Chapter eighteen
A Painful Truth
O nce again, three SUVs showed up and made my journey to the Guild’s Main Office quicker. Darius wasn’t in so I had to wait, because he was the Guardian I needed to speak with. I had to wait an hour, but as soon as he returned, he called me into his office.
“Rough fight?” I asked as I watched him nurse a wound on his arm. Must have been a really bad one for him to still be healing.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” he said casually.
“Who was it?”
“A rather powerful demon I dispatched back to Hell. A foolish human had opened a portal in China to release the Demon of Fortune,” Darius said. “It will heal in a little while. Why are you here?”
“Azazel did some investigating and spoke with Cain.”
Darius’ eyes widened. “He spoke with Cain?”
I nodded. “I know. I wish I’d been there.” I really did, because how often did you get to meet the world’s first murderer? So many questions I’d want to ask him. The very fact that Azazel could summon him, I found impressive... but then Azazel was just that badass. Oh my God, why was I praising his demon ass?! I blamed those damn visions. The ones that let me look into his soul to see every facet of him. The good, the bad, and the ugly, but it was the good that was guiding my emotions now. The dreams of him helping humans and especially those where he was sexual as if he were seducing me in my sleep. Shit, maybe he did.
“Are you listening to me, Rai?” Darius said with a snap of his finger.
I blinked and looked at him. “What? I’m sorry, did you ask me something?”
“Yes, twice.”
“Oh... my mind just... you know what, doesn’t matter. What did you ask me?”
“What did Cain say?”
Yeah, that was an obvious question. I kicked myself for drifting off into my thoughts of Azazel like that. “He said we’d need to speak with Baal.”
At that, Darius scoffed and it was something he didn’t normally do. He usually found that reaction distasteful, but he did it.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“He will be difficult. After his war with Satan, he lost and was cast out of Hell. He may hate Satan, but he hates us more. Getting information out of him won’t be easy,” Darius said.
“But we will get information, right?”
Darius nodded. “Are you prepared for what we might have to do?”
“I’ve been on my own for months now, killing my fair share of demons—”
“Low-level demons, hardly anything to brag about, Rai.”
Well, shit... way to cut me off at the knees. “So, do you want to take over this case since I’m obviously an amateur?” I snapped.
Darius sat back in his chair and studied me... the way he used to when I was a kid and I’d felt like he was judging me. “No Rai. This case is your destiny. You will have to rise to the challenge. But when we go to Baal, he will be the most powerful demon you’ve ever seen and faced off with. He was the king of Hell before Lucifer. He will not be easy to break.”
“I’ll learn from your example, and then I’ll get creative,” I said.
Darius smirked, then nodded. “Very well.” He rose and I did the same. “You will need to bring your Champion and I’ll bring mine.”
“How do we get there?”
“Michael will take us.”
I laughed then, I couldn’t help it. “Oh, this is not going to be a fun field trip.”
“It’s not supposed to be.”
“What I mean is Michael and Azazel will be face-to-face.”
“Who says that won’t be fun?” Darius said with a wink and I saw a glimpse of a side of my mentor I didn’t know existed. The part that seduced an angel, I was sure. Darius was never as stuck-up as the other Guardians I’d met. Well... save Terri, she was okay. Perhaps that was why I’d always felt more comfortable around him. He made me feel like I was normal whereas everyone else made me feel like an outcast. To put it plainly, Darius was just cool as hell.
Azazel had been lounging on the ground and when he heard us approaching, he rose and gathered himself.
Darius looked him up and down. “We meet again.”
“Let’s not make a habit of it,” Azazel shot back.
I pointed at him. “Behave,” I told him.
Azazel rolled his eyes but nodded.
“Are you still using conventional weapons?” Darius asked me.
“Yeah,” I shrugged. “They work. The magic forged in them is good.”
“Not on powerful demons. Those weapons Raina made won’t work on Baal. Why haven’t you bonded with Azazel?” Darius asked me.
“Yes, Rai, do tell,” Azazel said, and looked at me with a smugness that made me want to kick his shin.
“Because you’re an asshole, that’s why.”
