W as the music supposed to calm the art class or put them into a trance? Or maybe Keegan owed his fugue-like state to a night of very little sleep and not to the combination of rain patter and melodic instruments. He’d gotten back to Redemption Ridge at a decent hour, thanks to the court processor, but he hadn’t fallen asleep until a few hours before his alarm went off. Even then, his fitful slumber produced arousing dreams that stirred emotional and physical reactions best not remembered in a room full of people. He shouldn’t recall his damp skin, the tangled sheets, or his hard-on pinned between his stomach and the mattress. But Keegan’s mind went there, so the natural next memory was the way he’d eased that ache and the name he whispered as a rush of pleasure flooded his body.
“Yo, Kee,” Rueben whispered into his right ear. “Are those blue balls symbolic of something?”
“Let me see,” Sven said, muscling in from the left.
Keegan blinked to focus his eyes and nearly groaned when he saw the big, blue orbs he’d painted in the center of the canvas. He could barely recall picking up his brush, let alone choosing the three different shades of blue he’d turned into nearly perfect spheres.
Sven snorted. “It’s definitely symbolic of his unrequited pining.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “Whose balls are this symmetrical? One of mine is slightly larger than the other.”
“Mine are the same size, but I swear my left buddy hangs a fraction lower than the right,” Rueben said. “You hear ladies remark that their eyebrows don’t have to be twins, just sisters. You think it’s the same with our testicles? They don’t have to be twins, just brothers?”
This time, Keegan groaned. Why had he invited these two goons to his first art therapy class? Because he freaking loved the men who’d do anything to make him laugh, such as the smiley face Rueben painted on the right blue ball.
“No way Keegan’s brothers are smiling,” Sven countered. He leaned in and painted a frowning face on the left ball.
“This looks like a social commentary about playing favorites,” Rueben said.
“One brother got all the affection while the other got ignored,” Sven agreed. “Must show them both equal love.”
Someone cleared their throat toward the front of the class, and Keegan locked eyes with the instructor, Melinda. Her expression was a mixture of the two emotions Rueben and Sven painted. Her mouth turned down at the corners, but her eyes sparkled with good humor.
“Sorry,” he mouthed before shooing his friends back to their canvases.
Their first session turned out to be a freestyle paint instead of a guided practice. Melinda had pinned several inspiration images at the front of the class, but none of them resembled his blue balls, Sven’s colorful sailboat, or Rueben’s lakeside landscape. Keegan easily recognized Rue’s setting as Seth’s fishing cabin but had never heard Sven mention anything about sailboats.
“Do you like to sail?” Keegan asked.
Sven smiled ruefully but didn’t look away from his project. “Never been. It’s just a series of easy shapes I can connect and turn into something close to art.” He brushed more sunny yellow paint on a sail to give it a deeper color. “And my mom collected sailboats. Her grandmother had grown up in Martha’s Vineyard, and my mom talked about us vacationing there someday. But money was tight after my parents got divorced, and then…”
Sven’s mother had died of cancer when he was eight, which was right about the time his father remarried. He’d moved in with Steven, Lucinda, and Kerry. Sven once referred to that period as a family of fractured souls trying their best to exist in a world that wanted them to suck up their grief and move on. Lucinda and Kerry’s entire world had been turned upside down just two years prior when Natalie’s murder destroyed their family. His mother’s brief sickness and death shattered Sven, and Steven was trying to be the stalwart rock for everyone to lean on. The environment was ripe with potential pitfalls and land mines, but they’d navigated through the storm and came out stronger on the other side. Keegan had been in their midst enough to recognize genuine love when he saw it.
“Maybe we should plan a trip to Martha’s Vineyard for next summer,” Keegan suggested.
Sven turned and smiled at him. “I’d love that, but you’ll be busy planning your honeymoon.”
Keegan rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his canvas. He would not continue the conversation they’d had the previous night. Sven was convinced Kerry had developed feelings for Keegan, but he couldn’t afford to entertain the notion. Keegan’s subconscious lacked the same discipline and had turned his dreams into vivid images of what Kerry’s love could look like. But he was awake and in control of his thoughts, so Keegan reached deep for his determination and studied his painting. What exactly was he going to do with his blue balls? Um, do about them? Keegan’s focus teetered and nearly pitched his mind back into the gutter.
“Excuse me,” Rueben said, leaning into his personal space again. “Did I hear something about a honeymoon?”
“No,” Keegan growled.
“Yes,” Sven countered. He moved in closer until Keegan was once again sandwiched between them. “You should’ve seen them last night.” Sven’s voice took on a dreamy quality, and his eyelids lowered to half-mast.
