End of summer, a few weeks later
A loud cheer erupted as soon as Maitland and Maeve made their way off the boat, followed by applause that put a smile on both of their faces. The day was still warm, though the cool breeze let them know that autumn was near. Maitland wore a tight plaid wrapped around him, a wee bald head peeking out of the top that he kept his hand on quite often.
Dyna and Derric led the row of horses to Duart Castle, not a sound from the wee laddie wrapped up tight against his father’s broad chest. Dyna said, “I cannot wait to hold him, Derric. I haven’t held a wee bairn in a while. It’s so exciting to have a newly born babe with us. Eli!” she shouted to the rider behind her. “Your turn next.”
Eli let out an unladylike snort. “Spit and slime, not likely!”
Once back at the castle, the group crowded into the great hall, with everyone anxious to get their first peek at Maitland and Maeve’s son. They’d married late in life and were so excited with this bairn, probably their only child.
The hall filled with clan members and visitors while Grant and Menzie guards surrounded the castle, chaos reigning with the chatter of voices, giggling children running about, and two proud parents, neither one allowing their gazes to travel away from their son for long. Once everyone was inside, Maitland let out a whistle. His son, still strapped to his chest, now faced everyone, his wide eyes taking in everything with a fist in his mouth. Just over two moons old, he was as happy as any baby Dyna had ever seen.
But she knew this baby was special. She’d seen it in her dreams, told her husband, and felt it to her bones. Decades ago, a woman had come to her in her dreams and told her she was to be the protector of her grandfather, Alexander Grant. The day he’d passed on, he visited her early and thanked her for watching over him.
He’d known all along.
She’d been informed a while ago by the same woman that she had a new assignment, the newborn son of Maitland and Maeve.
“What’s his name?” Connor asked. “Before we can go home, Sela and I have to know.”
Maitland moved to the dais with their son, Maeve holding one hand and looking as proud and happy as ever.
“Name! We need a name,” Alasdair said, waving his hands to everyone to shush them. “Come on, Chief. Tell us.”
The group began to chant, “Name, name, name, name…!”
Maitland waited until everyone quieted, and Maeve leaned against him, wiping the happy tears from her face. “Do you wish to tell them, Maeve?”
His wife had always been shy, and things hadn’t changed. She shook her head and said, “You. Your voice is stronger. You tell them.” Since she was an adopted daughter of Alex and Maddie Grant, she’d always been more reserved and lived at home until she’d married Maitland almost a year ago.
“Everyone, meet our son, Alexander Drew Menzie Grantham.”
Dyna whispered, “Alexander Grantham. Oh my. Another one.”
Her father moved over next to her and asked, “What do you think?”
“I love it. It’s perfect.” How she hoped Grandsire was listening. Surely, he was.
“I can’t wait to tell everyone when we go home,” her father whispered.
Tora ran over and tugged on her grandfather’s plaid. “Uppie, Gwandpapa.”
Dyna’s father lifted Tora up and tossed her into the air twice, a fit of giggles bubbling from her belly. “Now what is it you wish to tell me before we go?”
Tora placed her hand on his cheek and brought her face close, looking at her mother and then back at her grandfather. Then she whispered, “You canna go home, Gwandpapa. Don’t tell.”
She started to shove against her grandfather’s chest to get down, but her mother stopped her. “Why can’t he go, Tora?”
Tora pointed to the baby. “Don’t tell Maitland.”
It was nearly the end of the day and Magni was tired. The hall was full of good cheer and happiness. They’d come with Thane and Tamsin to welcome Maitland back and to meet his wife and son. There had been laughter and food and storytelling all day, but Magni was exhausted.
Where was his sister?
He looked around for Lia but couldn’t find her anywhere. He began to panic, but then glanced around the hall full of chieftains and warriors. No one would have dared to come in here to steal her away. Logan Ramsay was near the hearth and the giant Connor Grant was seated not far away, Sandor bouncing on his knee. Alasdair and Alick guarded the door and no one would dare argue with those two big brutes.
