“H e’ll be here any minute,” Kerry said as he paced in his living room. Betty raised her head and glared at him for disturbing her slumber. “I’m not sorry, but you should be for trying to sleep instead of offering emotional support during my freak-out.” Betty lowered her head, closed her eyes, and sighed loudly. “Why am I so nervous?”
Keegan had put him in charge of their date arrangements and had assured Kerry that whatever he chose would be perfect. He’d remembered the advice his mother had given him: dinner, an activity, and then sex. Lucinda hadn’t come out and mentioned sex specifically, but she had implied it. Kerry had trouble deciding between two restaurants, two activities, and there were a dozen sexual activities he was eager to try with Keegan. Then he got an idea from a TikTok video he watched while procrastinating on his admin tasks at work. Kerry had found a partial stack of index cards and a black Sharpie in his desk, then set out to make this a night neither of them would forget.
But doubt dimmed his excitement as he waited for Keegan to arrive. Just because something was popular on social media didn’t mean it translated well to real life. A car door sounded from the front of the house, and Kerry looked out the window to see Keegan strolling to the porch with a backpack slung over his shoulder. Keegan’s lips curved into a coy smile, and he walked with confidence and purpose. Kerry’s nerves settled when he realized he was the purpose Keegan was so certain about.
“He’s here, Betty. Please be—” Kerry’s words died off when he saw that Betty wasn’t in her favorite spot on the back of the sofa. He found his cat waiting by the front door to greet Keegan. “Good,” Kerry finished as he joined her. She spared him a disdainful scowl before her ears perked up. Her superior hearing detected Keegan on the porch before Kerry did. He opened the door before Keegan could knock or ring the bell. “Hey—”
Keegan pressed eager lips to his, cutting off Kerry’s greeting. When he moved to pull back, Kerry snaked his arm around Keegan’s waist and deepened the kiss. “Hi,” Keegan said when they finally separated.
“Hi.” Sharp teeth pierced his left sock, and Kerry yowled and hopped on one foot. “Damn it, Betty.”
The cat moved in once Kerry was out of the way. She purred obnoxiously loud and wove around Keegan’s legs before she rose to greet him. Keegan scratched her ears just right, and Betty closed her eyes in blissful happiness.
“Is he being mean to you, pretty girl?” Keegan asked.
“Me?” Kerry limped along dramatically, hoping to get a fraction of the attention Betty received. He wanted to feel Keegan’s magic touch too. “She bit me to clear a path to you. Betty wants all your attention.”
“Well, it’s only fair since I’ll be spending most of my time with you.” Keegan added a second hand to rub her chin, and she revved up her purrs like a small engine.
“I’m nervous about tonight.” Kerry hadn’t meant to admit it out loud, but Keegan’s softening gaze made him glad he did.
Keegan gave Betty one last scratch before straightening and crossing to him, placing a hand over Kerry’s heart. “You have nothing to worry about tonight. Wherever we go and whatever we do will be wonderful.”
Kerry captured Keegan’s sweet lips in a brief kiss. “Do you think we’re doing things kind of backward, though?”
“How so?”
“Traditionally, you go on dates and get to know each other before having sex,” Kerry said.
“It seems like dating is nothing more than people putting their best foot forward so they can get the other person in bed. A less cynical theory is that people go on dates to test their compatibility. We already know one another. Heck, we’ve already seen each other at our worst and still want to give this a try.” Keegan’s lips curved into a wry smile. “And I mean, we know each other.”
Kerry nuzzled his nose against Keegan’s neck and kissed a path up to his lips. “I adore everything I’ve learned so far, but I want to know more.”
“How much more?” Keegan asked huskily.
“Everything. You fascinate me like no one ever has.” Kerry brushed a thumb over his full bottom lip. “I think I’ll treat our date as Keegan appreciation night.”
“Color me intrigued,” Keegan replied. “And where will this event occur?”
Kerry worried his bottom lip between his teeth. What if Keegan thought his plan was lame?