Rue narrowed his eyes and glared at Keegan. “You’re dating someone and didn’t tell me.”
“Nope,” Keegan said. “Sven has turned into a delusional matchmaker while you weren’t looking.”
“I am not the one with blinders on,” Sven countered. “Kerry was seconds away from kissing our sweet Keegan in the middle of the dance floor.”
“Kerry who?” Rueben asked. “ Hart ?”
“I don’t know another Kerry.” Too late, Keegan realized his answer sounded like an admission.
“Aha!” Sven exclaimed, causing everyone in the class to turn in their direction. “You admit he was about to kiss you.”
“Chill, dude.” Keegan added a soft elbow jab to Sven’s ribs with his whispered admonishment. “And Kerry wasn’t on the verge of kissing me.” Except maybe he had been. Keegan recalled the warmth of Kerry’s hands against his face and the smoldering intensity sizzling in his dark gaze. “Nothing happened.”
“Yet,” Sven countered in a singsong voice.
Rue’s quirked eyebrow expressed his curiosity, but his dark eyes glittered with fierce protectiveness. “You sound too breathy, so it definitely had to be something.”
“Something hot,” Sven said, fanning himself.
Keegan turned an annoyed glare on his friend. “Knock it off.”
“What happened to you warning Keegan away from Kerry?” Rueben asked. “Didn’t you tell us that Kerry has built vast walls around his heart and employs a miniature dragon to patrol them?”
Sven scoffed. “I doubt I said that exactly.”
“Close enough,” Keegan said. “The implication was clear.”
“So, what’s changed?” Rueben asked.
Sven cocked his head and pursed his lips as he considered the question. Keegan tried not to let on just how invested he was by the answer. “It’s not a specific thing.” Keegan hated the way his heart sank, and he hoped his disappointment didn’t show. “It’s this collective energy of actions and reactions whenever Kee enters the room. You’re too wrapped up in Seth to attend family dinners right now, but you and my cousin are missing out on one hell of a saga.”
Rueben assessed Keegan with twinkling eyes. “Is that so?”
“Nope,” Keegan said.
“The temperature goes up twenty degrees whenever Keegan and Kerry are in the same room,” Sven said.
Keegan’s foolish heart soared like a balloon on the breeze. He tried to grab the string before his daydreaming carried it too far away, but it only floated higher. “You’re ridiculous.” But had he meant Sven’s assumptions or his foolish heart?
Rue waved off Keegan’s denial. “Continue. I want to hear specifics.”
“First, Kerry does an impression of a meerkat whenever Keegan arrives,” Sven said. “His head pops up, and he goes on high alert, looking left and right with quick, jerky motions.” He demonstrated what he meant and winked at Keegan. “Listen, I’m telling this in terms Rueben can understand.”
Keegan laughed at the reminder of his first visit to the Thirsty Cowboy, where he’d not only danced with Kerry but got to see Sven in action for the first time. Rueben had hilariously narrated Sven’s flirtations like they were wildlife encounters occurring in a National Geographic documentary. Sven was the gazelle who masterfully seduced the hunky lion. Kerry had asked Keegan to dance before he got to witness the outcome of the conquest. Keegan had asked Sven about it during their drive home last night, and he’d learned that the lion had fallen prey to Kerry’s cockblocking antics.
“Let the gazelle talk,” Rue said.
“It’s like his every sense is tuned in to where Keegan is and what he’s doing,” Sven said.
“I think I’d know if that was the case,” Keegan argued.
But Sven continued talking as if he hadn’t heard Keegan’s protest. “The rest of the room fades away as Kerry tracks his every move. He laughs when Keegan laughs and smiles when Keegan smiles.”
“Christ,” Keegan groaned. “I’m really concerned about your observational skills. Pretty sure those are grimaces.”
“Nothing wrong with my eyesight or perceptions,” Sven replied before returning his attention to Rueben. “And the look on Kerry’s face whenever Lucinda wraps her arms around Kee. I’m telling you, that big, growly bear melts because Kerry adores his mother. And guess who Mama Lulu loves?” Sven pointed at Keegan.
“He’s growly like the Big Bad Wolf,” Keegan corrected absently. He would not touch the other parts with a ten-foot pole.
“Huh?” Sven and Rueben asked.
Well, damn. He couldn’t pretend he hadn’t said it or easily explain his comment away. Luckily for him, Melinda announced that their class was over.
“You can leave your paintings on the easel to dry,” she said. “I’ll stow them in the back room, and we can pick up where we left off next time.”
