I knock on the door softly before opening it.
My mother and Elsa are staying in one room with twin beds. Elsa refuses to leave my mother's side. Even now, she’s sitting in a chair beside my mother's bed, a book resting on her chest as she sleeps. Had she been reading to my mother?
Oddly touched, I gently pick up the book and set it aside. However, as soon as my fingers brush against her hand, she startles awake.
Now that I know the past she shared with my mother, having grown up with her, my heart breaks when I see the hope in her eyes.
"It's me, Elsa," I murmur. "I just got back."
She looks at me, uncomprehending, and then gets to her feet, wrapping her arms around my neck. "You're back. Thank the Goddess. How did it go? Did you get the cure?"
I give her a bleak look. "No. I should have listened to you."
Elsa just holds me tighter. "It's all right. You did your best. Grace knows that.”
“How is she?” I look toward the still figure in the bed. “Any change?”
“I’m sorry, honey.” Elsa gives me a sad look. “She’s getting weaker by the day.”
I walk over to my unconscious mother and stroke her hair, studying her features. My heart is aching, a terrible pain seizing it as I speak hoarsely. “I’m still here, Mom. I’ve not given up on you yet. I’ve got you.”
Elsa puts her hand on my shoulder. “Did Cyrus give you any trouble?”
My eyes don’t shift from my mother. “It would have helped if you had told me that the king of the Central Alliance was also my grandfather.”
“I did tell you.” Elsa blinks at me.
“No, you didn’t,” I respond, lightly. “He tried to separate me and Alex. He wanted to break my bond with him and have me mated to another man. It would also have helped if you had told me the full extent of what was done to the Silver Wolves in the Central Alliance. But it’s okay. I dealt with it.”
Elsa sits down heavily, beside me. “I’m sorry. Seeing Grace, and with everything going on, I thought I told you everything. But my mind is a mess as well. I’ve lost my daughter. I’m losing Grace. I’m clinging on to my only family right now and my mind is a jumble of emotions.”
“You still have family, Elsa,” I comfort her. “And I’m not just talking about myself.”
I reach into my bag, bringing out the photographs I’ve been carrying with me. “I met your aunt Marlene. She gave me these. She told me she missed you and that you’re welcome home any time.”
Elsa’s eyes well up, emotion thickening her voice. “How is she?”
“She’s well.”
I tell her about the week I spent in training and Elsa just listens. She flips through the photographs with great care, a soft smile on her lips. “This is one of me and Aunt Marlene.”
She holds out one of the photos where a young Marlene is standing with her arm wrapped around a child’s shoulders. Elsa chuckles. “And there’s your mother, in that tree. She was determined to be part of the picture.”
I then see a girl hiding in the leaves of the maple tree beside which both aunt and niece are standing.
“What about your parents?” I ask.
Elsa looks unfazed. “Witches are not born. They grow into their powers. When a child develops these abilities, they act like a beacon to the covens nearby who sense their existence. Those covens take the child. Multiple witches are born in the same family line. My mother wasn’t a witch but my aunt was. When I was born, my aunt just knew. She waited till I was three and my abilities manifested. My parents were more than happy to hand me over. I had become a handful.”
She looks at me. “I have other siblings, you know, but I never really connected with them. I always felt like an outsider when I was with them. After Marlene took me away, I would often visit my family but those visits slowed down as I grew older till I just stopped going.”
I give her a shocked look. "Marlene made you…"
"No," Elsa reassures me. "It's a witch thing. Witches are drawn together because of their abilities and the coven becomes a family. It's something in our head. We begin to feel a disconnect with our biological family once our powers manifest. And it's the same for the family. My parents wished me well when I said my last goodbye. We both felt relieved to be free from each other."
I raise my brows, not knowing how to process this.
"I'm glad to know my Aunt is doing well." Elsa looks happy. When she sees my expression though, the smile vanishes.
"What is it? What happened?"
“Alex,” I say tiredly. “Karina kidnapped him.”
Elsa lets out a stifled gasp. “What?”
Despite how exhausted I am, I get to my feet, unable to sit still. “We were in the South Alliance when it happened.”