“Now I’m even more curious,” Keegan said. “Whatever you’ve decided will be perfect.”
“We’ll see about that.” Kerry reached behind him and pulled two index cards from his pocket. He held them up so he saw what was written on them while Keegan saw the blank side. “I came up with a few ideas for our date but couldn’t settle on one. I’m going to present a series of options to you throughout our date, and you will blindly choose what we do next.”
Keegan’s eyes glowed with delight. “Oh, this is fun.”
“I’m glad you like it.” Kerry bounced the cards in front of him. “Round one is a choice of where we will eat.” Kerry had written Saucy Bones Barbecue Joint on the left index card and Eleanora’s steak house on the right card. “Which do you choose?”
Keegan squinted like he was trying to see through the card stock. Kerry had already tested that out and knew he couldn’t read the options. Keegan cocked his head to the side and nibbled on his lips as he considered. He reached for the card on the left but pulled back at the last minute. He stroked his fingers over the top of the card on the right but didn’t grab it. Keegan squared his shoulders, snatched the left index card, and flipped it around. He whooped and did a little shimmy that might’ve been a happy dance. “I love Saucy Bones.” He looked at the remaining card in Kerry’s hand. “What’s that one?”
Kerry shook his head, folded the card, and tucked it away. “Nope. I’m saving this idea for our next date.”
“Feeling pretty cocky that you’ll get another one, huh?” Keegan teased.
“A man can hope.” Kerry removed Keegan’s backpack from his shoulder and placed it on the sofa. “Ready to get our night started?”
“Absolutely.” Keegan spun and headed to the front door, and Kerry followed.
Kerry opened the door for Keegan. “And just what do you consider my worst behavior?”
Keegan waggled his brows and headed onto the porch. “Why don’t you tell me what the other restaurant option was first?”
“Eleanora’s.” Kerry could tell by Keegan’s expression that he didn’t expect him to give in. “But you can’t tell Debbie and Rick.” Eleanora’s was their stiffest competition, though the Feisty Bull was the superior steak house. “So, how bad was my worst?” Kerry raked his memories to see how badly he’d shown his ass in front of Keegan.
His minx marched toward the truck as if he didn’t plan to answer him, but he turned at the passenger door and smirked. “The family rummy tournament earlier this year.”
Kerry threw his head back and laughed. “Things got a little intense.”
“A little intense? I thought someone was going to get hurt.” Keegan shook his head. “And I thought the poker nights at the ranch got wild.”
“Hey, I’ve heard about Saturday night poker on the ranch. I’d like to get in on the action.”
“I can make that happen.” Keegan opened the door but paused before climbing into the truck. “The crew has taken their role as my found family very seriously, so be prepared for them to flex their brotherly concerns.”
Kerry patted his shoulder. “I got broad ones and can take it.”
“You’ve got big everything,” Keegan replied. “I plan to enjoy every inch of you.” He hopped into the truck and shut the door.
Kerry debated hauling him back out of there and going back to the house, but Keegan deserved a fun night out. Kerry did too. They’d have plenty of time for exploration later. Kerry got in the truck and fired up the engine. “Just out of curiosity, what do you think your worst behavior was?”
Keegan groaned and briefly buried his face in his hands. “The way I acted on Sunday at the family dinner. I was so obnoxious.”
“You were hurt,” Kerry countered. “And it’s my fault for baiting you because I was jealous.”
“No,” Keegan said. “I grew up with a woman who blamed everything on everyone but herself. It would be too easy for me to fall into the same trap, so it’s important that I own up to things when I mess up.”
Kerry reached over and took Keegan’s hand. “We’ll have to agree to disagree about family dinner on Sunday. What you see as bad behavior, I see as the kick in the pants I needed.” He felt Keegan’s gaze on him and glanced over with a smile.
“I want to believe that,” Keegan said.
“Then do.”