Azazel smirked. “I have an asshole.” He leaned in close to my ear. “And I want you inside of it.”
I immediately felt heat rise to my face as it raced through my body and I shoved him back. “Stop it!”
Azazel laughed, then his gaze shifted to Darius, who was just looking at us with one eyebrow cocked.
“Ignore him,” I said.
“Gladly,” Darius replied, then sighed. “In any case, you must bond if you plan to be of any use as a Guardian, Rai. I can’t stress that enough.”
“Yeah, I know, I know,” I said, waving my hand. To be honest, I didn’t know if I could bond with Azazel. I wanted to, I knew that I needed to... but did I have the ability to?
Again, Darius gave me that contemplative look of his.
“Nothing. I’m going to call Michael now,” Darius said, and then he did his thing. A second later, the Archangel, Michael, stood before us. The smile on his face as he looked at Darius transformed into a sneer as his gaze panned over to Azazel and then to me.
“What are these abominations doing here?” Michael asked.
“Wishing that I didn’t have to be in your sanctimonious presence,” Azazel snapped, not missing a beat.
“Perhaps then, you shouldn’t have killed three Guardians and their Champions.”
“Awww, but it was fun,” Azazel shot back.
A flaming sword shot from Michael’s hand just as a black and silver sword that looked wicked as hell materialized from Azazel’s hand. It glowed red as Michael’s glowed blue. I looked at Darius and he didn’t seem to be at all alarmed by the fact our Champions were about to go at it. Before I could say anything, the two attacked—or rather, they tried to. An invisible force exploded between them, sending both in separate directions. Their fierce swords disappeared as they sailed through the air. Michael floated to his feet, but Azazel landed hard on the ground, and then began to vomit. His face was screwed up as if he were in agony and he gripped his stomach.
“Fuck!” I ran over to him, rubbing his back as he heaved. “What’s wrong with him?” I asked the other two.
“Worried about your demon?” Michael sneered.
“Yes, happy?” I shot back.
“No, I’m not,” the Archangel retorted.
“You know, he may be a demon, but you’re acting like a dick right now,” I snapped because I was tired of his shit. I continued to rub Azazel’s back until his heaving stopped. “Are you okay?”
He spit the last of the bile out, then nodded. “I haven’t felt that sickness... in quite some time,” he said between pants.
“What happened?” I asked, because I needed to understand.
“Go on, explain it to him, Azazel,” Darius said.
Azazel rose and I did the same, looking up at him for answers. “I can’t harm the innocent or anything celestial for that matter. If I try, I get violently ill, the pain is pure agony.”
“So, as you can see, a demon is a demon. Only thing holding him back from being his old self is the curse,” Michael taunted.
I turned to him. “So, what’s your excuse?”
Michael tilted his head to the side and Darius chuckled. “Excuse me, human?” the Archangel said.
“Sure, I saw what happens to Azazel if he tries anything, but I also saw your ass thrown back too. Which means you’re not supposed to harm your own kind.”
Michael’s face twisted in contempt, so thick I could taste it. “He is not my kind.”
“Yes, he is, or you would have been able to harm him.” As soon as I said that, I felt something tingle inside of me, drawing me closer to Azazel. I felt... protective of him. I didn’t like anyone looking down on him or me... I’d had enough of that my entire life.
“Well, now that we’ve all seen the proof that Azazel is on our side, shall we go so that we can stop whatever it is demons are trying to do?” Darius looked at all of us as if we were being a bunch of school kids, and though I kind of agreed... I also felt that what happened was significant. I was glad it did, even though Azazel had to suffer. I didn’t like that part.
“Okay, let’s go,” I said.
Darius held his head back, arms out, and before our eyes, Michael turned into a bright, blue light and flowed into Darius’ body. When my mentor opened his eyes, they were illuminated for a second, the color of blue before turning back to brown, with flecks of the light in them. I wondered what it would look like when I finally merged with Azazel.
“Come,” Darius said, and he held his hands out. I took it and Azazel took the other.
The teleportation was quick and something only a Guardian could do once they were bonded with their champion. It didn’t feel weird at all, in fact, it was pleasant without any side effects once we landed.