She instructed them on how to clean their brushes and tidy their stations before leaving. Multiple sinks lined one wall, but there weren’t enough for them to wash up at the same time. A petite, perky brunette stopped Sven to ask where he’d bought his hot pink T-shirt with the word “fabulous” bedazzled across the chest. Keegan took advantage of the distraction and moved to the line farthest away from where Sven chatted with the woman. He wasn’t upset with his friend, but he needed time to recover from Sven’s outlandish claims. Kerry was fond of him, and sometimes he flirted, but that was it. Right?
“You okay, Kee?” Rueben asked.
“I painted a metaphorical representation of my pathetic pining during art therapy, so I don’t reckon I am okay.”
Rue’s smile was sympathetic. “How’d you end up dancing with Kerry? I thought you were going to trivia night.”
“That was the plan until I’d told Sven some things Brendan recommended at my last therapy session.”
The lithe blond appeared by their side as if summoned and waggled his brows. “Brendan wants Keegan to get laid.” At least he had the good grace to whisper. “And I had a plan to make it happen.”
Rueben’s expression was a mixture of amusement and horror. “This sounds like a long story.”
“The longest,” Keegan replied.
“Which is why we’re going to mosey on down to the diner,” Sven announced. “We can grab a bite to eat while I spill the scalding hot tea.”
“Isn’t this Keegan’s story to tell?” Rue asked.
Sven cocked his head and briefly tapped a finger against his full lips. “We’ll tag team.”
Rue’s brow shot up. “Was that part of your master plan last night?”
The question earned a wicked grin and a shoulder shimmy from Sven. “Well, I did agree to show him the ropes. I had meant to take a hands-on approach, but I hadn’t considered a three—”
“No,” Keegan said, holding up his hand to ward off whatever else Sven was about to say.
“—some,” Sven finished anyway. “Especially since the intended target was Kerry.” He scrunched up his face in disgust. “Biology doesn’t make family, and Kerry is my brother. I don’t judge others, but there’s no way I would—”
Rue slapped a hand over Sven’s mouth. Their friend continued to talk, but his muffled words were inaudible. “I know that beautiful brain of yours has a filter. Try using it, okay?” Sven nodded vigorously, and Rue released him. “Let’s clean our brushes and head to the diner.”
It was too early in the spring to draw many tourists, but the locals had packed the diner for lunch. Several heads turned in their direction, and Keegan couldn’t help feeling like everyone in the restaurant knew his personal business after he sat down for an in-depth web series interview with Rory for the ranch’s YouTube channel. Spilling the details of his time with the cult had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done, but it was a cathartic process and his only avenue for closure since most of his assailants were dead. The lone survivor pleaded guilty to his crimes against Keegan, but they got swallowed up by the bigger atrocities Reggie Ulrich committed.
Keegan’s impact statement at sentencing had barely registered as a blip on the radar, even though it had been the scariest moment of his life. He’d felt cheated afterward and wanted an outlet to vent his sorrow and rage. Rory had provided that safe space and patiently guided him through his story. Keegan just hadn’t expected anyone to watch it, let alone half a million people in less than a month. It unnerved him that everyone in the diner might know the abuse he suffered from Miriam and the people she’d entrusted to “cure” Keegan of his homosexuality. But he was more than his trauma. Keegan Scott was a fucking survivor, and it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. He was learning to love himself more and more every day.
Rueben clapped him on the shoulder. “I spot a table in the back corner.”
Keegan notched his chin up higher and led the way. Rueben slid into the booth beside him, and Sven sat opposite them. They made idle chitchat until their server took their lunch orders. Then Sven started with his animated recap of their night at the Thirsty Cowboy. It was Keegan’s story to tell, but he preferred to sit back and let the master entertain him. He only had to interrupt a few times to scale back Sven’s boldest exaggerations.
Rue listened with rapt attention until the story came to a dramatic end. “Holy crap.”
“Wait,” Keegan interjected. “Kerry did not kiss me passionately under the moonlight before we parted ways. He barely brushed his lips against my temple.” The gesture had been brief, but Keegan felt the resulting tingle for hours.
“I have never seen Kerry give such a tender gesture to anyone outside our family,” Sven argued.
Keegan swallowed hard as he floundered for a response. Luckily, their server returned with the food. Sven dug into his bowl of Aztec chicken chili with reckless abandon, so Keegan pivoted the conversation to safer subjects. “Have you heard anything else about the lawsuit?”
Sven shook his head, then swallowed his food. “I haven’t talked to my dad yet this morning, but I’m confident that Kerry will come out of this unscathed.”
“Why is someone suing Kerry?” Rueben asked.
