The woman lying on the bed looks like she’s been through hell. Her expression is lax, but there’s no escaping how she’s aged over the last twenty years. Her matted silver hair has been combed and braided. I did it myself, but Elsa has been maintaining it.
I stroke her hand, my heart pinching in my chest.
She’s in this position because of me. If only I had been faster. If only…
“Stop beating yourself up.” A hand comes to rest on my shoulder and I look up at the woman standing behind me. Her tight curls are tied up in a bun and her light green eyes look weary. But her voice is firm.
Elsa Bolyen is a witch, and someone I’ve known since I was sixteen. She took me under her wing when I arrived in Oakrest Town, a traumatized teenager struggling with the concept of blood on her hands. While the town had treated me with disdain, on orders of Robert Black as I later learned, Elsa was the only one who looked after me and offered me a job.
Not once did she reveal her identity to me. I always thought she was human. But now I understand why the other shifters in town respected her so much and feared her to some extent. She was a witch.
But I’ve been through so much in life that I don’t begrudge her for not telling me who she was. She cared for me and that’s what matters to me. She can keep her secrets.
“How can you expect me not to blame myself? Look at her, Elsa. She’s in this position because of me. She had a chance at surviving and living a good life but…”
“She’s in this position by choice,” Elsa cuts me off abruptly. “She’s a mother, Sophia. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for her child. You don’t know what your mother has been through emotionally. When she was pregnant with you, she had already anticipated the fate that awaited her. Why do you think I moved to Oakrest Town? It was hardly for the booming economy there. I moved there to look after you at her request.”
Before I can even absorb her words, she continues, “When Robert employed me to look after your mother’s pregnancy, he didn’t know that we already knew each other at that point.”
My head jerks up at Elsa’s words. Until now, she’s not talked much about her past. Nor have I asked her. We’ve all been focused on trying to get my mother comfortable.
“You knew my mother?”
Elsa sits down at the edge of the bed, facing me. “I was a witch in the Central Alliance. Your mother and I grew up around each other. We didn’t see one another daily, but once every few months, she would come by my coven to learn some magic. She was a kind person, Sophia. Like you, she had a soft heart and like you, she didn’t always know where the line was when it came to helping people.”
“My father…” I begin hesitantly.
Elsa smiles softly. “When Grace met your father, your grandfather did not approve. There are too many restrictions on any Silver Wolf born into the Central Alliance. Their matings were arranged. But your mother—she adored your father. She couldn’t live without him. He was a traveling mercenary. I never met him but I saw the glow on her face. She was in love. I was the one who helped her escape. I was supposed to meet them near the South border. Your father had a friend…” Elsa’s expression tightens, “Somebody he considered a friend, at least. But Robert Black was no friend of your father's. As soon as he found out that your mother was the Silver Wolf, he…”
She drops her face into her hands. “By the time I got to the Red Rock Wolf Pack, it was too late. Robert recruited me and all I saw was your mother, pregnant and distressed.”
I force aside my other emotions, focusing on Elsa’s words. “Why did Robert recruit you, someone he barely knew, to look after my mother?”
“Your mother’s condition was not good,” Elsa tells me, grimly. “Your father’s death had broken something in her. There was an item I gave to your mother for both her and your father to know where they were at all times. I had a cast a spell on it. The pregnancy of a Silver Wolf is not an easy one. My coven specialized in dealing with them. The item your father had on him had disappeared. I could no longer track him. The one your mother wore was weak, but I could still sense it. That’s why I was able to track her all the way to the Red Rock Wolf Pack. I told Robert where I was from, that I had left my coven and had become a traveling witch. He knew that your mother’s pregnancy could be dangerous, probably from your father so he recruited me. The only reason he didn’t kill me was because he wanted to use me when he chose to knock you up.”
I stare at her, trying to stay calm.
There’s a lot to unpack and I don’t think I have the mental clarity to deal with it all.
“So, my father is dead, then?” I ask, trying to focus on one thing at a time.