As I tell her the details, her face turns grim.
“I’ve heard of the fog. It’s a spell cast by dark witches. I’m surprised you were able to use your abilities. It messes with a witch’s magic.”
“Good thing I’m not a witch then,” I respond. “Logan tried to help …”
“He’s a shifter we found captured by dark witches. I can’t explain right now. It’s complicated. There’s a lot that has to be done.”
“Sophia.” Elsa takes me by the hands, forcing me to sit on her bed. “Breathe. Relax. How are we getting Alex back? Do you know where he is?”
I shake my head. “I was hoping you could teach me how to do a locator spell…”
“I can’t.” The older witch looks regretful. “Locator spells are an advanced form of magic. I left the coven before I could learn it.”
“What about portal magic?”
Elsa frowns. “I can create one but I will need your help. I’ve been pouring a lot of healing magic into Grace so my abilities are not stable. What’s the location you want to be ported to?”
I consider her question. I could show up in Karina’s mansion or territory, but I want tokeep a low profile. I don’t want her to know I’m searching for Alex just yet.
“Inside the North Alliance, just past the border.”
“And how will you begin searching for Alex?”
I open my mouth and then snap it shut, confessing, “I really don’t know. I’ll search every inch of it if I have to. How long will it take to create a portal?”
“In my current condition, two days,” Elsa admits.
I study her, an idea sparking in my head. “And multiple portals into different parts of the North territory?”
Elsa grimaces. “Should I even ask why?”
“Can we do it in two days?”
The older witch takes her time in answering but finally nods, reluctantly. “It’s possible. It might take one additional day, though. Are you sure you want to delay the search for Alex till then?”
Every decision I make is more difficult than the previous one. I dig my nails into my thighs and nod. “It’s necessary. It’s all necessary. She won’t kill Alex. She’ll just hurt him.”
As I say the last part, my voice catches and Elsa takes me in her arms.
“I know this is hard, Sophia.”
Her arms are around me, my chin resting on my shoulder. I stare blindly at my mother. My voice is hoarse as I speak. “Hard doesn’t even begin to cover it. But I have to do what I have to do. I won’t break. I can’t afford to break.”
I lightly push her away. “I still have some work to do. But there’s something that Marlene taught me that can buy Mom a few more days or weeks. It’ll take me an hour.”
As I try to move toward her, Elsa stops me, her eyes worried. “You’re too exhausted, Sophia. You can do it in the morning.”
I shake my head. “I need to do it now. I need to know that I have not failed both of the people in my life. I need to do this, Elsa.”
The witch searches my eyes before stepping back. “All right. I’ll get you something to eat.”
“I already had something from the mess.”
Elsa grimaces. “Not the garbage you get there. You get started on Grace. I’ll make you some soup and fresh bread. Easy on the stomach and good for your hurting heart.”
I grab her hand as she’s about to walk out. My voice is pleading. “I can’t bear to stomach food, Elsa. Not when Alex is probably starving. Don’t ask me to. I ate that dry burger to keep my wits about me. I can’t stand to eat anything remotely nice.”
Elsa strokes my hair. “If you want to save him. If you want to rescue him and get him back, you need to eat. You need to maintain your strength. And Alex would be angry if he knew you were not eating well because of him.”
She sees the tears forming in the corner of my eyes. “I’ll bring the soup and I’ll feed you myself if I have to.”
I release her hand and rub my eyes.
When she leaves, I look at my mother, my heart heavy. “Here goes nothing.”
I spend the next hour and a half pouring a very precise amount of healing energy inside my mother. By the end of it, my body is sagging, and I’m actually grateful when Elsa returns with the soup. I shovel it down, along with the bread she brought with it.
My stomach feels warm and full once I set down the bowl and my hands are no longer trembling.
Elsa studies me. “Well, at least you no longer look like you’re at death’s door.”
“Thank you.” I give her a wan smile.
“You’re just like your mother.” She shakes her head at me. “When she was hungry, she would inhale the food. Who needs to breathe, right?”
I chuckle lightly even when my heart is troubled. Something occurs to me, and I ask, “Did you ever meet my father?”