Nay, Lia was here somewhere. He’d noticed how much she’d enjoyed the new bairn, but he had gone into the tower with his mother. Magni snuck over to the door of the tower and peeked inside. Sure enough, Lia sat in a chair next to the basket the wee bairn slept in.
He tiptoed in because Maeve was sound asleep on the bed, a blanket wrapped over her. He crept next to Lia and said, “Come, Lia. I think we’re leaving.”
Lia shook her head.
“Aye, Thane said we were leaving soon.”
Lia waved him close, then reached for Magni’s hand and said, “I know you won’t like my answer, Magni, but please remember that I love you dearly.” She let out a deep sigh and said, “My place is here for a while.”
“At Duart Castle?”
“Aye and nay. Not necessarily.”
He tipped his head because he didn’t understand her answer. He would argue with her, but he didn’t wish to awaken the lady or the babe. “Where, then?”
“By Alexander’s side. It’s where I belong for now. Thane needs you at home, but I’ll stay here to help with the wee one for a short while. Think of me as Lady Maeve’s helper. I’m Alexander’s nanny.”
“But you’re only five, Lia.” He scratched his head, still trying to understand. “You cannot be a nanny.” He knew Lia was special, but watching over a wee bairn seemed more than a wee lass could handle. Even a faery lass.
“But I’m six summers now, Magni.” She patted his shoulder and said, “Come visit me in a sennight. I’ll be right here.”
Down in the tavern in Craignure, not far from the ferry, sat two unsavory characters, both chugging down as much ale as they could. They’d received a new assignment, but they had to wait a few more days yet.
“So, those are the ones?”
“Aye. They’re here. We just have to wait for final instructions. They’ll tell us exactly when and how.”
“The bairn and the golden-haired one, true?”
“Aye. And the mother too.”
He grinned and said, “And then we’re off to Kilchoan.”
Connor paced at the water’s edge beneath Duart Castle after everyone had gone home, the moonlight reflecting off the water. “I don’t like this one bit, Logan. I wanted to go home, but I can’t ignore my granddaughter. What the hell did she mean telling me I can’t go?”
Logan crossed his arms and said, “Quit your pacing, Grant. We’ll handle it.”
“But if anything happens to that lad, Maitland and Maeve…it will kill them both. We have to protect them.”
“And we will. Look, we know what the job is. We can handle it. Stop fretting so. Just because he’s your sire’s namesake doesn’t mean this is going to be anything unusual or something we can’t handle.”
“Nay?” Connor asked, his fists on his hips. “Then tell me why that odd golden-haired lass of only six summers refuses to leave that baby’s side? That unsettles me more than Tora.”
“Grant, she’s a faery, I tell you, and she’s protecting the lad. That comforts me a bit. It should comfort you too. She’ll turn anyone who bothers him into stone or ash or something.”
Connor sighed and looked up at the moon. “I told Sela we couldn’t leave yet, but I didn’t tell her why.”
“Gwynie knows. She senses it in Dyna too. She gave me my orders.”
Connor grinned. “And what are your orders?”
“My wife told me I couldn’t leave that bairn’s side. That if anything happened to that lad, I’d have to drag her across God’s land to find the fool who stole him away so she could be the one to put a dagger in the bastard’s heart. Or mayhap she said bollocks. I forget.”
“Sounds like neither of us is leaving, Ramsay.”
Logan pointed to the sky. “Did you see that?”
Connor tipped his head back. “Aye. Two of them.”
“Two shooting stars. I’ve never seen that in my lifetime.”
“Me neither. What the hell does it mean?”
“I have an odd feeling…”
“Dyna used to tell me it was Grandmama talking with Grandsire whenever she saw a shooting star.”
“Ohhh…” Logan trailed off. “That’s both of them. Alex and Maddie are talking to you.”
“Saying what?”
Logan shivered. “That you’re staying.”