“The item would not have stopped transmitting if he wasn’t,” Elsa replies heavily. “But your mother told me of what happened that night Robert brought them to his home. He attacked and killed your father and then he proceeded to kill his own mate, Noah’s mother. His intention had been to take the Silver Wolf as his mate, but your mother warned him that if he forced his mating mark on her, she would lose her powers. It’s a defense mechanism that all Silver Wolves have inside of them. It’s the Goddess’ way of protecting them from being misused. He tried to play nice with her and win her over but it wasn’t working."
She glances at the still figure of my mother on the bed and sighs, regret in her eyes. "Once Robert realized she would never accept him, he used you to threaten her into sharing her power with him. She was chained to the bed even during birth. She was in so much pain and all my pleas fell on deaf ears. He enjoyed watching her humiliated and in agony. She wanted to hold you once you were born, but he wouldn't let her. He took you away and I saw her soul shatter in front of my eyes. She told me to watch over you, to love you like she would. I did my best, Sophia. I couldn't save my friend but I tried to save you."
There are tears and heartbreak in Elsa's eyes.
I knew my mother must have suffered, but I had no idea of the extent until now. I feel sick to my stomach, and as I gaze at thewoman who gave birth to me. My determination to save her grows even fiercer. I've done the impossible before, and I'll do it again. My mother deserves to live her life happily.
I won't let her die like this.
"What about Noah?" I ask, tightly. "How was he able to use my mother's abilities? What role did Tina play in this?"
I see the way Elsa winces.
"I lived in the pack as you grew up. I wasn't allowed to see you, but I would watch you from afar. You must have been about two or three when I fell for an herbalist in the pack. We never mated but I got pregnant. We lived together till Tina was five. He disappeared one day. I never knew what happened and Robert told me to pretend he never existed. I assumed he had begun to notice my interest in you and had started asking questions. Robert never spared anyone who showed an interest in you."
I lower my gaze to avoid hers, guilt settling in my heart.
Elsa knows me better than anybody.
"Not everything is your fault, Sophia." Her voice is gentle. "You can't blame yourself for each and every thing that happened. Richard was an adult. I warned him but he wouldn't listen. That's not on you."
She's right but it's still a bitter pill to swallow.
"Tina resented me?" I ask, slowly.
"Tina never knew." There is a hint of pain in Elsa's voice. "Tina was a difficult child. She needed Richard in her life to discipline her. Shifter children need a firm hand. They understand the threat of violence. It's in their nature. Their wolves need a dominant adult around. That was Richard. But Tina was not only unable to shift, she also had a craving for violence inside her. It manifested into something terrifying over the years. I loved her. I tried to control the sadistic tendencies she was harboring but there wasn't anything I could do. I thought that letting her learn magic would help calm her down. She turned out to be an incredibly gifted witch, and initially, it worked. She finally had something to focus on."
I can see the way Elsa's hands are trembling as she talks about her daughter, and I part my lips to tell her that she doesn't have to continue, but the words are pouring out of her as if she's held her tongue for long enough.
"Things were finally looking good when she met Noah. She was fourteen then. The two of them were fated mates, and both of them had that same thing inside them, that…" Elsa struggles to speak the word, her voice breaking, "evil. There was evil in their hearts. As children, they couldn't hide their nature that well, but as they grew up, they did learn how to hide it. I tried my best to separate them, but it didn’t work. The fact that they were fated mates was something I couldn't fight against. And then Noah stumbled upon your mother. He found out about the Silver Wolves from Tina. He knew it wasn't a legend. The truth slipped from my daughter's mouth. I had always known that Grace was alive, but I never knew where she was. I went looking for her after Tina let it slip that she and Noah had seen Grace. But Robert had also discovered that his son was on to his little secret and by the time I got to the old house, she had long ago been removed."
Her hand comes to wrap around my mother's hand, anguish in her voice. "Robert found out and had me sent to Oakrest Town, away from you. And later when he sent you there, I was under constant surveillance. He warned me that if I revealed anything to you, he would increase your suffering here. Noah, when he arrived, made a similar threat, only against my daughter. That's why, when I heard about Alex, I wanted you to go with him."
