The Broken Kingdoms of Osvolta (Kingdoms of Osvolta #1) 86. Epilogue 100%
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86. Epilogue

Prince Emmerich stumbled as he landed on home soil for the first time in months. Safe in the courtyard of Valentia Palace under the early morning sun. Guards and servants rushed out to meet him, but he held up a hand to stop them.

“I’m fine,” he declared, regaining his footing, walking without aid toward the entrance of his home. The doors flew open, and a rush of fire red hair flew down the steps, colliding with him with enough force to send him back a step.

“You’re a fool, Emmerich Anders. We thought you were dead,” Valentina cried into his neck.

The prince’s arms circled around his sister. “I’m fine,” he repeated.

“You’re clearly not,” she declared, pulling away, eyeing his frail body and paled skin. “You need medicine.”

“I need to speak to the king.”

“Food, medicine and rest first. Whatever it is, it can wait.”

“No, Valentina, it can’t,” Emmerich implored as he made to push past her into the palace.

“What happened?” she called after him.

“They know,” he stammered, “they kn—”

His voice halted as a shadow moved into place above them, blocking out the sun. A strange unnatural pattern of wind beat around them. The sound and sensation Emmerich had grown accustomed to in his youth. His eyes fell closed on a sigh as he steeled himself, but he did not turn around as the threat landed with a mighty crash. Dust careened into the air as the beating wind halted instantly.

Emmerich turned, as a long shining sword was levelled at his throat. He stared down the blade into sneering grey eyes; set in a pale face crowned with blonde hair, topped with an iron circlet, twisted through with intricate braids. At her back loomed a monster of myth and legend, sharp teeth gleaming. Its yellow eyes unblinking as the sun glinted off its reddish-brown scales.

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