Elsa pauses and looks at me. “That’s the first time you’ve shown an interest in your father.”
“So you met him?”
She shakes her head. “No. I never got the chance. I saw him once, from a distance. Grace was aware that if she revealed the identity of her fated mate to anyone, they would report back to her father. She knew he would be killed. She knew everything. She trusted me, but she wanted to protect him as well as she could.”
Elsa sits down beside me, looking over at my mother. “She never introduced me to him. Nor did she tell me his name, despite my persistence. She didn’t want to compromise my safety as well, you know. I always distracted Marlene when she went to meet him. After I helped her escape with him, we were supposed to meet at the Red Rock Wolf Pack. I was going to meet him then, but you know what happened.”
I don’t press her anymore, seeing the agony in her eyes. She carries guilt in her heart. It’s obvious to me.
“You should sleep now. You can sleep in my bed.”
But I refuse. “I still have work to do, Elsa. I’ll go upstairs. I need to make some calls.”
I take up the empty bowl and put it in the dishwasher. The building has four rooms. The living room, kitchen, and bedroom given to Elsa and my mother are on the first floor. Mine and Alex’s room is on the second floor. The second room on that floor has been converted into an office for me. Alex did that before we left. Feeling energized, I activate thecommunications app on the computer before putting in the code Brian gave me. The screen changes and shows the contact information of all the Alphas of the North. I first decide to reach out to Dorian.
It takes a few minutes, but Dorian Greyhound’s tired face pops up on the screen. “Sophia? Is everything okay? It’s a late hour for anyone to be calling.”
I glanced toward the blinds that are closed and feel grateful that Alex had this room soundproofed while we were gone.
“We need to talk. Now.”
Three days is a long time not to look for Alex.
However, three days is a very short amount of time to get everything in order before I leave.
Elsa is busy creating the portal and I pour my magic into it to sustain it. She will be sending us directly to the North Alliance’s border. I can see the strain in her eyes as she pushes herself past her limits to do me this favor.
My mother is looking much better. I know sharing my magic is a temporary solution, but it’s all I have. She hasn’t woken up, but her color is much better, her heartbeat stronger.
Nathan has gone through every computer or laptop that Robert ever owned, looking for any mention of my father. But he’s not been able to find anything. There has been no response from Alex’s spy network as well. Each day feels like a ticking time bomb.
Nobody seems to know where the witch portal took Alex. The spies in Karina’s pack have mentioned their soldiers being moved. Large numbers are moving in two different directions.
“We need everyone to be ready now.” I look at the grim-faced Alphas on the screen. All the Alphas of the South Alliance are of the same mind. We cannot afford a war between the shifters and the humans. They will wipe us out like insects with their nuclear weapons. And if Karina gets control of the human military, the damage to the South will be catastrophic.
There’s no point in hiding that Alex has been kidnapped any longer. Nor is there any point in concealing the disappearance of the witch covens over the past couple of years. With each revelation, the Alpha’s expressions grow more grave.
“What do you want us to do?” One of them asks.
“Begin marching to the North. We’ve managed to locate the city they plan to attack. We believe their target of the village first was a distraction. They’re going after one of the main cities. And they’ll be launching an attack from inside as well. We already have people there, on the inside. They are currently tracking down and dealing with Karina’s men. The intention is to minimize the damage on the inside. I’ve also reached out to the ruling government and let them know of the imminent attack.”
“What was that a wise idea?” another Alpha asks, his voice tense. “They might consider us a threat now.”
Brian, who is standing behind me, speaks up, “We have to let the government know that this is not a coordinated attack from the shifter community. We cannot afford to make enemies of the humans. Our soldiers will start marching tonight. We’ve also contacted the witch covens near every pack in the South. They will be creating portals that allow the soldiers to reach the city outskirts of the human city that is Karina’s target. Her people will launch the attack tomorrow afternoon. Our spies have managed to gather this much intel. The portal should be ready in the morning. Sophia—Queen Sophia—will be departing tonight. Make sure to leave enough soldiers behind to guard your packs.”
