Having Logan around makes all the difference.
It's obvious at first that he's uncertain of his next step, but as we progress through the forest, he becomes more confident. He and Alex will never be best friends, though. Their dislike of each other is mutual.
The older mercenary doesn't hide his disdain for Alex and makes it a point to let my mate know it.
My mate is no different.
Alex is hell-bent on not trusting Logan. Neither of them seems to understand that they are simply making this entire journey both uncomfortable and unbearable for me.
Fortunately, it only takes three days to exit the forest, and I finally let out a sigh of relief.
“There should be some human villages around here.” I look at the map where Brian marked the locations. “Do you know about them, Logan?”
There are times when Logan simply has a blank look in his eyes, as if he can’t quite comprehend the situation. Right now is one of those moments.
“I’m not sure.”
Alex takes the map from me and looks ahead. “Another half day’s journey by foot and then we can simply shift and run. It’ll save us time. And we can figure out the location of the main pack once we eat and rest.”
I agree with him.
“Logan, let’s…”
Alex gives me a sharp look. “Surely he doesn’t need to come with us.”
I stare at my mate in confusion which turns into irritation. “Give us a minute, Logan.”
Logan walks away from us to give us some space. Turning on Alex, I demand, “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you treating him like dirt?”
“I don’t trust him.”
“He saved our lives, Alex. This can’t be about Tina. Don’t tell me this is about…”
“It’s not about her. I just don’t like the way he looks at you.”
I gape at him. “What? How does he look at me? He’s been nothing but nice to me.”
“And that doesn’t bother you? He’s so partial towards you. It’s more like he simply wants to follow you around.”
I want to rip my hair out and scream. “What exactly are you jealous of? You are my mate. There’s nobody else I want to look at. Nobody can get between us, Alex. So whatever is really bothering you, just spit it out. Don’t make this journey harder on me than it already is.”
Alex’s jaw tightens. “How do you not see it? His eyes are always following you. He wants something from you. I cannot allow him to…”
“Stop.” I lift my hand in the air. “Just stop. Alex, he’s not obsessed with me. He barely knows me. He’s paying off his blood debt, and once we get out of this place with the cure for my mother, it will be paid. We will part ways. You don’t seem to understand that we have no way of navigating the Central Alliance without him. He has some idea of where to go. Even though he says he doesn’t entirely remember, can’t you see that he seems to figure out where to go quickly? It’s almost as if he’s walked these lands before. His body and instincts seem to know where to go. You and I have never been here. He probably has, which is why he’s remembering all these things. We just need to get the cure. Can’t you just bear him till then?”
Alex opens his mouth and I sigh, heavily. "Please, Alex."
He doesn't look very happy about it, but agrees. "Fine. But once we get the cure and leave this place, you'll cut him loose."
My shoulders relax.
“Fine.” That’s some level of compromise, at least. I’ll take what I can get.
* * *
If we thought we would get the opportunity to rest, we’re proven wrong. We’ve only just reached the first human village on the map, when soldiers wearing white uniforms surround us. It’s almost as if they had been waiting for us.
One of them has stripes of blue in the sleeves of his uniform and is clearly in charge, and he steps forward. “Why is the Queen of the South Alliance attempting to invade the Central Alliance?”
So they already knew we were here.
“Does it look like I’m invading anything?” I asked, sharply. “With what army? I simply wish to have a meeting with the leader of the Central Alliance. It’s a matter of urgency.”
The man shakes his head. “Our king does not take visitors. Turn around and leave. You have wasted your time.”
I take a step toward him. There’s no way in hell that I am taking no for an answer. “I am also the Silver Wolf. That means I have every right to request an audience with your leader.”
The shifter exchanges a look with his soldiers, doubt in his eyes.
“If you already knew who I was, you must know what I am.” I stare at him.
“Prove it,” the shifter says, tightly. “If you are indeed the Silver Wolf, then I will escort you and your companions to the Silver Mist Wolf Pack.”
I’m hungry, tired, and irritable. But the only way to get these soldiers to cooperate is to prove my identity to them. Why does everything have to be such a hassle?
I let my wolf come forth and in a shimmer of light, I stand before the soldiers in my wolf form, huffing.
Their faces go slack in shock, and this time when the soldier in blue and white speaks, there is reverence and respect in his voice. “You can shift back. We will take you to our king.”
Relieved, I shift back into my human form “I don’t have time to waste. I have to speak to your leader as soon as possible. My mother’s life hangs in the balance.”
A strange expression crosses over the shifter’s face. “Grace is alive?”
So he knows my mother. And from the look on the faces of the other soldiers, she is known to them as well. “How do you know my mother?”
The shifter tries to smile, but doesn’t quite manage it. “She was the Silver Wolf before you. Of course I know her. We all do. Come. We will not waste any time. The journey to the Silver Mist Wolf Pack would take a couple of days, so we will use a portal.”