They kept the conversation light on the way to the restaurant, catching up on their day. Kerry sensed Keegan was holding something back, but he didn’t push. They’d talked on the phone after Keegan’s shift the previous evening, and Keegan had mentioned that he sometimes gets lost in his thoughts after a therapy session. He made Kerry promise to pull him out by his legs if that happened. Kerry wouldn’t do anything of the sort, but he could sit beside Keegan and be there when he needed him.
Saucy Bones was a happening place for a Wednesday night. Smoke billowed from behind the restaurant. If someone didn’t know better, they might think the place was on fire. Kerry tilted his head back and inhaled. “Smoked meat is the best,” he announced.
“Period,” Keegan agreed.
Kerry’s mouth watered, and his taste buds danced when he stepped into the restaurant. The interior wasn’t much to look at, but no one there cared a plug nickel about decor. Roy “Saucy” Jones kept his restaurant as spotless as his reputation. They found a small table for two open at the very back of the restaurant, and Kerry led Keegan to it. Neither of them reached for a menu, proving how familiar they were with the offerings.
“Why didn’t I know you loved this place?” Kerry asked.
Keegan shrugged. “Guess it never came up.”
They shared a smile before the server came over to get their drinks. Keegan only wanted water, while Kerry chose a diet soda. When asked if they knew what they wanted to eat, the guys started talking at the same time. The server laughed, pointed his pen at Keegan, and directed him to go first. Kee ordered the saucy trio with macaroni and cheese and baked beans as his sides.
“I’ll have the same,” Kerry said. “Could I get an extra mac and cheese and a double portion of cornbread?”
“You got it,” he said. “Your drinks and dinner will be right out.”
Kerry looked at Keegan when they were alone again. “The trio, huh?”
“I can never decide if I want brisket, pulled pork, or ribs, so I get the trio,” Keegan said.
“Double mac and cornbread, huh?” Keegan raked his gaze over Kerry’s torso. “Where the hell do you put it?”
“I need a lot of food to fuel this body,” Kerry replied.
Keegan’s eyes glazed over, and his nostrils flared with his next inhale. Kerry had no doubts about where his mind went.
“But I try to balance things out with exercise and a healthy diet most of the time.” Kerry looked around the crowded restaurant and noted the happiness on everyone’s faces. “Life is too short not to eat the things that bring you joy.”
The server returned as quickly as she promised with their food and drinks. The macaroni and cheese arrived just how Kerry loved it. Some people liked buttery breadcrumbs on theirs, but Kerry was all about the golden-brown cheesy top. The moan he made with the first bite got everyone’s attention at the nearby tables. Keegan watched him for a few minutes without taking a bite. Kerry swallowed his bite, washed it down with cola, and pointed his fork at Keegan’s plate. “You’ve got ribs, pulled pork, and brisket to eat.”
Keegan’s cheeks turned pink. “Sorry. I got distracted by how much pleasure you got from eating the mac and cheese.”
Kerry leaned forward, lowered his voice, and said, “Wait until I eat you later.” He slathered a thick layer of butter on a thick square of cornbread and set it on Keegan’s plate.
Keegan’s mouth parted on a silent “Oh,” and he swallowed hard. He sampled his sides and took a bite of the cornbread before moving on to his meats.
Kerry watched in awe as Keegan ate everything on his plate. “I can’t finish this second mac and cheese. Do you want it?”
“I’m full.” Keegan reached for his wet wipe packet but stopped and lifted his hand to his face. He licked a spot of sauce off the tip of one finger. He glanced up and caught Kerry watching. Wickedness danced in his hazel eyes as he angled his body just enough so only Kerry could watch him roll his tongue around the tip of the next finger. “Where are my next set of cards?” When Kerry only blinked, he added, “For the next part of our date.”
“Oh, um, they’re in the truck.”
Keegan nodded to his plate. “Are you done eating?”
