The Baron Takes a Bet (Gambling Peers #2) Chapter Fourteen 67%
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Chapter Fourteen

G avin was in a deep, blank state of blissful slumber when he became aware of the room around him. He frowned, fighting to go back to sleep and rubbed his face into the pillow to hold at bay the temptation to wake up when he recognized Holly’s soft, silky hair beneath his cheek.

Opening his eyes, he saw the walnut-colored hair of his wife spread out all over the place. It covered her face, the pillows parting on either side of her bare shoulders. For a moment, he was stunned to find Holly sleeping next to him. Still, having immediately passed out after cleaning her after their lovemaking, he had fallen into the most profound, soundest sleep he had ever experienced.

Inhaling deeply, he found that there was never a more pleasant scent than that of her hair. It smelled faintly of lavender water. She must have sprayed it in the night before because all evening at Combe’s, he had been distracted by it and wasn’t quite sure where it had come from.

Last night had been an eye-opening experience. Holly was protective of him, and though she needn’t be, he found he quite liked the sensation of it. Of course, he hadn’t realized it until he had learned the truth of why she had sought out Derek to speak in private.

She wanted to get him a gift.

The realization had broken over him in a way he had never expected. He was instantly at her service. Gavin was eager to give her anything, provide anything to her. It was foolish to be so taken with a small act of kindness, but Gavin wondered if he hadn’t been predisposed to his reaction all his life.

He had longed for this, a need to belong to someone—to have someone wish to claim him, look after him, cherish him. It had been something he had beaten down for years. But now, it seemed to flow within him. He wanted to be loved and not just by anyone. He wanted to be treasured by Holly.

Staring at the curve of her shoulder as she inhaled and exhaled slowly, he wondered if he had been given an ounce of genuine, untampered affection in his life if he might have been able to stop himself from falling at her feet. It unnerved him how much he was in her control, and he knew he needed to get a hand on the situation should she take it upon herself to become some sort of controlling wife, but even as he thought it, Gavin doubted Holly had it in her to be anything but genuine.

Lifting his hand up, he trailed his fingers against the smooth skin of her shoulder, and to his pleasure, she inhaled deeply. He wanted to roll her onto her back and kiss her, but he waited as her eyes slowly blinked open and met his.

Neither spoke momentarily, and Gavin’s smirk melted away as he looked at her. Of all the words between them, it seemed the most was spoken in silence. Holly’s shocked expression melted away as she slowly smiled at him, leaning forward slightly with her forehead, which he kissed.

“Good morning,” she murmured against the sheets before pulling back.

God, her voice was like velvet.

“Indeed,” he said, and to his own embarrassment, they both laughed.

What a bizarre way to start a day, but Gavin was sure he had never been as settled as he was at that moment. If he could spend all day in bed with her, he would and was very close to suggesting it when a knock sounded at the door.

“Holly?” the voice of Katrina sounded.

Panic shone in Holly’s eyes as she sat up, the covers tightly tucked with her hands beneath her chin as she rolled over. The expanse of her naked back caused parts of Gavin to wake. His hand came up and drifted up the smooth straight dip of her spine.

Holly turned around and frowned at him, shaking her head.

“Yes?” Holly answered loudly, swatting Gavin’s hand behind her.

“Um, I think you should come down to the parlor,” Katrina’s muffled voice sounded through the door, and something in her tone suggested urgency.

“Yes, dear, I’m nearly dressed.”

Gavin sat up and, leaning forward, nipped at the shoulder that so tantalized him. Holly made a show of trying to push him off but sighed as her head tilted, allowing him access to her. Indeed, nothing was as essential to distract Gavin from feasting on Holly for the next hour or two.

“It’s just that, well, I think you should know that Jasper’s here.”

Gavin froze as tension snapped through Holly’s body. Of course . So, it had been Jasper who he saw the other day at White’s. Gavin had meant to tell Holly about possibly seeing her brother, but he had become distracted.

“I’ll…” Holly started, her voice breaking. “I’ll be right out.”

They heard Katrina walk away, and Gavin watched Holly with piqued interest as she pushed back the covers and began rushing about the room to dress. For his part, he was slow to get out of bed.