Keegan had also gotten that story during the drive home but didn’t feel qualified to answer questions. He’d also learned what Sven had meant about his “tonight of all nights” reference. Kerry getting served on the anniversary of his dad’s death was terrible. Keegan wished he could rewind to the previous night and hug Kerry tighter.
“Now that I can tell you.” Sven made him wait while he dipped a wedge of grilled cheese sandwich into his soup and ate a bite. Then he launched into a detailed account of an accident like Rueben’s, though the location wasn’t as harrowing. Rue gasped when he heard about the equipment malfunction and the car plummeting back down the ravine.
“With the guy in the vehicle?” Rue sounded as appalled as Keegan felt. “And since Kerry owns the company, he’s responsible for his employee’s actions.”
“Yep,” Sven said. “It doesn’t matter that Chuck disobeyed company procedure and direct orders. Kerry’s ass is on the line.”
“And what a fine ass it is.” Keegan didn’t realize he’d spoken his thought out loud until Sven’s mouth curved into the wickedest grin Keegan had ever seen. The Cheshire Cat and the Grinch had nothing on this guy. “Just don’t, okay?”
Sven held up both hands as if in surrender, but Keegan knew better than to fall for it. His friend would strike as soon as Keegan let his guard down.
“What’s Kerry going to do?” Rueben asked.
Sven told him about a cousin named Vinny who practiced that type of law, which Rueben found hilarious.
“I don’t get it,” Keegan said, looking between his grinning friends.
“And we need to expedite your pop culture education,” Rueben said. “That’s a classic movie that everyone needs to see.” Sven and Rueben bounced movie quotes back and forth, and Keegan had to admit he was intrigued.
“I’ve got time to kill before my first shift at the Feisty Bull starts,” Keegan said. Sven was all for movie time, but Rueben grimaced. “It’s okay if you have plans with Seth.”
The remark only seemed to make Rueben feel guiltier. “I don’t feel like we get to spend much time together outside of work.”
Keegan missed hanging out with Rueben too, but he was happy for his best friend. “You came to art therapy with me today, and I really appreciate it.”
Rue bumped his shoulder against Keegan’s. “I had fun, and I’m looking forward to going with you again.” Rue leaned over and lowered his voice. “It’s interesting to see what your subconscious confesses through your paintings.” Rue jabbed a finger at Sven. “And you!”
Sven clutched his chest and batted his long eyelashes. “Me?”
“Yes, you,” Rue said. “Let Keegan make his own decisions and steer his own course. He’s had enough people trying to control and manipulate his journey to last him three lifetimes. Kee doesn’t need that from you.” When Sven protested, Rueben cut him off with a wave. “What feels helpful to you might feel stifling to him.”
Sven searched Keegan’s eyes for several moments, sighed, and nodded his agreement. “I’ll be on my best behavior from now on.” A tiny smile tugged at his lips. “Besides, the train has left the station and is chugging full steam ahead to happily ever after.”
Keegan’s heart thundered like a locomotive at the mere thought of something special brewing between Kerry and him. The good intentions he gripped in his hand turned to sand and sifted through his fingers.
Rueben blew out a breath and shook his head. “I tried, Kee.”
“And I appreciate the effort.” Keegan wouldn’t hold his breath that Sven’s ceasefire would last long.
The diner door opened, and Lucinda walked to the front counter, where a server greeted her with a smile. Kerry didn’t look a thing like his petite, blonde mother, but Natalie had been her spitting image. The server pointed to their table, and Lucinda followed her gesture. Her light blue eyes met Keegan’s and lit up with recognition seconds before she headed toward their table.
Rueben whistled softly. “Wow, she is happy to see you.”
Sven turned his upper body to see who Rueben was talking about, then smiled smugly. “Told you so.”
“My boys,” Lucinda said, opening her arms wide, though they would’ve slid out of the booth to hug her without the encouragement. “You’ve made my day.” She hugged Sven first and ensured he was enjoying a much-deserved day off. Sven worked as a stylist at Lucinda’s salon, and his services were in high demand. He only allowed himself one Saturday off a month, and Keegan was humbled that Sven had spent it with him at art therapy. “Rue,” she exclaimed, cupping his face. “You get more handsome every time I see you. Marriage really suits you.” Then, it was Keegan’s turn to say hello. “Keegan,” Lucinda said reverently. She took his hands in hers and squeezed. “I love you so much it hurts sometimes.”
Emotion clogged Keegan’s throat. If he could have torn his gaze away from Lucinda’s, Keegan knew Sven would be wearing a smug expression. “I love you too.”
“You better, because I’m keeping you,” Lucinda said before she dropped his hands. “I better pick up my carryout order and head back to the salon. My break between clients isn’t very long today.”