Kerry tapped his knuckles on the table and sat back in his chair. He signaled for their server so he could settle their bill. They went through two wet wipes each, and Kerry still didn’t feel clean. He’d smell like woodsmoke for at least a day, but that didn’t bother him. Once in the truck, he opened the center console and pulled out the two index cards. One offered Keegan a night of axe throwing, and the other would take them to a wine and guided painting session at the art center. Kerry didn’t have an artistic bone in his body, so he definitely had a preference, though he’d give painting his best shot if that was Keegan’s choice.
“Wow,” Keegan said.
Kerry thought he’d gotten a peek at the writing on the cards, but Keegan’s attention was focused on the box of condoms and lube packets in his console. His active sex life hadn’t been a source of shame until that moment.
“Looks like you have a big appetite everywhere,” Keegan teased.
“This stash has been in here a long time.” He closed the console and angled in the seat to present the cards to Keegan. “I haven’t needed the supplies and forgot they were there.”
“Kerry, you don’t owe me an account of your sexual history. I know the score.”
He shook his head. “You know what it used to be,” Kerry amended. “Random hookups stopped appealing to me the night I met you.”
Keegan searched his expression for several seconds before he smiled. “Don’t get rid of them now. Who knows when the mood will strike us?”
“Like back there,” Kerry said, hooking his thumb toward Saucy’s. “I thought you were going to deep-throat your finger.”
“I wanted to,” Keegan admitted. “Turning you on drives me crazy too.” He reached over and stroked a finger over Kerry’s forearm. “Maybe we should just go back to your place and save these date options for another night.”
Kerry was damned tempted, but he shook his head. “This is your appreciation night.” Kerry cut him off with a kiss before Keegan could express that sex was the best kind of appreciation. “Let’s go have some fun and digest our food a little. Then I’ll worship every inch of your body right down to your adorable toes.”
Keegan inhaled slowly and snagged the right card. “Axe throwing,” he said.
Kerry pumped his fist and turned the truck on. “This is going to be a blast.”
“I’ve never been before, but it sounds fun,” Keegan said. “What’s the other one?”
Kerry opened the console enough to toss it inside. “Wine and a guided painting class at the art center.”
“You’d do that for me?” Keegan asked.
“As long as you don’t show anyone my painting. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body.”
“Doubt it,” Keegan said, “But your secret will be safe with me.” And Kerry knew it would. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drink wine. Do you even like it?” The question seemed fair considering the alternative date option, but something about Keegan’s tone and his expression led Kerry to believe it was more significant than mere curiosity.
“I like wine okay, but I prefer beer.”
Keegan nodded, then looked out his window. Kerry had been ready to pull out of his parking spot, but something seemed off. It felt like Keegan was wrestling something around in his mind, and that seemed more important than checking off the next box on his dating agenda. Kerry reached over the console and took Keegan’s hand.
“What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” He knew Keegan enjoyed an occasional glass of wine and thought he enjoyed art. “Did I mess up somehow?”
Keegan turned and looked at him with wide eyes. “God, no. This night has been perfect so far. I couldn’t ask for a better first date.” His lips curved into the sly smile Kerry adored. “And I don’t even have to wonder if I’m going to get lucky.”
“I’m a sure bet,” Kerry agreed. “So, where’d your mind go just now?”
“Well, it seems the world is conspiring to throw us together as often as possible.” Keegan told him about the Spring Fling vineyard event in May and their invitation to attend to get a feel for the atmosphere. “Cash suggested I take you with me since he will be out of town.”
“And you didn’t want to invite me?” Kerry teased. “Afraid I’ll embarrass you?”
Keegan’s eyes widened. “What? No? I just wasn’t sure if it was something you’d enjoy.”
“But then you learned I put the wine and painting on the table. Where’d your thoughts go from there?” Kerry asked.
“I wanted to be sure you weren’t doing the art and wine thingy just for my benefit,” Keegan said. “This can’t be a one-way street where we always do what I like. I want to experience the things you love, even if it’s something I might not choose on my own. I’ll get joy from seeing you happy.”