She gives me a regretful look. "I should have told you everything before. It would’ve saved you a lifetime of pain."
I shake my head. "I’m not upset with what you did, Elsa. You were trying to protect me. When I met Tina, I felt a connection to her. Maybe it was because I looked at her and saw a little bit of you in her. You kept warning me not to trust anybody and I did just that. She was such a good friend to me till she showed me her true colors. I have never been able to be close to someone like that before. As silly as it sounds, it felt like I had a sister. It makes me wonder how she could smile at me and be that way with me when she despised me so much.”
Elsa looks away from me, her eyes shining with tears. “She wasn’t always a monster, Sophia. She used to be a lovely child. But the beast inside her was repressed. There's a reason why latent shifters don't survive. They go half mad. If the situation had been different, perhaps you and her could have been friends. She’s very good at keeping up a fa?ade. I’m sorry she broke your heart.”
I give her a wan smile. "I guess she did. But maybe somewhere inside her, there's some conscience left.”
Elsa doesn’t look very convinced. “If you say so, but I know my daughter. She’s beyond saving, Sophia. So don’t bother. I love her dearly, but she’s made her choice. She can never see anything evil in Noah, and she will blame everybody else for his faults. If she had any morals, she would not have tried to blame you. She would not have enjoyed your suffering. You don’t have to feel bad for me. I should have known better than to have a child with a shifter. There's a reason why shifters aren't supposed to breed outside of their species. The results are disastrous.”
She’s saying all this, but the agony in her eyes is unmistakable.
"I’m sorry, Elsa.”
His smile is tired. “You need to stop apologizing. Our actions have consequences, Sophia. These are the consequences of mine.”
There’s no more to say on the subject, but when I glance at my mother, something occurs to me. "My mother was from the Central Alliance. Why didn’t you reach out and tell them what was happening? They could have rescued her."
“I did.” A flash of anger sparks in her eyes. "I told her father. I sent him letters. And he got them. But he told me that Grace knew what she was getting into when she left the safety of the Central Alliance. He told me never to contact him or my coven again. And just like that, I was cast out from my coven as well.”
“They turned their backs on her?” I bristle in horror and fury. “They knew what was happening to her and they didn't care?”
“I told them she had been captured by Robert. That her child had been ripped from her arms. But your grandfather is a very prideful man. Your mother disobeyed him. She went against his authority, and for him, that was unforgivable.”
My hand balls into a fist in my lap and my voice is harsh. “We don’t need them. I’ll find a way myself.”
“There are certain things, Sophia, that are simply not possible," Elsa says as she tries to caution me. "Don’t kill yourself trying to save your mother when there’s no hope left. If there was, I would have told you.'
I refuse to believe her. I'm the Silver Wolf. Nobody knows the extent and capacity of my powers. I’m not trying to toot my own horn, but maybe there’s a way… Perhaps I can…
A knock on the door distracts me, and when it opens, Alex walks in.
“What’s going on?” I immediately ask.
"Nothing.” He comes to stand by my side, his hands on my shoulders. "We're leaving tonight. Brian is waiting for you outside. He wants to have a word with you.”
"Go," Elsa reassures me. "I’ll stay with Grace.”
Casting one more anxious look toward my mother, I get to my feet and follow my mate out of the room. Once I close the door behind me, I ask, “Why didn’t you just ask Brian what he wanted? You could’ve talked to him.”
Alex gives me a strange look. "I’m not the Alpha anymore, Sophia. I’m your consort, remember?”
“What does that mean?” I feel confused. "You’re still the Alpha.”
"The Alpha of what?”
Is it just me, or is there a troubled look in his eyes?
I stop him in his tracks. "What do you mean the Alpha of what? You’re the Alpha of the Moon Rise Wolf Pack, Alex. The pack hasn’t disappeared, has it?”
