W ell, at least we won’t be totally swept out of the playoffs in the first round. Thomas has been out since that hit in Buffalo and Lance, our captain, is out too. He pushed himself too hard during our Cup run last year and it finally caught up with him. But we won on the road the other night, so it won’t be a complete and utter embarrassment if we lose tonight and don’t go on to the next round. Still an embarrassment, but not an utter one.
My five o’clock alarm just went off, but I’m already awake. I haven’t been needing as much sleep this week, though I’m not sure why. Probably just the energy of the playoffs. I switch my alarm off quickly so I don’t wake up Stacey. She’s stayed at my place when I’ve been in town during the playoffs so my routine doesn’t get as messed up by us hooking up. I’m sure it bothers her, my not splitting time going to her place too. And I feel guilty, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I roll towards her and kiss her shoulder, causing her to hum lightly as she snuggles further into the bed.
I roll out of bed, slide my feet into my slippers, and make my way quietly into the kitchen. Once I’ve started up the coffee pot, I reach into the cupboard to grab my medication. The bottle is light and quiet when I lift it off the shelf. Too light and too quiet.
I forgot to refill it. And I won’t have time to pick it up before I have to be at the arena today once the pharmacy is open. But I can at least refill it and pick it up tomorrow if I place the order now, so I open my pharmacy app on my phone and hit refill. I really need to switch to a ninety-day refill so this isn’t such a pain in the ass. I make a mental note to pick up my refill as I grab my coffee and head to the bathroom to get ready.
As I’m climbing into the shower, the bathroom door opens, and Stacey’s stunning, sleepy face appears.
“Sorry, love. Did I wake you?” I ask.
She shakes her head as she yawns, and it’s adorable. “No, I set my alarm since you have to leave early.”
“You can stay here when I’m not here, love,” I say. “I don’t mind.”
“I know,” she says. “I guess I kinda wanted to see you before the game tonight.”
She slowly walks towards the shower and pulls off my oversized t-shirt that she slept in to reveal her perfect, naked body. Immediately I’m floored, not by her beauty (though it really is something), but by her admitting that she wants to see me. I don’t think she’s ever said anything like that before, and it blows my mind a bit. So, when she places her hands on my bare chest and reaches up for my lips, I’m caught speechless.
Her lips press softly into mine as her nails dig lightly into my chest. I wrap one arm around her waist and pull her body against mine, while the other cups the back of her neck so I can take her mouth exactly how she seems to like it.
“Can I join you?” she asks when our lips part.
Stacey Anderson wants to shower with me.
When am I going to wake up from this dream?
“Of course, love,” I say. It comes out deeper than I mean it to, and her eyes seem to alight with fire. I turn on the shower to get the water warm before she steps in. Once she’s satisfied with the temperature, she steps in, and I’ve never been more grateful for my building’s water pressure because Stacey audibly moans when she stands under the steady stream of water. I stand outside of the shower just watching her as the water runs down her bare skin.
“Are you coming?” she finally says, turning to me as I’m just gaping at her like a man who’s never seen a naked woman shower before. I’m a professional athlete, of course I have. But I’ve never seen Stacey Anderson in a shower before, and it’s an entirely different level. I think she may slowly be ruining me for any other woman, which is unfortunate since neither of us seems to be made for long-term commitment.
She shifts to the side as I take a step into the shower. Once I’m inside, I reach out for her wrists and pull them both above her head, pressing her into the marble tile of the shower. She lets out a little gasp as I do. It’s quiet, so quiet that another man may not have heard it, but I hear everything when it comes to Stacey. I hover over her and let her catch her breath, feeling her chest rise and fall against mine as she does. Once she’s regained normal breathing, I realize I want to take her breath away again (and again, and again). So I take her mouth with mine and give her a hot, long kiss. Then, I run my teeth down the side of her neck and nip at the spot I know will drive her crazy.
“Tell me what you want, love,” I say quietly.
“You tell me what you want this time,” she says .
I want whatever will drive Stacey crazy, so I release her wrists and drop to my knees without notice.
“I want to taste you as you come from my tongue, love. Is that okay?” I ask. I’ve gone down on Stacey a few times, but it’s always just been as foreplay, and it’s never lasted long enough to make her finish.