“Ugh,” Azazel groaned and staggered a little before he caught his balance.
Okay, so I didn’t feel any side effects. Couldn’t say the same for my demon. My eyes widened as I realized what I had just said. I called Azazel my demo n. Why was I getting so possessive over him lately? Was it because he saved me? Or was it because I knew he’d been watching over me all those months—no, years, while I pretended I didn’t know he was there? Was I feeling something more toward Azazel? As I thought about it... it wasn’t my first time referring to him as mine. How long had I felt this way?
I closed my eyes to shift my focus and when I opened them, I finally took notice of where we were. It looked like a beautiful garden and in the direct path of us was a golden cage where the biggest demon I’d ever seen stood watching.
“Holy shit,” I gasped and took several steps back as my eyes took in a demon that stood eighteen feet tall, with red scales covering its black skin. He glared at us with glowing, red eyes with black pupils and sneered at us, baring a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. His black claws looked deadly as did his black horns that were massive with pointed tips. At least his feet and wrists were chained up and I was certain those weren’t made from regular iron.
I’d heard stories about Baal, and even seen drawings, but none of that could have prepared me for what I saw face-to-face. Now, I understood even more why Darius said my swords wouldn’t mean shit to a demon like Baal.
“Gather yourself, Guardian,” Darius whispered to me.
Damn, okay, yeah... he was right. I cleared my throat, swallowed, and straightened my back. I was the only one caught off guard by how massive the demon was. Darius approached the door of the gate, opened it, and then walked inside. Both Azazel and I followed.
“Long time, Beelzebub,” Darius said.
Baal growled. “Call me by my name, maggot!” the demon roared in a voice so deep, it must have come from the abyss. The ground shook with each word he spoke.
“I won’t keep you long,” Darius said and I watched the master at work, learning from him, always. “Why are demons looking for the key to unlock Satan’s cell?”
Baal smiled wickedly. “And why should I tell you?”
“Because you hate Satan, surely you don’t want him freed while you remain locked away,” Darius said.
“He betrayed me!” Baal said.
As I watched the two converse, my heart was beating a mile a minute. My palms were so sweaty, I thought I’d drop my sword and gun. Azazel stepped up next to me and his very presence calmed my nerves. I didn’t know if it was something he was doing, or just the fact that he was beside me, but I did start to gather my wits about myself.
“Your Majesty,” Azazel began as he walked over to the cage. “Can you help us?”
“Do not try to flatter me, Azazel. You have no loyalty,” Baal said with a sneer.
“I’m loyal to the strongest,” Azazel said. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was talking about me now, or when he was a demon. Because he had served three rulers. Baal, then Lucifer, then his Empress.
Baal glared at Azazel. “How can you call yourself a demon when you fight against your own kind?”
“It was my own kind, like you, Baal, who cast me out. I’ve been exiled for over a century,” Azazel said.
“I am your King! Respect me!” Baal yelled.
“You were my King and are no longer. Also, need I remind you that I tried to show you respect and you told me not to ‘flatter you,’” Azazel said and I wanted to laugh, because it was stuff like that which made me like him. He didn’t take shit from anyone.
“And so, you side with them... was it for your freedom, Azazel?” Baal spoke and his tone was very much of one that was used to being in control.
“I am his Champion,” Azazel said proudly and I wasn’t expecting that. It made my chest puff out just a little bit.
Baal spat a ball of fire onto the ground at Azazel’s feet that exploded, then fizzled out. “Pathetic!” To Azazel’s credit, he remained unfazed.
Azazel smirked. “What’s ‘pathetic,’ sire, is you being beaten off your throne by a fallen angel, then cast from Hell only to be locked away for eternity.”
Baal roared again, fire blazing from his mouth directed at Azazel, who dodged it. Azazel, I knew was immune to fire—hell, he controlled it, but I figured Baal’s fire was on another level, one Azazel didn’t want to fuck with.
“How dare you speak to me with such insolence!”
“I’m no longer a Knight of the Round Court. I have no demonic ruler, you nor Satan or the Empresses,” Azazel yelled.