Alex studies me. "You don’t understand, do you Sophia? You are the Queen of the South Alliance now. You will have a pack. I don’t know which pack, but I am no longer the Alpha of my own. I don’t have that authority.”
"Bullshit.” I scowl. "You’re still the Alpha. What I have is just a title. You’re the Alpha of your pack.”
Alex rubs the bridge of his nose, exasperated. “Just because you want something, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen, Sophia.”
I press my lips together. Under that exasperation is a vibrating tension that I can sense. This bothers him. And if it bothers him, it bothers me.
“I’m the freaking queen, aren’t I? I should be able to make it so. Where's Brian? I'll go talk to him.”
"Sophia.” Alex’s voice has a warning edge. "Don’t go creating a mess right now.”
"I’m not creating a mess." I storm down the hallway. “I’m fixing it.”
I turn around the corner and see Brian WolfFang, the previous King of the South Alliance, standing in the private garden of the guest house. He turns around to face me and his eyes widen fractionally when he sees irritation all over my face.
"Is something the matter?”
“Is my mate not the Alpha of his pack anymore?” I demand.
Brian blinks. “Well, no. He's your consort.”
"Then who is the Alpha?”
"That would be you.”
“The Alpha of what? Which pack?”
Brian is silent. After a moment, he says "I had assumed that you would be taking leadership of the Red Rock Wolf Pack. After all, it was their Alpha who betrayed you. Both Robert Black and Noah Black are no longer in a position to rule. If I had been in your position, I would remove Noah Black from power and seize his territory and his pack.”
His words do make sense, but I look in the direction of Alex, who's standing in the distance, his arms folded across his chest, a displeased expression on his face. This is not about trying to stroke my mate's ego. It’s about the fact that he was the Alpha for so long and he fought for his pack. He deserves to remain the Alpha. I'm going to make sure he retains that position.
“Alex doesn’t need anybody to speak for him,” I begin, tightly. “But his entire pack will be moving to the South Alliance. He’s the Alpha. Even if I decide to seize Noah Black's territory and his pack, at the end of the day, the Moonrise Wolf pack has its own Alpha. I am simply the mate to that person.”
Brian looks uneasy. "This is just the way things are, Sophia. You cannot interfere with the order of politics. And Alex Stone's pack will still be under his leadership. However, in the grand scheme of things, you are the Queen of the South Alliances. That is not a title to be taken lightly. Even if Karina were to take a mate from any of the Alphas from within her alliance, in essence, she would be swallowing up that individual's territory. And to be a consort is not an insult. Your mate will have as much power as you grant him. You want him to lead your pack. That is your right. However, you alone will be the one leading all of the packs.”
Some of the tension within me abates. I’m not so foolish as to argue over something just out of stubbornness. I understand Brian’s point of view.
"I understand. You wanted to talk to me about something as well?” I decide to change the topic.
Brian looks relieved. “Karina has been maintaining a pleasant fa?ade ever since you left. But we have been noticing activity within her territory. You will be traveling with us. We will ensure that you reach the border to the South safely.”
“I see. I've no problem with that. What you said about Noah's territory…what if I don't want it?"
Brian smiles and then gestures with his eyes to something behind me. "I believe your consort will tell you why it is necessary to absorb Alpha Black's territory and title.”
That’s when I realize that Alex has quietly snuck up behind me.
When Brian leaves, I turn to face my mate.
"While I appreciate what you're trying to do, Sophia," Alex says, steadily, "I don't need you to speak on my behalf."
"I wasn't doing that," I mutter.
"Yes, you were."
However, he doesn't look upset. "I know you're concerned, but I'm not a child. I will still fight against Karina, whether or not I have the title of Alpha. My people are still mine, or ours, now. These are not battles you need to worry about."
"Don't tell me not to worry about you." I frown. "That's my job as your mate."
Alex gives me a helpless look that includes both affection and amusement. "As much as I love having you in my corner, you have bigger problems to deal with. And I'm going to have my hands full helping you manage the South."