“How can either of us know if we like something if we don’t try it?” Kerry challenged. “Truth is, I don’t know how to feel about a vineyard event until I attend one. I’d be honored to attend with you, if that’s what you want.” Kerry considered the situation a little longer before adding, “And I don’t want you inviting me to things because someone else says you should. I won’t be upset if you’d rather take Sven or someone else from the ranch.”
Keegan shook his head. “I would love for you to go with me.”
“It’s a date.” Inspiration struck, and Kerry added, “In fact, why don’t we make a weekend out of it? I’ll find a hotel or bed-and-breakfast nearby.”
“That sounds perfect.” Keegan inhaled a shaky breath. “But if you change your mind—”
“I won’t.”
“The event is a month away,” Keegan said.
And Kerry understood the source of his turmoil. He didn’t want to set his hopes too high and have them crash and burn. “I am so freaking into you, Kee. I will spend every day between now and then proving just how much I want you.”
The tenderness in Keegan’s expression made Kerry’s heart flutter. He claimed a quick kiss before setting off for part two of their date. There were only a few cars in the parking lot when they arrived, but it was the middle of the week, and Lumberjack’s Axe and Ale was new. The rustic, Western-themed decor was pretty standard in their part of the world, and the owners leaned into it without going too far. Country music drifted through hidden speakers, and a full-service bar took up one side of the building. Kerry questioned the wisdom of combining alcohol and sharp weapons, but what did he know?
A woman named Karen greeted them at the checkout counter with a friendly smile and chipper voice that declared she alone was going to take back the name for all the good Karens in the world. She put a ton of personality into her presentation of the rules of axe throwing. Basically, they didn’t want their patrons to throw those axes all willy-nilly. Again, Kerry wondered why they’d introduce alcohol onto the premises because that would never go sideways. Karen slid a waiver across the counter for them to sign after her presentation. “Follow me, guys,” she said.
Keegan leaned close and said, “Personal injury waivers on a first date. Man, you sure know how to show a fella a good time.”
Kerry placed his hand on the small of Keegan’s back. “Wait until you see the waiver waiting for you back at my place.”
Keegan stiffened, and Kerry wasn’t sure if it was his hand placement or his reference to potentially rough sex. He was about to withdraw his hand and apologize, but Keegan smiled up at him. “This night just keeps getting better.” He stopped and spun around to face Kerry. “Sorry I tensed. I’m not used to PDA, but I like it.”
“Me too.”
Keegan rose on his tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to his mouth.
“I like it a lot,” Kerry amended.
Keegan laughed, took him by the hand, and led him to find Karen. She waited patiently for them around the corner. Each range looked like a fancy horse’s stall but without the bedding on the floor. The targets were set up on the rear wall, and stagecoach lights provided the perfect amount of illumination without ruining the Western vibe. Old-timey wanted posters hung on the walls, and other decor like whiskey barrels filled the space. The rules they’d just agreed to also hung on the wall as a reminder. Karen demonstrated the proper axe-throwing technique and posture. She struck the target at dead center of the bullseye.
“Wow,” Keegan said. “You must practice a lot.”
Karen smiled and shrugged. “It was just a really lucky throw.”
Kerry doubted that very much.
“I’ll work with both of you to make sure you’re comfortable before I leave you to it,” Karen said. “Who wants to go first?”
“He does,” Keegan said, pointing at Kerry.
“I will,” Kerry agreed.
It looked much easier than it really was. Kerry focused on his footing and balance first before bringing the axe over his head with both hands. He went through the motion without releasing the axe once before he let it fly. The weapon soared through the air, smacked into the target, and fell to the floor.
“You’ve got brute strength on your side,” Karen said. “You’d knock an enemy out cold with that blow. You might want to take a little off the velocity and work on the finesse part.” She waved a hand for Keegan to join her. “Let me show you what I mean.”
She directed Keegan’s movements with his steps, the pull back and the release of the axe. His throw struck the target but at the farthest ring from the bullseye, though you’d never know by his jubilant celebration.
“I did it!” Keegan cheered before leaping into Kerry’s arms.
His joy was contagious, and Kerry caught him up in a hug. “You sure did. That was a solid throw.”