“Another thing you should make sure you think about,” I interject darkly, “are your most vulnerable people. Stash them somewhere safe. Karina is not above holding their lives over your heads. I know that every pack has a secret location, bunkers that are used during battles whose locations only the alphas are aware of. Utilize them. Start moving your women and children now.”
The Alphas nod. “You have our full support.”
Once the call ends, I let out a shaky breath. Looking at Brian behind me, I mutter. “I feel like a fraud. I know I shouldn’t, but I do.”
He smiles. “You’re doing the best you can in the situation. And you’re doing a fine job. We are here to support you and guide you. Nobody expects you to know everything right off the bat. Good leaders aren’t born from arrogance.”
I give him a wan smile. “I’ve never had a cheerleader quite like you, Brian.”
As he chuckles, I get to my feet. “I’ll go talk to the others. Decide who’s coming with me.”
As I head to the door, Brian stops me. “You haven’t asked whether our spies have discovered anything about Alex.”
I hesitate, my hands trembling for a second before I close my fists tightly to hide them. “If there was anything to report, that was the first thing you would have done. I’ll find him, Brian. I will.”
Brian doesn’t say anything, but as I walk out, I wonder how Alex would feel if he knew that I didn’t prioritize him at this moment. Will he hate me? Will he blame me for his suffering?
Deep inside, I know the truth. He won’t. These thoughts are simply fueled by the pain in my own soul.
I can’t feel our bond. But when I search deep inside, I can see it, vibrant as always, which means that he’s unharmed. But why can’t I feel him. I’ve always been able to feel Alex’s bond within me. Now, it’s almost as if a layer of connection between us has been severed. Now I know why he had been in such a state back by the stream when I had begun to block him out. It feels unnatural. My wolf is anxious.
I let out agust of breath before making my way to the edge of the town. Ever since the incident from two nights ago when the rest of the pack discovered the unconscious men in the street, a particular part of their bodies fried to a crisp, none of them have been able to lift their eyes in front of me. I don’t particularly care.
Jared was true to his word, and he circulated the CCTV video from the closest shop, which captured the entire incident, including the audio. Alex’s pack members were outraged, and it’s taken a heroic effort to keep them at bay. All of them are ready to attack Robert’s people.
Even now, the distinction between the two packs is clear. Even though they have merged, they don’t act like it, and I don’t care enough at this moment to do anything about it. There’s reverence for me in the eyes of Alex’s people, and there’s hidden fear for me in the eyes of Robert’s people. But as I walk along the streets to the edge of the town, nobody bothers me.
I find Logan sitting under the shade of a tree, tossing stones into the pond in front of him.
“It’s time for your session,” I remind him.
He glances at me. “Any word about Alex?”
Despite how much Logan and Alex do not get along, Logan has been worried about him ever since he was taken.
I sit down beside him, letting the warm wind dry the sweat on the back of my neck from the walk. “No. They don’t know where Karina took him. I don’t know where to begin searching for him.”
“We’ll find him, little wolf,” Logan says.
There’s no comfort in his voice, just a grim determination which I appreciate. I carry out the session, unlinking the darkness and getting rid of some of dark magic inside him. Even an hour a day takes it out of me. There are different kinds of magic. Some spells are very draining. Some are as easy as breathing. The darkness inside Logan is very hard to remove but I’m chipping away at it, one piece at a time.
Once I’m done, I get to my feet, my body jittery. “I’ll be leaving tonight.”
“To go find Alex?”
I nod. “A few soldiers will guard the pack. Evacuations have begun to move the children and women into the bunkers in the forest. The other soldiers will head toward the city that Karina is trying to attack. Myself and a few others will go look for Alex while Karina is distracted.”
“I’ll be going with you,” Logan tells me bluntly. When I open my mouth to say something, he cuts me off. “I’m not asking you, Sophia. I’m telling you. I’ll go with you to find him. You need somebody to look after you.”
“I have a lot of people protecting me.”
“I didn’t say protect,” Logan narrows his eyes. “You need somebody to look after you. You won’t eat. You won’t take care of yourself. That mate of yours is going to have a fit when he sees the state you are in. No, I’ll be going with you. It’s decided.”
I roll my eyes. “Just say you want to find Alex. And I’m not that bad. I can take care of myself.”