“He’s probably been tossed out of Eton,” Holly said, quickly pulling on her drawers and bringing her short stays over her head. She turned her back to Gavin, prompting him to tie them. He stepped forward to do so, quietly enjoying the somewhat domesticated task of helping his wife dress. “I hope he’s all right.” Gavin paused in his task, and noticing his hesitation, she turned her head. “Is something wrong?”

Gavin sighed, finished tying her stays, and turned her around.

“I thought I saw him the other day. At White’s.”

“Saw who?”

“Your brother.”

Holly frowned.

“At White’s? No, that’s impossible. He doesn’t have a membership and he doesn’t know anyone who is a member there.”

Gavin shook his head.

“I’m not so sure about that. I was sitting with Combe and Trembley around noon when a fight broke out—”

“A fight?”

“Yes, and the floor manager was about to toss him out when he broke free of his would-be captors and ran out.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I had intended to, but it must have slipped my mind.”

Holly pulled a dress on over her undergarments. It was a striped blue and cream day gown Gavin had never seen before. One of her new gowns, he supposed.

“You forgot?”

“I was distracted,” he said with a pointed stare, which made her blush.

“Oh. Well,” she said, remembering the night she had gone to his room. She observed him up and down. “Might I suggest some clothes?”

Remembering that he was naked as the day he was born, Gavin gave her a tight nod and stalked back to their joining door. Back in his room, he dressed in grey trousers, white shirtsleeves, and a diamond-patterned vest as quickly as he could. Grabbing his coat, he pulled it on as he exited his bedchamber, half expecting to see Holly waiting for him, but she hadn’t.

Frowning, he guessed the worry for her brother had been too much. Hurrying down the steps, he came around the railing and headed for the parlor. Upon entering the room, he found that Katrina, Holly, Jasper, and Aunt Marnie were all there, bickering with one another.

“What do you mean you left school—”

“—there’s another one of you Smyths—”

“—I have every intention of paying him back—”

“—you’re going to ruin my debut, Jasper!”

Gavin searched the room, wondering if most families argued like this. It was indeed a new phenomenon for him to be a part of, and while it was certainly noisy, he found it rather interesting to watch, despite his concern for Holly, who no doubt would blame herself for whatever problem Jasper currently found himself in. Leaning against the edge of a marble-topped credenza against the wall, he folded his arms and watched until Holly spotted him.

“Gavin, can you please come here and tell Jasper that he must return to Eton?”

“I don’t need your faux husband acting as my keeper, Holly,” Jasper said.

“You’re going to ruin everything, Jasper!” Katrina whined. “Why must you cause such trouble?”

“My, what a colorful family you’ve married into Gavin,” Aunt Marnie sneered. “A troupe of uneducated, bickering country fools.”

Sighing, Gavin pushed off the credenza. Although Aunt Marnie’s snarky remarks would usually earn her a sarcastic comment or two, Gavin was currently in far too good of a mood to let her bother him. He gave her a contemptuous smirk.

“Aunt Marnie, if you please.” He made a gesture for the door.

She stomped her foot.

“I’m not going anywhere. This concerns me just as well as anyone. If you’re emptying coffers to pay off this young derelict’s gambling habit—”

“He’s not a derelict,” Holly argued. “Not yet anyway.”

“What a dazzling recommendation, sister,” Jasper said sarcastically.

“She’s not wrong,” Katrina said, earning her a scowl from Jasper.

“That’s it,” Gavin said, holding his hands up, trying to stop the squabble before it could go any further. “Jasper, can your sister and I please speak to you, in private?”

Appearing apprehensive, he gave Gavin a long glare before shrugging.

“Very well,” he said, dropping to a chair as Holly nodded.

“Good. Now, Aunt Marnie—”

“I’ll not be tossed aside, Gavin!”

“You’ll be tossed out forever if you don’t do as I say. Now, go on and show Katrina the portrait gallery or the gardens or something.”

The old woman made a Humph sound and stalked out of the room. Though Katrina seemed to want to do anything but go towards the picture gallery with the old woman, she knew she was being dismissed. They left without another word, and Gavin turned back to focus on Jasper.

The young man was a tall fellow if not completely filled out, as he was still young. He was a handsome lad with hair the same color as Holly, though the resemblance ended there. Jasper had dark eyes, a square face, and an angry air about him that Gavin couldn’t quite understand. There was something bitter in the boy’s face that seemed vaguely familiar to Gavin.

Seating across from him, Gavin leaned forward.