“Are there any updates on Kerry’s lawsuit?” Rue asked.
She smiled and kissed his cheek. “Steven and Kerry were holed up in the war room when I left. I know they have Dom working on the case since they can’t see Vinny until Monday. Kerry texted me a little while ago and said he was headed to the rescue station to stay busy. That’s better for him than watching a Jurassic Park movie marathon and eating his weight in buttered popcorn and M&M’s.”
Sven visibly tensed, and the smugness drained from his expression. “Did you say Dom?”
Lucinda looked at him with a puzzled expression. “Surely you haven’t forgotten Kerry’s best friend. You used to follow them around like a little puppy.”
Sven smiled, but the gesture looked forced. “Of course I do.”
“Dom went over to Kerry’s house last night as soon as he heard about the lawsuit.” She reached for Keegan’s hand again. “I’m so glad my son has such wonderful people in his life.”
That time, Keegan caught Sven’s smug expression. He was tempted to ask questions about this Dom guy just to wipe the arrogance off Sven’s face. Maybe he should bring the guy up every time Sven poked his nose into Keegan’s business.
“Are you coming to family dinner tomorrow night?” Lucinda asked Keegan.
“Um, I’m not sure.” Despite Kerry’s denial, Keegan still felt like he was underfoot. Kerry needed one Keegan-free zone in his life.
“He’ll be there,” Sven said.
Lucinda’s light blue eyes twinkled merrily. “Maybe the newlyweds will join us,” she said to Rueben.
“Maybe,” he replied noncommittally.
She kissed the air, spun on her heels, and strolled to the counter, where her order waited for her. Lucinda paid for her meal and waggled her fingers in their direction as she headed back out the door.
“Mama Lulu is planning your wedding to her son,” Sven announced.
“She is not.” Keegan looked to Rueben for help, but his best friend only shrugged. “Are you guys finished eating, or do you want dessert?”
None of them had room for sweets, so they headed up to the counter to pay for their meals. Keegan went first and stepped aside after he finished to make room for the others. The owners had hung a corkboard by the register so local businesses could advertise their goods and services. One colorful ad caught Keegan’s eye, and his stomach dropped when he recognized the name at the top. “Dahl Rescue and Retrieval,” he read aloud.
Sven snapped his head around so fast it was a wonder he didn’t wrench his neck. “What the—” He let out a gasp when he saw the ad. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Fucking Chuck.” He finished up his transaction, then stomped over to the board and ripped the ad right off. “I don’t fucking think so. Come on.” He shoved the door open and hauled ass down the sidewalk without making sure Keegan and Rueben followed.
“He’s my ride,” Keegan said. He’d ridden to town with Rueben, but Sven volunteered to drive him home afterward so Rueben wouldn’t have to double back before going home to his husband.
“I can run you back to the ranch if you don’t want to get caught up in Sven’s crazy schemes,” Rueben offered.
“And miss all the fun?” Keegan replied. “I’m sure it will be fine.”
Rueben’s widened expression said, “Famous last words,” but he told Keegan to call him later and tell him what happened.
Keegan nodded before hustling out of the diner. He caught up to Sven just as he reached his vehicle. “Where are we going?”
Sven stopped at the driver’s door and held up the ad he swiped off the board. “To the rescue station.”
“We’re going to confront Chuck Dahl?” Keegan asked.
Sven pursed his lips as he opened the door. “Why didn’t I think of that?” He shook his head. “Hell no. Kerry would kill us. We’re going to Hart’s Creek Rescue to make sure Kerry knows about this. The timing of the lawsuit and Chuck’s new business can’t be a coincidence.”
Sven got in the car and closed the door, but Keegan didn’t budge. He ached to see Kerry and make sure he was doing okay, but not so soon after a night of vivid dreams. And definitely not with Sven’s tantalizing words still filling his head with hopes he couldn’t afford to cling to. Rueben stepped out of the diner down the street. It wasn’t too late to call out to him and catch a ride to the ranch. Keegan could regroup and recharge before facing Kerry later that afternoon when he started his first shift at the Feisty Bull. Rueben looked in his direction and stopped. He must’ve sensed Keegan’s internal struggle because Rue headed toward him.
The passenger window of Sven’s car rolled down, and his friend leaned over the console to look at him. “Are you coming, gorgeous?”
When had Keegan ever missed an opportunity to lay eyes on Kerry Hart? And if Sven was right, Keegan would get to lay his hands on him someday. He waved goodbye to Rue and reached for the door handle. Surviving was great, but Keegan’s stubborn heart insisted that Kerry was the key to thriving.