Keegan sobered a little and considered him. “You’re not about to turn this into another Hart family card night, are you?”
“No,” Kerry said defensively.
“That’s where I know you from!” Karen said, pointing at him. “I saw you on the news when you rescued the truck driver on the bridge.”
Kerry scratched behind his ear. “Yeah, that was me.”
“You were very brave,” Karen told him. Her expression grew serious, and she glanced between Keegan and Kerry with narrowed eyes. “What happens at the Hart family card nights?”
“Nothing,” Kerry replied.
Keegan snorted and leaned toward Karen. “It’s a testosterone-filled night of chest thumping and silliness.” Realizing what he said, Keegan added, “No one gets intoxicated, stupid, or violent. There’s just a lot of teasing.”
Karen nodded. “Teasing is good.” She gestured for Kerry. “Come on over here, and let me see if I can help you hone your skill a little better.”
“She means land the axe in the target,” Keegan teased as he stepped aside. His hazel eyes looked more brown than green in the stagecoach lighting, and they glittered with a challenge.
“Big talk for a guy who barely stuck the landing.”
“This isn’t gymnastics,” Keegan quipped. “And I’ll take barely over nada anytime.” He swept his arms to the range. “Let’s see what you’ve got, big guy.”
Karen grimaced. “Strong man, sharp weapon.”
“He’d never hurt me,” Keegan replied.
Kerry had never wanted to kiss that smug mouth more than he did right then. He loved that Keegan knew he’d always be safe in his presence. He winked at Keegan and said, “Damn right.” Kerry turned his attention to the target, pictured Chuck’s stupid face in the center of it, and threw his axe. “Bullseye!” Kerry cheered when the blade struck the target with a loud thud.
Karen gave him a high five, and Keegan celebrated with an exuberant but all-too-quick kiss.
“I think you guys have the gist of it,” Karen told them. “I’ll leave you to it, but let me know if you need some help.”
The lane rental was like a bowling alley, allowing them to play as many rounds as they could squeeze into their time limit. Scoring was all done by hand instead of a computer, and they didn’t have any fun graphics when they landed an axe. Kerry found their jeers and reluctant congratulations much more stimulating than dancing cartoons. The first game went to Kerry, but he knew the next would be much tighter since Keegan’s accuracy improved with each throw.
“How much time do we have left?” Keegan asked as he approached the thrower’s mark on the floor.
“Forty-five minutes.”
“It only took you fifteen minutes to pound me into the…” Keegan’s words trailed off as he realized their secondary meaning. “To win,” he amended.
Kerry waggled his brows. “I like the first remark better.” He tilted his head and reconsidered as he closed the distance between them. “Though I’m not sure if that was a complaint or a compliment. Are you suggesting I slow things down or speed them up?”
Settling his hand on Kerry’s chest, Keegan gave a playful push. “Get back over on your side of the stall until it’s your turn. Don’t make me call Karen over here to remind you about the rules.”
Kerry took a few steps back and pointed to the sign. “No need to get me in trouble. I can see the rules.”
“Then obey them,” Keegan replied. He squared up against the target and pulled his arms back over his head, but he looked at Kerry instead of releasing the axe. “Fast, slow. I don’t care how long it takes as long as you pound me.” With that, he returned his attention to the target, took a deep breath, and let it fly. The axe landed dead center in the bullseye. Keegan turned and strode toward him with an extra swagger in his step. “Top that.”
Kerry lightly cupped Keegan’s jaw to hold his mouth in place for a hard kiss. “I’m going to top you.”
Keegan sighed, and his eyelids lowered to half-mast. “Promise me that both of the cards will lead to life-affirming orgasms?”
“Not earth-shattering?” Kerry asked.
Keegan snorted. “Why would I want the world to break apart when I finally get my hands on you?” He swatted Kerry on the ass and tipped his head to the throwing line. “Now, get over there and wow me.”