“What is it then? Why have you left Eton?”

Jasper rolled his eyes like any insolent youth.

“Why? What are you going to do? Send me back?” Jasper asked sarcastically, not answering Gavin. “Just because you married my sister doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.”

“Jasper Francis Smyth,” Holly said through clenched teeth. “What is the matter with you? Where are your manners?”

“Manners? Why should I show anyone any manners? Especially him? You didn’t even know you’d married this man,” he spat out. “Until Mr. Armstrong informed you that that old fool managed to trick you into it.”

Holly inhaled sharply, ready to break out into an argument again. But Gavin put his hand on her knee. Though it was a small enough gesture, she stopped. Gavin faced Jasper.

“Are you finished puffing out your plumage?”

Jasper glared at him.


“No. Not until you tell me what you were doing at White’s the other day.”

Recognition flared in Jasper’s eyes. Folding his arms against his chest, his gaze dropped to the floor.

“So, you were there,” the youth said, sitting back. “I wasn’t sure.”

“What were you doing there?” Holly asked. “You’re too young to enter that place.”

“I’m not too young. I’m perfectly capable of holding my own at a hazard tables. And figuring out what to do about Felton Manor,” he added. “We don’t need any charity.”

And there it was. Gavin saw what Holly couldn’t.

Jasper was on the cusp of manhood, and yet he had no idea how to behave like a man. It was a confusing time in a boy’s life, especially when he didn’t have anyone to look up to model some of his behaviors. Some men fared well alone without any examples, but most people needed, or at least benefited from, having someone to emulate.

“Our marriage wasn’t charity, Jasper,” Gavin said slowly, careful not to upset the young man further. “It was a surprise, I’ll give you that.” He glanced at Holly. “My uncle was Holly’s friend and genuinely wished to care for her after he died.”

“Well, we don’t need it,” Jasper bit out. “If Holly would have just let me handle it, she wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Handle what?” she asked, exasperated. “You’re in school, Jasper. You don’t have any resources or skills—”

“I have ideas! I could have made sure neither you nor Katrina would have to be forced to marry someone you don’t know,” Jasper argued, giving Gavin a distasteful glare.

“You’re a boy—”

“I’m a man!”

“Easy, easy, the both of you,” Gavin said, standing up. It was obvious that neither sibling would be able to get a handle on their emotions when both were firmly fixed on the notion that they were correct. Just then, an idea began to form in Gavin’s mind, and he turned, facing his brother-in-law. “Jasper, is there a reason you left Eton?”

A cloud came over the young man’s face.


It was obviously a lie, but not one Gavin cared to dissect at the moment. He wished to speak privately with Jasper, if only because Gavin believed he would be more forthcoming if his sister wasn’t around.

“Will you be going back?”

“He certainly will,” Holly interjected, but Gavin held up his hand to let her brother speak.

For a moment, he didn’t answer but stared at Gavin with questioning eyes. It seemed he didn’t believe he was being asked a serious question, but after another moment, he relented and answered.


Holly sighed, but Gavin continued.

“Well, if that’s the case, I don’t think you should stay here.”

Both Jasper and Holly shot up.


“Excuse me?”

“But we wouldn’t have you wandering the streets. I’d like it very much if you would do me the favor of taking over my former residence in Marylebone for the time being.”

Holly and Jasper stared at him. For a moment, Gavin wondered if either of them had heard him.

“Are you serious?”

“Absolutely not,” Holly said.

Gavin knew Holly wouldn’t appreciate what he had to say, but as she had never been on the verge of becoming a man, he hoped she’d at least try to understand. Jasper was likely to sell Felton Manor and live off the funds until he ran through them all, and then who knows where he would end up. But if Gavin could delay that for a while, give him some time to learn how to care for his inheritance while allotting him a certain amount of freedom, he might be able to negotiate something both Holly and Jasper could come to terms with. Gavin continued.

“I obviously cannot live at two residences at the same time. Please don’t expect luxury. It’s a bit spartan. More a gentleman’s house, if you will.”

Jasper’s eyes lit with eagerness, but he let out a stunned sort of noise before turning to his sister.

“Is he having a laugh?”

“I hope so,” she said, turning to face him. “You cannot be seriously considering letting a seventeen-year-old boy live alone.”

Gavin let out a breath, knowing that she would likely argue with him later over what he was about to say, but Holly had been mothering her siblings for far too long.