He conjured his sword as Darius did the same, it was the same sword Michael was going to use on Azazel, only it glowed with white flames instead of blue. I knew it was because Michael and Darius were one. Both Darius and Azazel’s armor covered their bodies. Darius’ was white with gold trim, and Azazel’s was black with glowing red trim. They both looked badass.
“Answer our question. Can the demons free Satan?” Azazel asked Baal.
Baal roared and swung around, whipping his large, scaly tail at us with the sharp tip like an arrow. Instinctually, I slashed at his tail as I leaped over it, and my sword broke in two. The shard of the blade went flying in the air to land on the ground. It was at that point I realized just how useless I was. And... it hurt to have to admit that. I dropped the rest of my sword, which had been shattered along with my pride.
“Rai!” Azazel yelled
Before I knew it, he’d tackled me to the ground just as Baal’s tail reversed to slash at me. There was a strong possibility that I could have been sliced in two had Azazel not saved me. My heart hammered in my chest as my breath came in rapid succession. My adrenaline was at full force, and yet, I was completely out of my league in my current state.
Azazel shoved me through the cage door. “Stay here,” he said, then joined Darius as he fought the demon.
Relegated to the sidelines outside the parameters of the cage, I had to stay alert, but also watch as Darius and Azazel worked as a team better than I had expected. Their blades sliced wounds all over Baal’s body, causing the demon to grow increasingly more enraged. The wounds Darius made weren’t healing like the one’s Azazel made, but still, it was effective.
Darius was like a beast, his movements were swift and agile as he leaped, slashed, and dodged, which seemed to drive Baal insane with agitation that he couldn’t get the upper hand. I guessed it didn’t help that the chains that bound his arms and legs gave him little room to maneuver. Still, he was doing more than enough fighting, in my opinion. I watched as Darius flipped back, then darted forward and swung his blade with a roar of his own. His sword cut through Baal’s tail, slicing it off in the middle.
“Ahhhhhhh!” Baal screamed and thrashed about in his confining chains.
“Are you done?” Darius yelled. His chest heaved and he was bleeding from several cuts he’d suffered while fighting, but he looked like he could go a few more rounds.
“Stop... stop... no more!” Baal begged.
“Answer me, then, demon,” Darius commanded.
“What... what will I get in return, Guardian?” Baal asked.
Azazel had pulled back as well, taking his place beside me again, his sword still at the ready, though. “Are you all right?” he asked me.
“Yes,” I said and he nodded.
He’d also been wounded in the fight, but they were healing.
“You’ll get to live, demon... Or shall I dispatch your soul into the ether. Banned from entering Hades, forbidden to enter Heaven. Lost drifting aimlessly... a disembodied mess?”
“No! Please, I beg you, show me mercy!” Baal whined.
Who knew a threat like that could terrify a demon that powerful? Shit, shouldn’t we have led with that before the bastard got a chance to show his ass? Even better, let’s just do it. Why keep him alive? I needed to ask Darius about that later.
“Answer me!” Darius yelled again and I’d never seen this side of him. The Warrior.
I liked it.
I wanted to be like him... to have that level of confidence.
“Fine.” Baal looked at Azazel. “You know this demon well, traitor. Birds of a feather and all.”
“Who?” Azazel asked.
“Saraphell,” Baal said.
“Ahhh,” Azazel said in acknowledgment. “So, she became a Seeker, the one who betrayed you.”
Baal nodded as he growled. “She is one of the four Seekers—Those With The Blood That Calls.”
“Does this mean that demons do have a way to free Satan?” Darius asked.
Baal nodded. “A thousand years ago, when demons attacked me in this very cell your kind has trapped me in, they were stupid enough to tell me their plan. As homage to Satan, they would bring him my horns as a trophy for him to display.”
“So, there really was a seventh woman?” I asked after stepping back into the cage, finally joining the party. Azazel had told me the rumors, but now it appeared it was the truth.