Kerry complied, but his throw was off a little. He turned narrowed eyes on Keegan. “You got me all flustered.”
Keegan rolled his eyes, but it was true. “I’m sure my last shot was pure luck.”
Except it wasn’t, and neither was the next one or the one after that. His throws didn’t all land in the center of the bullseye, but close enough. Kerry had some excellent throws, but they weren’t enough to beat Keegan. They set their axes down and exchanged congratulatory hugs and kisses.
“We have some time left,” Kerry said. “Do you want to—”
Keegan took him by the hand and led him out of the range. “Where are you hiding the third set of cards?” He stopped by Kerry’s truck and faced him. “Are they somewhere on your person? Because I wouldn’t mind a thorough body search.”
Kerry wouldn’t mind that either, but not in the parking lot of Lumberjack’s Axe and Ale. “The cards are up in my bedroom.”
Keegan was around the truck and opening the passenger door before he finished his sentence. “Let’s go.”
“I feel kinda cheap,” Kerry teased.
“Just wait until I’m through with you.”
Kerry almost asked what he had in mind but decided against it so they could arrive safely at his house. They chatted about random topics during the short drive, but the conversation ceased the moment he pulled into the driveway. Keegan was practically out the door before his truck came to a complete stop, and he sure as hell beat Kerry to the front porch. They kissed while he fumbled with his keys to unlock the front door. Their clothes started coming off as soon as they shut themselves inside the house. Keegan shivered hard when Kerry trailed kisses down his neck and gripped his bare ass with both hands.
“Cold?” Kerry asked.
“Horny. I don’t think I can make it upstairs.”
Kerry hoisted him into the air, and Keegan wrapped his legs around Kerry’s waist. “I got you.” He took the steps two at a time and hurried down the hall to his bedroom. He deposited Keegan in the center of the bed and followed him down, crawling between his spread thighs. “In order to get the cards, I have to let go of your body.” Kerry thrust forward, rubbing their erections together.
Keegan whimpered and dug his heels into Kerry’s ass to encourage more frotting and friction. “Just tell me what my options are.”
“And take the fun out of guessing?” Kerry extracted himself from Keegan’s hold long enough to fish the cards out from his nightstand. He held the cards over Keegan’s gorgeous face. One card granted him a ride on Kerry’s cock and the other a ride on his face. A total win-win situation.
Keegan grabbed the card on the left, which was the cock ride, and pumped his fist in the air. “Hell, yes!” He flung the card across the bed and reached for the other one, but Kerry pulled it out of his reach and flung it away too. “What’s it say?”
“It was a ticket to ride my face,” Kerry said.
Keegan’s eyes widened, like he was trying to figure out how that would work.
“I’d eat your ass while you use my face like a bicycle seat,” Kerry told him. “Or, you could blow me while I—”
“Yes,” Keegan said. “That’s the appetizer. We’ll get good and primed for me to sit on your dick.”
Kerry rolled to his back fast enough to make the room spin. He turned his head to look for Keegan when a scrumptious ass didn’t immediately settle over his face. “Second thoughts?”
“Well, I mean, do I just crawl up there and literally sit on your face? How will you breathe?”
Kerry crooked his finger. “Come over here, and I’ll show you.” He patted the mattress just above his shoulders. “Put your knees here and place your hands down by my knees.”
“Doggy style.”
“Yeah,” Kerry said. “You’ll lower your head to suck my dick while I raise mine to fuck you with my tongue.”
They’d experimented with rimming the other night, which was Kerry’s first attempt. Random hookups didn’t invite that kind of intimacy, but he didn’t want to leave anything unexplored with Keegan. He was going to make a feast of that sweet peach. Keegan got into position, putting his round ass in the air and his dick pointing due south. Kerry gripped Keegan’s cheeks and spread them apart, wasting no time before diving in. He licked, sucked, and teased Keegan’s pucker and felt confident about his command until firm lips wrapped around Kerry’s cock and sucked him into a hot, wet mouth. Keegan was tentative at first, keeping his suction light and his strokes shallow, but it was enough to throw Kerry off his rhythm. Keegan kept taking his dick deeper and deeper with every downward trip, and he might’ve levitated off the bed without his sexy tormentor holding him down.