“He isn’t a boy, Holly. He’s a young man, and a young man requires space.”

It hurt him to see the betrayal that flashed in her eyes, but Gavin knew what it was to be angry and young. Stifling Jasper would only lead to a combustible situation. Although he was in much need of guidance, he wouldn’t accept any unless he wanted it.

Holly’s mouth set in a hard line as she turned and left the room. Gavin wondered if he had crossed the line. After all, Jasper wasn’t his brother. And yet they were all his family to protect now, and as much as Gavin adored Holly, he wasn’t willing to blindly accept all her opinions as indisputable facts.

The low laugh of Jasper caught Gavin’s attention.

“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but I think you’ve just made a mistake,” Jasper said, staring at the door his sister stormed out of. “Holly doesn’t like being proven wrong.”

“Well, she hasn’t been. I’m just giving you the benefit of the doubt.” Jasper frowned, not quite sure what he meant. Gavin brought his hand up, brushing his fingers through his hair in concentration. “Holly thinks you are a boy and boys need to be watched after. Prove to her you don’t have to be coddled anymore and she’ll see you as you are. A young man, capable of handling his own affairs.”

Jasper’s smirk faltered as a shadow of doubt crossed his face.

“Do you think she’ll let me sell Felton Manor?” He asked.

Gavin tilted his head.

“Now, why would you wish to sell Felton Manor? As we speak, it’s being properly restored and all the livestock is being handled by Mr. Granger, who has graciously allowed us to hire one of his hands to watch over the cows until we can secure some tenants, which shouldn’t take too long. And Mr. Lemon has nearly completed the repairs to the roof and the third story. It will be a right working property in a few seasons, one that will provide a comfortable income for you. Why sell it?”

“Well,” Jasper began, his gaze dropping to the floor, “I may own some debts.”

“School is already paid for.”

“No, not that,” he said. “Gambling debts.”

“Ah, I see. I remember tossing some dice at Eton. What do you own? Fifty? A hundred pounds?”

“Twelve thousand.”

Gavin blinked once. And then he blinked again.

“I beg your pardon?”

“It’s not anything I can’t handle. I just need the deed to Felton Manor, and then I’ll be able to start clean and fresh without this debt hanging over my head.”

“Yes, you’ll be able to start over with nothing,” Gavin said, suddenly irritated that he had granted him to stay at his Marylebone home. “How the devil have you managed a debt that large?”

“It wasn’t my fault,” Jasper said defensively. “I was sure to win. It was set up that way.”

Gavin’s brow creased.

“It was a marked game?” he asked, incredulously. “Jasper, I don’t have to tell you what cheaters are thought of in this world—”

“No. It wasn’t like that,” he said exasperatedly. “I was just trying to earn some coin, so that I might be able to get that stupid tree off our house. I’m a fair hand at faro, but none of the lads at Eton had the amount I needed. So, I went to try my luck with horses. Only I wasn’t so lucky.” He looked up. “I couldn’t tell Holly. She’d never let me hear the end of it.”

Gavin stared at him. He had been trying to help his family, but in the most foolish way possible. He shook his head.

“It’s commendable, wanting to help your family, Jasper. But gambling is never the way to go about it. And there’s never a sure thing.” The boy dropped his head. “Go to my house in Portman Square and don’t go out. I can fix this, I’m sure of it, but I’ll need a few days.”

Jasper nodded.

“Can you talk to her about letting me sell Felton Manor?”

“I thought you were going to sell it once you turned eighteen, regardless?”

Jasper shrugged.

“Yes, I would like to, but I know Holly and Katrina would never forgive me,” he said, but Gavin frowned, noting the tightness of the lad’s voice. “I just need to pay back my debts. As soon as possible.”

There seemed to be an urgency about him that made Gavin uncomfortable, and he lowered his voice.

“You’re not in trouble with the wrong people, are you?”

For a moment, it seemed like he might admit it, but then he shook his head nervously and smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Of course not,” he said, moving quickly around the room. “It’s sporting of you to lend me your residence, Bairnsdale. I shan’t forget it.”

With a quick nod, Jasper left the parlor. Gavin couldn’t help but suspect that his brother-in-law was in more trouble than any of them realized. He would need to discuss it will Holly just as soon as he discovered who Jasper was indebted to.

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