“A portal?”
He doesn’t answer me, instead turning to the soldiers behind him and gesturing toward someone. A woman walks out from behind them, wearing a green cloak. She doesn’t interact with anybody, but simply knows what to do. Her voice is whisper-soft and I soon realize she is a witch when she gestures with her hands in the air, murmuring something. Within minutes, the air around her hands begin to shimmer. I see a small ball of light being formed.
Unlike the others, I can see her drawing magic from nature. I alone have the ability to be able to visualize magic. I see her add more threads of magic onto the small ball. She keeps adding tendrils of magic to it, until it solidifies and stops glowing. I watch in unabashed fascination. So far, the only magic I’ve been able to do is imagining what I want to create. It hasn’t taken me very far.
Once it’s done, she holds it out to us, and the shifter in charge says, “You simply have to touch the ball, and it will transport you to the Silver Mist Wolf Pack. From there, we will arrange a meeting between you and our king.”
The whole thing seems pretty straightforward. The shifter says, “Your companions and I will go first, and then the others will follow. You just have to touch it with one finger.”
Logan, Alex and I reach out with our fingers, as does the shifter. As soon as my finger touches the ball, I feel a strange, tugging sensation.
I squeeze my eyes closed at the building pressure. It feels like I'm going to burst.
And then it's gone and my feet are on solid ground.
I let out a shaky breath and slowly force my eyes open.
I'm standing before a large gate with soldiers guarding it. There's a wall extending from the gate and its height is such that I doubt even Alex would be able to jump over it in his wolf form.
The guards immediately go on alert after seeing us, but when the soldier with us steps forward, they relax.
"The Queen of the South Alliance is here to seek an audience with Alpha Cyrus Regas."
"Kian." One of the guards shoots us a wary look. "What are you doing?"
"She's Grace's daughter," Kian, the shifter with us, informs the guards who both turn to stare at me.
"So, the rumors are true then," one of them murmurs, looking shocked. "The Queen of the South is the Silver Wolf."
"Open the gates, Harry," Kian says.
The two guards open the gates just as the others show up behind us.
Whatever I imagined the Central Alliance to be like, it hadn't been this. Unlike the North and South Alliance, where packs live in their territories which are broken into towns and villages, as we enter the Silver Mist Wolf Pack, it's pure forest. Paths have been carved out and paved, but the nature within their territory has been preserved. Not only that, it is obvious that this pack maintains its trees and territory. Certain trees have been marked as heritage sites as we walk past them. Animals roam around, carefree. I see a deer approaching one of the guards, who takes out a packet of grass from his pocket to allow the deer to happily nibble on the grass from his hand. I don't know what is more incredible: the fact that the shifter is carrying around packets of grass in his pockets, or that the deer isn't afraid of a dangerous predator. The guard pats the deer on the head after it’s done eating and then the deer bounces off.
Kian sees me watching and smiles. “We don’t hunt within certain limits of our territory. We hunt outside of it. The Central Alliance practices the olden ways. We believe our land should be a safe haven for every creature we share it with.”
I could never see either the South Alliance or the North Alliance living in harmony with animals this way. I always assumed that the Central Alliance lived in secret, their advancements hidden from the world. But it seems quite the opposite. If Karina ever invaded this beautiful little world, she'd destroy it.
We walk for quite a while before the road divides into two paths. Kian and the soldiers take us on the right path, which leads to a mansion that puts Karina’s palace to shame. It is large and glorious, the white, shining marble defining its beauty. Unlike Karina’s palace, this place is not closed in by walls. Large and thick marble pillars support the structure and flank the door, which is held open for everybody to pass through.There are guards stationed at every corner, but I can see people are allowed to pass through, there are young children running through the halls, and the sound of laughter echoes through the forest.
This place seems to be something out of some kind of fairytale book. Everything I know about shifter packs is violence and betrayal. That's how I was raised. But this place seems so peaceful that my heart yearns to stay here. How was my mother able to leave this place?
Nobody stops us as we enter the mansion. Kian gestures toward our shoes. “Please take those off."
He’s doing the same.
That’s when I notice that everybody within the mansion is barefoot.
The marble is cool on our feet and then I let out a sigh of relief. It’s not hot here, and the weather is pleasant. Which is strange, because it almost seems as if something is keeping the weather moderate. Is it magic?
Kian sees the question in my eyes and asks, "Are you wondering about the weather?”
"Outside of the gates, it wasn’t so pleasant," I admit. "But as soon as entered, it felt like spring."
He smiles. "Witches. Our children like to run around, so we try to keep the weather pleasant for them. We have an agreement with a local witch clan. They keep the weather stable in our territory. We like to grow our own crops and you'll find that we are quite self-sufficient. We've never had the need to create relationships with the other alliances."