Logan just scoffs.
I sigh heavily, knowing there is no way of winning an argument against him. The only thing I’ll get out of it is a headache. “Why don’t you come into town? I’ll set you up in a nice place. You can shower and everything.”
Logan shakes his head. “I like sleeping under the open sky. You have plenty of lakes nearby. I can wash off there. You got me new clothes. That was all I needed. The food is also decent.”
“Don’t you get lonely out here?”
Logan looks at me, his eyes inscrutable. “I’ve been alone for a long time. The sound of the birds and the insects makes me feel like I belong out here. Stop trying to fix me, Sophia. I’m fine. This is what I need. Come get me when you go to find Alex.”
There’s no arguing with him so I head back.
I’ve just gotten back into town when I run into Saul and Patrick.
“Is everything ready for tonight?”
The two men reassure me that it is and Patrick gives me a steady look. “There’s something you should know. There’s no sign of Noah and Tina anywhere. After the attack, a lot of money was drawn from one of Robert’s accounts. I’ve sent word to different packs in the South, even to Robert's staunchest allies. Still nothing. It’s as if the two of them have disappeared.”
“That’s not entirely true,” Saul interjects. “There is something, but I’m not sure if this is about the two of them. There was an attack on one of the healer’s offices near the North border. According to our spy, a witch was spotted at the office trying to buy healing potions. When the healer refused to sell the quantity she wanted, the witch attacked her and stole everything. Nobody was able to identify her. It could be Tina.”
“If it was Tina, that means Noah must be injured,” I muse. “When was this?”
“Two weeks from your arrival,” Saul informs me.
“Let’s just keep digging into everything. Right now, every piece of information is useful. Logan will be joining us when we go to look for Alex.”
Patrick doesn’t look too pleased, but he knows better than to argue with me.
As the day comes to an end, I stop by to see my mother one more time. It's not easy to keep saying goodbye to her.
I squeeze her hand and press my lips against her cold fingers. "I'll come see you soon. Pray to the Goddess that everything turns out okay, Mom. I don't want to lose Alex."
The room is empty because Elsa is downstairs making preparations. Alone with my unconscious mother, I allow myself to break.
"I'm scared," I whisper, with a choked sob. "I'm so scared, Mom. I keep losing the people I love. I don't want to lose Alex. I'm putting on this brave face in front of everyone, but I'm a coward. I don't know what I'll do if I don't find him. I'm really scared, Mom. I don't know what to do."
Pressing my wet face against her palm, I sob quietly.
A knock on the door a few minutes later has me wiping my eyes and getting to my feet.
I know it's Elsa.
I open the door and she sees my red eyes but chooses not to comment.
The town is quiet, the soldiers resting for their journey tomorrow. The women and children are safe in the underground bunkers in the forest. It's protocol during a war or battle to hide the most vulnerable. Even though the battle is taking place elsewhere, we are taking every precaution we possibly can. Karina is more devious than anyone can imagine.
We head through town to where the others are waiting.
Patrick, Jared, Saul, and Nathan are standing together while Logan stands off at a distance, his arms crossed over his chest. This is the first time Elsa has seen him, and she gives him a wary look.
She takes out a small marble from her pocket, one that I saw her create out of pure power. She’s holding it using a napkin. “As soon as you place your hands on it, I’ll activate it. It will transport you to the borders of the North.”
The others placed their fingers on it. The ball is beginning to glow, but just as I touch it, howls erupt in the air. We all look around, startled. It’s coming from the direction of the town. But I can’t move, the air around me shifting.
“The pack is under attack!” Patrick shouts, but it’s too late now. We are being pulled in.
“I will get your mother out of here!” Elsa shouts, and that’s the last thing I hear her say before I’m forced to close my eyes. When I open them, I’m standing in an entirely different location.
My heart sinks in horror.
I didn’t move my mother to the bunker. She was going to be the last to be moved because I needed Elsa for the portal. What have I done?
“We have to get back!” Patrick says quickly, but before we can move, people come rushing out of the trees and we’re surrounded.
Karina’s soldiers look at us grimly, and behind them are a group of witches, their hands turned in our direction.