The Attack Zone (Slap Shot #2) 3. Stacey 8%
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3. Stacey




M y office isn’t fancy. I work for non-profits for a living, and while I do well for myself, I need my clients to know I’m not wasting the money they pay me on frivolous things. But shoes aren’t frivolous , I remind myself. Shoes are a necessity. I just happen to like nice ones and own about fifty pairs. So sue me.

Today I’m wearing purple pumps that make me feel like I can change the world. Which is probably good because that’s kind of my whole thing, making the world a better place. I board the elevator of my office building and take a long sip of my flat white. The flavor reaches my tongue right as my phone buzzes with a reminder. I have a meeting in ten minutes with a potential new client. Luckily, I already prepped my notes, and I feel totally ready, although if I don’t know if I have the capacity to take on any more clients.

Maybe I can finally cut Mitchell Greggs off...?

No, I can’t. Rebounds for Rescues needs me, and I wouldn’t want to upset Caleb or Cassie, or Thomas King or Hazel for that matter. Mitchell may drive me a bit bonkers, but I like the other people in our little group, and I need to buck up and deal with it. Plus, the dogs he rescues really do need homes.

This whole wedding thing isn’t going to help though. It means even more time with him. It means working together. It means having to agree on things.


The elevator doors open and I walk down the narrow hallway to my office. I unlock the door and take in the view. That’s the one thing I splurged on: I have an excellent view of the Denver skyline. My office might basically be a closet, but it has a floor-to-ceiling window, and I love it. I pull my laptop out of my purse and settle in at my desk to sign on to my video meeting early. I’m never late and I’m not starting now, especially not with a potential new client.

I’m knee deep in spreadsheets and fundraising data when my phone buzzes yet again. My morning went off without a hitch and while I seem to have accidentally skipped lunch again, I’m in the zone. This happens sometimes—I get so focused on my work that I ignore other things. It’s part of why I can’t be in a serious relationship. I’d choose my job every day of the week. So, I continue to ignore my phone, and I ignore it again when it buzzes with a reminder two minutes later.

I’m so close to reaching my quarterly goal for Caleb’s non-profit, Smashing Barriers , I can taste it. He and Mitchell both have big galas coming up and if I can just get a few more big-name folks there, I think both of them will reach their goals.

The problem with working with Caleb, even though I think he’s great and I love what his non-profit does in the community, is that it means I find myself involuntarily thinking about Mitchell Greggs much more than I’d like. Before I know it, I’m completely tuned out and paying zero attention to my beloved spreadsheets.


I flip my phone over and see that I have a message from none other than Mitchell himself.

Mitchell: Hey—we should talk wedding planning soon.

Good lord, I do not want to do this. Well, not with him, anyway. I love planning events. It’s my co-planner who’s the problem.

Stacey: I was thinking ... Maybe I’ll just plan it. We can tell Caleb and Cassie you helped if you want, but I can easily handle it.

I wait as he types his response, eager to see what he says.

Mitchell: No way. I know you can handle it alone, but we’re doing this the way Caleb and Cassie want. You already deal with me at work, I’m sure you can deal with me a few extra hours a week.

I know he’s right. And it’s not even like I hate Mitchell, exactly. He just really gets under my skin. Whenever he’s around I can barely see straight, let alone put together cohesive thoughts. Still, Caleb and Cassie asked us to do this. I guess I can do what he’s asking. For my friends, of course.

Stacey: Fine. Let’s extend our meeting tomorrow an extra thirty minutes so we can make a plan for how we’re going to do this.

Mitchell: Sounds good. I’ll see you tomorrow.

I let out a sigh and shake my head in an attempt to tune back into my work. I have a lot to get finished today, and I can’t let Mitchell derail me like he has so many other days. It’s like as soon as I have a meeting on the books with him or I know I’m going to see him with our mutual friends, I can’t focus on anything else. Hazel thinks it’s because he’s hot. Which he is. I won’t deny that he is, quite frankly, the hottest man I’ve ever seen. But as soon as we interact, what I consider to be mild attraction turns to severe annoyance or even anger. We’re like oil and vinegar, which happens to be my least favorite salad dressing. I don’t have to like everyone, but it is very inconvenient that he’s best friends with my best friend’s fiancé.

The wedding is in just about six months. I’ve done far worse things than spend a few hours a week with an annoying hockey player. I can do this.

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