The Broken Kingdoms of Osvolta (Kingdoms of Osvolta #1) 40. Missing Children 47%
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40. Missing Children

Chapter forty

Missing Children

A yellow dawn broke over the eastern horizon, bringing with it clear skies. The prince and his commander mounted a pair of tan mares, carrying meagre supplies with them and a single map with directions to Luxenal Mine. Instructed to keep a steaming pace if they wanted to reach it by nightfall. Still, they had packed enough supplies for at least one night in the woods should the worst happen. Teris had got them each some warmer clothes to protect them from the bitter chill that rolled down from the northern mountains.

“I hate horses,” Wrenn grumbled. “I’m a woman of the ocean, built with sea legs not made for riding atop four of them, five feet from the ground.”

“It’s the quickest way to travel,” Emmerich muttered. “If we went on foot, we risk arriving at the mine long after she’s already gone. I don’t fancy my chances of turning up at a prison camp, a prince, and an army commander from an enemy kingdom without an escort.”

“Yeah, I got it,” Wrenn huffed. “Doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it though.”

“Gods above, you’re a commander of the Royal Guard. Do you whine this much when you’re leading them in training drills? Gods only know how you’ve kept your position this long.”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Wrenn laughed, “If we weren’t friends I would have been out on my arse within a week.”

They trotted toward the western portcullis through the city streets. Commotion built as more citizens ventured out of their homes to inspect the storm damage. A woman spoke with two guards, her hands gesturing frantically as others swept away storm debris from their stoops, pretending not to listen.

“You’ve gotta do somethin’! Boys don’t just up’n vanish into the night!” she screeched.

“Listen lady, two little boys couldn’t have survived that storm alone. They’re likely dead already. Best you move on.”

“And what of their sister, eh?” she fired back.

Emmerich’s ears pricked at that. Two young boys missing, and a sister? It was too much of a coincidence. He directed his horse toward the woman and the guards.

“Word has it she hasn’t shown her face at school, never mind the Hydromancy Guild! She’s kidnapped ‘em I reckon!”

The guard yawned. “Whether she has or hasn’t is no concern of yours now.”

“That girl is a danger to us all. They should’ve locked her up with her parents.”

“What’s going on here?” Emmerich enquired, puffing out his chest to which Wrenn had to stifle a laugh, causing Emmerich to shoot daggers at her with his eyes.

“Nothing that concerns a foreigner,” one guard sneered.

“I would have thought even here that missing children were a priority.”

“Wards of the state go missin’ all the time, ain’t nothin’ to be done. With no one left t’care for ‘em, they either come back to the only warm bed they have left or die out there alone.”

“They’re children!” Emmerich cried.

“And not your concern. Now run along,” the other guard ordered.

The woman stalked back toward the building she had emerged from, muttering curses at the guards. Emmerich paused momentarily, before deciding to chase after her, “Hey wait!” he called. The woman turned on her heel, staring dumbfounded at him.

“The two boys and the girl. Are you talking about the Teria children?”

“Why do you ask?” she said carefully, eyes narrowed.

“I want to help.”

“You’re about as useful to me as those guards. You should go home, Prince. No one in this city will work with you.”

“Just answer the question.”

“Yes, it’s the Teria boys, and I have it on good authority that the girl hasn’t been seen since her first day at the guild. The two boys, Nex and Milas, vanished into the night. That girl has taken them. I know it. She’s going to get them all killed, mark my words.”

“Thanks,” Emmerich rushed as he ran back to Wrenn and his horse.

“Don’t know what ya thankin’ me for. I didn’t do nothin’,” the woman shouted after him as she headed back into the orphanage and the two companions set off back on their journey as the cogs in the prince’s head turned.

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