Kerry doubled down on his efforts to drive Keegan just as wild, and he knew his shallow tongue fucking was working when warm, sticky precum dripped onto his bare chest. He drew his head away enough to see a trail of it leaking from Keegan’s cock. He wanted a taste of that sweet syrup and scooted down a little.
“Hey! Where are you…oh!” Keegan exclaimed when Kerry rolled his tongue around his cockhead and sucked the tip into his mouth.
“Fuck, you taste good,” Kerry growled. He repositioned his body so he could get more dick in his mouth. Keegan’s legs shook, and he pitched forward but caught himself before he fell.
“Your mouth is a weapon,” Keegan moaned. He gave himself over to the joy of Kerry’s mouth working up and down his length before he resumed blowing Kerry.
As with the axe throwing, they spurred each other on, knowing there would be no losers this round. Keegan pulled his mouth off Kerry’s dick, panting heavily as he climbed off Kerry’s body long enough to open the nightstand drawer and find Kerry’s supplies. He straddled Kerry’s thighs and opened the condom wrapper with his teeth. Keegan’s hands shook as he rolled the latex over Kerry’s erection before grabbing the lube.
“Give me,” Kerry said.
Keegan shook his head. “I’m primed to go off the second one of your thick fingers pushes inside.”
Kerry wanted to accept that challenge, but he saw the desperation in Keegan’s gaze and in his hectic motions. He rested his palms on Keegan’s quivering thighs and said, “Watching you open yourself up for me is no hardship. Spread your legs wide and give me a good show, baby.”
“Christ,” Keegan moaned. “Apparently, your voice is enough to make me come.” He gripped the base of his dick, closed his eyes, and cycled through a few breaths.
Kerry was dangling on the edge of the cliff, too, when Keegan slicked his dick with lube. “Option three,” he husked. “You come up here and fuck my face.”
Keegan’s pupils expanded until only a thin band of hazel showed. “But I want to feel you inside me.”
“Then you can sit on my dick if you won’t be too sensitive after coming.”
Keegan crawled up Kerry’s body and straddled his face again, this time with his dick lined up perfectly to Kerry’s mouth. “Open up.” He obliged, and Keegan pushed in slowly, not stopping until his balls brushed against Kerry’s beard. “Sexy bastard,” Keegan groaned as he gripped the headboard and fucked Kerry’s mouth.
Hearing his cries of ecstasy and watching Keegan chase his pleasure was almost enough to detonate Kerry’s orgasm. Keegan’s eyes closed, and his head tipped back as he lost himself in the moment. It was the sexiest thing Kerry had ever witnessed. Keegan’s body stiffened suddenly, and he looked stunned as the first splash of release shot down Kerry’s throat. “Oh shit.” Keegan pulled his dick free, and his release shot all over Kerry’s neck, beard, and mouth. “That happened so fast. I didn’t mean to come in your mouth.”
Kerry lifted his head and licked the dripping cum off Keegan’s fingers, sucking them into his mouth one at a time before swiping the remnants off his lips. “I just had my tongue in your ass. What’s a little jizz down my throat?” He gripped Keegan’s hips and scooted him down toward his eager dick. “You good for this?”
Keegan wrapped his fingers around the base of Kerry’s dick and lined it up to his hole. “Are you?” He sank down on Kerry’s erection and rode him for all he was worth. Kerry watched in awe as Keegan completely owned his body. Keegan placed a hand in the center of Kerry’s chest and rolled his hips back and forth, driving Kerry out of his ever-loving mind. He gripped Keegan’s hips when the pleasure reached a climax, then thrust his hips to go deep with his release. He resented the barriers between them and wished he could bathe Keegan’s channel with his spunk.
Keegan collapsed onto his chest in a warm, sweaty heap. “Best. Date. Ever.”