked over to them and I heard him speak. “It’s time to go, Glimmer.”

Glimmer straightened his shoulders and glanced around him. He didn’t like leaving his clan while they were outside of his territory, where he knew he had all the necessary protections down. I hurried over before he could change his mind about leaving.

“Goodbye, Glimmer. Have a good journey. You’ll ring us as soon as you get there, won’t you?”

“Yes,” he said, but I could see the internal battle he was fighting. He hated it when his clan was scattered and he couldn’t protect all of them at once.

I tried to offer him some reassurance. “Dane has promised to train Alfie a bit. He’s going to come to the Somerville castle with us so he can do it in Alfie’s own territory. Dane says Alfie’s instincts will be soothed that way.”

Instantly, Glimmer’s expression cleared significantly. I’d only thought of it this morning so it was a bit last-minute, but I’d managed to convince Dane to come with us, to at least try and train Alfie a bit. If they weren’t ready for it, they could stop and wait. But I’d known that Glimmer was struggling because I’d seen how tireless he was in his drive to protect. He trusted Dane, and he trusted Seren (who was obviously going to go with his mate). Having them both accompany the Somervilles home made him feel easier.

I met Kingsley’s eyes over Glimmer’s shoulder and I swear he gave me a nod. He wrapped his arms around Glimmer’s shoulders and began to pull him firmly away.

“Come on, Glimmer. We don’t want Rhod and Glenwise leaving without us.”

“Besides,” I added, “Edith wants Georgie protected. She trusts you to protect her clan.”

It was like some kind of magic. I watched Glimmer’s expression change as he almost radiated protection and love. Georgie was the Hoskins medic, and she’d arranged to go with Glenwise so she could work in their hospital for a while.

“I’ll keep them all safe,” said Glimmer.

Kingsley shot me a look that might have been exasperation. “Don’t set him off, Blaze. Just get him out the door.”

Glimmer turned to his mate in outrage but Kingsley stooped down and grabbed Glimmer around the waist, scooping him up and over his shoulder. He walked out of the front door with his mate while Alfie and I burst into helpless laughter. I reached for my mate, leaning on him as my knees wobbled and I clutched Alfie for support.

Glimmer protested, “I’m the Guardian ; this is not dignified.”

Alfie and I just laughed harder.

Either Glenwise didn’t want to risk the Guardian leaving without them, or he’d already made sure that everyone had wished Rhod goodbye, because he moved his mate out the door and stood on the driveway with the others. He steered Rhod further round the side of the house, where we couldn’t see him, and I whispered to Alfie, “Why are they shifting round there?”

Alfie whispered back, “I don’t think Glenwise likes anyone else seeing his mate naked.”

I nodded. That was fair enough.

There was a sudden sound at the end of the corridor and I turned in time to see Edith Hoskins walking the corridor and everyone in her path parting to let her through. She was carrying a sword in her hands .

Edith was tiny, especially compared to the large sword in a scabbard that lay balanced across the palms of both her hands. She walked upright and proud, through the front doors. Glimmer was already in dragon form and I could tell from the way his body lowered to the ground, coiled ready, that he wasn’t happy about having an armed elder near his mate.

Edith held out her hands, showing that she wasn’t wielding the sword, only carrying it, like a ceremony.

“A dragon warrior needs a dragon’s sword. I’d like you to have this, Kingsley Somerville.”

She proffered the sword and Kingsley stepped slowly forward to take it.

As soon as he had the sword in his hand, Edith stepped back and Kingsley drew the blade. I heard the whisper of the steel as it emerged into the sunlight. He gave a few practice strokes, moving the blade in a sort of dance. Even I had to admit, he looked strong and fierce and mesmerising.

“It’s perfectly balanced,” he said. He bowed to Edith. “Thank you.”

The four dragons took to the sky, Glenwise in the lead. Rhod was behind and to his side, where he could follow Glenwise but his mate could still see him in his peripheral vision. Georgie followed behind them and Glimmer brought up the rear. He liked to keep the rest of them in his sights. Sitting on Glimmer’s back was Kingsley, looking like a knight upon a steed.

When they were out of sight, I turned to Alfie. “What do you want to do now, my darling?”

“Um, Nadia said she wanted me to help clear out her sock drawer. Apparently she’s got loads of socks that aren’t hers and she needs me to find out who they belong to. I’ve told her my bonds don’t work that way – socks don’t have bonds with anyone – but she asked me to try anyway. Morgan said he’d help me sort them out and bring them downstairs. I don’t want Nadia over-exerting herself.”

I resisted the urge to snigger. Nadia might be pregnant, but she was a dragon. She could carry a whole drawer of socks downstairs so their rightful owners could reclaim them, and she wouldn’t do a jot of damage to herself or the foetus.

I suspected that she wanted to spend time with Alfie, since he was so special to Morgan. And I didn’t mind that.

Leaning up to peck him on the cheek, I said, “Have a good afternoon, my darling.”