“There was a seventh at that time, hidden by the blood of Lucifer himself. That is what flowed inside of her. She gave birth to a human baby with his corrupted blood. The other women were simply decoys sacrificed for the slaughter,” Baal said, and I was happy he was being generous with the details. Not even the Guardians knew this shit, or demons as powerful and old as Azazel.
“If she gave birth then, why is Satan still locked away?” Darius asked.
“The baby born and many thereafter were not the Chosen One. The blood lays dormant and every hundred years, they search for the one child whose blood is the key to Satan’s cell,” Baal said.
“Only every hundred years? Does time run out?” I asked.
“In three days, as the door must be opened on the full moon,” Baal said. “However, that’s just for this attempt. They have nine others as the window is opened for a full year at the end of the century.”
“Fuck,” I cursed, that meant this month would mark their third attempt. I looked at Azazel. “Did you know about this? I mean, why demons were looking for children every century?”
Azazel shrugged. “Demons are always looking for children for various reasons. Nothing stood out. Also, the last whispers of a rebellion I’d heard was a thousand years ago and those demons were punished.”
“Not all of them apparently,” Darius stated.
“Is there anything else we need to know?” I asked Baal.
“That is all I know,” the demon said.
“And why do you even know that? I mean, I’m glad you do, but how? You’ve been trapped here for like—ever,” I pointed out.
Baal lifted his head to look down at me with those creepy red eyes. “Because they wanted me to know when they thought I wouldn’t be alive to see my enemy rise back to power.”
Demons did love to gloat. I just nodded at that.
“Do you know where to find this Seeker demon?” Darius asked Azazel.
He nodded. “I do.”
“Why is it called a Seeker demon?” I looked at Baal for that answer, and both Darius and Azazel did the same.
Baal huffed like we were getting on his nerves. Probably were. “Only they can find the Chosen One. Their blood is drawn to the offspring of Satan like a beacon.”
“But their blood has been dormant, right?” I asked.
“Dormant, yes, but still can be sensed by a Seeker. They won’t know if the blood works until they have it,” Baal said.
“Do I need to take the Seeker with me or just their blood?” Azazel asked.
“I do not know,” Baal replied.
“Does the child need to be killed?” I asked.
“That, I do not know,” Baal said. The whole time we’d been speaking since the fight, I noticed that his tail hadn’t healed. I knew that it would take a long time too, Darius’s blade was the most powerful of ours and it did real damage.
“We should go,” Darius said.
I agreed, I was ready to leave. Sure, the garden was gorgeous, the company of that big ass demon, not so much. I bet the surroundings of such beauty were another form of torture for the demon. We left the cage, locking it behind us.
Darius took our hands and once again, we were teleported back to the Guild, just outside its border. Azazel had the same reaction as before, but that was expected.
“You did well, Rai,” Darius said.
“Thank you... I guess. I wasn’t much help in the fighting department,” I admitted.
“And now you understand what I meant. Move forward from this experience,” Darius said, then looked at Azazel. “You also did well.”
“I’m older than you by a landslide, of course I did,” Azazel bragged.
Darius didn’t bother to retort, but I bet Michael would have. Speaking of the Archangel, Darius released him and he flowed out of him then formed his solid body. Darius shivered a little but was okay nonetheless.
“I must alert the other angels of this development, Darius. We need to be prepared if Satan is released. War will be imminent,” Michael said and he was all business.
Darius nodded. “Go.” Michael vanished and Darius looked at me. “I will contact the others and let them know. You, find that Seeker.”
“I will. I have a question,” I said.
“What is it?”
“Why didn’t we just kill Baal? Why keep him alive?” I asked.
Darius sighed. “I would love to, but killing him would cause immense damage. His soul would splinter and invade millions of humans and animals, turning them into God knows what. That cage is the only thing that will keep this world safe from him.”
Oh shit... now I understood why he was still alive. “So, you just lied to him?”
Darius smirked. “For the greater good.”
“Sure, justify it,” Azazel remarked.
“I need no justification,” Darius said. “Now, don’t you have a Seeker to find?”
“I’m on it.” I turned to Azazel and held out my hand. “Take us to them.”
“I have to find her first. Seekers can’t be sensed,” Azazel said.
“Okay, let’s go.”