“You’ll be down there for a while,” she says. “But I have an idea, if you’d be up for it.” I’m determined to get up the guts to ask why she’s so self-conscious about how long it takes her to come from head at some point, but I’m down to try anything if it means making her feel good.
“Okay, what is it?” I ask.
“I have a vibrator in my overnight bag,” she says with some hesitance. “It’s waterproof.”
“I’ll go grab it,” I say, standing up, my erection suddenly stiffening even more as I do.
A sexy, conniving grin spreads across her face. “Are you sure?” she asks.
“Of course I’m sure,” I say as I step out of the shower, grab a towel, and basically run out of the bathroom. I guess some men might feel threatened a woman wanting a toy instead of them, but I just want to watch Stacey come apart. I don’t care how the job gets done.
I locate the vibrator in her duffle, my body dripping water all over the floor, and quickly get back to the shower.
“Alright, love,” I say, stepping into the warm water. “Tell me how you like it.”
“I usually just go hard and fast,” she says, which isn’t surprising based on what she usually likes. “But if you want to mess around a bit, I think I’d like that too.”
Standing over her with her back against the shower wall, I slide the vibrator inside her. It has a shaft as well as another part to stimulate her clit, and she’s so wet that it slides in with ease. Her body stiffens against the wall. I haven’t even turned the thing on yet and her body is already responding. I have a feeling this was an excellent idea on her part.
I tap the button to turn it on, starting it low at first. She takes a sharp inhale as her hips wiggle a bit.
“Tell me if you want anything different than what I’m doing,” I say.
“Okay,” she says as I pump up the power a bit. Her head falls back against the wall at the perfect angle for me to kiss her, so I do. I start slow, just like I am with the vibrator, but as I slide my tongue into her mouth, I increase the power again. Not all the way yet, because I want to drive her a just a little crazy, but enough that she moans into my mouth. Her hands move from where they were braced on the wall to my hair as our tongues explore and I work the vibrator to try to find a spot that will get her where I want her. Just when I start to wonder if I need to turn it up more to get a response, I seem to find that spot because her hands fly from my hair to brace herself against the wall.
“How’s that, love?” I ask.
She looks up at me with her teeth digging into her bottom lip and want in her eyes and I don’t think I’ve ever been more aroused in my life. Even more so when she can’t seem to find words and just nods her head with a quick intensity.
I turn the vibrator up higher and watch as her eyes fall shut with a quiet moan.
“That’s it,” I say. Gathering both of her small wrists into my hand, I brace them above her head. I know how much she loves that when I kiss her, I can’t imagine how she’s going to react now. I’m right, because her moan is louder this time, and it grows even more when I tap the button of the vibrator up past a few levels until it’s all the way up. The quick shift in intensity evidently did exactly what I wanted because her hips are grinding into it now as she cries out.
She kisses me, but I think it’s her attempt to muffle her moans. She’s worried she’s being too loud. I don’t give a shit what my neighbors think, so I pull away and say, “Be as loud as you want, love. I don’t mind if the whole block knows I’m making you come right now.”
Her head falls back again and her hips shift, so I adjust the vibrator until it’s exactly where I know I can get her there based on how she’s been reacting. When I have it there, I push it in just a bit further right as I dig my teeth into her favorite spot on the base of her neck.
“Fuck, Mitch. Fuck,” she cries out.
I drag my tongue down across her collar bone and onto her chest, my teeth skidding down until I can take a nipple in my mouth and give it a long, hard suck. I brush my tongue hard against it because I know she doesn’t like soft touch and she definitely doesn’t like light licking. She seems to like the pressure I’m using though, because her hips are grinding so hard into the vibrator and her breath is rising and falling faster and faster.
“Mitch, I’m coming. Fuck, Mitch,” she basically screams. It’s so unbelievably hot, seeing her come completely undone like this. I let the vibrator run until her breath steadies and then I slowly turn it down, watching her come down from the high and return to earth.
When she finally does, she wraps her arms around my neck and gives me a long, intense kiss. It feels different than the others we’ve shared. Not less hot, but definitely more intimate. The water pours down around us as we kiss, and I think that maybe something is shifting between us. That she’s opening up in a way she never has before. If only I knew what to do with it.