My lips curve slightly. "Help me manage? You’re doing all the work."
My mate shrugs. "Tomato, tohmato."
I search his gaze. "You really don't have a problem with this power imbalance? I'm not blind, Alex."
He's quiet for a moment, and then he takes me in his arms. "It did sting. I won't lie and say that it didn't. But you and I have overcome so many odds, Sophia. This is just one of them. What's important is that we are together and that I love you."
My smile broadens as I link my fingers behind his neck. "I love you too."
When he kisses me, my toes curl, my heart skipping a beat.
His hands come to settle around my waist, and the possessive grip has me tightening my legs around him. What started off as a gentle kiss, ends up with me being pressed against the pillar behind us, both of us losing our self-control.
I'm wearing a pair of jeans but I can feel his claws digging into the fabric, ready to rip them off me, when I hear someone cough. Both our heads whip to the side and my face flushes when I see Dorian Greyhound standing at the other end of the hallway. He looks equally embarrassed.
"I didn't mean to interrupt…" he begins.
Alex lowers me to the ground, pushing me behind him, his voice a scratchy growl. "What is it?"
Dorian glances at me, but I'm too busy adjusting my rumpled clothing to pay him any attention. "We got word from your men. They've reached the border. Also, the Central Alliance representatives have left. The leaders of the South are leaving tonight. I will escort you to the meeting place."
"How are we going to transfer my mother?" I step out from behind Alex, trying to calm my raging heart.
"I'll carry her," Alex tells me. "There's a way to carry sick or injured wolves. Dorian has the equipment available. There’s a chance of her falling while we’re carrying her so we have to strap her to my back."
Dorian nods. "I'll get everything ready. We have a few hours till sundown and then we move."
I wait for him to leave before looking at Alex. "The other day, someone came here to meet with you. Who was it?"
Alex looks uncomfortable. "I was going to tell you but Elsa advised me against it."
"Tell me what?"
“One of the representatives of the Central Alliance came to meet me two days ago. They suggested that you should request an audience with their leader—that he might have a way to save your mother.”
My heart stutters. “What? Are you sure he said this?”
“Yes. But he wasn’t sure if their leader would help you. He told us we can try.”
“Why would you not tell me this?” I take a step back from him, feeling betrayed.
“Because Elsa believes he won't help you.” Alex grimaces. “She…”
“She told me that my grandfather refused to help my mother. But this is different. We are going straight to the leader of the Central Alliance. He might be more willing to help," I argue.
“There’s no guarantee…”
“None of what we have done has had a guaranteed outcome, Alex!" I burst out, feeling hurt. “The person you should’ve come to was me, not Elsa. All of you have given up on my mother. I haven’t. If you had talked to me—if you had just told me—I would have gone straight to the representatives and gotten more information out of them. How could you do this?”
I see the regret in my mate's eyes. “I wasn’t trying to go behind your back, Sophia. I just…”
“I know I’m not as experienced as you, Alex," I say through gritted teeth. "And maybe I don’t deserve this title that's being forced upon me. But I’m not a child. I don’t need you to make decisions for me. We're partners, or at least that's what I thought. I'm not holding my title against you, and I sure as hell do not expect you to hold my lack of experience against me. You should’ve trusted me and come to me.”
“I just didn’t want you to do anything…”
“Reckless?” I spit out. “That’s what you think of me, don’t you? That I rush into situations without planning them out. Not everybody plans things out with precision, Alex. I survived a long time on my own before you came along. You don’t need to hold my hand and cover my ears when you feel the need to protect me. I don’t need to be sheltered. This is my mother’s life we’re talking about!"
“Sophia…” Alex looks regretful, but when he tries to approach me, I take a few steps away from him.
“Don’t. I can’t even look at you right now. For one fucking minute, can you just get your head out of your ass? You don't always know better. You're not my keeper. You're my mate. I seem to know what that means. Maybe you need to think about what it means to you."
Turning on my heels, I storm off, leaving him behind.
Reckless, my ass!