“What will you do?”

“I thought I’d go into the lounge where they have a fire. It’s nice and warm in there.”

John had been keeping it burning for me, even though I could tell the rest of the Hoskins clan were overly warm.

Alfie walked me to the lounge and then went off to fuss round Nadia, and I settled into one of the large armchairs opposite John and beside Evangeline, who’d settled herself there and basically hadn’t left. The chairs were huge to accommodate the larger Hoskins bodies, and I curled up, knowing I wouldn’t be perfectly comfortable without Alfie there to sit on. I had become incredibly spoiled about that.

John smiled at me. We’d grown close, and I could tell he was especially fond of me. It was in his eyes.

“Did they get away without a fuss?”

“Yes, thank you. Edith gifted Kingsley a sword.”

“Yes, I thought she might. I can count on one hand the times Edith has given up a weapon to another clan. Her instinct is to keep them close to protect her own family, and especially not to strengthen another clan.”

He wiggled his fingers, and I saw he was holding three fingers up. Three times? That wasn’t that many. It meant Alfie must be a very special elder to make her trust him so quickly.

A little drop of worry fell into my stomach. Alfie was doing so well at this, and I hadn’t done anything yet. He was out there, making bonds with Edith and Prince and now Nadia, and I… well I hadn’t done anything yet.

“Is something bothering you, Blaze?”

“Huh? Oh no, I’m fine.”

John looked at me hard for a few moments and I began to squirm under his gaze.

“Well…” I began.

He waited.

“I just feel a bit useless,” I admitted. “I can’t really do anything. I don’t have any skills to help the clan. I need to start doing something to earn my keep and help out.”

To my surprise, John snorted with laughter. “Oh, Blaze, I think you’re doing just fine.”

“That’s what Mrs. Wilson said.”

“She sounds like a wise woman. ”

“She is, but… I need to do something, don’t I?”

I leaned forward, suddenly desperate to talk to someone, and this kind, wise, quietly-spoken human made me want to reveal my secrets to him.

“I feel guilty.”

“Oh? Why?”

“Because I’m not really earning my place. Alfie’s doing a lot of work but I’m not doing anything.” I lowered my voice, embarrassed to admit my biggest secret. “Everyone takes care of me. I don’t do anything for them, but they’re always doing things for me.”

“And do you like it when they take care of you?”

I nodded quickly.

“And do they enjoy doing it?”

I thought about that. “Maybe.”

From beside me, where I’d thought she was asleep, Evangeline said, “Yes, Blaze, they do.”

John sat back, smiling. “Well then, that works out well, doesn’t it?”

It was frustrating that I couldn’t seem to express my worry properly. They didn’t seem to understand the problem.

“I’m… being very selfish. ”

“I don’t think you are, Blaze. I think you’re doing exactly what you need to be doing.”

At my quizzical look, John expanded his cryptic answer.

“Fate matched you to a dragon elder. Are you saying that Fate was wrong to bring you to Alfie?”

“No!” I went cold just at the thought of not being Alfie’s mate.

“Let’s assume, then, that Fate was right to match you with your mate. There must be something about you that makes you perfect for the role.”

“Oh. You mean skills I haven’t discovered yet?”

“I think you are using those skills already. The only thing that you need to discover is what they are. For example, I noticed you arranging for Dane to accompany you back to the Somerville territory while your Guardian is not there.”

“Oh, I’d hoped nobody noticed that.”

John smirked. “I only noticed because I did much the same thing. I arranged for Darren to visit this mage’s hospital territory once Glimmer and Kingsley have laid their protections down. He’ll add gargoyle protections, on top of the mage protections and the dragon protections. It will make Edith sleep easier to know that Georgie is protected in every way we can manage.”

As he spoke, he gestured to Darren, who had been standing across the other side of the room, much further away than he normally was. I hadn’t noticed him. Oops.

I gave him a smile.

He said, “I’ll go if Prince is happy to leave the territory. If not, I’ll send two of my cousins there instead. They are more than capable of laying the same protections I would and I trust them.”

John gave a benevolent smile and turned back to me. “Do you see now?”

I scrunched up my forehead with thought. “You mean… I should be doing more arranging? Like take on an admin role? But Rhod’s already arranged all that. I’m not sure he’d like me trying to take over.”

John shook his head. “No, no, that’s not what I meant at all. What I meant was you’d already done what a dragon elder’s mate should do. You anticipated a pain-point for your mate and your clan, and you solved it before it could come about. You’re already watching and listening to your clan, getting a feel for how they operate and what each of them wants and needs. That’s what a dragon elder’s mate does. Isn’t that right, Lady Evangeline?”

Evangeline gave a magnanimous tilt of her head, and I realised she had been a dragon elder’s mate, too. Of course she had! I felt stupid for not working that out before. I could have gone to her for advice.