"It sounds wonderful here," I murmur.
"It is," Kian says, proudly. He shoots a look at Alex and Logan. "We do intend to keep it that way, so we don't let outsiders in. We consider the other two alliances savage. No disrespect intended, of course."
Alex narrows his eyes. "Is that why it has been so easy for the Central Alliance to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the current Queen of the North Alliance?"
Kian's smile tightens. "If we start interfering in the affairs of the other alliances, those problems are bound to seep into our own alliance. We are not responsible for your inability to protect your children."
I come to a halt, my stomach twisting in anger. "You were aware that Karina was holding the lives of the children of the North Alliance hostage?"
Kian studies me. "We knew."
"And you did nothing?"
"Like I said," he begins but I cut him off.
"So you have tranquility, beauty, self-sufficiency, but you don't have a moral compass." My voice is cold. "Good to know."
Kian's expression stiffens. "Would you rather we put the lives of our pups in danger because the leaders of the North failed to protect theirs?"
"And how were they supposed to protect the pups when Karina already held them hostage?" I demand.
Alex gives me a warning look, silently telling me to curb my temper.
Kian, however, has an answer already prepared. "Your mate may have been a child back then, but the other leaders should have taken immediate action against the unlawful takeover of power. If they had, they might have been able to prevent the events that followed. But those leaders chose to watch and do nothing when the pack that had helped them enjoy the golden era of the North Alliance was massacred."
I'm dumbstruck by that answer. Nothing Kian had said is illogical. It was true that, if the Alphas had stepped up and gotten rid of Karina, they would not be in a difficult position now. However, that doesn't excuse the Central Alliance from refusing to offer help when the lives of the most innocent and vulnerable were at stake.
I find myself conflicted and angry.
Alex squeezes my wrist and his voice is low, meant only for my ears. "He's right. This isn't a battle you need to fight. Focus on our goal."
I press my lips together. He’s right. This is not the time or place.
We enter a massive courtyard where Kian tells me to wait. The rest of the soldiers disperse and Kian walks away as well, leaving us by ourselves. I’m assuming he’s gone to talk to their leader.
Elsa told me that my mother’s father refused to help her, but this is a matter for the Silver Wolf. Surely the leader of the Central Alliance will not share the same opinion as my maternal grandfather. My jaw tightens in anger at the mere thought of referring to that man as my grandfather. He knew what my mother was going through, that her child has been taken from her, that she had probably been imprisoned. He didn’t care.
What kind of father is he?
I hope I never find out.
While we wait, a woman approaches us, wearing a loose, brown garment that wraps around her and highlights her curves in a tasteful manner. Just like that of the rest of the soldiers, her hair is long and white, falling in a waterfall behind her. However, it does nothing to take away from her youthful appearance. She’s carrying a tray of fruit and drinks and offers them to us. One look at the food and drinks, and my stomach reminds me that we have not eaten in days. We have no choice but to accept the hospitality.
To my relief, she’s not only brought us juice, but fresh, crisp, water, which quenches my thirst to some degree. I could easily down a couple of glasses, but I only have the one. I consume some of the fruit and feel a little bit more stable. Alex does the same, but Logan devours the entire platter before sighing in relief.
Alex gives him an annoyed look. “You could’ve shown some restraint.”
Logan returns him a strange look. “Why? We haven’t eaten in a few days. Would you rather I starve?”
“I would rather you leave,” Alex mutters under his breath, and Logan just narrows his eyes at him.
“Stop it,” I hiss at the two of them. “Stop behaving like children. The walls have ears, remember?”
Alex and Logan shut up and we wait in silence. Finally, Kian shows up with a tall man behind him. As he approaches us, my breath catches in my throat. His presence is overwhelming. Long silver hair is tied in a braid behind his back. His features reveal that he’s old, but he is still handsome. His eyes are arrogant as he looks at me and I’m instantly annoyed.
I don’t need Kian to tell me that I am facing the King of the Central Alliance.
However, he’s the only one who can save my mother, so I’m going to have to play nice here.
I don’t get the opportunity to speak first.
“The Queen of the South Alliance,” Alpha Cyrus says in a booming voice. “I heard you were crowned just a few weeks ago. Congratulations on your ascension.”
“Thank you,” I reply, trying not to show how intimidated I feel. “I came here to ask you for a favor…”
“I am aware. Kian told me that you are here to beg for the cure to save my unfilial daughter’s life. I’m afraid you have made this journey for naught. I will not provide the cure for Grace. She has made her choices and now she must live by them. Or die.”
Everything inside me goes still at his words.
“Your daughter?” I breathe, my heart pounding out an uneven beat. “You’re my grandfather?”
He smiles at me. “Welcome home, child. You took your time in coming here.”