“The clan elder must protect their clan. Their concern is physical. Territory, protections, weapons and supplies. It is their mate who must ensure the emotional stability of the clan. When they are allowed to do so.”

I thought of Alfie’s mother, who had been wound so tightly, so afraid for her sons and so cowed by her husband. She was almost a different person now.

“So if they are not allowed?”

“Then that is a failing of the clan elder. It is what their mate was born to do, and restricting them will cause the clan’s bonds to suffer.”

Evangeline saw bonds the way that Alfie did. I’d bet she had used them to sooth her clan’s fears when she’d been Lady Somerville.

Aaaand that made me realise how ill-equipped I was to do the same thing. “But I can’t see bonds!”

John shrugged. “Neither can I. ”

“But I don’t do any of this. I just talk to people and they fuss over me and make me feel special. That’s not useful at all.”

Oops. I hadn’t meant to be quite that honest.

To my surprise, neither John nor Evangeline laughed at me. I glanced at Darren, but he was staring straight ahead, a face like stone. I wasn’t even sure he’d heard me.

“Talking to your clan is what you’re meant to do, Blaze. You enjoy it, don’t you?”

I nodded, too mortified to speak again just yet.

“A clan elder can be… intimidating,” said John. I got the impression he was avoiding the word ‘scary’ but I didn’t press him about it. “Their mate is someone that the clan can come to with their problems, someone who can speak to the elder without fear. They are the bridge between the elder and their clan.”

“Oh. How do I do that? What should I be doing?”

“Whatever it is you’re already doing. It’s working.”

Evangeline waved a regal hand. “Your bonds with the clan are very strong, Blaze. You do not need to work in order to create them. Being who you are was enough, and following your instinct will ensure they stay strong and supportive.”

I took a moment to consider that. I did love every one of the clan, so I supposed it was logical that I’d have a bond with them all. They were just so special, each and every one of them.

“I’m, um, not very forceful,” I said. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to take charge of much.”

Evangeline said, “That is the elder’s responsibility.”

I didn’t like that. The idea of Alfie being solely responsible for everything. He was already doing so much. I wanted to help him. To ease his burdens.

“I want to help.

“And you are . You are there for him when he needs you, when he needs someone to talk to or someone to protect.”

“Huh? Why does he need someone to protect?”

“Because he’s a dragon elder,” said John, as though it were obvious. “Their instincts are to protect their clan. Having a mate to look after makes sure they can exercise those instincts in a healthy way, without becoming overwhelmed by them. Perhaps that is why Fate ensured Alfie found his mate before he was able to access his dragon. So he’d already have a healthy outlet for his instincts.”

John leaned back in his chair and stretched luxuriously, like a cat. He looked suddenly very pleased with himself.

“That’s the best thing about being mated to a dragon elder, don’t you know? Everyone fusses round you.”

I suspected he’d used my own words to make a point.

“You mean they like doing that?”

“Yes, they do. So enjoy it. Your joy is what makes all the hard work they put into running their clan worthwhile. Being happy is basically the most important thing you can do. For the good of the clan.”

He winked and a surprised laugh burst out of me.

Before I could respond, though, I heard a stampede. At least, it sounded like a stampede. It turned out to be only two pairs of little feet, but they made a lot of noise.

Hannah and Ed burst into the room, already talking .

“Gramps! Uncle Dane said we weren’t allowed to ride Uncle Glimmer but Kingsley was riding him.”

“Yeah, that’s not allowed.”

“Uncle Glimmer might eat him.”

“He’s entitled to.”

John choked. “Excuse me?”

“He’s the Guardian,” said Hannah, as though that explained everything. She was standing beside John’s chair, looking up at him expectantly. Ed climbed onto his lap and John wrapped an arm around his waist. I didn’t need to be able to see bonds to know that these three adored each other.

“Yeah, and Uncle Dane told us off for riding him. We got to go really fast before Uncle Dane saw us, though.”

“Yeah, Uncle Glimmer is the best.”

“Ah,” said John. “Perhaps we should keep that a secret between us, my dears? Unless you want Nana to know—”



They both sounded suddenly very sure of that.

John shot me a sheepish look. “And sometimes what the elder doesn’t know won’t hurt her. ”

I laughed. Tears rolled down my cheeks but I wasn’t sure whether it was laughter or relief.

Hannah approached me.

“Your tears are sizzling. Can I touch?”

I nodded and she reached out her small fingers and gently brushed my cheeks. Her fingers were cool against my skin, which probably meant that I was hot. I felt content and warm here.

Hannah patted my arm and climbed onto my chair beside me, squeezing herself in.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Blaze, we’re here. You don’t need to cry.”

From where he was sat on John’s lap, Ed called, “Crying’s okay, though. Boys can cry too.”

“We’ll help you feel better.”

I smiled at the two of them. “Thank you.”

John beamed and I finally understood what he’d been telling me. It was okay to be myself. That was enough.

And dragons really did love looking after me.

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